View Javadoc
1   package org.kuali.ole.batch.export;
3   import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
4   import;
5   import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
6   import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch;
7   import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
8   import org.kuali.ole.DocumentUniqueIDPrefix;
9   import org.kuali.ole.OLEConstants;
10  import*;
11  import org.kuali.ole.batch.document.OLEBatchProcessDefinitionDocument;
12  import org.kuali.ole.batch.helper.InstanceMappingHelper;
13  import org.kuali.ole.batch.impl.*;
14  import org.kuali.ole.batch.marc.OLEMarcReader;
15  import org.kuali.ole.batch.marc.OLEMarcXmlReader;
16  import org.kuali.ole.batch.service.ExportDataService;
17  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.client.DocstoreClientLocator;
18  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.*;
19  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.content.enums.DocFormat;
20  import*;
21  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.util.BatchBibTreeDBUtil;
22  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocType;
23  import org.kuali.ole.sys.context.SpringContext;
24  import;
25  import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KRADServiceLocator;
26  import org.marc4j.MarcStreamWriter;
27  import org.marc4j.MarcWriter;
28  import org.marc4j.marc.ControlField;
29  import org.marc4j.marc.Record;
30  import org.marc4j.marc.VariableField;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import;
36  import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
37  import java.text.DateFormat;
38  import java.text.ParseException;
39  import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
40  import java.util.*;
41  import java.util.Date;
43  import static org.kuali.ole.OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.*;
45  /**
46   * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
47   * User: meenrajd
48   * Date: 7/5/13
49   * Time: 5:34 PM
50   * <p/>
51   * OLE Batch export process performs the export process for the given profile. Writes the exported data to marcxml or mrc file based on file type
52   * in the process definition
53   */
54  public class BatchProcessExportData extends AbstractBatchProcess {
56      private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BatchProcessExportData.class);
58      private int start;
59      private Date lastExportDate;
60      private List<String> bibDocList = new ArrayList<String>();
61      private File filePath;
62      private String fileName;
63      private int fileCount = 1;
64      private static final String FULL_EXPORT = "(DocType:bibliographic) AND (DocFormat:marc)";
65      private ExportDataService service;
66      private int processedRec;
67      private static final String RANGE = "range";
68      private static final String AND = "AND";
69      private static final String NONE = "none";
70      private static final String PHRASE = "phrase";
71      private static final String OR = "OR";
72      private StringBuilder errBuilder;
73      private String errCnt = "0";
74      private static final String applicationUrl = ConfigContext.getCurrentContextConfig().getProperty(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.BATCH_EXPORT_PATH_APP_URL);
75      private static final String homeDirectory = ConfigContext.getCurrentContextConfig().getProperty(OLEConstants.USER_HOME_DIRECTORY);
76      private SearchParams searchParams;
77      private SearchResponse response;
78      private OLEBatchProcessProfileFilterCriteriaBo staffOnlyCriteriaBo = null;
79      private DocstoreClientLocator docstoreClientLocator;
80      private SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HHmm");
86      private int totalRecordsExported;
88      public DocstoreClientLocator getDocstoreClientLocator() {
89          if (null == docstoreClientLocator) {
90              return SpringContext.getBean(DocstoreClientLocator.class);
91          }
92          return docstoreClientLocator;
93      }
96      /**
97       * The method receives the profile information and performs the solr query to retrieve the
98       * solr document list and calls the ExportService to get the export data and writes the
99       * formatted data to the file system
100      *
101      * @return List<String> docList
102      * @throws Exception
103      */
104     public Object[] batchExport(OLEBatchProcessProfileBo profileBo) throws Exception {
105         return service.getExportDataBySolr(response.getSearchResults(), profileBo);
106     }
109     /**
110      * Gets the filter criteria which is used to create the solr query
111      *
112      * @return solrQuery
113      */
114     public void getSolrQuery() throws Exception {
115         searchParams = new SearchParams();
116         searchParams.setStartIndex(start);
117         searchParams.setPageSize(this.processDef.getChunkSize());
118         searchParams.getSearchResultFields().addAll(getSearchResultFeilds());
119         SortCondition sortCondition = new SortCondition();
120         sortCondition.setSortField("dateEntered");
121         sortCondition.setSortOrder("asc");
122         searchParams.getSortConditions().add(sortCondition);
123         getCriteria();
124     }
126     private List<SearchResultField> getSearchResultFeilds() {
127         List<SearchResultField> searchResultFields = new ArrayList<>();
128         List<String> resultFields = new ArrayList();
129         //resultFields.add("id");
130         resultFields.add("bibIdentifier");
131         resultFields.add("holdingsIdentifier");
132         resultFields.add("DocType");
133         resultFields.add("LocalId_display");
134         for (String resultField : resultFields) {
135             SearchResultField searchResultField = new SearchResultField();
136             searchResultField.setDocType("bibliographic");
137             searchResultField.setFieldName(resultField);
138             searchResultFields.add(searchResultField);
139         }
140         return searchResultFields;
141     }
143     public SearchResponse getDeleteSolrQuery() throws Exception {
144         searchParams = new SearchParams();
145         searchParams.setStartIndex(start);
146         searchParams.setPageSize(processDef.getChunkSize());
147         SearchResultField searchResultField = new SearchResultField();
148         searchResultField.setDocType("bibliographic_delete");
149         searchResultField.setFieldName("LocalId_display");
150         searchParams.getSearchResultFields().add(searchResultField);
151         SortCondition sortCondition = new SortCondition();
152         sortCondition.setSortField("dateEntered");
153         sortCondition.setSortOrder("asc");
154         searchParams.getSortConditions().add(sortCondition);
155         getDeleteCriteria();
156         response = getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().search(searchParams);
157         return response;
158     }
160     public SearchResponse getIncrementalSolrQuery() throws Exception {
161         SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(SOLR_DT_FORMAT);
162         String fromDate = format.format(lastExportDate);
163         searchParams = new SearchParams();
164         SearchField searchField = searchParams.buildSearchField(null, "dateUpdated", "[" + fromDate + " TO NOW]");
165         searchParams.getSearchConditions().add(searchParams.buildSearchCondition(NONE, searchField, "AND"));
166         searchParams.getSearchResultFields().add(searchParams.buildSearchResultField(null, "bibIdentifier"));
167         searchField = searchParams.buildSearchField(null, "staffOnlyFlag", Boolean.TRUE.toString());
168         searchParams.getSearchConditions().add(searchParams.buildSearchCondition(NONE, searchField, "AND"));
169         response = getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().search(searchParams);
170         return response;
171     }
173     /**
174      * adds the filter criteria from the profile to search conditions as field value pair
175      */
176     private String getCriteria() throws ParseException {
177         List<OLEBatchProcessProfileFilterCriteriaBo> criteriaBos = processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getOleBatchProcessProfileFilterCriteriaList();
178         if (processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(EXPORT_INC)
179                 || processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(INCREMENTAL_EXPORT_EX_STAFF)) {
180             SearchCondition condition = getDefaultCondition();
181             SearchField searchField = new SearchField();
182             SearchCondition conditionStaffOnly = getDefaultCondition();
183             SearchField searchFieldStaffOnly = new SearchField();
185             SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(SOLR_DT_FORMAT);
186             String fromDate = format.format(lastExportDate);
187             if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo().getDataToExport())
188                     && processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo().getDataToExport().equalsIgnoreCase(EXPORT_BIB_ONLY)) {
189                 searchFieldStaffOnly.setDocType(DocType.BIB.getDescription());
190                 searchField.setDocType(DocType.BIB.getDescription());
191             }
192             searchField.setFieldName("dateUpdated");
193             searchField.setFieldValue("[" + fromDate + " TO NOW]");
194             condition.setSearchScope(NONE);
195             condition.setSearchField(searchField);
196             searchParams.getSearchConditions().add(condition);
198             if (processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(INCREMENTAL_EXPORT_EX_STAFF)) {
199                 searchFieldStaffOnly.setFieldName("staffOnlyFlag");
200                 searchFieldStaffOnly.setFieldValue(Boolean.FALSE.toString());
201                 conditionStaffOnly.setSearchScope(NONE);
202                 conditionStaffOnly.setSearchField(searchFieldStaffOnly);
203                 searchParams.getSearchConditions().add(conditionStaffOnly);
204             }
205             return "";
206         } else if (processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(EXPORT_FILTER)) {
207             return getFilterCriteria(criteriaBos);
208         } else {
209             return "";
210         }
211     }
213     private String getDeleteCriteria() throws ParseException {
214         SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(SOLR_DT_FORMAT);
215         String fromDate = format.format(lastExportDate);
216         SearchCondition condition = getDefaultCondition();
217         SearchField searchField = new SearchField();
218         searchField.setDocType("bibliographic_delete");
219         searchField.setFieldName("dateUpdated");
220         searchField.setFieldValue("[" + fromDate + " TO NOW]");
221         condition.setSearchScope(NONE);
222         //condition.setOperator(RANGE);
223         condition.setSearchField(searchField);
224         searchParams.getSearchConditions().add(condition);
225         return "";
226     }
228     @Override
229     protected void prepareForRead() throws Exception {
230         try {
231             errBuilder = new StringBuilder();
232             OLEBatchProcessProfileBo profileBo = processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo();
233             profileBo.setFileType(processDef.getOutputFormat());
234             if (job.getStatus().equals(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_PAUSED)) {
235                 start = start + Integer.valueOf(job.getNoOfRecordsProcessed());
236             }
237           performSolrQuery();
239             if(!profileBo.getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(EXPORT_FULL) && !profileBo.getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(EXPORT_EX_STAFF)) {
240                 updateJobProgress();
241                 incrementalFilterExport(profileBo);
242             } else{
243                 batchProcessExportFetch();
244                 if(!job.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_CANCELLED)
245                         && !job.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_PAUSED)
246                         && !job.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_STOPPED)){
247                     job.setStatus(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED);
248                 }
249                 updateJobProgress();
250             }
251         } catch (Exception ex) {
252             LOG.error("Error while processing data :::", ex);
253             job.setStatus(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_STOPPED);
254             throw ex;
255         }
256     }
258     /**
259      * gets the next batch of records for export
260      *
261      * @throws Exception
262      */
263     @Override
264     protected void getNextBatch() throws Exception {
265         try {
266             errBuilder = new StringBuilder();
267             bibDocList.clear();
268             start += processDef.getChunkSize();
269             if (start > response.getTotalRecordCount()) {//no more next batch
270                 job.setStatus(JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED);
271                 return;
272             }
273             performSolrQuery();
274             Object[] resultMap = null;
275             OLEBatchProcessProfileBo profileBo = processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo();
276             profileBo.setFileType(processDef.getOutputFormat());
277             if (response.getSearchResults().size() > 0) resultMap = batchExport(profileBo);
278             if (resultMap == null || resultMap[0].equals("0")) {
279                 if (start < response.getTotalRecordCount()) {
280                     getNextBatch();
281                 }
282                 job.setStatus(JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED);
283             } else {
284                 fileCount++;
285                 if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath()))
286                     fileName = processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath() + "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date()) + "-" + OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.PART  + fileCount;
287                 else if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(processDef.getBatchProcessName()))
288                     fileName = processDef.getBatchProcessName() + "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date()) + "-" + OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.PART  + fileCount;
289                 else
290                     fileName = job.getJobId() + "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date()) + "-" + OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.PART  + fileCount;
291                 //fileName = processDef.getBatchProcessProfileName() + "_" + fileCount;
292                 //bibDocList.add(XML_DEC);
293                 bibDocList.addAll((List<String>) resultMap[1]);
294                 processedRec = Integer.valueOf(resultMap[0].toString());
295             }
296             if (!job.getStatus().equals(JOB_STATUS_RUNNING) && errBuilder.length() != 0) {
297                 job.setStatusDesc("Batch Completed with Errors :: See Error file for details");
298             }
299             if (resultMap != null) {
300                 if (resultMap[2] != null)
301                     errBuilder.append(resultMap[2].toString());
302                 if (resultMap[3] != null)
303                     errCnt = resultMap[3].toString();
304             }
305         } catch (Exception ex) {
306             LOG.error("Error while getNextBatch operation", ex);
307             job.setStatus(JOB_STATUS_STOPPED);
308             throw ex;
309         }
311     }
313     /**
314      * methods creates the directories to write file to if they do not exist
315      * if the user provided folder is not valid (cannot be created) then the default location is chosen
316      *
317      * @throws Exception
318      */
319     @Override
320     protected void prepareForWrite() throws Exception {
321         dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
322         try {
323             if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath()))
324                 fileName = processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath()+ "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date());
325             else if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(processDef.getBatchProcessName()))
326                 fileName = processDef.getBatchProcessName()+ "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date());
327             else
328                 fileName = job.getJobId()+ "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date());
329             if (response.getSearchResults().size() >= processDef.getChunkSize()) {
330                 fileCount += (start / processDef.getChunkSize());
331                 //fileName = processDef.getBatchProcessProfileName() + "_" + fileCount;
332                 if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath()))
333                     fileName = processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath()+ "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date()) + "-" + OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.PART  + fileCount;
334                 else if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(processDef.getBatchProcessName()))
335                     fileName = processDef.getBatchProcessName() + "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date()) + "-" + OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.PART  + fileCount;
336                 else
337                     fileName = job.getJobId() + "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date()) + "-" + OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.PART  + fileCount;
338             }
339             String homeDirectory = getBatchProcessFilePath(processDef.getBatchProcessType());
340             filePath = new File(homeDirectory + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + job.getBatchProfileName());
341             /*if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath())) {
342                 filePath = new File(homeDirectory + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath());
343             } else if (filePath == null || !filePath.isDirectory()) {
344                 filePath = new File(homeDirectory + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + job.getBatchProfileName());
345             }*/
346             if (filePath.isDirectory()) {
347                 //in case of paused and stopped status of job
348                 //job has already run and directory exists
349                 //"filePath :: " + filePath.getPath() + " ::already exists");
350             } else {
351                 if (filePath.mkdirs()) {
352                     // able to create directory for the given file path
353           "user given filePath :: " + filePath.getPath() + " ::created successfully");
354                 } else {
355                     filePath = new File(homeDirectory + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + job.getBatchProfileName());
356                     if (filePath.mkdirs())
357               "default filePath :: " + filePath.getPath() + " ::created");
358                     else {
359                         LOG.error("Cannot create output directory for the given file path:: " + filePath.getPath());
360                         job.setStatus(JOB_STATUS_STOPPED);
361                         throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create output directory for the given file path:: " + filePath.getPath());
362                     }
363                 }
364             }
365             job.setUploadFileName(filePath.getPath());
366         } catch (Exception ex) {
367             LOG.error("Error while prepareForWrite operation", ex);
368             job.setStatus(JOB_STATUS_STOPPED);
369             throw ex;
370         }
372     }
375     public void prepareForWrite(String fileName) throws Exception {
376         dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
377         try {
378             processDef.setBatchProcessProfileName(fileName);
379             if (response.getSearchResults().size() > processDef.getChunkSize()) {
380                 fileCount += (start / processDef.getChunkSize());
381                 fileName = processDef.getBatchProcessProfileName() + "_" + fileCount;
382             }
383             String homeDirectory = getBatchProcessFilePath(processDef.getBatchProcessType());
384             filePath = new File(homeDirectory + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + job.getBatchProfileName());
385             /*if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath())) {
386                 filePath = new File(homeDirectory + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + job.getBatchProfileName());
387             } else if (filePath == null || !filePath.isDirectory()) {
388                 filePath = new File(homeDirectory + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + job.getBatchProfileName());
389             }*/
390             if (filePath.isDirectory()) {
391                 //in case of paused and stopped status of job
392                 //job has already run and directory exists
393                 //"filePath :: " + filePath.getPath() + " ::already exists");
394             } else {
395                 if (filePath.mkdirs()) {
396                     // able to create directory for the given file path
397           "user given filePath :: " + filePath.getPath() + " ::created successfully");
398                 } else {
399                     filePath = new File(homeDirectory + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + job.getBatchProfileName());
400                     if (filePath.mkdirs())
401               "default filePath :: " + filePath.getPath() + " ::created");
402                     else {
403                         LOG.error("Cannot create output directory for the given file path:: " + filePath.getPath());
404                         job.setStatus(JOB_STATUS_STOPPED);
405                         throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create output directory for the given file path:: " + filePath.getPath());
406                     }
407                 }
408             }
409             job.setUploadFileName(filePath.getPath());
410         } catch (Exception ex) {
411             LOG.error("Error while prepareForWrite operation", ex);
412             job.setStatus(JOB_STATUS_STOPPED);
413             throw ex;
414         }
416     }
418     /**
419      * Performs the batch write operation
420      * Writes the data to marcxml or mrc format based on the output format specified in the process
421      *
422      * @throws Exception
423      */
424     @Override
425     protected void processBatch() throws Exception {
426         int currSuccessRec = 0;
427         int successRec = Integer.valueOf(job.getNoOfSuccessRecords());
428         int recordProcessed = Integer.valueOf(job.getNoOfRecordsProcessed());
429         int errRecords = Integer.valueOf(job.getNoOfFailureRecords());
430         int currErrCnt = Integer.valueOf(errCnt);
431         if (processDef.getOutputFormat().equalsIgnoreCase(MARCXML)) {
432             try {
433                 if (processedRec > 0)
434                     writeFileToLocation();
435                 currSuccessRec = processedRec;
436             } catch (Exception e) {
437                 LOG.error("Error while writing to file:: marcxml ::", e);
438                 job.setStatus(JOB_STATUS_STOPPED);
439                 job.setStatusDesc("Error while writing to marcxml file::" + fileName + EXT_MARCXML);
440                 currSuccessRec = 0;
441                 currErrCnt += processedRec;
442             }
443         } else if (processDef.getOutputFormat().equalsIgnoreCase(MARC)) {
444             try {
445                 currSuccessRec = generateMarcFromXml();
446                 currErrCnt += processedRec - currSuccessRec;
447             } catch (Exception e) {
448                 LOG.error("Error while writing to file:: mrc ::", e);
449             }
450         }
451         try {
452             writeErrorFile();
453         } catch (Exception ex) {
454             LOG.error("Error while writing to error file", ex);
455             job.setStatus(JOB_STATUS_STOPPED);
456         }
458         job.setNoOfRecordsProcessed(String.valueOf(recordProcessed + currSuccessRec + currErrCnt));
459         //job.setTotalNoOfRecords(String.valueOf(response.getTotalRecordCount()));
460         job.setNoOfFailureRecords(String.valueOf(errRecords + currErrCnt));
461         job.setNoOfSuccessRecords(String.valueOf(successRec + currSuccessRec));
462         LOG.debug(job.getNoOfRecordsProcessed() + " ::records processed");
463         if (currErrCnt > 0)
464             LOG.debug(job.getNoOfFailureRecords() + " ::records failed");
465     }
467     /**
468      * Write the content read to mrcxml file
469      *
470      * @throws Exception
471      */
472     public void writeFileToLocation() throws Exception {
473         File file = new File(filePath + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + fileName + EXT_MARCXML);
474         FileUtils.writeLines(file, "UTF-8", bibDocList, true);
475     }
477     public void writeFileToLocation(String fileName) throws Exception {
478         File file = new File(filePath + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + fileName + EXT_MARCXML);
479         FileUtils.writeLines(file, "UTF-8", bibDocList, true);
480     }
482     /**
483      * Writes the content read into a mrc file
484      *
485      * @throws Exception
486      */
487     public int generateMarcFromXml() throws Exception {
488         StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
489         timer.start();
490         int successRec = 0;
491         File fileToWrite = new File(filePath + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + fileName + EXT_MARC);
492         FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileToWrite, true);
493         //String bibContent = StringUtils.join(bibDocList, "");
494         if (!fileToWrite.exists()) {
495             if (fileToWrite.getParentFile().mkdirs() && fileToWrite.createNewFile()) {
496                 //do nothing
497             } else {
498                 LOG.error("Cannot create mrc file in the given file path :: " + fileToWrite.getPath());
499                 job.setStatus(JOB_STATUS_STOPPED);
500                 throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create mrc file in the given file path :: " + fileToWrite.getPath());
501             }
502         }
503         MarcWriter writer = new MarcStreamWriter(fileOutputStream, "UTF-8");
504         int errorCount = 0;
505         for (String bibContent : bibDocList) {
506             InputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(bibContent.getBytes());
507             Record record = null;
508             OLEMarcReader marcXmlReader = new OLEMarcXmlReader(input);
509             try {
510                 while (marcXmlReader.hasNext()) {
511                     if (marcXmlReader.hasErrors()) {
512               ;
513                         errBuilder.append(marcXmlReader.getError().toString()).append(lineSeparator);
514                         errorCount++;
515                         marcXmlReader.clearErrors();
516                         continue;
517                     }
518                     record =;
519                     writer.write(record);
520                     successRec++;
521                 }
523             } catch (Exception ex) {
524                 String recordId = getRecordId(record);
525                 LOG.error("Error while parsing MARCXML to mrc data:: " + (recordId == null ? "NULL_RECORD" : "record id:: " + recordId), ex);
526                 errBuilder.append(ERR_BIB).append(recordId == null ? "ERROR_RECORD" : recordId).append(TIME_STAMP)
527                         .append(new Date()).append(ERR_CAUSE).append(ex.getMessage()).append(" ::At:: ").append("generateMarcFromXml() For Record ::"+bibContent).append(lineSeparator);
528             }
529         }
530         writer.close();
531         timer.stop();
532         return successRec;
533     }
535     /**
536      * Converts the given date string to solr date format
537      * // convert the format to yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
538      *
539      * @param dateStr
540      * @param isFrom
541      * @return
542      */
543     private String getSolrDate(String dateStr, boolean isFrom) throws ParseException {
544         SimpleDateFormat solrDtFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(SOLR_DT_FORMAT);
545         SimpleDateFormat userFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(FILTER_DT_FORMAT);
546         try {
547             if (isFrom) {
548                 Date date = userFormat.parse(dateStr);
549                 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
550                 cal.setTime(date);
551                 cal.set(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.DATE), 0, 0, 0);
552                 return solrDtFormat.format(cal.getTime());
553             } else {
554                 Date date = userFormat.parse(dateStr);
555                 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
556                 cal.setTime(date);
557                 cal.set(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), cal.get(Calendar.MONTH), cal.get(Calendar.DATE), 23, 59, 59);
558                 return solrDtFormat.format(cal.getTime());
559             }
560         } catch (ParseException e) {
561             LOG.error("Error while parsing user entered date::" + dateStr, e);
562             throw e;
563         }
564     }
566     /**
567      * loads the profile and checks for incremental export
568      *
569      * @param processDef
570      */
571     @Override
572     protected void loadProfile(OLEBatchProcessDefinitionDocument processDef) throws Exception {
573         super.loadProfile(processDef);
574         if (processDef.getBatchProcessType().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.BATCH_EXPORT) && processDef.getLoadIdFromFile().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
575             String batchProcessFileContent = getBatchProcessFileContent();
576             if (processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getOleBatchProcessProfileFilterCriteriaList().size() == 1 && processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getOleBatchProcessProfileFilterCriteriaList().get(0).getFilterFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(LOCAL_ID_DISPLAY)) {
577                 processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getOleBatchProcessProfileFilterCriteriaList().get(0).setFilterFieldValue(batchProcessFileContent);
578             }
579         }
580         List<OLEBatchProcessProfileMappingOptionsBo> optionsBoList = processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getOleBatchProcessProfileMappingOptionsList();
581         for (OLEBatchProcessProfileMappingOptionsBo bo : optionsBoList) {
582             processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getOleBatchProcessProfileDataMappingOptionsBoList().addAll(bo.getOleBatchProcessProfileDataMappingOptionsBoList());
583         }
584         try {
585             if (processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(EXPORT_INC)  || processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(INCREMENTAL_EXPORT_EX_STAFF) ) {
586                 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
587                 String jobId_FL = "start_time";
588                 Map<String, String> jobBoMap = new HashMap<>();
589                 jobBoMap.put("bat_prfle_nm", processDef.getBatchProcessProfileName());
590                 jobBoMap.put("status", JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED);
591                 // Gets adhoc jobs and scheduled jobs that ran with the profile name and status completed.
592                 List<OLEBatchProcessJobDetailsBo> jobDetailsBos = (List<OLEBatchProcessJobDetailsBo>) KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService().findMatchingOrderBy(OLEBatchProcessJobDetailsBo.class, jobBoMap, jobId_FL, true);
593                 if (jobDetailsBos == null || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(jobDetailsBos)) {
594                     jobId_FL = "CRTE_TIME";
595                     jobBoMap.clear();
596                     jobBoMap.put("batchProcessId", processDef.getBatchProcessId());
597                     // Gets scheduled job running for the first time to set the creation time as last export date.
598                     List<OLEBatchProcessScheduleBo> scheduleBos = (List<OLEBatchProcessScheduleBo>) KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService().findMatchingOrderBy(OLEBatchProcessScheduleBo.class, jobBoMap, jobId_FL, true);
599                     if (scheduleBos == null || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(scheduleBos)) {
600                         // Job start time is set as last export date for the adhoc jobs that are running for the first time.
601                         cal.setTime(job.getStartTime());
602                     } else {
603                         cal.setTime(scheduleBos.get(scheduleBos.size() - 1).getCreateTime());
604                     }
605                 } else {
606                     cal.setTime(jobDetailsBos.get(jobDetailsBos.size() - 1).getStartTime());
607                 }
608                 lastExportDate = getUTCTime(cal.getTime());
610       "Incremental export running for batch export profile :: " + processDef.getBatchProcessProfileName() + " :: with date ::" + lastExportDate);
611             }
612         } catch (Exception ex) {
613             LOG.error("Error while retrieving job details for incremental export::");
614             throw ex;
615         }
616     }
618     /**
619      * gets the solr query based on the filter criteria and executed to retrieve the results
620      *
621      * @throws Exception
622      */
623     public void performSolrQuery() throws Exception {
624         try {
625             if (searchParams == null) {
626                 getSolrQuery();
627                 if (!(processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(EXPORT_FULL)
628                         || processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(EXPORT_EX_STAFF))) {
630                     response = getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().search(searchParams);
631                     if (response.getSearchResults().size() == 0) {
632                         job.setTotalNoOfRecords("0");
633                     } else {
634                         List<SearchResult> searchResults = response.getSearchResults();
635                         int totalRecordCount = getTotalRecordCount(searchResults);
636                         job.setTotalNoOfRecords(String.valueOf(totalRecordCount));
637                     }
638                 } else {
639                     response = getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().search(searchParams);
640                     job.setTotalNoOfRecords(String.valueOf(response.getTotalRecordCount()));
641                 }
642       "Total number of records to be exported :: " + job.getTotalNoOfRecords());
644             } else {
645                 searchParams.setStartIndex(start);
646                 response = getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().search(searchParams);
647                 job.setTotalNoOfRecords(String.valueOf(response.getTotalRecordCount()));
648             }
651         } catch (Exception e) {
652             LOG.error("Error while performing solr query :: ", e);
653             throw e;
654         }
655     }
657     private int getTotalRecordCount(List<SearchResult> searchResults){
658         Set<String> bibIds = new TreeSet<>();
659         if (searchResults.size() > 0) {
660             for (SearchResult searchResult : searchResults) {
661                 for (SearchResultField searchResultField : searchResult.getSearchResultFields()) {
662                     if (searchResultField.getDocType().equalsIgnoreCase("bibliographic") && searchResultField.getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase("bibIdentifier")) {
663                         String bibId = searchResultField.getFieldValue();
664                         bibIds.add(bibId);
665                     }
667                 }
668             }
669         }
670         return bibIds.size();
671     }
673     /**
674      * converts the given date to UTC time
675      *
676      * @param date
677      * @return
678      * @throws ParseException
679      */
680     private static Date getUTCTime(Date date) throws ParseException {
681         DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(SOLR_DT_FORMAT);
682         format.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
683         String utcStr = format.format(date);
684         DateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat(SOLR_DT_FORMAT);
685         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
686         cal.setTime(format2.parse(utcStr));
687         return cal.getTime();
688     }
690     /**
691      * gets the default search condition
692      *
693      * @return
694      */
695     private SearchCondition getDefaultCondition() {
696         SearchCondition condition = new SearchCondition();
697         condition.setSearchScope(AND);
698         condition.setOperator(AND);
699         return condition;
700     }
702     /**
703      * Writes the error records to the path
704      *
705      * @throws Exception
706      */
707     public void writeErrorFile() throws Exception {
708         if (errBuilder != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(errBuilder.toString())) {
709             File file = new File(filePath + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + processDef.getBatchProcessProfileName() + EXT_ERR_TXT);
710             FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, errBuilder.toString(), "UTF-8", true);
711         }
712     }
714     /**
715      * reads the filter criterias from the profile and sets the search params for solr query
716      *
717      * @param criteriaBos
718      * @return
719      * @throws ParseException
720      */
721     private String getFilterCriteria(List<OLEBatchProcessProfileFilterCriteriaBo> criteriaBos) throws ParseException {
722         //OLEBatchProcessProfileFilterCriteriaBo staffOnlyCriteriaBo = null;
723         for (OLEBatchProcessProfileFilterCriteriaBo bo : criteriaBos) {
724             if (processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(EXPORT_INC)
725                     && bo.getFilterFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase((OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.DATE_UPDATED))) {
726                 continue;// do not add dateUpdated in params even if its present in the filter as it will be taken from last job run of the same profile
727             }
728             if (bo.getFilterFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.STAFF_ONLY_FLAG)) {
729                 staffOnlyCriteriaBo = bo;
730                 //continue;
731             }
732             SearchCondition condition = getDefaultCondition();
733             SearchField searchField = new SearchField();
734             searchField.setFieldName(bo.getFilterFieldName());
735             //condition.setDocField(bo.getFilterFieldName());
736             if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(bo.getFilterFieldValue())) { // one value
737                 Map<String, String> filterMap = new HashMap<>();
738                 filterMap.put("ole_bat_field_nm", bo.getFilterFieldName());
739                 Collection<OLEBatchProcessFilterCriteriaBo> filterBo = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService().findMatching(OLEBatchProcessFilterCriteriaBo.class, filterMap);
740                 if (filterBo.iterator().hasNext()) {
741                     OLEBatchProcessFilterCriteriaBo oleBatchProcessFilterCriteriaBo = filterBo.iterator().next();
742                     if (oleBatchProcessFilterCriteriaBo.getFieldType().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.DATE)) {
743                         searchField.setFieldValue("[" + getSolrDate(bo.getFilterFieldValue(), true) + " TO " + getSolrDate(bo.getFilterFieldValue(), false) + "]");
744                         //condition.setSearchText("[" + getSolrDate(bo.getFilterFieldValue(), true) + " TO " + getSolrDate(bo.getFilterFieldValue(), false) + "]");
745                         condition.setSearchScope(NONE);
746                         //condition.setOperator(RANGE);
747                         if (filterBo.iterator().next().getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.STATUS_UPDATED_ON)) {
748                             searchField.setDocType(DocType.BIB.getDescription());
749                         }
750                     } else if(oleBatchProcessFilterCriteriaBo.getFieldDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.OLE_BATCH_FLTR_CRITERIA_LOAD_FROM_FILE)){
751                          buildSearchConditions(bo.getFilterFieldValue());
752                     } else if (oleBatchProcessFilterCriteriaBo.getFieldDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.OLE_BATCH_FLTR_CRITERIA_BIB_STATUS)) {
753                         buildSearchConditionsForStatus(bo.getFilterFieldValue());
754                     } else {
755                         searchField.setDocType(DocType.BIB.getDescription());
756                         searchField.setFieldValue(bo.getFilterFieldValue());
757                         /*if (bo.getFilterFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.STATUS_SEARCH)) {
758                             //To set bib status values as 'Catalogued' or 'Cataloguing' or 'None' in case sensitive.
759                             searchField.setFieldValue(StringUtils.capitalize(StringUtils.lowerCase(bo.getFilterFieldValue())));
760                         } else {
761                             searchField.setFieldValue(bo.getFilterFieldValue());
762                         }*/
763                         //condition.setSearchText(bo.getFilterFieldValue());
764                     }
765                 } else {
766                     try {
767                         InstanceMappingHelper instanceMappingHelper = new InstanceMappingHelper();
768                         String filterFieldNameTag = instanceMappingHelper.getTagForExportFilter(bo.getFilterFieldName());
769                         String filterFieldNameCode = instanceMappingHelper.getCodeForExportFilter(bo.getFilterFieldName());
770                         if (StringUtils.isEmpty(filterFieldNameTag) || StringUtils.isEmpty(filterFieldNameCode)) {
771                             searchField.setFieldName(bo.getFilterFieldName());
772                         } else {
773                             // Convert marc data field tag into its corresponding solr field
774                             filterFieldNameTag = OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.DYNAMIC_FIELD_PREFIX + filterFieldNameTag;
775                             String docField = filterFieldNameTag + filterFieldNameCode;
776                             searchField.setFieldName(docField);
777                         }
778                         condition.setSearchScope(NONE);
779                     } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
780                         searchField.setFieldName(bo.getFilterFieldName());
781                     }
782                     searchField.setDocType(DocType.BIB.getDescription());
783                     searchField.setFieldValue(bo.getFilterFieldValue());
784                 }
785             } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(bo.getFilterRangeFrom()) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(bo.getFilterRangeTo())) {
786                 // range values
787                 //condition.setOperator(RANGE);
788                 condition.setSearchScope(NONE);
789                 Map<String, String> filterMap = new HashMap<>();
790                 filterMap.put("ole_bat_field_nm", bo.getFilterFieldName());
791                 Collection<OLEBatchProcessFilterCriteriaBo> filterBo = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService().findMatching(OLEBatchProcessFilterCriteriaBo.class, filterMap);
792                 if (!filterBo.iterator().hasNext()) return "";
793                 if (filterBo.iterator().next().getFieldType().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.DATE)) {
794                     searchField.setFieldValue("[" + getSolrDate(bo.getFilterRangeFrom(), true) + " TO " + getSolrDate(bo.getFilterRangeTo(), false) + "]");
795                     if (filterBo.iterator().next().getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.STATUS_UPDATED_ON)) {
796                         searchField.setDocType(DocType.BIB.getDescription());
797                     }
798                 } else {
799                     searchField.setFieldValue("[" + bo.getFilterRangeFrom() + " TO " + bo.getFilterRangeTo() + "]");
800                 }
801             } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(bo.getFilterRangeFrom()) && StringUtils.isEmpty(bo.getFilterRangeTo())) {   // range values
802                 //condition.setOperator(RANGE);
803                 condition.setSearchScope(NONE);
804                 Map<String, String> filterMap = new HashMap<>();
805                 filterMap.put("ole_bat_field_nm", bo.getFilterFieldName());
806                 Collection<OLEBatchProcessFilterCriteriaBo> filterBo = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService().findMatching(OLEBatchProcessFilterCriteriaBo.class, filterMap);
807                 if (!filterBo.iterator().hasNext()) return "";
808                 if (filterBo.iterator().next().getFieldType().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.DATE)) {
809                     searchField.setFieldValue("[" + getSolrDate(bo.getFilterRangeFrom(), true) + " TO NOW]");
810                 } else {
811                     searchField.setFieldValue("[" + bo.getFilterRangeFrom() + " TO *]");
812                 }
813             }
814             //to check if bib status or local id is present in the filter criteria, then select only the bib records by setting export type as full
815             if (bo.getFilterFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.LOCAL_ID_SEARCH) || bo.getFilterFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.STATUS_SEARCH)
816                     || (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo().getDataToExport()) && processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo().getDataToExport().equalsIgnoreCase(EXPORT_BIB_ONLY) && !bo.getFilterFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(LOCAL_ID_DISPLAY))) {
817                 processDef.getOleBatchProcessProfileBo().setExportScope(EXPORT_FULL);
818                 //searchParams.setDocFormat(DocFormat.MARC.getDescription());
819                 searchField.setDocType(DocType.BIB.getDescription());
820                 /*if (bo.getFilterFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.STATUS_SEARCH))
821                     condition.setSearchScope(PHRASE);*/
822             }
823             if (!bo.getFilterFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(LOCAL_ID_DISPLAY) && !bo.getFilterFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase(STATUS_SEARCH)) {
824                 condition.setSearchField(searchField);
825                 searchParams.getSearchConditions().add(condition);
826             }
827         }
828         return "";
829     }
831     /**
832      * returns the record id - local identifier of the record
833      *
834      * @param record
835      * @return
836      */
837     private String getRecordId(Record record) {
838         if (record == null || record.getControlFields() == null || record.getControlFields().isEmpty() || record.getControlFields().size() < 2)
839             return null;
840         if (record.getControlFields().get(1) == null) return null;
841         VariableField field = (VariableField) record.getControlFields().get(1);
842         if (field instanceof ControlField) {
843             return ((ControlField) field).getData();
844         } else {
845             return null;
846         }
848     }
850     private void incrementalFilterExport(OLEBatchProcessProfileBo profileBo) throws Exception {
851         Object[] resultMap = null;
852         if (response.getSearchResults().size() > 0) {
853             service = new ExportDataServiceImpl();
854             resultMap = batchExport(profileBo);
855         }
856         //Write deleted bibid's  to a file
857         if (profileBo.getExportScope().equals(EXPORT_INC)
858                 || profileBo.getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(INCREMENTAL_EXPORT_EX_STAFF)) {
859             if (lastExportDate != null) {
860                 StringBuilder deleteId = new StringBuilder();
861                 if ( profileBo.getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(INCREMENTAL_EXPORT_EX_STAFF)) {
862                     List<String> incrementalBibIds = new ArrayList<>();
863                     List<Bib> incrementalBibs = new ArrayList<>();
864                      response = getIncrementalSolrQuery();
865                     for (SearchResult searchResult : response.getSearchResults()) {
866                         for (SearchResultField searchResultField : searchResult.getSearchResultFields()) {
867                             if (searchResultField.getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase("bibIdentifier")) {
868                                 if (!incrementalBibIds.contains(searchResultField.getFieldValue())) {
869                                     incrementalBibIds.add(searchResultField.getFieldValue());
870                                 }
871                             }
872                         }
873                     }
874                     if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(incrementalBibIds)) {
875                         incrementalBibs = getDocstoreClientLocator().getDocstoreClient().retrieveBibs(incrementalBibIds);
876                         for (Bib bib : incrementalBibs) {
877                             if (bib.isStaffOnly()) {
878                                 deleteId.append(DocumentUniqueIDPrefix.getDocumentId(bib.getId())).append(COMMA);
879                             }
880                         }
881                         incrementalBibIds.clear();
882                         incrementalBibs.clear();
883                     }
884                 }
885                 response = getDeleteSolrQuery();
886                 if (response.getSearchResults().size() > 0 || deleteId != null) {
887                     if (response.getSearchResults().size() > 0) {
888                         Iterator<SearchResult> iterator = response.getSearchResults().iterator();
889                         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
890                             SearchResult searchresult =;
891                             if (null != searchresult && searchresult.getSearchResultFields() != null) {
892                                 for (SearchResultField searchResultField : searchresult.getSearchResultFields()) {
893                                     if (searchResultField.getFieldName().equalsIgnoreCase("LocalId_display")) {
894                                         String id = searchResultField.getFieldValue();
895                                         if (id != null) {
896                                             deleteId.append(id);
897                                             deleteId.append(",");
898                                         }
899                                     }
900                                 }
901                             }
902                         }
903                     }
904                     String deleted = "";
905                     if (deleteId.length() > 0) {
906                         deleted = deleteId.substring(0, deleteId.length());
907                     }
908                     if (deleted.length() > 0 && deleted != "") {
909                         String ids[] = deleted.split(",");
910                         createFile(ids);
911                     }
912                     if (job.getTotalNoOfRecords() != null) {
913                         job.setTotalNoOfRecords(String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(job.getTotalNoOfRecords()) + response.getTotalRecordCount()));
914                     } else {
915                         job.setTotalNoOfRecords(String.valueOf(response.getTotalRecordCount()));
916                     }
917                     if (job.getNoOfRecordsProcessed() != null) {
918                         job.setNoOfRecordsProcessed(String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(job.getNoOfRecordsProcessed()) + response.getSearchResults().size()));
919                     } else {
920                         job.setNoOfRecordsProcessed(String.valueOf(response.getSearchResults().size()));
921                     }
922                     if (job.getNoOfSuccessRecords() != null) {
923                         job.setNoOfSuccessRecords(String.valueOf(Integer.valueOf(job.getNoOfSuccessRecords()) + response.getSearchResults().size()));
924                     } else {
925                         job.setNoOfSuccessRecords(String.valueOf(response.getSearchResults().size()));
926                     }
927                 }
928             }
929         }
931         String homeDirectory = getBatchProcessFilePath(processDef.getBatchProcessType());
932         if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath())) {
933             filePath = new File(processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath() + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + job.getJobId());
934         } else if (filePath == null || !filePath.isDirectory()) {
935             filePath = new File(homeDirectory + FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator() + job.getJobId());
936         }
937         job.setUploadFileName(filePath.getPath());
938         if (resultMap == null || resultMap[0].equals("0")) {
939             job.setStatus(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED);
940         } else {
941             //bibDocList.add(XML_DEC);
942             bibDocList.addAll((List<String>) resultMap[1]);
943             processedRec = Integer.valueOf(resultMap[0].toString());
944         }
945         if (resultMap != null) {
946             if (resultMap[2] != null)
947                 errBuilder.append(resultMap[2].toString());
948             if (resultMap[3] != null)
949                 errCnt = resultMap[3].toString();
950         }
951     }
954     public void batchProcessExportFetch() throws Exception {
955         dateTimeFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
957         int totalRecords = 0;
958         int remainingRecords = 0;
959         int recordsToBeExportedToFile = 0;
960         int recProcessed = 0;
961         Boolean isBibOnly=true;
963         if (!processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo().getOleBatchProcessProfileMappingOptionsList().isEmpty()
964                 && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo().getDataToExport()) && (processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo().getDataToExport().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEBatchProcess.EXPORT_BIB_AND_INSTANCE) || processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo().getDataToExport().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEBatchProcess.EXPORT_BIB_INSTANCE_AND_EINSTANCE))) {
965             isBibOnly=false;
966         }
967         StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
968         timer.start();
970         Date date =new Date();
971"Batch Export Started : " +date.toString());
973         BatchBibTreeDBUtil bibTreeDBUtil = null;
974         if(processDef.getBatchProcessProfileBo().getExportScope().equalsIgnoreCase(EXPORT_EX_STAFF)){
975             bibTreeDBUtil= new BatchBibTreeDBUtil(false);
976         }else{
978             bibTreeDBUtil= new BatchBibTreeDBUtil();
979         }
982         job.setTotalNoOfRecords(bibTreeDBUtil.getTotalNoOfRecords());
983         updateJobProgress();
986         bibTreeDBUtil.init(0, 0,null);
988         recProcessed = Integer.parseInt(job.getNoOfRecordsProcessed());
989         totalRecords = Integer.parseInt(job.getTotalNoOfRecords());
992         int fileNumber = 1;
993         while (recProcessed < totalRecords) {
994             remainingRecords = totalRecords - recProcessed;
995             recordsToBeExportedToFile = Math.min(processDef.getMaxRecordsInFile(), remainingRecords);
996             if(totalRecords >= processDef.getMaxRecordsInFile()){
997                 if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath())) {
998                     fileName = processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath() + "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date())+ "-" + OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.PART + fileNumber;
999                 }else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(processDef.getBatchProcessName())) {
1000                     fileName = processDef.getBatchProcessName() + "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date()) + "-" + OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.PART + fileNumber;
1001                 } else {
1002                     fileName = job.getJobId()+ "-" +  dateTimeFormat.format(new Date()) + "-" + OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.PART + fileNumber;
1003                 }
1004             }else{
1005                 if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath())) {
1006                     fileName = processDef.getDestinationDirectoryPath() + "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date());
1007                 }else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(processDef.getBatchProcessName())) {
1008                     fileName = processDef.getBatchProcessName() + "-" + dateTimeFormat.format(new Date());
1009                 } else {
1010                     fileName = job.getJobId()+ "-" +  dateTimeFormat.format(new Date());
1011                 }
1012             }
1013             fileNumber++;
1014             if (!job.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_COMPLETED)
1015                     && !job.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_CANCELLED)
1016                     && !job.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_PAUSED)
1017                     && !job.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(OLEConstants.OLEBatchProcess.JOB_STATUS_STOPPED)) {
1019                 BatchExportFetch batchExportFetch = new BatchExportFetch(bibTreeDBUtil, recordsToBeExportedToFile, fileName, this, processDef, isBibOnly);
1020       ;
1021                 recProcessed += recordsToBeExportedToFile;
1023             } else {
1025                 break;
1026             }
1028         }
1030         timer.stop();
1031         date =new Date();
1032"Batch Export Ended : " + date.toString() + " Time Taken : " + timer.toString());
1033         bibTreeDBUtil.closeConnections();
1034         try {
1035             writeErrorFile();
1036         } catch (Exception ex) {
1037             job.setStatus(JOB_STATUS_STOPPED);
1038         }
1039     }
1041     private void buildSearchConditions(String ids){
1042         String[] filterFieldValues = ids.split("\n");
1043         for(String id : filterFieldValues){
1044             SearchCondition searchCondition = new SearchCondition();
1045             searchCondition.setOperator(OR);
1046             searchCondition.setSearchScope(NONE);
1047             SearchField searchField = new SearchField();
1048             searchField.setDocType(DocType.BIB.getDescription());
1049             searchField.setFieldName(LOCAL_ID_SEARCH);
1050             searchField.setFieldValue(id);
1051             searchCondition.setSearchField(searchField);
1052             searchParams.getSearchConditions().add(searchCondition);
1053         }
1054     }
1056     /**
1057      * This method will build the search condition with the bib statuses and adds it to search params.
1058      * @param fieldValue
1059      */
1060     private void buildSearchConditionsForStatus(String fieldValue) {
1061         String[] filterFieldValues = fieldValue.split(",");
1062         StringBuilder bibStatusBuilder = new StringBuilder();
1063         // building the search condition field value
1064         String bibStatus = "";
1065         for (int i = 0; i < filterFieldValues.length; i++) {
1066             bibStatus = filterFieldValues[i];
1067             if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(bibStatus)) {
1068                 bibStatusBuilder.append("\"" + bibStatus + "\"");
1069                 if (i != filterFieldValues.length - 1) {
1070                     bibStatusBuilder.append(OR);
1071                 }
1072             }
1073         }
1074         SearchCondition searchCondition = new SearchCondition();
1075         searchCondition.setOperator(AND);
1076         searchCondition.setSearchScope(NONE);
1077         SearchField searchField = new SearchField();
1078         searchField.setDocType(DocType.BIB.getDescription());
1079         searchField.setFieldName(STATUS_SEARCH);
1080         searchField.setFieldValue(bibStatusBuilder.toString());
1081         searchCondition.setSearchField(searchField);
1082         searchParams.getSearchConditions().add(searchCondition);
1083     }
1089     public StringBuilder getErrBuilder() {
1090         return errBuilder;
1091     }
1093     public String getErrCnt() {
1094         return errCnt;
1095     }
1097     public void setErrCnt(String errCnt) {
1098         this.errCnt = errCnt;
1099     }
1101     public List<String> getBibDocList() {
1102         if (bibDocList == null) {
1103             bibDocList = new ArrayList<>();
1104         }
1105         return this.bibDocList;
1106     }
1108     public int getProcessedRec() {
1109         return processedRec;
1110     }
1112     public String getFileName() {
1113         return fileName;
1114     }
1116     public void setFileName(String fileName) {
1117         this.fileName = fileName;
1118     }
1120     public int getTotalRecordsExported() {
1121         return totalRecordsExported;
1122     }
1124     public void setTotalRecordsExported(int totalRecordsExported) {
1125         this.totalRecordsExported = totalRecordsExported;
1126     }
1128     public SearchResponse getResponse() {
1129         return response;
1130     }
1132     public void setResponse(SearchResponse response) {
1133         this.response = response;
1134     }
1136     public File getFilePath() {
1137         return filePath;
1138     }
1139 }