On the Select/Acquire tab, the Others submenu provides access to year-end versions of the following financial documents:
Budget Adjustment (YEBA)
Distribution of Income/Expense (YEDI)
General Error Correction (YEGEC)
This documentation does not provide a separate section for each individual year end e-doc because these e-docs are similar to each other and are similar to their regular e-doc counterparts. General information about the year-end e-docs is provided below. For information about business rules for each e-doc, see the section on its regular counterpart.
The Year-End documents are used to record transactions that occurred during a fiscal year, but were not recorded prior to the end of the final accounting period for that fiscal year. The standard versions of the OLE financial documents post the transaction to the current fiscal year and period during which the document is approved. The Year-End documents are posted to whatever fiscal period of the previous fiscal year is currently open to receive transactions (period 12 or 13 depending on the institution's posting schedule). fiscal officers and support staff, department, responsibility center, and campus administration staff are typical users of the Year-End documents.
The Year-End documents are used primarily in the period between the end of a fiscal year and the end of the closing period for that fiscal year. An OLE Superuser (likely a central administrator at the institution) determines when these documents become available and for how long they are active. In most cases they are available for only a brief window of time following the end of an institution's fiscal year, prior to final closing of that fiscal year.
Year-End documents inherit all the business rules of their regular document. For example, a Year-End Distribution of Income and Expense document uses the same business rules as the regular Distribution of Income and Expense document.
For more information about the non year-end documents, see the help documentation for the associated e-doc type.
Year-End documents route differently from their regular counterpart documents. Most notably they skip the fiscal officer level of routing and go directly to Org Review. The Year-End documents route as follows:
Organization review routing occurs for the organization that owns each account. See note below.
Sub-fund routing occurs based on the sub-fund of each account.
The document status becomes 'FINAL' when the required approvals are obtained and the transaction is posted to the G/L during the next G/L batch process.
Select the desired year-end document from the Others menu group on the Select/Acquire taab.
Log into OLE as necessary.
A blank Year-End document with a new document ID appears.
Complete the standard tabs and the other tabs specific to the document type.
For information about the standard tabs such as Document Overview, Notes and Attachments, Ad Hoc Recipients, Route Log, and Accounting Linestabs, see Standard Tabs on the Guide to OLE Basic Functionality and Key Concepts.
Review the General Ledger Pending Entries tab.
Year-End documents generate General Ledger entries (including offsets) in the same way their regular counterpart documents do, but all these entries are posted to the open accounting period of the prior fiscal year, most often accounting period 13.
Review the Route Log tab.
The document is routed to Org Review for each account used in the Accounting Lines. The Route Status shows 'ENROUTE.'
For more information about the Route Log, see Route Log on the Guide to OLE Basic Functionality and Key Concepts.
Appropriate organization reviewers must approve the document.
For more information about how to approve a document see Workflow Action Buttons on the Guide to OLE Basic Functionality and Key Concepts.