Class ComponentBase

  extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ConfigurableBase
      extended by org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ComponentBase
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Component, Configurable, ScriptEventSupport, org.springframework.core.Ordered
Direct Known Subclasses:
ContainerBase, ControlBase, FieldBase, RemoteFieldsHolder, WidgetBase

public abstract class ComponentBase
extends ConfigurableBase
implements Component

Base implementation of Component which other component implementations should extend

Provides base component properties such as id and template. Also provides default implementation for the ScriptEventSupport and Ordered interfaces. By default no script events except the onDocumentReady are supported.

Kuali Rice Team (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Ordered
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addStyleClass(String styleClass)
          Adds a single style to the list of styles on this component
 void appendToStyle(String styleRules)
          TODO: javadoc
 String getAlign()
          Horizontal alignment of the component within its container
 int getColSpan()
          Number of places the component should take up horizontally in the container
 List<ComponentModifier> getComponentModifiers()
          ComponentModifier instances that should be invoked to initialize the component
 Map<String,String> getComponentOptions()
          Options that are passed through to the Component renderer.
 String getComponentOptionsJSString()
          Builds a string from the underlying Map of component options that will export that options as a JavaScript Map for use in js and jQuery plugins
 List<Component> getComponentPrototypes()
          List of components that are maintained by the component as prototypes for creating other component instances
 List<Component> getComponentsForLifecycle()
          List of components that are contained within the component and should be sent through the lifecycle
 String getConditionalRefresh()
          When set if the condition is satisfied, the component will be refreshed.
 String getConditionalRefreshConditionJs()
          The condition to refresh this component converted to a js expression, set internally cannot be set.
 List<String> getConditionalRefreshControlNames()
          Control names used to control conditional refresh, set internally cannot be set.
 Map<String,Object> getContext()
          Context map for the component
 String getEventCode()
 String getFactoryId()
          Holds the id for the component that can be used to request new instances of that component from the ComponentFactory
 List<Object> getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments()
          List of Object instances that should be passed as arguments to the finalize method
 MethodInvokerConfig getFinalizeMethodInvoker()
          MethodInvokerConfig instance for the method that should be invoked for finalizing the component configuration
 String getFinalizeMethodToCall()
          Name of the method that should be invoked for finalizing the component configuration (full method name, without parameters or return type)
 String getId()
          The unique id (within a given tree) for the component
 String getOnBlurScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onBlur event is fired
 String getOnChangeScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onChange event is fired
 String getOnClickScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onClick event is fired
 String getOnCloseScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onClose event is fired
 String getOnDblClickScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onDblClick event is fired
 String getOnDocumentReadyScript()
          Script to be run when the document ready event is triggered
 String getOnFocusScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onFocus event is fired
 String getOnKeyDownScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onKeyDown event is fired
 String getOnKeyPressScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onKeyPress event is fired
 String getOnKeyUpScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onKeyUp event is fired
 String getOnLoadScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onLoad event is fired
 String getOnMouseDownScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onMouseDown event is fired
 String getOnMouseMoveScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onMouseMove event is fired
 String getOnMouseOutScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onMouseOut event is fired
 String getOnMouseOverScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onMouseOver event is fired
 String getOnMouseUpScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onMouseUp event is fired
 String getOnSubmitScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onSubmit event is fired
 String getOnUnloadScript()
          Script that should be executed when the component's onUnload event is fired
 int getOrder()
          Can be used to order a component within a List of other components, lower numbers are placed higher up in the list, while higher numbers are placed lower in the list
 String getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs()
          The condition to show this component progressively converted to a js expression, set internally cannot be set.
 List<String> getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames()
          Control names used to control progressive disclosure, set internally cannot be set.
 String getProgressiveRender()
          When set if the condition is satisfied, the component will be displayed.
 List<Component> getPropertyReplacerComponents()
          Returns list of components that are being held in property replacers configured for this component
 List<PropertyReplacer> getPropertyReplacers()
          List of PropertyReplacer instances that will be evaluated during the view lifecycle to conditionally set properties on the Component based on expression evaluations
 String getRefreshDiscloseMethodToCall()
          Name of a method on the controller that should be invoked as part of the component refresh and disclosure process
 String getRefreshWhenChanged()
          Specifies a property by name that when it value changes will automatically perform a refresh on this component.
 List<String> getRefreshWhenChangedControlNames()
          Control names which will refresh this component when they are changed, added internally
 String getRenderOutput()
          Rendering output for the component that will be sent as part of the response (can contain static text and HTML)
 Boolean getRequired()
          Indicates whether the component is required
 int getRowSpan()
          Number of places the component should take up vertically in the container
 String getStyle()
          CSS style string to be applied to the component
 List<String> getStyleClasses()
          CSS style class(s) to be applied to the component
 String getStyleClassesAsString()
          Builds the HTML class attribute string by combining the styleClasses list with a space delimiter
 boolean getSupportsOnBlur()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onBlur event
 boolean getSupportsOnChange()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onChange event
 boolean getSupportsOnClick()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onClick event
 boolean getSupportsOnClose()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onClose event
 boolean getSupportsOnDblClick()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onDblClick event
 boolean getSupportsOnDocumentReady()
          Indicates whether the component supports the document ready event
 boolean getSupportsOnFocus()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onFocus event
 boolean getSupportsOnKeyDown()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onKeyDown event
 boolean getSupportsOnKeyPress()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onKeyPress event
 boolean getSupportsOnKeyUp()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onKeyUp event
 boolean getSupportsOnLoad()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onLoad event
 boolean getSupportsOnMouseDown()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onMouseDown event
 boolean getSupportsOnMouseMove()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onMouseMove event
 boolean getSupportsOnMouseOut()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onMouseOut event
 boolean getSupportsOnMouseOver()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onMouseOver event
 boolean getSupportsOnMouseUp()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onMouseUp event
 boolean getSupportsOnSubmit()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onSubmit event
 boolean getSupportsOnUnload()
          Indicates whether the component supports the onUnload event
 String getTemplate()
          The path to the JSP file that should be called to render the component
 String getTitle()
          A title for the component.
 String getValign()
          Vertical alignment of the component within its container
 String getWidth()
          Width the component should take up in the container
 boolean isHidden()
          Indicates whether the component should be hidden in the UI
 boolean isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh()
          If true, when the progressiveRender condition is satisfied, the component will always be retrieved from the server and shown(as opposed to being stored on the client, but hidden, after the first retrieval as is the case with the progressiveRenderViaAJAX option).
 boolean isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX()
          When progressiveRenderViaAJAX is true, this component will be retrieved from the server when it first satisfies its progressive render condition.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          Indicates whether the component can be edited
 boolean isRefresh()
          Result of the conditionalRefresh expression, true if satisfied, otherwise false.
 boolean isRefreshedByAction()
          Indicates the component can be refreshed by an action
 boolean isRender()
          Indicates whether the component should be rendered in the UI
 boolean isResetDataOnRefresh()
          Indicates whether data contained within the component should be reset (set to default) when the component is refreshed
 boolean isSelfRendered()
          Indicates whether the component contains its own render output (through the renderOutput property)
 boolean isSkipInTabOrder()
          Flag indicating that this component and its nested components must be skipped when keyboard tabbing.
 void performApplyModel(View view, Object model, Component parent)
          The following updates are done here:
 void performFinalize(View view, Object model, Component parent)
          The following finalization is done here: If any of the style properties were given, sets the style string on the style property Setup the decorator chain (if component has decorators) for rendering Set the skipInTabOrder flag for nested components
 void performInitialization(View view, Object model)
          The following initialization is performed: progressiveRender and conditionalRefresh variables are processed if set
 void pushAllToContext(Map<String,Object> objects)
          Places each entry of the given Map into the context for the component
 void pushObjectToContext(String objectName, Object object)
          Places the given object into the context Map for the component with the given name
protected  void pushToPropertyReplacerContext(String objectName, Object object)
 void setAlign(String align)
          Sets the components horizontal alignment
 void setColSpan(int colSpan)
          Setter for the components column span
 void setComponentModifiers(List<ComponentModifier> componentModifiers)
          Setter for the components List of ComponentModifier instances
 void setComponentOptions(Map<String,String> componentOptions)
          Setter for the widget's options
 void setComponentOptionsJSString(String componentOptionsJSString)
          Setter for the widget's options
 void setConditionalRefresh(String conditionalRefresh)
 void setContext(Map<String,Object> context)
          Setter for the context Map
 void setFactoryId(String factoryId)
          Sets the factory id that backs the component instance
 void setFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments(List<Object> finalizeMethodAdditionalArguments)
          Setter for the finalize additional arguments list
 void setFinalizeMethodInvoker(MethodInvokerConfig finalizeMethodInvoker)
          Setter for the method invoker instance
 void setFinalizeMethodToCall(String finalizeMethodToCall)
          Setter for the finalize method
 void setHidden(boolean hidden)
          Setter for the hidden indicator
 void setId(String id)
          Sets the unique id (within a given tree) for the component
 void setOnBlurScript(String onBlurScript)
          Setter for the components onBlur script
 void setOnChangeScript(String onChangeScript)
          Setter for the components onChange script
 void setOnClickScript(String onClickScript)
          Setter for the components onClick script
 void setOnCloseScript(String onCloseScript)
          Setter for the components onClose script
 void setOnDblClickScript(String onDblClickScript)
          Setter for the components onDblClick script
 void setOnDocumentReadyScript(String onDocumentReadyScript)
          Setter for the components onDocumentReady script
 void setOnFocusScript(String onFocusScript)
          Setter for the components onFocus script
 void setOnKeyDownScript(String onKeyDownScript)
          Setter for the components onKeyDown script
 void setOnKeyPressScript(String onKeyPressScript)
          Setter for the components onKeyPress script
 void setOnKeyUpScript(String onKeyUpScript)
          Setter for the components onKeyUp script
 void setOnLoadScript(String onLoadScript)
          Setter for the components onLoad script
 void setOnMouseDownScript(String onMouseDownScript)
          Setter for the components onMouseDown script
 void setOnMouseMoveScript(String onMouseMoveScript)
          Setter for the components onMouseMove script
 void setOnMouseOutScript(String onMouseOutScript)
          Setter for the components onMouseOut script
 void setOnMouseOverScript(String onMouseOverScript)
          Setter for the components onMouseOver script
 void setOnMouseUpScript(String onMouseUpScript)
          Setter for the components onMouseUp script
 void setOnSubmitScript(String onSubmitScript)
          Setter for the components onSubmit script
 void setOnUnloadScript(String onUnloadScript)
          Setter for the components onUnload script
 void setOrder(int order)
          Setter for the component's order
 void setProgressiveRender(String progressiveRender)
 void setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh(boolean progressiveRenderAndRefresh)
 void setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX(boolean progressiveRenderViaAJAX)
 void setPropertyReplacers(List<PropertyReplacer> propertyReplacers)
          Setter for the components property substitutions
 void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
          Setter for the read only indicator
 void setRefresh(boolean refresh)
 void setRefreshDiscloseMethodToCall(String refreshDiscloseMethodToCall)
          Setter for the controller method to call for a refresh or disclosure action on this component
 void setRefreshedByAction(boolean refreshedByAction)
          Setter for the refresjed by action indicator
 void setRefreshWhenChanged(String refreshWhenChanged)
 void setRender(boolean render)
          Setter for the components render indicator
 void setRenderOutput(String renderOutput)
          Setter for the component's render output
 void setRequired(Boolean required)
          Setter for the required indicator
 void setResetDataOnRefresh(boolean resetDataOnRefresh)
          Setter for the reset data on refresh indicator
 void setRowSpan(int rowSpan)
          Setter for the component row span
 void setSelfRendered(boolean selfRendered)
          Setter for the self render indicator
 void setSkipInTabOrder(boolean skipInTabOrder)
 void setStyle(String style)
          Setter for the components style
 void setStyleClasses(List<String> styleClasses)
          Setter for the components style classes
 void setTemplate(String template)
          Setter for the components template
 void setTitle(String title)
          Setter for the components title
 void setValign(String valign)
          Setter for the component's vertical align
 void setWidth(String width)
          Setter for the components width
Methods inherited from class org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.ConfigurableBase
getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, setPropertyExpressions
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Configurable
getPropertyExpression, getPropertyExpressions, setPropertyExpressions

Constructor Detail


public ComponentBase()
Method Detail


public void performInitialization(View view,
                                  Object model)
The following initialization is performed:

Specified by:
performInitialization in interface Component
view - - view instance in which the component belongs
model - - object instance containing the view data
See Also:
performInitialization(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, java.lang.Object)


public void performApplyModel(View view,
                              Object model,
                              Component parent)
The following updates are done here:

Specified by:
performApplyModel in interface Component
view - - view instance to which the component belongs
model - - Top level object containing the data (could be the form or a top level business object, dto)


public void performFinalize(View view,
                            Object model,
                            Component parent)
The following finalization is done here:

Specified by:
performFinalize in interface Component
view - - view instance that should be finalized for rendering
model - - top level object containing the data
parent - - parent component
See Also:
Component.performFinalize(org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.view.View, java.lang.Object, org.kuali.rice.krad.uif.component.Component)


public List<Component> getComponentsForLifecycle()
Description copied from interface: Component
List of components that are contained within the component and should be sent through the lifecycle

Used by ViewHelperService for the various lifecycle callbacks

Specified by:
getComponentsForLifecycle in interface Component
List child components
See Also:


public List<Component> getComponentPrototypes()
Description copied from interface: Component
List of components that are maintained by the component as prototypes for creating other component instances

Prototypes are held for configuring how a component should be created during the lifecycle. An example of this are the fields in a collection group that are created for each collection record. They only participate in the initialize phase.

Specified by:
getComponentPrototypes in interface Component
List child component prototypes
See Also:


public List<Component> getPropertyReplacerComponents()
Returns list of components that are being held in property replacers configured for this component

Specified by:
getPropertyReplacerComponents in interface Component


public String getId()
Description copied from interface: Component
The unique id (within a given tree) for the component

The id will be used by renderers to set the HTML element id. This gives a way to find various elements for scripting. If the id is not given, a default will be generated by the framework

Specified by:
getId in interface Component
String id
See Also:


public void setId(String id)
Description copied from interface: Component
Sets the unique id (within a given tree) for the component

Specified by:
setId in interface Component
id - - string to set as the component id
See Also:


public String getFactoryId()
Description copied from interface: Component
Holds the id for the component that can be used to request new instances of that component from the ComponentFactory

During component refreshes the component is reinitialized and the lifecycle is performed again to reflect the component state based on the latest updates (data, other component state). Since the lifecycle is only performed on the component, a new instance with configured initial state needs to be retrieved. Some component instances, such as those that are nested or created in code, cannot be obtained from the spring factory. For those the initial state is captured during the perform initialize phase and the factory id generated for referencing retrieving that configuration during a refresh

Specified by:
getFactoryId in interface Component
String bean id for component
See Also:


public void setFactoryId(String factoryId)
Description copied from interface: Component
Sets the factory id that backs the component instance

Specified by:
setFactoryId in interface Component
See Also:


public String getTemplate()
Description copied from interface: Component
The path to the JSP file that should be called to render the component

The path should be relative to the web root. An attribute will be available to the component to use under the name given by the method getComponentTypeName. Based on the component type, additional attributes could be available for use. See the component documentation for more information on such attributes.

e.g. '/krad/WEB-INF/jsp/tiles/component.jsp'

Specified by:
getTemplate in interface Component
String representing the template path
See Also:


public void setTemplate(String template)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the components template

Specified by:
setTemplate in interface Component
See Also:


public String getTitle()
Description copied from interface: Component
A title for the component. Depending on the component can be used in various ways. For example with a Container component the title is used to set the header text. For components like controls other other components that render an HTML element it is used to set the HTML title attribute

Specified by:
getTitle in interface Component
String title for component
See Also:


public void setTitle(String title)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the components title

Specified by:
setTitle in interface Component
See Also:


public boolean isHidden()
Description copied from interface: Component
Indicates whether the component should be hidden in the UI

How the hidden data is maintained depends on the views persistence mode. If the mode is request, the corresponding data will be rendered to the UI but not visible. If the mode is session, the data will not be rendered to the UI but maintained server side.

For a Container component, the hidden setting will apply to all contained components (making a section hidden makes all fields within the section hidden)

Specified by:
isHidden in interface Component
boolean true if the component should be hidden, false if it should be visible
See Also:


public void setHidden(boolean hidden)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the hidden indicator

Specified by:
setHidden in interface Component
See Also:


public boolean isReadOnly()
Description copied from interface: Component
Indicates whether the component can be edited

When readOnly the controls and widgets of Field components will not be rendered. If the Field has an underlying value it will be displayed readOnly to the user.

For a Container component, the readOnly setting will apply to all contained components (making a section readOnly makes all fields within the section readOnly)

Specified by:
isReadOnly in interface Component
boolean true if the component should be readOnly, false if is allows editing
See Also:


public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the read only indicator

Specified by:
setReadOnly in interface Component
See Also:


public Boolean getRequired()
Description copied from interface: Component
Indicates whether the component is required

At the general component level required means there is some action the user needs to take within the component. For example, within a section it might mean the fields within the section should be completed. At a field level, it means the field should be completed. This provides the ability for the renderers to indicate the required action.

Specified by:
getRequired in interface Component
boolean true if the component is required, false if it is not required
See Also:


public void setRequired(Boolean required)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the required indicator

Specified by:
setRequired in interface Component
See Also:


public boolean isRender()
Description copied from interface: Component
Indicates whether the component should be rendered in the UI

If set to false, the corresponding component template will not be invoked (therefore nothing will be rendered to the UI).

Specified by:
isRender in interface Component
boolean true if the component should be rendered, false if it should not be
See Also:


public void setRender(boolean render)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the components render indicator

Specified by:
setRender in interface Component
See Also:


public int getColSpan()
Description copied from interface: Component
Number of places the component should take up horizontally in the container

All components belong to a Container and are placed using a LayoutManager. This property specifies how many places horizontally the component should take up within the container. This is only applicable for table based layout managers. Default is 1

TODO: this should not be on component interface since it only applies if the layout manager supports it, need some sort of layoutOptions map for field level options that depend on the manager

Specified by:
getColSpan in interface Component
int number of columns to span
See Also:


public void setColSpan(int colSpan)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the components column span

Specified by:
setColSpan in interface Component
See Also:


public int getRowSpan()
Description copied from interface: Component
Number of places the component should take up vertically in the container

All components belong to a Container and are placed using a LayoutManager. This property specifies how many places vertically the component should take up within the container. This is only applicable for table based layout managers. Default is 1

TODO: this should not be on component interface since it only applies if the layout manager supports it, need some sort of layoutOptions map for field level options that depend on the manager

Specified by:
getRowSpan in interface Component
int number of rows to span
See Also:


public void setRowSpan(int rowSpan)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the component row span

Specified by:
setRowSpan in interface Component
See Also:


public String getAlign()
Horizontal alignment of the component within its container

All components belong to a Container and are placed using a LayoutManager. This property specifies how the component should be aligned horizontally within the container. During the finalize phase the CSS text-align style will be created for the align setting.

String horizontal align
See Also:


public void setAlign(String align)
Sets the components horizontal alignment

align -


public String getValign()
Vertical alignment of the component within its container

All components belong to a Container and are placed using a LayoutManager. This property specifies how the component should be aligned vertically within the container. During the finalize phase the CSS vertical-align style will be created for the valign setting.

String vertical align
See Also:


public void setValign(String valign)
Setter for the component's vertical align

valign -


public String getWidth()
Width the component should take up in the container

All components belong to a Container and are placed using a LayoutManager. This property specifies a width the component should take up in the Container. This is not applicable for all layout managers. During the finalize phase the CSS width style will be created for the width setting.

e.g. '30%', '55px'

String width string


public void setWidth(String width)
Setter for the components width

width -


public String getStyle()
Description copied from interface: Component
CSS style string to be applied to the component

Any style override or additions can be specified with this attribute. This is used by the renderer to set the style attribute on the corresponding element.

e.g. 'color: #000000;text-decoration: underline;'

Specified by:
getStyle in interface Component
String css style string
See Also:


public void setStyle(String style)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the components style

Specified by:
setStyle in interface Component
See Also:


public List<String> getStyleClasses()
Description copied from interface: Component
CSS style class(s) to be applied to the component

Declares style classes for the component. Multiple classes are specified with a space delimiter. This is used by the renderer to set the class attribute on the corresponding element. The class(s) declared must be available in the common style sheets or the style sheets specified for the view

e.g. 'header left'

Specified by:
getStyleClasses in interface Component
List css style classes to apply
See Also:


public void setStyleClasses(List<String> styleClasses)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the components style classes

Specified by:
setStyleClasses in interface Component
See Also:


public String getStyleClassesAsString()
Builds the HTML class attribute string by combining the styleClasses list with a space delimiter

String class attribute string


public void addStyleClass(String styleClass)
Description copied from interface: Component
Adds a single style to the list of styles on this component

Specified by:
addStyleClass in interface Component
See Also:


public void appendToStyle(String styleRules)
Description copied from interface: Component
TODO: javadoc

Specified by:
appendToStyle in interface Component
See Also:


public String getFinalizeMethodToCall()
Description copied from interface: Component
Name of the method that should be invoked for finalizing the component configuration (full method name, without parameters or return type)

Note the method can also be set with the finalizeMethodInvoker targetMethod property. If the method is on the configured ViewHelperService, only this property needs to be configured

The model backing the view will be passed as the first argument method and then the Component instance as the second argument. If any additional method arguments are declared with the finalizeMethodAdditionalArguments, they will then be passed in the order declared in the list

If the component is selfRendered, the finalize method can return a string which will be set as the component's renderOutput. The selfRendered indicator will also be set to true on the component.

Specified by:
getFinalizeMethodToCall in interface Component
String method name
See Also:


public void setFinalizeMethodToCall(String finalizeMethodToCall)
Setter for the finalize method

finalizeMethodToCall -


public List<Object> getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments()
Description copied from interface: Component
List of Object instances that should be passed as arguments to the finalize method

These arguments are passed to the finalize method after the standard model and component arguments. They are passed in the order declared in the list

Specified by:
getFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments in interface Component
List additional method arguments
See Also:


public void setFinalizeMethodAdditionalArguments(List<Object> finalizeMethodAdditionalArguments)
Setter for the finalize additional arguments list

finalizeMethodAdditionalArguments -


public MethodInvokerConfig getFinalizeMethodInvoker()
Description copied from interface: Component
MethodInvokerConfig instance for the method that should be invoked for finalizing the component configuration

MethodInvoker can be configured to specify the class or object the method should be called on. For static method invocations, the targetClass property can be configured. For object invocations, that targetObject property can be configured

If the component is selfRendered, the finalize method can return a string which will be set as the component's renderOutput. The selfRendered indicator will also be set to true on the component.

Specified by:
getFinalizeMethodInvoker in interface Component
MethodInvokerConfig instance
See Also:


public void setFinalizeMethodInvoker(MethodInvokerConfig finalizeMethodInvoker)
Setter for the method invoker instance

finalizeMethodInvoker -


public boolean isSelfRendered()
Description copied from interface: Component
Indicates whether the component contains its own render output (through the renderOutput property)

If self rendered is true, the corresponding template for the component will not be invoked and the renderOutput String will be written to the response as is.

Specified by:
isSelfRendered in interface Component
boolean true if component is self rendered, false if not (renders through template)
See Also:


public void setSelfRendered(boolean selfRendered)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the self render indicator

Specified by:
setSelfRendered in interface Component
See Also:


public String getRenderOutput()
Description copied from interface: Component
Rendering output for the component that will be sent as part of the response (can contain static text and HTML)

Specified by:
getRenderOutput in interface Component
String render output
See Also:


public void setRenderOutput(String renderOutput)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the component's render output

Specified by:
setRenderOutput in interface Component
See Also:


public List<ComponentModifier> getComponentModifiers()
Description copied from interface: Component
ComponentModifier instances that should be invoked to initialize the component

These provide dynamic initialization behavior for the component and are configured through the components definition. Each initializer will get invoked by the initialize method.

Specified by:
getComponentModifiers in interface Component
List of component modifiers
See Also:


public void setComponentModifiers(List<ComponentModifier> componentModifiers)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the components List of ComponentModifier instances

Specified by:
setComponentModifiers in interface Component
See Also:


public Map<String,Object> getContext()
Description copied from interface: Component
Context map for the component

Any el statements configured for the components properties (e.g. title="@{}") are evaluated using the el context map. This map will get populated with default objects like the model, view, and request from the ViewHelperService. Other components can push further objects into the context so that they are available for use with that component. For example, Field instances that are part of a collection line as receive the current line instance

Context map also provides objects to methods that are invoked for GeneratedField instances

The Map key gives the name of the variable that can be used within expressions, and the Map value gives the object instance for which expressions containing the variable should evaluate against

NOTE: Calling getContext().putAll() will skip updating any configured property replacers for the component. Instead you should call #pushAllToContext

Specified by:
getContext in interface Component
Map context
See Also:


public void setContext(Map<String,Object> context)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the context Map

Specified by:
setContext in interface Component
See Also:


public void pushObjectToContext(String objectName,
                                Object object)
Description copied from interface: Component
Places the given object into the context Map for the component with the given name

Note this also will push context to property replacers configured on the component. To place multiple objects in the context, you should use #pushAllToContext since that will call this method for each and update property replacers. Using #getContext().putAll() will bypass property replacers.

Specified by:
pushObjectToContext in interface Component
objectName - - name the object should be exposed under in the context map
object - - object instance to place into context
See Also:
Component.pushObjectToContext(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)


protected void pushToPropertyReplacerContext(String objectName,
                                             Object object)


public void pushAllToContext(Map<String,Object> objects)
Description copied from interface: Component
Places each entry of the given Map into the context for the component

Note this will call #pushObjectToContext for each entry which will update any configured property replacers as well. This should be used in place of getContext().putAll()

Specified by:
pushAllToContext in interface Component
objects - - Map objects to add to context, where the entry key will be the context key and the entry value will be the context value
See Also:


public List<PropertyReplacer> getPropertyReplacers()
Description copied from interface: Component
List of PropertyReplacer instances that will be evaluated during the view lifecycle to conditionally set properties on the Component based on expression evaluations

Specified by:
getPropertyReplacers in interface Component
List replacers to evaluate
See Also:


public void setPropertyReplacers(List<PropertyReplacer> propertyReplacers)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the components property substitutions

Specified by:
setPropertyReplacers in interface Component
See Also:


public int getOrder()
Description copied from interface: Component
Can be used to order a component within a List of other components, lower numbers are placed higher up in the list, while higher numbers are placed lower in the list

Specified by:
getOrder in interface Component
Specified by:
getOrder in interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
int ordering number
See Also:


public void setOrder(int order)
Setter for the component's order

Specified by:
setOrder in interface Component
order -
See Also:


public boolean getSupportsOnLoad()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onLoad event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnLoad in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnLoadScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onLoad event is fired

Specified by:
getOnLoadScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnLoadScript(String onLoadScript)
Setter for the components onLoad script

Specified by:
setOnLoadScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
onLoadScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnDocumentReady()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the document ready event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnDocumentReady in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnDocumentReadyScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script to be run when the document ready event is triggered

Specified by:
getOnDocumentReadyScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
the onDocumentReadyScript
See Also:


public void setOnDocumentReadyScript(String onDocumentReadyScript)
Setter for the components onDocumentReady script

onDocumentReadyScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnUnload()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onUnload event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnUnload in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnUnloadScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onUnload event is fired

Specified by:
getOnUnloadScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnUnloadScript(String onUnloadScript)
Setter for the components onUnload script

onUnloadScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnClose()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onClose event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnClose in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnCloseScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onClose event is fired

Specified by:
getOnCloseScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnCloseScript(String onCloseScript)
Setter for the components onClose script

onCloseScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnBlur()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onBlur event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnBlur in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnBlurScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onBlur event is fired

Specified by:
getOnBlurScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnBlurScript(String onBlurScript)
Setter for the components onBlur script

Specified by:
setOnBlurScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
onBlurScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnChange()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onChange event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnChange in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnChangeScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onChange event is fired

Specified by:
getOnChangeScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnChangeScript(String onChangeScript)
Setter for the components onChange script

onChangeScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnClick()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onClick event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnClick in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnClickScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onClick event is fired

Specified by:
getOnClickScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnClickScript(String onClickScript)
Setter for the components onClick script

onClickScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnDblClick()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onDblClick event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnDblClick in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnDblClickScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onDblClick event is fired

Specified by:
getOnDblClickScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnDblClickScript(String onDblClickScript)
Setter for the components onDblClick script

onDblClickScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnFocus()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onFocus event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnFocus in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnFocusScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onFocus event is fired

Specified by:
getOnFocusScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnFocusScript(String onFocusScript)
Setter for the components onFocus script

onFocusScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnSubmit()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onSubmit event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnSubmit in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnSubmitScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onSubmit event is fired

Specified by:
getOnSubmitScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnSubmitScript(String onSubmitScript)
Setter for the components onSubmit script

onSubmitScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnKeyPress()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onKeyPress event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnKeyPress in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnKeyPressScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onKeyPress event is fired

Specified by:
getOnKeyPressScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnKeyPressScript(String onKeyPressScript)
Setter for the components onKeyPress script

onKeyPressScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnKeyUp()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onKeyUp event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnKeyUp in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnKeyUpScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onKeyUp event is fired

Specified by:
getOnKeyUpScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnKeyUpScript(String onKeyUpScript)
Setter for the components onKeyUp script

onKeyUpScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnKeyDown()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onKeyDown event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnKeyDown in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnKeyDownScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onKeyDown event is fired

Specified by:
getOnKeyDownScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnKeyDownScript(String onKeyDownScript)
Setter for the components onKeyDown script

onKeyDownScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnMouseOver()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onMouseOver event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnMouseOver in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnMouseOverScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onMouseOver event is fired

Specified by:
getOnMouseOverScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnMouseOverScript(String onMouseOverScript)
Setter for the components onMouseOver script

onMouseOverScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnMouseOut()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onMouseOut event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnMouseOut in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnMouseOutScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onMouseOut event is fired

Specified by:
getOnMouseOutScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnMouseOutScript(String onMouseOutScript)
Setter for the components onMouseOut script

onMouseOutScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnMouseUp()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onMouseUp event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnMouseUp in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnMouseUpScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onMouseUp event is fired

Specified by:
getOnMouseUpScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnMouseUpScript(String onMouseUpScript)
Setter for the components onMouseUp script

onMouseUpScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnMouseDown()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onMouseDown event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnMouseDown in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnMouseDownScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onMouseDown event is fired

Specified by:
getOnMouseDownScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnMouseDownScript(String onMouseDownScript)
Setter for the components onMouseDown script

onMouseDownScript -


public boolean getSupportsOnMouseMove()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Indicates whether the component supports the onMouseMove event

Specified by:
getSupportsOnMouseMove in interface ScriptEventSupport
boolean true if event is supported, false if the event is not supported
See Also:


public String getOnMouseMoveScript()
Description copied from interface: ScriptEventSupport
Script that should be executed when the component's onMouseMove event is fired

Specified by:
getOnMouseMoveScript in interface ScriptEventSupport
String JavaScript code
See Also:


public void setOnMouseMoveScript(String onMouseMoveScript)
Setter for the components onMouseMove script

onMouseMoveScript -


public Map<String,String> getComponentOptions()
Description copied from interface: Component
Options that are passed through to the Component renderer. The Map key is the option name, with the Map value as the option value. See documentation on the particular widget render for available options.

Specified by:
getComponentOptions in interface Component
Map options


public void setComponentOptions(Map<String,String> componentOptions)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the widget's options

Specified by:
setComponentOptions in interface Component


public String getComponentOptionsJSString()
Builds a string from the underlying Map of component options that will export that options as a JavaScript Map for use in js and jQuery plugins

Specified by:
getComponentOptionsJSString in interface Component
String of widget options formatted as JS Map


public void setComponentOptionsJSString(String componentOptionsJSString)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the widget's options

Specified by:
setComponentOptionsJSString in interface Component


public String getEventCode()


public String getProgressiveRender()
When set if the condition is satisfied, the component will be displayed. The component MUST BE a container or field type. progressiveRender is defined in a limited Spring EL syntax. Only valid form property names, and, or, logical comparison operators (non-arithmetic), and the matches clause are allowed. String and regex values must use single quotes ('), booleans must be either true or false, numbers must be a valid double, either negative or positive.

DO NOT use progressiveRender and a conditional refresh statement on the same component unless it is known that the component will always be visible in all cases when a conditional refresh happens (ie conditional refresh has progressiveRender's condition anded with its own condition).

If a component should be refreshed every time it is shown, use the progressiveRenderAndRefresh option with this property instead.

Specified by:
getProgressiveRender in interface Component
String progressiveRender expression


public void setProgressiveRender(String progressiveRender)
Specified by:
setProgressiveRender in interface Component
progressiveRender - the progressiveRender to set


public String getConditionalRefresh()
When set if the condition is satisfied, the component will be refreshed. The component MUST BE a container or field type. conditionalRefresh is defined in a limited Spring EL syntax. Only valid form property names, and, or, logical comparison operators (non-arithmetic), and the matches clause are allowed. String and regex values must use single quotes ('), booleans must be either true or false, numbers must be a valid double either negative or positive.
DO NOT use progressiveRender and conditionalRefresh on the same component unless it is known that the component will always be visible in all cases when a conditionalRefresh happens (ie conditionalRefresh has progressiveRender's condition anded with its own condition). If a component should be refreshed every time it is shown, use the progressiveRenderAndRefresh option with this property instead.

Specified by:
getConditionalRefresh in interface Component
the conditionalRefresh


public void setConditionalRefresh(String conditionalRefresh)
Specified by:
setConditionalRefresh in interface Component
conditionalRefresh - the conditionalRefresh to set


public List<String> getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames()
Control names used to control progressive disclosure, set internally cannot be set.

Specified by:
getProgressiveDisclosureControlNames in interface Component
the progressiveDisclosureControlNames


public String getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs()
The condition to show this component progressively converted to a js expression, set internally cannot be set.

Specified by:
getProgressiveDisclosureConditionJs in interface Component
the progressiveDisclosureConditionJs


public String getConditionalRefreshConditionJs()
The condition to refresh this component converted to a js expression, set internally cannot be set.

Specified by:
getConditionalRefreshConditionJs in interface Component
the conditionalRefreshConditionJs


public List<String> getConditionalRefreshControlNames()
Control names used to control conditional refresh, set internally cannot be set.

Specified by:
getConditionalRefreshControlNames in interface Component
the conditionalRefreshControlNames


public boolean isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX()
When progressiveRenderViaAJAX is true, this component will be retrieved from the server when it first satisfies its progressive render condition. After the first retrieval, it is hidden/shown in the html by the js when its progressive condition result changes. By default, this is false, so components with progressive render capabilities will always be already within the client html and toggled to be hidden or visible.

Specified by:
isProgressiveRenderViaAJAX in interface Component
the progressiveRenderViaAJAX


public void setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX(boolean progressiveRenderViaAJAX)
Specified by:
setProgressiveRenderViaAJAX in interface Component
progressiveRenderViaAJAX - the progressiveRenderViaAJAX to set


public boolean isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh()
If true, when the progressiveRender condition is satisfied, the component will always be retrieved from the server and shown(as opposed to being stored on the client, but hidden, after the first retrieval as is the case with the progressiveRenderViaAJAX option). By default, this is false, so components with progressive render capabilities will always be already within the client html and toggled to be hidden or visible.

Specified by:
isProgressiveRenderAndRefresh in interface Component
the progressiveRenderAndRefresh


public void setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh(boolean progressiveRenderAndRefresh)
Specified by:
setProgressiveRenderAndRefresh in interface Component
progressiveRenderAndRefresh - the progressiveRenderAndRefresh to set


public String getRefreshWhenChanged()
Specifies a property by name that when it value changes will automatically perform a refresh on this component. This can be a comma separated list of multiple properties that require this component to be refreshed when any of them change.
DO NOT use with progressiveRender unless it is know that progressiveRender condition will always be satisfied before one of these fields can be changed.

Specified by:
getRefreshWhenChanged in interface Component
the refreshWhenChanged


public void setRefreshWhenChanged(String refreshWhenChanged)
Specified by:
setRefreshWhenChanged in interface Component
refreshWhenChanged - the refreshWhenChanged to set


public List<String> getRefreshWhenChangedControlNames()
Control names which will refresh this component when they are changed, added internally

Specified by:
getRefreshWhenChangedControlNames in interface Component
the refreshWhenChangedControlNames


public boolean isRefreshedByAction()
Description copied from interface: Component
Indicates the component can be refreshed by an action

This is set by the framework for configured ajax action buttons, should not be set in configuration

Specified by:
isRefreshedByAction in interface Component
boolean true if the component is refreshed by an action, false if not
See Also:


public void setRefreshedByAction(boolean refreshedByAction)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the refresjed by action indicator

This is set by the framework for configured ajax action buttons, should not be set in configuration

Specified by:
setRefreshedByAction in interface Component
See Also:


public boolean isResetDataOnRefresh()
Description copied from interface: Component
Indicates whether data contained within the component should be reset (set to default) when the component is refreshed

Specified by:
isResetDataOnRefresh in interface Component
boolean true if data should be refreshed, false if data should remain as is
See Also:


public void setResetDataOnRefresh(boolean resetDataOnRefresh)
Description copied from interface: Component
Setter for the reset data on refresh indicator

Specified by:
setResetDataOnRefresh in interface Component
See Also:


public boolean isRefresh()
Description copied from interface: Component
Result of the conditionalRefresh expression, true if satisfied, otherwise false. Note: not currently used for any processing, required by the expression evaluator.

Specified by:
isRefresh in interface Component
the refresh


public void setRefresh(boolean refresh)
Specified by:
setRefresh in interface Component
refresh - the refresh to set


public String getRefreshDiscloseMethodToCall()
Name of a method on the controller that should be invoked as part of the component refresh and disclosure process

During the component refresh or disclosure process it might be necessary to perform other operations, such as preparing data or executing a business process. This allows the configuration of a method on the underlying controller that should be called for the component refresh action. In this method, the necessary logic can be performed and then the base component update method invoked to carry out the component refresh.

Controller method to invoke must accept the form, binding result, request, and response arguments

String valid controller method name


public void setRefreshDiscloseMethodToCall(String refreshDiscloseMethodToCall)
Setter for the controller method to call for a refresh or disclosure action on this component

refreshDiscloseMethodToCall -


public void setSkipInTabOrder(boolean skipInTabOrder)
skipInTabOrder - flag


public boolean isSkipInTabOrder()
Flag indicating that this component and its nested components must be skipped when keyboard tabbing.

the skipInTabOrder flag

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