An e-doc consists of a document header and a document body. The document header in the upper right corner of the screen contains system information about the document. The document body is organized in a stack of labeled tabs that are similar to file folders. Based on the type of document, the system displays different sets of tabs. Workflow action buttons appropriate to your role are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

OLE-built documents (not inherited from KFS) have several variations even though the e-document concept remains the same. The tabs do not look like file folders, the "Show/Hide" buttons do not exist but arrows to the left of the tab titles instead, the overall design looks more modern:

Additionally, you will notice that several of the OLE screens, such as the Editors and the E-Resource Record, have left pane navigation:

For the Editors, the left pane navigation is used to navigate between bibliographic records, Instances and E-Instances. For the E-Resource, the left pane allows for the large amount of information to be broken down into manageable pieces.

Basic information in the document header



Document Nbr (Document Number)

The unique number used to identify each document. OLE assigns a sequential number to each document when it is created, regardless of the type of document.

Status (Document Status)

A code that identifies the status of a document within the Workflow process.

Initiator (Initiator Network ID)

The user ID of the document initiator.

Created (Creation Time Stamp)

The time and date the document was created.

Optional information in the document header



Copied from Document ID

OLE allows users to create new documents based on previous transactions by way of a copy function. When one document is copied from another, the document number of the copied document appears here.

Correct Document ID

OLE gives you the option of reversing a fully approved transaction through the use of an error correction function. When one document is a correction of another, the document number of the document being corrected appears here. This information is displayed only when the document was created using the error correction feature in an existing document.


Some documents have information in the header unique to that e-doc. Those are addressed in the user documentation.

Since OLE is a web-based application, hyperlinks and icons are used for navigation. Clicking hyperlinks and icons allows you to drill down into document detail and to obtain additional information.

The round magnifying glass or 'lookup' icon (or ) allows you to look up reference table information so you avoid data entry errors.

After you click the icon, the system displays a list of valid values for you to select from or connects you to a form that allows you to search for the value you need.

To look up valid values in this form:

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