Package org.kuali.rice.core.impl.resourceloader

Class Summary
BaseWrappingResourceLoader A BaseResourceLoader implementation which wraps services with a Proxy that switches the current context ClassLoader of the Thread.
ContextClassLoaderProxy A Proxy that sets the thread Context ClassLoader before invocation of the proxied object, and resets it back afterwards.
ResourceLoaderUtil A class for ResourceLoader related utilities.
RiceResourceLoaderFactory Creates resource loader for rice spring context.
SimpleServiceLocator A simple ServiceLocator that allows users to put services into workflow's resource loading wihout creating their own ServiceLocator.
SpringBeanFactoryResourceLoader A ResourceLoader that is BeanFactoryAware and can be wired inside of Spring to provide resource loading capabilities to that Spring BeanFactory.
SpringResourceLoader A simple ResourceLoader which wraps a Spring ConfigurableApplicationContext.

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