Class RuleRepositoryContextProvider

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krms.impl.provider.repository.RuleRepositoryContextProvider
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RuleRepositoryContextProvider
extends Object
implements ContextProvider

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  ContextSelectionCriteria constructContextSelectionCriteria(SelectionCriteria selectionCriteria)
 Context loadContext(SelectionCriteria selectionCriteria, Map<Term,Object> facts, ExecutionOptions executionOptions)
          Loads the context for the given selection criteria, facts, and execution options.
protected  Context loadContextFromDefinition(ContextDefinition contextDefinition)
 void setRepositoryToEngineTranslator(RepositoryToEngineTranslator repositoryToEngineTranslator)
 void setRuleRepositoryService(RuleRepositoryService ruleRepositoryService)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RuleRepositoryContextProvider()
Method Detail


public Context loadContext(SelectionCriteria selectionCriteria,
                           Map<Term,Object> facts,
                           ExecutionOptions executionOptions)
Description copied from interface: ContextProvider
Loads the context for the given selection criteria, facts, and execution options. If no context can be located based on the given criteria, then this method should return null.

In the case where multiple Contexts could potentially be identified from the same set of selection criteria, it is up to the implementer of the ContextProvider to ensure that the most appropriate Context is returned. Or alternatively, an exception could be thrown indicating context ambiguity.

The sectionCriteria, facts, and executionOptions which are passed to this method should never be null. However, they might be empty.

Specified by:
loadContext in interface ContextProvider
selectionCriteria - the criteria to use during the selection phase of engine operation
facts - the set of facts that are supplied to the engine at execution time
executionOptions - a collection of options that can be used to customize engine execution behavior
the context which matches the given criteria, or null if no context matches


protected Context loadContextFromDefinition(ContextDefinition contextDefinition)


public void setRuleRepositoryService(RuleRepositoryService ruleRepositoryService)


public void setRepositoryToEngineTranslator(RepositoryToEngineTranslator repositoryToEngineTranslator)


protected ContextSelectionCriteria constructContextSelectionCriteria(SelectionCriteria selectionCriteria)

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