Class | Description |
AbstractGeneralLedgerInquirableImpl |
This class is the template class for the customized inqurable implementations used to generate balance inquiry screens.
AccountBalanceByConsolidationInquirableImpl |
This class is used to generate the URL for the user-defined attributes for the account balace by consolidation screen.
AccountBalanceByLevelInquirableImpl |
This class is used to generate the URL for the user-defined attributes for the account balace by level screen.
AccountBalanceByObjectInquirableImpl |
This class is used to generate the URL for the user-defined attributes for the account balace by object screen.
AccountBalanceInquirableImpl |
This class is used to generate the URL for the user-defined attributes for available account balace screen.
BalanceInquirableImpl |
This class is used to generate the URL for the user-defined attributes for the GL balace screen.
BalanceInquiryTableDecorator |
A decorator meant to help display balance inquiry information for the displaytag tag library.
CashBalanceInquirableImpl |
The inquirable class to support the cash balance lookup.
EncumbranceInquirableImpl |
Builds an inquirable to build inquiry links for fields in the encumbrance lookup.
EntryInquirableImpl |
This class is used to generate the URL for the user-defined attributes for the GL entry screen.
InquirableFinancialDocument |
This class provides a placeholder that can connect General Ledger business object with financial document in the presentation
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