Interface | Description |
AccountingLineEvent |
Defines methods common to all AccountingLineEvents.
AttributedDocumentEvent |
An interface that allows rules to add attribues to an event as it is processed.
Class | Description |
AccountingDocumentSaveWithNoLedgerEntryGenerationEvent |
An event to save an accounting document, which AccountingDocumentBase will *not* generate
general ledger pending entries for
AddAccountingLineEvent | |
AttributedAddAdHocRoutePersonEvent | |
AttributedAddAdHocRouteWorkgroupEvent |
An attributed version (AccountingRulesEngine version) of the AddAdHocRouteWorkgroupEvent.
AttributedAddNoteEvent |
An attributed version of the Add Note event.
AttributedApproveDocumentEvent |
An attributed version of the Approve Document event.
AttributedBlanketApproveDocumentEvent | |
AttributedDocumentEventBase |
Base abstract implementation of an attributed document event.
AttributedRouteDocumentEvent |
An attributed version of the route document event.
AttributedSaveDocumentEvent | |
DeleteAccountingLineEvent | |
DocumentSystemSaveEvent |
This class...
ReviewAccountingLineEvent | |
UpdateAccountingLineEvent |
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