View Javadoc
1   package org.kuali.ole.batch.ingest;
3   import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
4   import org.kuali.ole.OLEConstants;
5   import;
6   import org.kuali.ole.batch.impl.AbstractBatchProcess;
7   import org.kuali.ole.batch.service.BatchProcessDeleteService;
8   import org.kuali.ole.batch.util.BatchBibImportUtil;
9   import org.kuali.rice.core.api.resourceloader.GlobalResourceLoader;
10  import org.marc4j.*;
11  import org.marc4j.marc.Record;
12  import org.marc4j.marc.impl.ControlFieldImpl;
13  import org.marc4j.marc.impl.DataFieldImpl;
15  import*;
16  import java.util.*;
18  /**
19   * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
20   * User: mjagan
21   * Date: 7/27/13
22   * Time: 9:06 PM
23   * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
24   */
25  public class BatchProcessDeleteData extends AbstractBatchProcess {
27      private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BatchProcessDeleteData.class);
28      private BatchProcessDeleteService batchProcessDeleteService;
29      //private List bibliographicRecords;
30      private List docBibIdsList;
31      private List deleteChunkBibIdsList = new ArrayList(0);
32      private int chunkCount = 0;
33      private int totalCount = 0;
34      private int failureCount = 0;
35      private StringBuffer misMatchMarcRecords = new StringBuffer("");
36      private StringBuffer matchMarcRecords = new StringBuffer("");
37      private StringBuffer failureReport = new StringBuffer("");
38      private String fileType = "mrc";
40      private BatchProcessDeleteService getBatchProcessDeleteService() {
41          if (batchProcessDeleteService == null)
42              batchProcessDeleteService = GlobalResourceLoader.getService("batchDeleteServiceImpl");
43          return batchProcessDeleteService;
44      }
46      @Override
47      protected void prepareForRead() throws Exception {
48          // read the import file content from the batch delete folder
49          String fileContent = getBatchProcessFileContent();
50          job.setNoOfSuccessRecords("0");
51          job.setNoOfFailureRecords("0");
52          job.setNoOfRecordsProcessed("0");
53          if (job.getUploadFileName() != null && job.getUploadFileName().contains(".txt")) {
54              fileType = "txt";
55          }
56          docBibIdsList = getBatchDeleteBibIdsList(fileContent);
57          job.setTotalNoOfRecords(totalCount + "");
58          // processDef.setChunkSize(4);
59      }
61      @Override
62      protected void prepareForWrite() throws Exception {
63          if (docBibIdsList != null && docBibIdsList.size() > 0) {
64              if (processDef.getChunkSize() == 1000) {
65                  String profileField = getProfileField();
66                  if (profileField != null) {
67                      int sucRecordCount = getBatchProcessDeleteService().performBatchDelete(docBibIdsList, profileField);
68                      deleteBatchFile();
69                      createBatchFailureFile();
70                      job.setNoOfRecordsProcessed(totalCount + "");
71                      job.setNoOfSuccessRecords((totalCount - failureCount) + "");
72                      job.setNoOfFailureRecords(failureCount + "");
73                      job.setStatus(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED);
74                  }
75              }
76          } else {
77              job.setNoOfRecordsProcessed(totalCount + "");
78              job.setNoOfSuccessRecords((totalCount - failureCount) + "");
79              job.setNoOfFailureRecords(failureCount + "");
80              deleteBatchFile();
81              createBatchFailureFile();
82              job.setStatus(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED);
83          }
86      }
88      @Override
89      protected void getNextBatch() throws Exception {
90          if (chunkCount < docBibIdsList.size()) {
91              if (chunkCount + processDef.getChunkSize() < docBibIdsList.size()) {
92                  deleteChunkBibIdsList = docBibIdsList.subList(chunkCount, chunkCount + processDef.getChunkSize());
93                  chunkCount += processDef.getChunkSize();
94              } else {
95                  deleteChunkBibIdsList = docBibIdsList.subList(chunkCount, docBibIdsList.size());
96                  performBatchDelete();
97                  chunkCount += processDef.getChunkSize();
98                  deleteBatchFile();
99                  createBatchFailureFile();
100                 job.setStatus(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED);
101             }
103         }
105     }
107     @Override
108     protected void processBatch() throws Exception {
110         if (deleteChunkBibIdsList != null && deleteChunkBibIdsList.size() > 0) {
112             performBatchDelete();
114         }
115     }
117     /**
118      * this method return the match point profile field value
119      *
120      * @return
121      */
122     private String getProfileField() {
123         if (processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo() != null) {
124             List<OLEBatchProcessProfileMatchPoint> bibMatchPointList = BatchBibImportUtil.buildMatchPointListByDataType(processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo().getOleBatchProcessProfileMatchPointList(), org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.content.enums.DocType.BIB.getCode());
125             if (bibMatchPointList != null && bibMatchPointList.size() > 0) {
126                 String profileField = bibMatchPointList.get(0).getMatchPoint();
127                 return profileField;
128             }
129         }
130         return null;
131     }
133     /**
134      * This method returns the list of bib ids which are not used in requisition , loan and does not contain multiple instances and boundwith
135      * @param fileContent
136      * @return
137      * @throws Exception
138      */
139     public List getBatchDeleteBibIdsList(String fileContent) throws Exception {
141         String profileField = getProfileField();
142         List matchBibIdsList = new ArrayList(0);
143         totalCount = 0;
144         if (profileField != null) {
145             String profileDataFiled = profileField.substring(0, 3);
146             char profileSubField = ' ';
147             if(profileField!=null && profileField.contains("$")) {
148                 profileSubField = profileField.substring(profileField.lastIndexOf('$') + 1).toCharArray()[0];
149             } else if (profileField != null && profileField.length() > 3) {
150                 profileSubField = profileField.substring(3).toCharArray()[0];
151             }
152             String profileFieldQuery = profileDataFiled;
153             if (profileField != null && profileField.length() > 3) {
154                 profileFieldQuery = profileFieldQuery + profileSubField;
155                 profileFieldQuery = profileFieldQuery.trim();
156             }
157             try {
158                 // if import file type is mrc
159                 if ("mrc".equals(fileType)) {
160                     ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent.getBytes());
161                     ByteArrayOutputStream failureByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
162                     ByteArrayOutputStream successByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
163                     MarcReader reader = new MarcStreamReader(byteArrayInputStream);
164                     MarcWriter failureWriter = new MarcStreamWriter(failureByteArrayOutputStream);
165                     MarcWriter successWriter = new MarcStreamWriter(successByteArrayOutputStream);
166                     while (reader.hasNext()) {
167                         Record record =;
168                         totalCount++;
169                         boolean recExistFlag = true;
170                         for (DataFieldImpl dataFieldImpl : (List<DataFieldImpl>) record.getDataFields()) {
171                             String searchMrcFieldData = "";
172                             if (profileDataFiled.equals(dataFieldImpl.getTag())) {
173                                 searchMrcFieldData = dataFieldImpl.getSubfield(profileSubField).getData().replaceAll(":", "");
174                                 Map batchDeleteMap = getBatchProcessDeleteService().getBibIdsForBatchDelete(searchMrcFieldData, profileFieldQuery);
175                                 List bibIdList = (List) batchDeleteMap.get(OLEConstants.BIB_SEARCH);
176                                 if (bibIdList == null || (bibIdList != null && bibIdList.size() > 1)) {
177                                     failureCount++;
178                                     failureWriter.write(record);
179                                 } else {
180                                     matchBibIdsList.addAll(bibIdList);
181                                     successWriter.write(record);
182                                 }
183                                 String failureInfo = (String) batchDeleteMap.get(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO);
184                                 if (failureInfo != null) {
185                                     failureReport.append(searchMrcFieldData + "  (" + profileField + ")   :: " + failureInfo + "\n");
186                                 }
187                                 recExistFlag = false;
188                                 break;
189                             }
190                         }
192                         if (OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.CONTROL_FIELD_001.equals(profileDataFiled)) {
193                             for (ControlFieldImpl controlField : (List<ControlFieldImpl>) record.getControlFields()) {
194                                 if (!OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.CONTROL_FIELD_001.equalsIgnoreCase(controlField.getTag()))
195                                     continue;
196                                 Map batchDeleteMap = getBatchProcessDeleteService().getBibIdsForBatchDelete(controlField.getData(), profileFieldQuery);
197                                 List bibIdList = (List) batchDeleteMap.get(OLEConstants.BIB_SEARCH);
198                                 if (bibIdList == null || (bibIdList != null && bibIdList.size() > 1)) {
199                                     failureCount++;
200                                     failureWriter.write(record);
201                                 } else {
202                                     matchBibIdsList.addAll(bibIdList);
203                                     successWriter.write(record);
204                                 }
205                                 String failureInfo = (String) batchDeleteMap.get(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.FAILURE_INFO);
206                                 if (failureInfo != null) {
207                                     failureReport.append(controlField.getData() + "  (" + profileField + ")   :: " + failureInfo + "\n");
208                                 }
209                                 recExistFlag = false;
210                                 break;
213                             }
214                         }
216                         // provide matchpoint record data is not available in mrc record
217                         if (recExistFlag) {
218                             failureCount++;
219                             failureWriter.write(record);
220                         }
222                     }
223                     misMatchMarcRecords.append(failureByteArrayOutputStream.toString());
224                     matchMarcRecords.append(successByteArrayOutputStream.toString());
225                     failureWriter.close();
226                     successWriter.close();
227                 }
228                 // if import file type is txt
229                 else if ("txt".equals(fileType)) {
230                     List txtFileDataList = new ArrayList();
231                     BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(fileContent));
232                     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
233                     String line = br.readLine();
234                     while (line != null) {
235                         totalCount++;
236                         if (!txtFileDataList.contains(line)) {
237                             txtFileDataList.add(line);
238                             Map batchDeleteMap = getBatchProcessDeleteService().getBibIdsForBatchDelete(line, profileFieldQuery);
239                             List bibIdList = (List) batchDeleteMap.get("bibIdentifier");
240                             if (bibIdList == null || (bibIdList != null && bibIdList.size() > 1)) {
241                                 failureCount++;
242                                 misMatchMarcRecords.append(line.toString() + "\n");
243                             } else {
244                                 matchBibIdsList.addAll(bibIdList);
245                                 matchMarcRecords.append(line.toString() + "\n");
246                             }
247                             String failureInfo = (String) batchDeleteMap.get("failureInfo");
248                             if (failureInfo != null) {
249                                 failureReport.append(line + "  (" + profileField + ")   :: " + failureInfo + "\n");
250                             }
251                         } else {
252                             failureCount++;
253                             misMatchMarcRecords.append(line.toString() + "\n");
254                         }
255                         line = br.readLine();
256                     }
257                 }
258             } catch (Exception e) {
259                 LOG.error("exception :  " + e.getMessage());
260             }
261         }
262         return matchBibIdsList;
263     }
265     /**
266      * This method perform the delete the records by using list bib ids
267      ** @throws Exception
268      */
269     public void performBatchDelete() throws Exception {
270         String profileField = getProfileField();
271         if (profileField != null) {
272             // String failureRecords = "";
273             int sucRecordCount = getBatchProcessDeleteService().performBatchDelete(deleteChunkBibIdsList, profileField);
274             //  misMatchMarcRecords.append(failureRecords);
275             job.setNoOfSuccessRecords((Integer.parseInt(job.getNoOfSuccessRecords()) + sucRecordCount) + "");
276             job.setNoOfFailureRecords(totalCount - (Integer.parseInt(job.getNoOfSuccessRecords())) + "");
277             job.setNoOfRecordsProcessed((Integer.parseInt(job.getNoOfRecordsProcessed()) + deleteChunkBibIdsList.size()) + "");
278         }
279     }
281     /**
282      * Create the failure and success and failure Report files
283      * @throws Exception
284      */
285     public void createBatchFailureFile() throws Exception {
287         if (!"".equals(misMatchMarcRecords.toString())) {
288             createBatchFailureFile(misMatchMarcRecords.toString());
289         }
290         if (!"".equals(matchMarcRecords.toString())) {
291             createBatchSuccessFile(matchMarcRecords.toString());
292         }
293         if (!"".equals(failureReport.toString())) {
294             createBatchDeleteFailureReportFile(failureReport.toString());
295         }
297     }
300 }