ElectronicInvoiceHelperServiceImpl |
This is a helper service to parse electronic invoice file, match it with a PO and create PREQs based on the eInvoice.
ElectronicInvoiceItemHolder |
ElectronicInvoiceItemMappingServiceImpl |
ElectronicInvoiceMappingServiceImpl |
ElectronicInvoiceMatchingServiceImpl |
ElectronicInvoiceOrderHolder |
This is a holder class which can be passed to the matching service to validate einvoice or reject doc data
against the po document.
ImageServiceImpl |
Implementation of ImageService.
ItemUnitOfMeasureServiceImpl |
This class is the service implementation for the ItemUnitOfMeasureService.
OLEPaymentRequestAccountingLineRuleHelperServiceImpl |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
OLEPurchasingAccountingLineRuleHelperServiceImpl |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
PaymentRequestAccountingLineRuleHelperServiceImpl |
PdpExtractServiceImpl |
Implementation of PdpExtractService
PurapAccountingLineRuleHelperServiceImpl |
PurapAccountingServiceImpl |
Contains a number of helper methods to deal with accounts on Purchasing Accounts Payable Documents
PurapAccountRevisionGroup |
Purap account history grouping
PurapAccountRevisionServiceImpl |
PurapGeneralLedgerServiceImpl |
PurchasingAccountingLineRuleHelperServiceImpl |
SensitiveDataServiceImpl |
VendorCreditMemoAccountingLineRuleHelperServiceImpl |