Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
LedgerReferenceValuePreparedStatementCachingDao.getObjectCode(Integer universityFiscalYear,
String chartOfAccountsCode,
String financialObjectCode) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
LedgerReferenceValuePreparedStatementCachingDaoJdbc.getObjectCode(Integer universityFiscalYear,
String chartOfAccountsCode,
String financialObjectCode) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This is for ojb only to map to the object code view.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ObjectCode |
Chart.expBdgtEliminationsFinObj |
protected ObjectCode |
Chart.finAccountsPayableObject |
protected ObjectCode |
Chart.finAccountsReceivableObj |
protected ObjectCode |
Chart.financialCashObject |
protected ObjectCode |
Chart.finExternalEncumbranceObj |
protected ObjectCode |
Chart.finInternalEncumbranceObj |
protected ObjectCode |
Chart.finPreEncumbranceObject |
protected ObjectCode |
Chart.fundBalanceObject |
protected ObjectCode |
Chart.icrExpenseFinancialObject |
protected ObjectCode |
Chart.icrIncomeFinancialObject |
protected ObjectCode |
Chart.incBdgtEliminationsFinObj |
protected ObjectCode |
ObjectCode.reportsToFinancialObject |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
Gets the expBdgtEliminationsFinObj attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the finAccountsPayableObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the finAccountsReceivableObj attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the financialCashObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the financialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the financialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
SubObjectCode.getFinancialObject() |
ObjectCode |
Gets the financialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the finExternalEncumbranceObj attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the finInternalEncumbranceObj attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the finPreEncumbranceObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the fundBalanceObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the icrExpenseFinancialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the icrIncomeFinancialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the incBdgtEliminationsFinObj attribute.
ObjectCode |
IndirectCostRecoveryExclusionType.getObjectCodeCurrent() |
ObjectCode |
IndirectCostRecoveryExclusionAccount.getObjectCodeCurrent() |
ObjectCode |
Gets the organizationReversionObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the organizationReversionObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the reportsToFinancialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the reportsToFinancialObject attribute.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ObjectCodeGlobal.populate(ObjectCode old,
ObjectCodeGlobalDetail detail) |
void |
Chart.setExpBdgtEliminationsFinObj(ObjectCode expBdgtEliminationsFinObj)
void |
Chart.setFinAccountsPayableObject(ObjectCode finAccountsPayableObject)
void |
Chart.setFinAccountsReceivableObj(ObjectCode finAccountsReceivableObj)
void |
Chart.setFinancialCashObject(ObjectCode financialCashObject)
void |
SubObjectCodeGlobalDetail.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject)
void |
OffsetDefinition.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject)
void |
SubObjectCode.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject)
void |
ObjectCodeGlobal.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject)
void |
Chart.setFinExternalEncumbranceObj(ObjectCode finExternalEncumbranceObj)
void |
Chart.setFinInternalEncumbranceObj(ObjectCode finInternalEncumbranceObj)
void |
Chart.setFinPreEncumbranceObject(ObjectCode finPreEncumbranceObject)
void |
Chart.setFundBalanceObject(ObjectCode fundBalanceObject)
void |
Chart.setIcrExpenseFinancialObject(ObjectCode icrExpenseFinancialObject)
void |
Chart.setIcrIncomeFinancialObject(ObjectCode icrIncomeFinancialObject)
void |
Chart.setIncBdgtEliminationsFinObj(ObjectCode incBdgtEliminationsFinObj)
void |
IndirectCostRecoveryExclusionType.setObjectCodeCurrent(ObjectCode objectCodeCurrent)
void |
IndirectCostRecoveryExclusionAccount.setObjectCodeCurrent(ObjectCode objectCodeCurrent)
void |
OrganizationReversionDetail.setOrganizationReversionObject(ObjectCode organizationReversionObject)
void |
OrganizationReversionGlobalDetail.setOrganizationReversionObject(ObjectCode organizationReversionObject)
Sets the organizationReversionObject attribute value.
void |
ObjectCode.setReportsToFinancialObject(ObjectCode reportsToFinancialObject)
void |
ObjectCodeGlobal.setReportsToFinancialObject(ObjectCode reportsToFinancialObject)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ObjectCode |
ObjectCodeMaintainableImpl.retrieveObjectCodeFromDB() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected String |
ObjectCodeGlobalMaintainableImpl.buildObjectCodeCachingKey(ObjectCode objectCode) |
protected boolean |
ObjectCodeGlobalMaintainableImpl.isInactivatingObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode) |
protected boolean |
ObjectCodeGlobalMaintainableImpl.isInactivatingObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode,
Map<String,Boolean> objectCodeActiveStatusCache) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Collection<> |
ObjectCodeGlobalRule.addAdditionalBlockingBusinessObjects(Collection<> blockingBusinessObjects,
ObjectCode objectCode)
Retrieves any additional blocking objects not handled by the inactivation framework
protected boolean |
ObjectCodeRule.checkForBlockingIndirectCostRecoveryExclusionAccounts(ObjectCode objectCode)
Checks that no ICR Exclusion by Account records are dependent on the given object code if it is inactivated
protected boolean |
ObjectCodeRule.checkForBlockingOffsetDefinitions(ObjectCode objectCode)
Checks that no offset definitions are dependent on the given object code if it is inactivated
protected boolean |
ObjectCodeRule.checkResearchAdminAttributes(ObjectCode objectCode)
This method verifies the budget category value
protected boolean |
ObjectCodeGlobalRule.isEqualObjectCode(ObjectCode castor,
ObjectCode pollux)
Determines if the two given object codes are roughly equal
protected boolean |
ObjectCodeGlobalRule.isObjectCodeInPersistingChanges(List<> persistingChanges,
ObjectCode objectCode)
Determines if the given object code is within the list of persisting changes
protected boolean |
ObjectCodeGlobalRule.processInactivationBlockChecking(org.kuali.rice.kns.maintenance.Maintainable maintainable,
ObjectCode objectCode,
int index) |
protected boolean |
ObjectCodeRule.processObjectCodeRules(ObjectCode objectCode)
This checks the following rules:
object code valid
reports to chart code is valid (similar to what
ObjectCodePreRules does)
is the budget aggregation code valid
then checks to make sure that this object code hasn't already been entered in the consolidation and level table
finally checks to make sure that the next year object code (if filled out) isn't already in there and that this object code has a valid fiscal year
protected void |
ObjectCodeGlobalRule.putInactivationBlockingErrorOnPage(ObjectCode objectCode,
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.InactivationBlockingMetadata inactivationBlockingMetadata,
int index) |
protected void |
ObjectCodeGlobalRule.retrieveBlockingIndirectCostRecoveryExclusionAccounts(ObjectCode objectCode,
List<> additionalBlockingObjects)
Retrieves all Indirect Cost Recovery Exclusion by Account records blocking the given object code and puts them in the List of additional blocking objects
protected void |
ObjectCodeGlobalRule.retrieveBlockingOffsetDefinitions(ObjectCode objectCode,
List<> additionalBlockingObjects)
Retrieves all Offset Definitions blocking the given object code and puts them in the List of additional blocking objects
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
ObjectCodeService.getByPrimaryId(Integer universityFiscalYear,
String chartOfAccountsCode,
String financialObjectCode) |
ObjectCode |
ObjectCodeService.getByPrimaryIdForCurrentYear(String chartOfAccountsCode,
String financialObjectCode)
This method returns an financial object code for the current fiscal year.
ObjectCode |
ObjectCodeService.getByPrimaryIdWithCaching(Integer universityFiscalYear,
String chartOfAccountsCode,
String financialObjectCode) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<org.kuali.rice.krad.maintenance.MaintenanceLock> |
SubObjectTrickleDownInactivationService.generateTrickleDownMaintenanceLocks(ObjectCode inactivatedObject,
String documentNumber) |
void |
SubObjectTrickleDownInactivationService.trickleDownInactivateSubObjects(ObjectCode inactivatedObject,
String documentNumber) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
ObjectCodeServiceImpl.getByPrimaryId(Integer universityFiscalYear,
String chartOfAccountsCode,
String financialObjectCode) |
ObjectCode |
ObjectCodeServiceImpl.getByPrimaryIdForCurrentYear(String chartOfAccountsCode,
String financialObjectCode) |
ObjectCode |
ObjectCodeServiceImpl.getByPrimaryIdWithCaching(Integer universityFiscalYear,
String chartOfAccountsCode,
String financialObjectCode) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<org.kuali.rice.krad.maintenance.MaintenanceLock> |
SubObjectTrickleDownInactivationServiceImpl.generateTrickleDownMaintenanceLocks(ObjectCode inactivatedObjectCode,
String documentNumber) |
protected Collection<SubObjectCode> |
SubObjectTrickleDownInactivationServiceImpl.getAssociatedSubObjects(ObjectCode objectCode) |
void |
SubObjectTrickleDownInactivationServiceImpl.trickleDownInactivateSubObjects(ObjectCode inactivatedObject,
String documentNumber) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
Gets the expenseFinancialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the incomeFinancialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the objectCode attribute.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
WireCharge.setExpenseFinancialObject(ObjectCode expenseFinancialObject)
void |
WireCharge.setIncomeFinancialObject(ObjectCode incomeFinancialObject)
void |
ProcurementCardDefault.setObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
AccountingCycleCachingService.getObjectCode(Integer universityFiscalYear,
String chartOfAccountsCode,
String financialObjectCode) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
OrganizationReversionCategoryLogic.containsObjectCode(ObjectCode oc)
Given an object code, determins if balances with the object code should be added to the bucket
for this category or not
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ObjectCode |
ScrubberProcessImpl.getFundBalanceObjectCode(String fundBalanceCode,
OriginEntryFull originEntryFull)
This method...
ObjectCode |
AccountingCycleCachingServiceImpl.getObjectCode(Integer universityFiscalYear,
String chartOfAccountsCode,
String financialObjectCode) |
protected ObjectCode |
PostExpenditureTransaction.getReportsToObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode)
Uses the caching DAO instead of regular OJB to find the reports-to object code
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
GenericOrganizationReversionCategory.containsObjectCode(ObjectCode oc)
Determines if balances with a given object code should be processed by this logic or not
boolean |
CashOrganizationReversionCategoryLogic.containsObjectCode(ObjectCode oc)
Determines if the given object code is an object code for cash balances
protected boolean |
PostExpenditureTransaction.excludedByAccount(Account account,
ObjectCode objectCode,
boolean selfAndTopLevelOnly)
Determine if the given account and object code have an exclusion by account associated which should prevent this transaction from posting an ExpenditureTransaction
protected boolean |
PostExpenditureTransaction.excludedByType(String indirectCostRecoveryTypeCode,
ObjectCode objectCode,
boolean selfAndTopLevelOnly)
Determines if there's an exclusion by type record existing for the given ICR type code and object code or object codes within the object code's reportsTo hierarchy
protected ObjectCode |
PostExpenditureTransaction.getReportsToObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode)
Uses the caching DAO instead of regular OJB to find the reports-to object code
protected boolean |
PostExpenditureTransaction.hasExclusionByAccount(Account account,
ObjectCode objectCode)
Determines if there's an exclusion by account record for the given account and object code
protected boolean |
PostExpenditureTransaction.hasExclusionByType(String indirectCostRecoveryTypeCode,
ObjectCode objectCode)
Determines if the given object code and indirect cost recovery type code have an exclusion by type record associated with them
protected boolean |
PostExpenditureTransaction.hasValidObjectCodeReportingHierarchy(ObjectCode objectCode)
Determines if the given object code has a valid reports-to hierarchy
protected boolean |
PostExpenditureTransaction.hasValidReportsToFields(ObjectCode objectCode)
Determines if the given object code has all the fields it would need for a strong and healthy reports to hierarchy
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
OriginEntryFull.getFinancialObject() |
ObjectCode |
Entry.getFinancialObject() |
ObjectCode |
Reversal.getFinancialObject() |
ObjectCode |
Gets the financialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the financialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the financialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Transaction.getFinancialObject() |
ObjectCode |
Gets the financialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the objectCode attribute.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
OriginEntryFull.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject) |
void |
Entry.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject) |
void |
Reversal.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject) |
void |
Encumbrance.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject)
Sets the financialObject attribute value.
void |
CollectorDetail.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject)
void |
AccountBalance.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject)
Sets the financialObject attribute value.
void |
Transaction.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode objectCode) |
void |
Balance.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject)
Sets the financialObject attribute value.
void |
SufficientFundBalances.setObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
SufficientFundsService.getSufficientFundsObjectCode(ObjectCode financialObject,
String accountSufficientFundsCode)
This operation derives the acct_sf_finobj_cd which is used to populate the General Ledger Pending entry table, so that later
we can do Suff Fund checking against that entry
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String |
SufficientFundsServiceImpl.getSufficientFundsObjectCode(ObjectCode financialObject,
String accountSufficientFundsCode)
This operation derives the acct_sf_finobj_cd which is used to populate the General Ledger Pending entry table, so that later
we can do Suff Fund checking against that entry
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
ReceivingThreshold.getFinancialObject() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ReceivingThreshold.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
PaymentRequestAccountingLineRuleHelperServiceImpl.isValidObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode,
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DataDictionary dataDictionary,
String errorPropertyName) |
boolean |
PurchasingAccountingLineRuleHelperServiceImpl.isValidObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode,
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DataDictionary dataDictionary,
String errorPropertyName) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ObjectCode |
CustomerProfile.defaultObject |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
Gets the defaultObject attribute.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CustomerProfile.setDefaultObject(ObjectCode defaultObject)
Sets the defaultObject attribute value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
OleFundLookup.getFinancialObject() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
OleFundLookup.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
OleFundLookupDocument.getFinancialObject() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
OleFundLookupDocument.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<ObjectCode> |
BulkPOChangeExecutor.getObjects() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BulkPOChangeExecutor.setObjects(List<ObjectCode> objects) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected ObjectCode |
Bank.cashOffsetObject |
protected ObjectCode |
AccountingLineBase.objectCode |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectCode |
Gets the cashOffsetObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
Gets the financialObject attribute.
ObjectCode |
SufficientFundsItem.getFinancialObject() |
ObjectCode |
AccountingLineBase.getObjectCode() |
ObjectCode |
GeneralLedgerPendingEntrySourceDetail.getObjectCode() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
AccountingLineOverride.needsObjectBudgetOverride(Account account,
ObjectCode objectCode)
Returns whether the given object code needs an object budget override
void |
Bank.setCashOffsetObject(ObjectCode cashOffsetObject)
Sets the cashOffsetObject attribute value.
void |
GeneralLedgerPendingEntry.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject)
Sets the financialObject attribute value.
void |
SufficientFundsItem.setFinancialObject(ObjectCode financialObject) |
void |
AccountingLineBase.setObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode)
void |
AccountingLine.setObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
AccountPresenceService.isObjectCodeBudgetedForAccountPresence(Account account,
ObjectCode objectCode)
Checks the given account for presence control turned on.
boolean |
AccountingLineRuleHelperService.isValidObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode,
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DataDictionary dataDictionary,
String errorPropertyName,
String accountIdentifyingPropertyName)
This method validates that an object code is active.
boolean |
AccountingLineRuleHelperService.isValidObjectCode(String accountIdentifyingPropertyName,
ObjectCode objectCode,
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DataDictionary dataDictionary)
This method validates that an object code is active.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
AccountPresenceServiceImpl.isObjectCodeBudgetedForAccountPresence(Account account,
ObjectCode objectCode)
This method determines if an object code has been budgeted for account presence.
boolean |
AccountingLineRuleHelperServiceImpl.isValidObjectCode(ObjectCode objectCode,
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DataDictionary dataDictionary,
String errorPropertyName,
String accountIdentifyingPropertyName) |
boolean |
AccountingLineRuleHelperServiceImpl.isValidObjectCode(String accountIdentifyingPropertyName,
ObjectCode objectCode,
org.kuali.rice.krad.datadictionary.DataDictionary dataDictionary) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GeneralLedgerPendingEntry |
GeneralLedgerPendingEntryService.buildGeneralLedgerPendingEntry(GeneralLedgerPostingDocument document,
Account account,
ObjectCode objectCode,
String subAccountNumber,
String subObjectCode,
String organizationReferenceId,
String projectCode,
String referenceNumber,
String referenceTypeCode,
String referenceOriginCode,
String description,
boolean isDebit,
org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.type.KualiDecimal amount,
GeneralLedgerPendingEntrySequenceHelper sequenceHelper)
Convenience method to build a GLPE without a generalLedgerPendingEntrySourceDetail
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GeneralLedgerPendingEntry |
GeneralLedgerPendingEntryServiceImpl.buildGeneralLedgerPendingEntry(GeneralLedgerPostingDocument document,
Account account,
ObjectCode objectCode,
String subAccountNumber,
String subObjectCode,
String organizationReferenceId,
String projectCode,
String referenceNumber,
String referenceTypeCode,
String referenceOriginCode,
String description,
boolean isDebit,
org.kuali.rice.core.api.util.type.KualiDecimal amount,
GeneralLedgerPendingEntrySequenceHelper sequenceHelper)
Convenience method to build a GLPE without a generalLedgerPendingEntrySourceDetail
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