Interface IdentityHelperService

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IdentityHelperService

A simple helper service in KEW for interacting with the KIM identity management services. Some of the methods on here exist solely for the purpose of assisting with the piece-by-piece migration of KEW to use the KIM services.

Kuali Rice Team (

Method Summary
 Group getGroup(GroupId groupId)
          Returns the Group for the given GroupId.
 Group getGroup(String groupId)
          Returns the Group for the given groupId.
 Group getGroupByName(String namespaceCode, String name)
          Returns the Group for the given namespaceCode and name.
 String getIdForGroupName(String namespace, String groupName)
 String getIdForPrincipalName(String principalName)
 Person getPerson(String principalId)
          Returns the Person for the given principal id.
 Person getPersonByEmployeeId(String employeeId)
          Returns the Person for the given employee id.
 Person getPersonByPrincipalName(String principalName)
          Returns the Person for the given principal name.
 Principal getPrincipal(String principalId)
          Returns the KimPrincipal for the given principal id.
 Principal getPrincipal(UserId userId)
          Returns the principal for the given UserId.
 Principal getPrincipalByPrincipalName(String principalName)
          Returns the KimPrincipal for the given principal name.
 Recipient getPrincipalRecipient(String principalId)
          Returns the Recipient for the given principalId.
 Principal getSystemPrincipal()
          Returns the principal for the "system user".
 void validatePrincipalId(String principalId)
          Checks that the given principalId is valid.

Method Detail


String getIdForPrincipalName(String principalName)


String getIdForGroupName(String namespace,
                         String groupName)


Principal getPrincipal(String principalId)
Returns the KimPrincipal for the given principal id. Throws an exception if the principal id cannot be resolved to a principal.

RiceIllegalArgumentException - if the principal id cannot be resolved to a principal.


Principal getPrincipalByPrincipalName(String principalName)
Returns the KimPrincipal for the given principal name. Throws an exception if the principal name cannot be resolved to a principal.

RiceIllegalArgumentException - if the principal name cannot be resolved to a principal


Person getPerson(String principalId)
Returns the Person for the given principal id. Throws an exception if the principal id cannot be resolved to a person.

RiceIllegalArgumentException - if the principal id cannot be resolved to a person.


Person getPersonByPrincipalName(String principalName)
Returns the Person for the given principal name. Throws an exception if the principal name cannot be resolved to a person.

RiceIllegalArgumentException - if the principal name cannot be resolved to a person.


Person getPersonByEmployeeId(String employeeId)
Returns the Person for the given employee id. Throws an exception if the principal name cannot be resolved to a person.

RiceIllegalArgumentException - if the principal name cannot be resolved to a person.


void validatePrincipalId(String principalId)
Checks that the given principalId is valid. Throws a RiceRuntimeException if it is not.

RiceIllegalArgumentException - if the given principalId is valid


Principal getPrincipal(UserId userId)
Returns the principal for the given UserId.

RiceIllegalArgumentException - if the given UserId does not resolve to a valid principal


Group getGroup(String groupId)
Returns the Group for the given groupId. Throws an exception if the groupId cannot be resolved to a group.

RiceIllegalArgumentException - if the groupId cannot be resolved to a group.


Group getGroup(GroupId groupId)
Returns the Group for the given GroupId. Throws an exception if the groupId cannot be resolved to a group.

RiceIllegalArgumentException - if the GroupId cannot be resolved to a group.


Group getGroupByName(String namespaceCode,
                     String name)
Returns the Group for the given namespaceCode and name. Throws an exception if the namespaceCode and name cannot be resolved to a group.

RiceIllegalArgumentException - if the namespaceCode and name cannot be resolved to a group.


Recipient getPrincipalRecipient(String principalId)
Returns the Recipient for the given principalId. Throws an exception if the principalId cannot be resolved to a recipient.

RiceIllegalArgumentException - if the principalId cannot be resolved to a recipient


Principal getSystemPrincipal()
Returns the principal for the "system user". This is a user that can be used in the cases where an actual user cannot be determined.

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