View Javadoc
1   package org.kuali.ole.docstore.indexer.solr;
3   import;
4   import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
5   import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch;
6   import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
7   import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer;
8   import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
9   import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer;
10  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
11  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.UpdateResponse;
12  import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.util.ClientUtils;
13  import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
14  import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocumentList;
15  import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
16  import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputField;
17  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.content.instance.Instance;
18  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.content.instance.InstanceCollection;
19  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.discovery.service.SolrServerManager;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocCategory;
26  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocFormat;
27  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocType;
28  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.ingest.RequestDocument;
29  import;
30  import;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.utility.BatchIngestStatistics;
34  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.utility.BulkIngestStatistics;
35  import;
36  import org.slf4j.Logger;
37  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
39  import;
40  import;
41  import;
42  import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
43  import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
44  import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
45  import javax.xml.transform.stax.StAXSource;
46  import;
47  import*;
48  import;
49  import;
50  import;
51  import java.util.*;
53  /**
54   * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
55   * User: mjagan
56   * Date: 7/2/13
57   * Time: 4:18 PM
58   * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
59   */
60  public abstract class AbstractDocumentIndexer implements IndexerService {
61      private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractDocumentIndexer.class);
62      public WorkBibMarcDocBuilder workBibMarcDocBuilder1 = new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder();
63      public long commitRecCount = 0;
66      public AbstractDocumentIndexer() {
67          init();
68      }
70      protected void init() {
71          LOG.debug("IndexerServiceImpl init ");
72          //        docSearchUrl = PropertyUtil.getPropertyUtil().getProperty("docSearchURL");
73          //        if ((null != docSearchUrl) && !docSearchUrl.endsWith("/")) {
74          //            docSearchUrl = docSearchUrl + "/";
75          //        }
76      }
78      public String deleteDocuments(String docCategory, List<String> uuidList)
79              throws MalformedURLException, SolrServerException {
80          String result = deleteDocumentsByUUIDList(uuidList, docCategory);
81          return result;
82      }
84      public String deleteDocument(String docCategory, String uuid) {
85          String result = deleteDocumentByUUID(uuid, docCategory);
86          return result;
87      }
89      public String indexSolrDocuments(List<SolrInputDocument> solrDocs) {
90          return indexSolrDocuments(solrDocs, true);
91      }
93      public String indexSolrDocuments(List<SolrInputDocument> solrDocs, boolean commit) {
94          String result = null;
95          StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
96          timer.start();
97          try {
98              result = indexSolrDocuments(solrDocs, commit, false);
99              timer.stop();
100   "Time taken for indexing " + solrDocs.size() + " Solr docs:" + timer.toString());
101         } catch (Exception e) {
102             result = buildFailureMsg(null, "Indexing failed. " + e.getMessage());
103             LOG.error(result, e);
104         }
105         return result;
106     }
108     @Override
109     public String indexDocumentsFromDirBySolrDoc(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat, String dataDir) {
110         String result = null;
111         String xmlContent = "";
112         // get the files from the dir.
113         File srcDir = new File(dataDir);
114         if ((null == srcDir) || !srcDir.isDirectory()) {
115             result = buildFailureMsg(null, "Invalid data directory:" + dataDir);
116             return result;
117         }
118         FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() {
119             public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
120                 return (!name.startsWith(".") && (name.endsWith(".xml")));
121             }
122         };
124         String[] srcFileNames = srcDir.list(filter);
125         if ((null == srcFileNames) || (srcFileNames.length == 0)) {
126             result = buildFailureMsg(null, "No data files found in data dir:" + dataDir);
127             return result;
128         }
129         List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>(srcFileNames.length);
130         for (int i = 0; i < srcFileNames.length; i++) {
131             File srcFile = new File(dataDir + File.separator + srcFileNames[i]);
132             fileList.add(srcFile);
133         }
134         return indexDocumentsFromFiles(docCategory, docType, docFormat, fileList);
135     }
137     @Override
138     public String indexDocumentsFromStringBySolrDoc(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat, String data)
139             throws IOException {
141         File file = File.createTempFile("marc.xml", ".tmp");
142         FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, data, "UTF-8");
143         String filePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
144         return indexDocumentsFromFileBySolrDoc(docCategory, docType, docFormat,
145                 filePath);  //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates.
146     }
148     @Override
149     public String indexDocumentsFromFileBySolrDoc(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat,
150                                                   String filePath) {
151         List<File> fileList = new ArrayList<File>(0);
152         fileList.add(new File(filePath));
153         return indexDocumentsFromFiles(docCategory, docType, docFormat, fileList);
154     }
157     /**
158      * Indexes the records (of the given docCategory, docType and docFormat) from the files in the given data directory.
159      * <p>
160      * This is a utility method to use Discovery separately from DocStore.
161      * </p>
162      *
163      * @param docCategory category of the documents expected in the input files
164      * @param docType     type of the documents expected in the input files
165      * @param docFormat   format of the documents expected in the input files
166      * @param fileList    list of files to be indexed
167      * @return SUCCESS or FAILURE
168      */
169     @Override
170     public String indexDocumentsFromFiles(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat, List<File> fileList) {
171         // TODO: Modify this method so that if dataDir is a file, it should be indexed.
172         String result = null;
173         String xmlContent = "";
174         try {
175             StopWatch indexingTimer = new StopWatch();
176             StopWatch conversionTimer = new StopWatch();
177             StopWatch fileIOTimer = new StopWatch();
178             StopWatch totalTimer = new StopWatch();
179             totalTimer.start();
180             fileIOTimer.start();
181             fileIOTimer.suspend();
183             if ((null == fileList) || (fileList.size() == 0)) {
184                 result = buildFailureMsg(null, "No  files found in data dir:" + fileList);
185                 return result;
186             }
187             int numFiles = fileList.size();
188             int numDocs = 0;
189             SolrServer solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
190             TransformerFactory tf = new;
191             Transformer t = tf.newTransformer();
192             t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
193             t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
194             conversionTimer.start();
195             conversionTimer.suspend();
196             indexingTimer.start();
197             indexingTimer.suspend();
198             for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++) {
199                 File srcFile = fileList.get(i);
200       "Processing File: " + srcFile.getAbsolutePath());
201                 String srcFileName = srcFile.getName();
203                 // Get the id of the doc from the file name if Exists.
204                 String idFromFileName = null;
205                 List<String> idFromFileNameList = null;
206                 int suffixIndex = srcFileName.indexOf(UUID_FILE_NAME_SUFFIX);
207                 if (suffixIndex > 0) {
208                     idFromFileName = srcFileName.substring(0, suffixIndex);
209                     idFromFileNameList = new ArrayList<String>(1);
210                     idFromFileNameList.add(idFromFileName);
211                 }
213                 int recordsProcessedInFile = 0;
214                 try {
215                     XMLInputFactory xif = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
216                     XMLStreamReader xsr = xif.createXMLStreamReader(new FileReader(srcFile));
217                     xsr.nextTag();
218                     recordsProcessedInFile = 0;
219                     List<SolrInputDocument> solrDocsToAdd = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
220                     List<SolrInputDocument> solrDocs = null;
221                     while (xsr.hasNext()) {
222                         int eventType =;
223                         if (eventType == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
224                             if (DocFormat.MARC.isEqualTo(docFormat)) {
225                                 recordsProcessedInFile++;
226                                 LOG.debug("Processing Record(" + recordsProcessedInFile + ") of File: " + srcFileName);
227                                 fileIOTimer.resume();
228                                 StringWriter str = new StringWriter();
229                                 str.append("<collection>");
230                                 t.transform(new StAXSource(xsr), new StreamResult(str));
231                                 str.append("</collection>");
232                                 xmlContent = str.getBuffer().toString();
233                                 fileIOTimer.suspend();
234                                 conversionTimer.resume();
235                                 solrDocs = convertToSolrDocs(docCategory, docType, docFormat, xmlContent);
236                                 if ((null == solrDocs) || (solrDocs.size() == 0)) {
237                                     continue;
238                                 }
239                                 if (idFromFileName == null) {
240                                     assignUUIDs(solrDocs, null);
241                                 } else {
242                                     assignUUIDs(solrDocs.subList(0, 1), idFromFileNameList);
243                                 }
244                                 conversionTimer.suspend();
245                                 numDocs += solrDocs.size();
246                             } else if (DocFormat.DUBLIN_CORE.isEqualTo(docFormat)) {
247                                 // TODO: May be moved out of while loop?
248                                 conversionTimer.resume();
249                                 solrDocs = convertToSolrDocs(docCategory, docType, docFormat,
250                                         FileUtils.readFileToString(srcFile, "UTF-8"));
251                                 assignUUIDs(solrDocs, null);
252                                 conversionTimer.suspend();
253                                 solrDocsToAdd.addAll(solrDocs);
254                                 numDocs += solrDocs.size();
255                                 break;
256                             } else if (DocFormat.DUBLIN_UNQUALIFIED.isEqualTo(docFormat)) {
257                                 if (xsr.getName().getLocalPart().equalsIgnoreCase("record")) {
258                                     conversionTimer.resume();
259                                     solrDocs = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
260                                     StringWriter str = new StringWriter();
261                                     str.append("<OAI-PMH><ListRecords>");
262                                     t.transform(new StAXSource(xsr), new StreamResult(str));
263                                     str.append("</ListRecords></OAI-PMH>");
264                                     str.close();
265                                     xmlContent = str.getBuffer().toString();
266                                     solrDocs = convertToSolrDocs(docCategory, docType, docFormat, xmlContent);
267                                     str.flush();
268                                     assignUUIDs(solrDocs, null);
269                                     conversionTimer.suspend();
270                                     numDocs += solrDocs.size();
271                                 }
272                             } else {
273                                 throw new Exception("Unsupported Document Format: " + docFormat);
274                             }
275                         } else {
276                             continue;
277                         }
279                         if (solrDocs != null) {
280                             solrDocsToAdd.addAll(solrDocs);
281                         }
282                         if (solrDocsToAdd.size() < 500) {
283                             // TODO: Handle the case when the size of the batch is too high. Do a check on the size.
284                             continue;
285                         }
286                         indexingTimer.resume();
287                         solr.add(solrDocsToAdd);
288                         indexingTimer.suspend();
289                         solrDocsToAdd.clear();
290                         if (recordsProcessedInFile % 10000 == 0) {
291                             totalTimer.split();
292                   "Records processed in file " + srcFileName + ":" + recordsProcessedInFile
293                                     + "; Time elapsed:" + totalTimer.toSplitString());
294                         }
295                         if (idFromFileName != null || DocFormat.DUBLIN_CORE.isEqualTo(docFormat)) {
296                             break;
297                         }
298                     }
299                     if (solrDocsToAdd.size() > 0) {
300                         indexingTimer.resume();
301                         solr.add(solrDocsToAdd);
302                         indexingTimer.suspend();
303                         solrDocsToAdd.clear();
304                     }
305                 } catch (Exception ex) {
306                     String message = "Failure while processing file '" + srcFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' \nat Record: "
307                             + recordsProcessedInFile + "\n" + xmlContent;
308                     LOG.error(message , ex);
309                     solr.rollback();
310                     throw ex;
311                 }
312                 totalTimer.split();
313                 if (recordsProcessedInFile > 0) {
314                     // Do not log this message if a file has only one record.
315           "Records processed in file " + srcFileName + ":" + recordsProcessedInFile
316                             + "; Time elapsed:" + totalTimer.toSplitString());
317                 }
318             }
319             // commit after all docs are added.
320             if (numDocs > 0) {
321                 indexingTimer.resume();
322                 solr.commit();
323                 indexingTimer.suspend();
324             }
326             conversionTimer.stop();
327             fileIOTimer.stop();
328             indexingTimer.stop();
329             totalTimer.stop();
330   "Num of files processed:" + numFiles + "; Num of documents processed:" + numDocs);
331   "Time taken for reading files:" + fileIOTimer.toString()
332                     + "; Time taken for parsing and converting to Solr Docs:" + conversionTimer.toString());
334                     "Time taken for indexing Solr docs:" + indexingTimer.toString() + "; Total time taken:" + totalTimer
335                             .toString());
336             result = SUCCESS + "-" + numDocs;
337         } catch (Exception e) {
338             result = buildFailureMsg(null, "Indexing failed. " + e.getMessage());
339             LOG.error(result, e);
340         }
341         return result;
342     }
344     //    public String indexDocuments(List<RequestDocument> requestDocuments) {
345     //        for (RequestDocument requestDocument : requestDocuments) {
346     //            indexDocument(requestDocument);
347     //        }
348     //        return null;
349     //    }
351     public String indexDocument(RequestDocument requestDocument) {
352         return indexDocument(requestDocument, true);
353     }
355     public String indexDocument(RequestDocument requestDocument, boolean commit) {
356         List<RequestDocument> requestDocuments = null;
357         if (requestDocument != null) {
358             requestDocuments = new ArrayList<RequestDocument>(1);
359             requestDocuments.add(requestDocument);
360         }
361         return indexDocuments(requestDocuments, commit);
362     }
364     @Override
365     public String indexDocuments(List<RequestDocument> requestDocuments) {
366         return indexDocuments(requestDocuments, true);
367     }
369     public String bulkIndexDocuments(List<RequestDocument> requestDocuments, boolean isCommit) {
370         String result = "success";
371         Map<String, SolrInputDocument> bibIdToDocMap = new HashMap<String, SolrInputDocument>();
372         BatchIngestStatistics batchStatistics = BulkIngestStatistics.getInstance().getCurrentBatch();
373         if (requestDocuments != null && requestDocuments.size() > 0) {
374             StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
375             StopWatch buildSolrInputDocTimer = new StopWatch();
376             StopWatch xmlToPojoTimer = new StopWatch();
377             timer.start();
378             buildSolrInputDocTimer.start();
379             buildSolrInputDocTimer.suspend();
380             xmlToPojoTimer.start();
381             xmlToPojoTimer.suspend();
383             List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
384             try {
385                 if (DocCategory.WORK.isEqualTo(requestDocuments.get(0).getCategory())) {
386                     if (DocType.BIB.isEqualTo(requestDocuments.get(0).getType())) {
387                         if (DocFormat.MARC.isEqualTo(requestDocuments.get(0).getFormat())) {
388                             WorkBibMarcDocBuilder marcBuilder = new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder();
389                             for (RequestDocument requestDocument : requestDocuments) {
390                                 marcBuilder.buildSolrInputDocument(requestDocument, solrInputDocuments,
391                                         buildSolrInputDocTimer, xmlToPojoTimer);
392                             }
393                         } else if (DocFormat.DUBLIN_CORE.isEqualTo(requestDocuments.get(0).getFormat())) {
394                             WorkBibDublinDocBuilder dublinBuilder = new WorkBibDublinDocBuilder();
395                             for (RequestDocument requestDocument : requestDocuments) {
396                                 dublinBuilder.buildSolrInputDocument(requestDocument, solrInputDocuments);
397                             }
398                         } else if (DocFormat.DUBLIN_UNQUALIFIED.isEqualTo(requestDocuments.get(0).getFormat())) {
399                             WorkBibDublinUnQualifiedDocBuilder dublinUnqBuilder
400                                     = new WorkBibDublinUnQualifiedDocBuilder();
401                             for (RequestDocument requestDocument : requestDocuments) {
402                                 dublinUnqBuilder.buildSolrInputDocument(requestDocument, solrInputDocuments);
403                             }
404                         }
405                     } else if (DocType.INSTANCE.isEqualTo(requestDocuments.get(0).getType())) {
406                         WorkInstanceOlemlDocBuilder oleMlDocBuilder = new WorkInstanceOlemlDocBuilder();
407                         for (RequestDocument requestDocument : requestDocuments) {
408                             if(requestDocument != null && requestDocument.getContent() != null && requestDocument.getContent().getContentObject() != null) {
409                                 InstanceCollection instanceCollection = (InstanceCollection) requestDocument.getContent().getContentObject();
410                                 if(instanceCollection.getInstance() != null && instanceCollection.getInstance().size() > 0) {
411                                     Instance instance = instanceCollection.getInstance().get(0);
412                                     for (String rId : instance.getResourceIdentifier()) {
413                                         List<SolrDocument> docs = getSolrDocumentBySolrId(rId);
414                                         for (SolrDocument solrDoc : docs) {
415                                             SolrInputDocument bibSolrIDoc = ClientUtils.toSolrInputDocument(solrDoc);
416                                             String bibId = bibSolrIDoc.getFieldValue(WorkBibCommonFields.UNIQUE_ID).toString();
417                                             if (bibIdToDocMap.get(bibId) == null) {
418                                                 bibIdToDocMap.put(bibId, bibSolrIDoc);
419                                             }
420                                             bibIdToDocMap.get(bibId)
421                                                     .addField("instanceIdentifier", instance.getInstanceIdentifier());
422                                         }
423                                     }
424                                     oleMlDocBuilder.buildSolrInputDocuments(requestDocument, solrInputDocuments);
425                                 }
426                             }
427                         }
428                     }
429                 }
430                 //                if (DocCategory.SECURITY.isEqualTo(requestDocuments.get(0).getCategory())) {
431                 //                    if (DocType.PATRON.isEqualTo(requestDocuments.get(0).getType())) {
432                 //                        if (DocFormat.OLEML.isEqualTo(requestDocuments.get(0).getFormat())) {
433                 //                            SecurityPatronOlemlDocBuilder patronBuilder = new SecurityPatronOlemlDocBuilder();
434                 //                            for (RequestDocument requestDocument : requestDocuments) {
435                 //                                patronBuilder.buildSolrInputDocument(requestDocument, solrInputDocuments);
436                 //                            }
437                 //                        }
438                 //                    }
439                 //                }
440                 assignUUIDs(solrInputDocuments, null);
441                 solrInputDocuments.addAll(bibIdToDocMap.values());
442             } catch (Exception e1) {
443                 result = buildFailureMsg(null, "Bulk Indexing failed. " + e1.getMessage());
444                 LOG.error(result, e1);
445                 return result;
446             }
447             timer.stop();
448             if (solrInputDocuments.isEmpty()) {
449                 result = buildFailureMsg(null, "No valid documents found in input.");
450                 return result;
451             }
452             int numDocs = solrInputDocuments.size();
453             batchStatistics.setTimeToConvertXmlToPojo(xmlToPojoTimer.getTime());
454             batchStatistics.setTimeToConvertToSolrInputDocs(buildSolrInputDocTimer.getTime());
455             StopWatch indexingTimer = new StopWatch();
456             indexingTimer.start();
457             try {
458                 result = indexSolrDocuments(solrInputDocuments, isCommit, false, false, false);
459                 indexingTimer.stop();
460                 //                batchStatistics.setTimeToIndexSolrInputDocs(indexingTimer.toString());
461             } catch (Exception e) {
462                 result = buildFailureMsg(null, "Indexing failed. " + e.getMessage());
463                 LOG.error(result, e);
464             }
465             LOG.debug("Time Consumptions...:\txmlToObj(" + numDocs + "):" + xmlToPojoTimer + "\tbuildSolrInputDoc("
466                     + numDocs + "):" + buildSolrInputDocTimer + "\tTotal(" + numDocs + "):" + timer.toString()
467                     + "\t indexingTime(" + solrInputDocuments.size() + "):" + indexingTimer.toString());
468         }
469         return result;
470     }
472     public List<SolrDocument> getSolrDocumentBySolrId(String uniqueId) {
473         QueryResponse response = null;
474         String result = null;
475         try {
476             String args = "(" + WorkBibCommonFields.UNIQUE_ID + ":" + uniqueId + ")";
477             SolrServer solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
478             SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
479             query.setQuery(args);
480             response = solr.query(query);
481         } catch (Exception e) {
482             result = buildFailureMsg();
483             LOG.error(result, e);
484         }
485         return response.getResults();
486     }
488 //    public List<SolrDocument> getSolrDocumentBySolrId(String uniqueId,String docType) {
489 //        QueryResponse response = null;
490 //        String result = null;
491 //        try {
492 //            String args = "(" + WorkBibCommonFields.ID + ":" + uniqueId +" AND DocType:"+docType+" )";
493 //            SolrServer solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
494 //            SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
495 //            query.setQuery(args);
496 //            response = solr.query(query);
497 //        }
498 //        catch (Exception e) {
499 //            result = buildFailureMsg();
500 //            LOG.error(result, e);
501 //        }
502 //        return response.getResults();
503 //    }
506     public List<SolrDocument> getSolrDocument(String fieldName, String fieldValue) {
507         QueryResponse response = null;
508         String result = null;
509         try {
510             String args = "(" + fieldName + ":" + fieldValue + ")";
511             SolrServer solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
512             SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
513             query.setQuery(args);
514             response = solr.query(query);
515         } catch (Exception e) {
516             result = buildFailureMsg();
517             LOG.error(result, e);
518         }
519         return response.getResults();
520     }
522     /**
523      * Builds a UUID value with an identifiable prefix.
524      * Used when a document does not have a UUID assigned by docstore.
525      * Typical scenario is when discovery layer is used without docstore.
526      *
527      * @return
528      */
529     public String buildUuid() {
530         String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
531         uuid = ID_FIELD_PREFIX + uuid; // identifies the uuid generated by discovery module.
532         return uuid;
533     }
535     /**
536      * Assigns UUIDs for each document (that does not have an "id" field) in the given list.
537      * Also makes sure "uniqueId" field is present. The UUIDs generated by this method start
538      * with ID_FIELD_PREFIX for easy identification. Optionally takes a list
539      * of UUIDs to be used to set/override the "id" field values of the documents.
540      *
541      * @param solrDocs
542      * @param ids      List of id values (optional) to be used for the given documents.
543      */
544     protected void assignUUIDs(List<SolrInputDocument> solrDocs, List<String> ids) throws Exception {
545         if ((null == solrDocs) || (solrDocs.size() == 0)) {
546             return;
547         }
548         if ((null != ids) && (ids.size() < solrDocs.size())) {
549             throw new Exception(
550                     "Insufficient UUIDs(" + ids.size() + ") specified for documents(" + solrDocs.size() + ".");
551         }
552         for (int i = 0; i < solrDocs.size(); i++) {
553             SolrInputDocument solrInputDocument = solrDocs.get(i);
554             SolrInputField idField = solrInputDocument.getField("id");
555             String uuid = null;
556             if (null != ids) {
557                 // Get the supplied UUID.
558                 uuid = ids.get(i);
559             }
560             if (null == idField) {
561                 if (null == uuid) {
562                     // Generate UUID.
563                     uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
564                     uuid = ID_FIELD_PREFIX + uuid; // identifies the uuid generated by discovery module.
565                 }
566                 solrInputDocument.addField(WorkBibCommonFields.ID, uuid);
567                 solrInputDocument.addField(WorkBibCommonFields.UNIQUE_ID, uuid);
568             } else {
569                 if (null != uuid) {
570                     // Use the supplied UUID.
571                     solrInputDocument.setField(WorkBibCommonFields.ID, uuid);
572                     solrInputDocument.setField(WorkBibCommonFields.UNIQUE_ID, uuid);
573                 } else {
574                     // Leave the existing id value and make sure uniqueId is set.
575                     //                    uuid = (String) idField.getValue();
576                     if (idField.getValue() instanceof List) {
577                         List<String> uuidList = (List<String>) idField.getValue();
578                         uuid = uuidList.get(0);
579                     } else if (idField.getValue() instanceof String) {
580                         uuid = (String) idField.getValue();
581                     }
582                     if (null == uuid) {
583                         // Generate UUID.
584                         uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
585                         uuid = ID_FIELD_PREFIX + uuid; // identifies the uuid generated by discovery module.
586                         idField.setValue(uuid, 1.0f);
587                     }
588                     SolrInputField uniqueIdField = solrInputDocument.getField(WorkBibCommonFields.UNIQUE_ID);
589                     if (null == uniqueIdField) {
590                         solrInputDocument.addField(WorkBibCommonFields.UNIQUE_ID, uuid);
591                     } else {
592                         if (uniqueIdField.getValue() == null) {
593                             solrInputDocument.setField(WorkBibCommonFields.UNIQUE_ID, uuid);
594                         }
595                     }
596                 }
597             }
598         }
599     }
601     @Override
602     public void commit() throws Exception {
603         boolean waitFlush = false;
604         boolean waitSearcher = false;
605         SolrServer solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
606         solr.commit(waitFlush, waitSearcher);
607     }
609     @Override
610     public void rollback() throws Exception {
611         SolrServer solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
612         solr.rollback();
613     }
615     protected String indexSolrDocuments(List<SolrInputDocument> solrDocs, boolean isCommit, boolean optimize,
616                                         boolean waitFlush, boolean waitSearcher) throws Exception {
617         BulkIngestStatistics bulkLoadStatistics = BulkIngestStatistics.getInstance();
618         BatchIngestStatistics batchStatistics = bulkLoadStatistics.getCurrentBatch();
619         long commitSize = batchStatistics.getCommitSize();
620         long recCount = batchStatistics.getRecCount();
621         StopWatch indexSolrDocsTime = new StopWatch();
622         StopWatch solrCommitTime = new StopWatch();
623         indexSolrDocsTime.start();
624         SolrServer solr = null;
625         if ((null == solrDocs) || (solrDocs.isEmpty())) {
626             return SUCCESS + "-0";
627         }
628         solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
629         if (solrDocs.size() > BATCH_SIZE) {
630             int numSolrDocs = solrDocs.size();
631             for (int fromIndex = 0; fromIndex < numSolrDocs; fromIndex += BATCH_SIZE) {
632                 int toIndex = fromIndex + BATCH_SIZE;
633                 if (toIndex > numSolrDocs) {
634                     toIndex = numSolrDocs;
635                 }
636                 List batchSolrDocs = solrDocs.subList(fromIndex, toIndex);
637                 if ((null != batchSolrDocs) && (!batchSolrDocs.isEmpty())) {
638           "Indexing records. fromIndex=" + fromIndex + ", toIndex=" + toIndex);
639                     UpdateResponse response = solr.add(solrDocs);
640                 }
641             }
642         } else {
643             LOG.debug("Indexing records. size=" + solrDocs.size());
644             UpdateResponse response = solr.add(solrDocs);
645         }
646         indexSolrDocsTime.stop();
647         commitRecCount = commitRecCount + recCount;
648         if (commitRecCount == commitSize || bulkLoadStatistics.isLastBatch()) {
649           //  isCommit = true;
650         }
651         if (isCommit) {
652             solrCommitTime.start();
653   "Bulk ingest: Index commit started. Number of records being committed: " + bulkLoadStatistics
654                     .getCommitRecCount());
655             solr.commit(waitFlush, waitSearcher);
656             commitRecCount = 0;
657             solrCommitTime.stop();
658         }
659         if (optimize) {
660             solr.optimize(waitFlush, waitSearcher);
661         }
664         LOG.debug("Time Consumptions...: Solr input docs of size ..." + solrDocs.size()
665                 + "\t time taken to index solr Input Docs" + indexSolrDocsTime + "solrcommit & Optimize"
666                 + solrCommitTime);
667         batchStatistics.setTimeToIndexSolrInputDocs(indexSolrDocsTime.getTime());
668         batchStatistics.setTimeToSolrCommit(solrCommitTime.getTime());
669         return SUCCESS + "-" + solrDocs.size();
670     }
672     protected String indexSolrDocuments(List<SolrInputDocument> solrDocs, boolean commit, boolean optimize)
673             throws Exception {
674         String result = indexSolrDocuments(solrDocs, commit, optimize, true, true);
675         return result;
676     }
678     protected List<SolrInputDocument> convertToSolrDocs(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat,
679                                                         String docContent) throws Exception {
680         List<SolrInputDocument> solrDocs = null;
681         if (DocCategory.WORK.isEqualTo(docCategory) && DocType.BIB.isEqualTo(docType) && DocFormat.MARC.isEqualTo(
682                 docFormat)) {
683             try {
684                 WorkBibMarcRecordProcessor recordProcessor = new WorkBibMarcRecordProcessor();
685                 solrDocs = new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder()
686                         .buildSolrInputDocuments(recordProcessor.fromXML(docContent).getRecords());
687             } catch (Exception e) {
688                 LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
689                 throw new Exception("Exception while converting given XML Document: ", e);
690             }
691         } else if (DocCategory.WORK.isEqualTo(docCategory) && DocType.BIB.isEqualTo(docType) && DocFormat.DUBLIN_CORE
692                 .isEqualTo(
693                         docFormat)) {
694             WorkBibDublinRecordProcessor processor = new WorkBibDublinRecordProcessor();
695             WorkBibDublinRecord record = processor.fromXML(docContent);
696             solrDocs = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
697             solrDocs.add(new WorkBibDublinDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocument(record));
698         } else if (DocCategory.WORK.isEqualTo(docCategory) && DocType.BIB.isEqualTo(docType) && DocFormat
699                 .DUBLIN_UNQUALIFIED.isEqualTo(docFormat)) {
700             solrDocs = new WorkBibDublinUnQualifiedDocBuilder()
701                     .buildSolrInputDocuments(new WorkBibDublinUnQualifiedRecordProcessor().fromXML(docContent));
702         } else {
703             throw new Exception("UnSupported Document Format: " + docCategory + ", " + docType + ", " + docFormat);
704         }
705         return solrDocs;
706     }
708     protected String deleteDocumentByUUID(String uuid, String category, boolean commit) {
709         String result = SUCCESS;
710         try {
711             SolrServer solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
712             solr.deleteById(uuid);
713             if (commit) {
714                 solr.commit();
715             }
716         } catch (Exception e) {
717             result = buildFailureMsg();
718             LOG.error(result, e);
719         }
720         return result;
721     }
723     protected String deleteDocumentByUUID(String uuid, String category) {
724         return deleteDocumentByUUID(uuid, category, true);
725     }
727     protected String deleteDocumentsByUUIDList(List<String> uuidList, String category, boolean commit) {
728         String result = SUCCESS;
729         try {
730             SolrServer solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
731             List<String> uuidList1 = new ArrayList<String>();
732             if (uuidList.size() > 0) {
733                 for (String id : uuidList) {
734                     if (id != null) {
735                         uuidList1.add(id);
736                     }
737                 }
738             }
739             if (uuidList1.size() > 0) {
740                 solr.deleteById(uuidList1);
741             }
742             if (commit) {
743                 solr.commit();
744             }
745         } catch (Exception e) {
746             result = buildFailureMsg();
747             LOG.error(result, e);
748         }
749         return result;
750     }
752     protected String deleteDocumentsByUUIDList(List<String> uuidsList, String category)
753             throws SolrServerException, MalformedURLException {
754         List<String> deleteUuidsList = new ArrayList<String>();
755         List<String> holdingsIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
756         List<String> itemIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
757         SolrServer solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
758         SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
759         deleteUuidsList.addAll(uuidsList);
760         for (int i = 0; i < uuidsList.size(); i++) {
761             query.setQuery("id:" + uuidsList.get(i));
762             QueryResponse response = solr.query(query);
763             LOG.debug("query-->" + query);
764             for (SolrDocument doc : response.getResults()) {
765                 LOG.debug("doc" + doc.toString());
766                 String docFormat = (String) doc.getFieldValue(DOC_FORMAT);
767                 String docType = (String) doc.getFieldValue(DOC_TYPE);
768                 if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(BIBLIOGRAPHIC)) {
769                 } else if (docType.equalsIgnoreCase(INSTANCE)) {
770                     if (doc.getFieldValue(ITEM_IDENTIFIER) instanceof List) {
771                         itemIdentifierList = (List<String>) doc.getFieldValue(ITEM_IDENTIFIER);
772                     } else {
773                         itemIdentifierList.add((String) doc.getFieldValue(ITEM_IDENTIFIER));
774                     }
775                     if (doc.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER) instanceof String) {
776                         holdingsIdentifierList.add((String) doc.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER));
777                     } else {
778                         holdingsIdentifierList = (List<String>) doc.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER);
779                     }
780                     if (holdingsIdentifierList != null && holdingsIdentifierList.size() > 0) {
781                         deleteUuidsList.addAll(holdingsIdentifierList);
782                     }
783                     if (itemIdentifierList != null && itemIdentifierList.size() > 0) {
784                         deleteUuidsList.addAll(itemIdentifierList);
786                     }
787                 }
788             }
789         }
790         return deleteDocumentsByUUIDList(deleteUuidsList, category, true);
791     }
793     @Deprecated
794     protected String buildDeleteQueryParamsForDeleteUrl(List<String> uuidList, boolean commit) {
795         StringBuffer deleteQueryBuffer = new StringBuffer("");
796         deleteQueryBuffer.append("stream.body=");
797         deleteQueryBuffer.append("<delete>");
798         for (int i = 0; i < uuidList.size(); i++) {
799             deleteQueryBuffer.append("<query>");
800             deleteQueryBuffer.append("id:");
801             deleteQueryBuffer.append(uuidList.get(i));
802             deleteQueryBuffer.append("</query>");
803         }
804         deleteQueryBuffer.append("</delete>");
805         if (commit) {
806             deleteQueryBuffer.append("&stream.body=<commit/>");
807         }
808         return deleteQueryBuffer.toString();
810     }
812     @Deprecated
813     protected String buildDeleteQuery(String uuid, String category, boolean commit) {
814         StringBuffer deleteQueryUrl = new StringBuffer("");
815         if (commit) {
816             deleteQueryUrl.append(SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrCoreURL());
817             deleteQueryUrl.append("/update?stream.body=<delete><query>id:" + uuid
818                     + "</query></delete>&stream.body=<commit/>");
819         } else {
820             deleteQueryUrl.append(SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrCoreURL());
821             deleteQueryUrl.append("/update?stream.body=<delete><query>id:" + uuid + "</query></delete>");
822         }
823         return deleteQueryUrl.toString();
824     }
826     /**
827      * @param inputURL
828      * @throws Exception
829      */
830     @Deprecated
831     protected void openConnection(URL inputURL) throws Exception {
832         HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) inputURL.openConnection();
833         urlConnection.setDoOutput(true);
834         urlConnection.connect();
835         OutputStreamWriter streamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(urlConnection.getOutputStream());
836         streamWriter.flush();
837         // Get the response from inputURL
838         BufferedReader bufferReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(urlConnection.getInputStream()));
839         String xmlResponse;
840         while ((xmlResponse = bufferReader.readLine()) != null) {
841             if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
842                 LOG.debug("XmlResponse->" + xmlResponse);
843             }
844         }
845     }
847     protected String getErrorID() {
848         return String.valueOf(new Date().getTime());
849     }
851     protected String buildFailureMsg(String id, String msg) {
852         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
853         sb.append(FAILURE).append("-ErrorID:");
854         if (null != id) {
855             sb.append(id);
856         } else {
857             sb.append(getErrorID());
858         }
859         if (null != msg) {
860             sb.append("-ErrorMsg:").append(msg);
861         }
862         return sb.toString();
863     }
865     protected String buildFailureMsg() {
866         return FAILURE + "-ErrorID:" + getErrorID();
867     }
869     public QueryResponse searchBibRecord(String docCat, String docType, String docFormat, String fieldName,
870                                          String fieldValue, String fieldList) {
871         QueryResponse response = null;
872         String result = null;
873         try {
874             String identifier_args = "(" + fieldName + ":" + fieldValue + ")";
875             String docCategory_args = "(DocCategory" + ":" + docCat + ")";
876             String docType_args = "(DocType" + ":" + docType + ")";
877             String docFormat_args = "(DocFormat" + ":" + docFormat + ")";
878             String args = identifier_args + "AND" + docCategory_args + "AND" + docType_args + "AND" + docFormat_args;
879             SolrServer solr = new HttpSolrServer(
880                     ConfigContext.getCurrentContextConfig().getProperty("docSearchURL") + "bib");
881             SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
882             query.addField(fieldList);
883             query.setQuery(args);
884             response = solr.query(query);
885         } catch (Exception e) {
886             result = buildFailureMsg();
887             LOG.error(result, e);
888         }
889         return response;
890     }
892     @Override
893     public void cleanupDiscoveryData() throws IOException, SolrServerException {
894         SolrServer server = null;
895         try {
896             server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
897         } catch (SolrServerException e) {
898             e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
899         }
900         server.deleteByQuery("*:*");
901         server.commit();
903     }
905     @Override
906     public String bind(List<RequestDocument> requestDocuments) throws Exception {
907         String result = null;
908         for (RequestDocument requestDocument : requestDocuments) {
909             result = bind(requestDocument);
910         }
911         return result;
912     }
914     @Override
915     public String bind(RequestDocument requestDocument) throws Exception {
916         List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
917         updateInstanceDocument(requestDocument, solrInputDocumentList);
918         updateBibDocument(requestDocument, solrInputDocumentList);
919"solrInputDocumentList-->" + solrInputDocumentList);
920         SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
921         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
922         UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.add(solrInputDocumentList);
923         server.commit();
924         return "success";
925     }
927     private void updateBibDocument(RequestDocument requestDocument, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList) throws Exception {
928         List<RequestDocument> linkedRequestDocuments = requestDocument.getLinkedRequestDocuments();
929         for (RequestDocument linkedRequestDocument : linkedRequestDocuments) {
930             SolrDocument bibSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(linkedRequestDocument.getUuid(),
931                     linkedRequestDocument.getType());
932             List<String> instanceIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
933             Object instanceIdentifier = bibSolrDocument.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
934             if (instanceIdentifier instanceof List) {
935                 instanceIdentifierList = (List<String>) bibSolrDocument.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
937             } else if (instanceIdentifier instanceof String) {
938                 instanceIdentifierList.add((String) instanceIdentifier);
939             }
941             instanceIdentifierList.add(requestDocument.getUuid());
942             bibSolrDocument.setField("instanceIdentifier", instanceIdentifierList);
943             solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(bibSolrDocument));
945         }
946     }
948     /**
949      * @param requestDocument
950      * @param solrInputDocumentList
951      * @throws Exception
952      * @throws
953      */
954     private void updateInstanceDocument(RequestDocument requestDocument, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList) throws Exception {
955         SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
956         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
957         solrQuery.setQuery(("id:" + requestDocument.getUuid() + " AND DocType:" + requestDocument.getType()));
958         QueryResponse response = server.query(solrQuery);
959         List<SolrDocument> solrDocumentList = response.getResults();
960         LOG.debug("response.getResults()-->" + response.getResults());
961         for (SolrDocument solrDocument : solrDocumentList) {
962             List<String> bibIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
964             //Get the BibIdentifier list and update the bibIdentifier field with the linked doc uuid's.
965             Object bibIdentifier = solrDocument.getFieldValue("bibIdentifier");
966             if (bibIdentifier instanceof List) {
967                 bibIdentifierList = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue("bibIdentifier");
969             } else if (bibIdentifier instanceof String) {
970                 bibIdentifierList.add((String) bibIdentifier);
971             }
972   "bibIdentifierList-->" + bibIdentifierList);
973             List<RequestDocument> linkedRequestDocuments = requestDocument.getLinkedRequestDocuments();
974             for (RequestDocument linkedRequestDocument : linkedRequestDocuments) {
975                 bibIdentifierList.add(linkedRequestDocument.getUuid());
976             }
977             solrDocument.setField("bibIdentifier", bibIdentifierList);
978             solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrDocument));
980             //Get the holdings identifier from the solrdoc and update bibIdentifier field in holding doc with the linked doc uuid's.
981             Object holdingsIdentifier = solrDocument.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier");
982             List<String> holdingIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
983             if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof List) {
984                 holdingIdentifierList = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier");
986             } else if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof String) {
987                 holdingIdentifierList.add((String) holdingsIdentifier);
989             }
990             SolrDocument holdingSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(holdingIdentifierList.get(0),
991                     DocType.HOLDINGS.getCode());
992             holdingSolrDocument.setField("bibIdentifier", bibIdentifierList);
993             solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(holdingSolrDocument));
995             //Get the item identifier from the solrdoc and update bibIdentifier field in item doc with the linked doc uuid's.
996             Object itemIdentifier = solrDocument.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
997             List<String> itemIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
998             if (itemIdentifier instanceof List) {
999                 itemIdentifierList = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1001             } else if (itemIdentifier instanceof String) {
1002                 itemIdentifierList.add((String) itemIdentifier);
1003             }
1005             for (String itemId : itemIdentifierList) {
1006                 SolrDocument itemSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(itemId, DocType.ITEM.getCode());
1007                 itemSolrDocument.setField("bibIdentifier", bibIdentifierList);
1008                 solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(itemSolrDocument));
1010             }
1013         }
1014     }
1017     @Override
1018     public String unbind(List<RequestDocument> requestDocuments) throws Exception {
1019         for (RequestDocument requestDocument : requestDocuments) {
1020             List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
1021             unbindFromInstanceDocument(requestDocument, solrInputDocumentList);
1022             unbindFromBibDocument(requestDocument, solrInputDocumentList);
1023   "solrInputDocumentList-->" + solrInputDocumentList);
1024             SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
1025             SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1026             UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.add(solrInputDocumentList);
1027             server.commit();
1029         }
1030         return "success";
1033     }
1035     @Override
1036     public void transferInstances(List<RequestDocument> requestDocuments) throws Exception {
1037         String destBibIdentifier = requestDocuments.get(requestDocuments.size() - 1).getUuid();
1038         List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
1039         // List<String> intanceIdentifierList=new ArrayList<String>();
1040         List<String> sourceBibUUIDList = new ArrayList<String>();
1041         List<String> instanceIdentifiersList = new ArrayList<String>();
1042         for (RequestDocument requestDocument : requestDocuments) {
1043             if (requestDocument.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("instance") && requestDocument.getFormat()
1044                     .equalsIgnoreCase("oleml")) {
1045                 instanceIdentifiersList.add(requestDocument.getUuid());
1046             }
1047         }
1048         modifyInstanceSolrDocumentForTransferInstances(instanceIdentifiersList, sourceBibUUIDList, destBibIdentifier,
1049                 solrInputDocumentList);
1050         LOG.debug("sourceBibUUIDList " + sourceBibUUIDList);
1051         LOG.debug("instanceIdentifiersList " + instanceIdentifiersList);
1052         LOG.debug("destBibIdentifier " + destBibIdentifier);
1054         modifySolrDocForSourceBibForTransferInstances(sourceBibUUIDList, instanceIdentifiersList,
1055                 solrInputDocumentList);
1056         modifySolrDocForDestBibForTransferInstances(destBibIdentifier, instanceIdentifiersList, solrInputDocumentList);
1057         SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
1058         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1059         UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.add(solrInputDocumentList);
1060         //server.commit();
1061         LOG.debug("updateResponse " + updateResponse);
1062     }
1064     private void modifyInstanceSolrDocumentForTransferInstances(List<String> instanceIdentifiersList,
1065                                                                 List<String> sourceBibUUIDList,
1066                                                                 String destBibIdentifier,
1067                                                                 List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList)
1068             throws Exception {
1069         String sourceBibIdentifier = "";
1070         String holdingsIdentifier = "";
1071         SolrDocumentList solrDocumentList = getSolrDocumentByUUIDs(instanceIdentifiersList);
1072         for (SolrDocument instanceSolrDocument : solrDocumentList) {
1073             // String instanceIdentifier = requestDocument.getUuid();
1074             // intanceIdentifierList.add(instanceIdentifier);
1075             // SolrDocument instanceSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(instanceIdentifier);
1076             sourceBibIdentifier = (String) instanceSolrDocument.getFieldValue("bibIdentifier");
1077             sourceBibUUIDList.add(sourceBibIdentifier);
1078             holdingsIdentifier = (String) instanceSolrDocument.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier");
1080             SolrDocument holdingSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(holdingsIdentifier);
1082             holdingSolrDocument.setField("bibIdentifier", destBibIdentifier);
1083             solrInputDocumentList.add(workBibMarcDocBuilder1.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(holdingSolrDocument));
1085             modifyItemSolrDocumentForTransferInstances(instanceSolrDocument, destBibIdentifier, solrInputDocumentList);
1086             instanceSolrDocument.setField("bibIdentifier", destBibIdentifier);
1087             solrInputDocumentList.add(workBibMarcDocBuilder1.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(instanceSolrDocument));
1088         }
1089     }
1091     private void modifyItemSolrDocumentForTransferInstances(SolrDocument instanceSolrDocument, String destBibIdentifier,
1092                                                             List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList)
1093             throws Exception {
1094         Object object = instanceSolrDocument.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1095         //Bib can have more than one item identifier. If there is one item identifier solr will return item identifier string. If there are more than one item identifier solr returns
1096         //list of item identifiers
1097         if (object instanceof String) {
1098             String itemIdentifier = (String) object;
1099             SolrDocument itemSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(itemIdentifier);
1100             itemSolrDocument.setField("bibIdentifier", destBibIdentifier);
1101             solrInputDocumentList.add(workBibMarcDocBuilder1.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(itemSolrDocument));
1102         } else if (object instanceof List) {
1103             List<String> itemIdentifierList = (List<String>) object;
1104             SolrDocumentList solrDocumentList = getSolrDocumentByUUIDs(itemIdentifierList);
1105             for (SolrDocument itemSolrDocument : solrDocumentList) {
1106                 itemSolrDocument.setField("bibIdentifier", destBibIdentifier);
1107                 solrInputDocumentList.add(workBibMarcDocBuilder1.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(itemSolrDocument));
1108             }
1109         }
1111     }
1113     private SolrDocumentList getSolrDocumentByUUIDs(List<String> uuids) throws Exception {
1114         String operand = "OR";
1115         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
1116         sb.append("(");
1117         for (String uuid : uuids) {
1118             sb.append("(");
1119             sb.append(uuid);
1120             sb.append(")");
1121             sb.append(operand);
1122         }
1123         String queryString = sb.substring(0, sb.length() - operand.length()) + ")";
1124         LOG.debug("queryString " + queryString);
1125         SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
1126         SolrDocument solrDocument = null;
1127         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1128         QueryResponse response = null;
1129         query.setQuery("id:" + queryString);
1130         response = server.query(query);
1131         LOG.debug("size " + response.getResults().size());
1132         SolrDocumentList solrDocumentList = response.getResults();
1133         return solrDocumentList;
1135     }
1137     private void modifySolrDocForDestBibForTransferInstances(String destBibIdentifier,
1138                                                              List<String> intanceIdentifierList,
1139                                                              List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList)
1140             throws Exception {
1142         SolrDocument destBibSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(destBibIdentifier);
1143         destBibSolrDocument.addField("instanceIdentifier", intanceIdentifierList);
1144         solrInputDocumentList.add(workBibMarcDocBuilder1.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(destBibSolrDocument));
1145     }
1147     private void modifySolrDocForSourceBibForTransferInstances(List<String> sourceBibUUIDList,
1148                                                                List<String> instanceUUIDList,
1149                                                                List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList)
1150             throws Exception {
1151         List bibIdentifierList;
1152         SolrDocumentList solrDocumentList = getSolrDocumentByUUIDs(sourceBibUUIDList);
1153         for (SolrDocument solrDocumentForSourceBib : solrDocumentList) {
1154             Object field = solrDocumentForSourceBib.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
1155             if (field instanceof String) {
1156                 String instanceIdentifier = (String) solrDocumentForSourceBib.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
1157                 solrDocumentForSourceBib.setField("instanceIdentifier", "");
1158             } else if (field instanceof List) {
1159                 bibIdentifierList = (List) solrDocumentForSourceBib.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
1160                 for (String instanceIdenfier : instanceUUIDList) {
1161                     if (bibIdentifierList.contains(instanceIdenfier)) {
1162                         bibIdentifierList.remove(instanceIdenfier);
1163                     }
1164                 }
1165                 solrDocumentForSourceBib.setField("instanceIdentifier", bibIdentifierList);
1167             }
1168             solrInputDocumentList.add(workBibMarcDocBuilder1.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrDocumentForSourceBib));
1170         }
1172     }
1174     @Override
1175     public void transferItems(List<RequestDocument> requestDocuments) throws Exception {
1176         LOG.debug("IndexerServiceImpl transferItems");
1177         List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentListFinal = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
1178         String destinationInstanceIdentifier = requestDocuments.get(requestDocuments.size() - 1).getUuid();
1179         List<String> itemUUIDList = new ArrayList<String>();
1180         List<String> sourceInstanceUUIDList = new ArrayList<String>();
1181         modifySolrDocForItem(requestDocuments, sourceInstanceUUIDList, itemUUIDList, destinationInstanceIdentifier,
1182                 solrInputDocumentListFinal);
1183         LOG.debug("sourceInstanceUUIDList " + sourceInstanceUUIDList);
1184         LOG.debug("itemUUIDList " + itemUUIDList);
1185         modifySolrDocForDestInstance(destinationInstanceIdentifier, itemUUIDList, solrInputDocumentListFinal);
1186         modifySolrDocForSourceInstance(sourceInstanceUUIDList, itemUUIDList, solrInputDocumentListFinal);
1187         LOG.debug("solrInputDocumentListFinal size " + solrInputDocumentListFinal.size());
1188         SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
1189         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1190         UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.add(solrInputDocumentListFinal);
1191         // server.commit();
1192         LOG.debug("updateResponse " + updateResponse);
1193     }
1195     @Override
1196     public String delete(List<RequestDocument> requestDocuments) throws Exception {
1197         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1198         List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
1199         SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
1200         for (RequestDocument requestDocument : requestDocuments) {
1201             if (requestDocument.getCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("work") && requestDocument.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("bibliographic")
1202                     && requestDocument.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("marc")) {
1203                 String query = "bibIdentifier:" + requestDocument.getUuid() + " OR " + "id:" + requestDocument.getUuid();
1204                 UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.deleteByQuery(query);
1205                 LOG.debug("updateResponse " + updateResponse);
1206             }
1207             if (requestDocument.getCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("work") && requestDocument.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("instance")
1208                     && requestDocument.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("oleml")) {
1209                 String query = "id:" + requestDocument.getUuid();
1210                 solrQuery.setQuery(query);
1211                 QueryResponse response = server.query(solrQuery);
1212                 List<SolrDocument> solrDocumentList = response.getResults();
1213                 List<String> deleteIdList = new ArrayList<String>();
1214                 for (SolrDocument solrDocument : solrDocumentList) {
1215                     Object holId = solrDocument.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier");
1216                     if (holId != null) {
1217                         if (holId instanceof List) {
1218                             List<String> holIdList = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier");
1219                             deleteIdList.addAll(holIdList);
1220                         } else if (holId instanceof String) {
1221                             String holdId = (String) holId;
1222                             deleteIdList.add(holdId);
1223                         }
1224                     }
1225                     Object itemId = solrDocument.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1226                     if (itemId != null) {
1227                         if (itemId instanceof List) {
1228                             List<String> itemList = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1229                             deleteIdList.addAll(itemList);
1230                         } else if (itemId instanceof String) {
1231                             String itmId = (String) itemId;
1232                             deleteIdList.add(itmId);
1233                         }
1234                     }
1235                 }
1236                 deleteIdList.add(requestDocument.getUuid());
1237                 deleteDocumentsByUUIDList(deleteIdList, "instance", true);
1238                 query = "instanceIdentifier:" + requestDocument.getUuid() + "AND" + "(DocType:bibliographic)";
1239                 solrQuery.setQuery(query);
1240                 response = server.query(solrQuery);
1241                 solrDocumentList = response.getResults();
1242                 for (SolrDocument bibSolrDocument : solrDocumentList) {
1243                     List<String> instanceIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1244                     Object instanceIdentifier = bibSolrDocument.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
1245                     if (instanceIdentifier instanceof List) {
1246                         instanceIdentifierList = (List<String>) bibSolrDocument.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
1247                         if (instanceIdentifierList.contains(requestDocument.getUuid())) {
1248                             instanceIdentifierList.remove(requestDocument.getUuid());
1249                             bibSolrDocument.setField("instanceIdentifier", instanceIdentifierList);
1250                         }
1251                     } else if (instanceIdentifier instanceof String) {
1252                         String instId = (String) instanceIdentifier;
1253                         if (instId.equalsIgnoreCase(requestDocument.getUuid())) {
1254                             instanceIdentifier = "";
1255                             bibSolrDocument.setField("instanceIdentifier", instanceIdentifier);
1256                         }
1257                     }
1258                     solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(bibSolrDocument));
1259                 }
1260                 String result = indexSolrDocuments(solrInputDocumentList, true);
1261                 if (!result.contains(SUCCESS)) {
1262                     return result;
1263                 }
1264 //                return result;
1265             }
1266             if (requestDocument.getCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("work") && requestDocument.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("item")
1267                     && requestDocument.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("oleml")) {
1268                 String query = "id:" + requestDocument.getUuid();
1269                 UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.deleteByQuery(query);
1270                 query = "itemIdentifier:" + requestDocument.getUuid();
1271                 solrQuery.setQuery(query);
1272                 QueryResponse response = server.query(solrQuery);
1273                 List<SolrDocument> solrDocumentList = response.getResults();
1274                 for (SolrDocument instanceSolrDocument : solrDocumentList) {
1275                     List<String> itemIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1276                     Object itemIdentifier = instanceSolrDocument.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1277                     if (itemIdentifier instanceof List) {
1278                         itemIdentifierList = (List<String>) instanceSolrDocument.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1279                         if (itemIdentifierList.contains(requestDocument.getUuid())) {
1280                             itemIdentifierList.remove(requestDocument.getUuid());
1281                             instanceSolrDocument.setField("itemIdentifier", itemIdentifierList);
1282                         }
1283                     } else if (itemIdentifier instanceof String) {
1284                         String itemId = (String) itemIdentifier;
1285                         if (itemId.equalsIgnoreCase(requestDocument.getUuid())) {
1286                             itemIdentifier = "";
1287                             instanceSolrDocument.setField("itemIdentifier", itemIdentifier);
1288                         }
1289                     }
1290                     solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(instanceSolrDocument));
1291                 }
1292                 String result = indexSolrDocuments(solrInputDocumentList, true);
1293                 if (!result.contains(SUCCESS)) {
1294                     return result;
1295                 }
1296 //                return result;
1297             }
1298         }
1299 //        server.commit();
1300         return "success";
1301     }
1304     @Override
1305     public String delete(RequestDocument requestDocument) throws Exception {
1306         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1307         List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
1308         SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
1309         Date date = new Date();
1310         if (requestDocument.getCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("work") && requestDocument.getType()
1311                 .equalsIgnoreCase("bibliographic")
1312                 && requestDocument.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("marc")) {
1313             String query = "(bibIdentifier:" + requestDocument.getUuid() + ") OR (DocType:" + requestDocument.getType()
1314                     + " AND id:" + requestDocument.getUuid() + ")";
1315   "query-->" + query);
1316             UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.deleteByQuery(query);
1317   "updateResponse " + updateResponse);
1318             // save deleted  Bibliographic with Bibliographic_delete
1319             String newId = requestDocument.getUuid() + "_d";
1320             SolrInputDocument solrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
1321             solrInputDocument.setField("DocType", "bibliographic_delete");
1322             solrInputDocument.setField("dateUpdated", date);
1323             solrInputDocument.setField("uniqueId", newId);
1324             solrInputDocument.setField("id", newId);
1325             solrInputDocument.setField("LocalId_display", DocumentLocalId.getDocumentIdDisplay(requestDocument.getUuid()));
1326             UpdateResponse updateResponseForBib = server.add(solrInputDocument);
1327             LOG.debug("updateResponse " + updateResponseForBib);
1328         }
1329         if (requestDocument.getCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("work") && requestDocument.getType()
1330                 .equalsIgnoreCase("bibliographic")
1331                 && requestDocument.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("dublinunq")) {
1332             String query = "(bibIdentifier:" + requestDocument.getUuid() + ") OR (DocType:" + requestDocument.getType()
1333                     + " AND id:" + requestDocument.getUuid() + ")";
1334   "query-->" + query);
1335             UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.deleteByQuery(query);
1336   "updateResponse " + updateResponse);
1337         }
1339         if (requestDocument.getCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("work") && requestDocument.getType()
1340                 .equalsIgnoreCase("instance")
1341                 && requestDocument.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("oleml")) {
1342             String query = "(instanceIdentifier:" + requestDocument.getUuid() + " AND DocFormat:" + requestDocument
1343                     .getFormat() + ")";
1344   "query-->" + query);
1345             UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.deleteByQuery(query);
1346             query = "(id:" + requestDocument.getUuid() + " AND DocType:" + requestDocument.getType() + ")";
1347             server.deleteByQuery(query);
1348             query = "instanceIdentifier:" + requestDocument.getUuid() + " AND " + "(DocType:bibliographic)";
1349             solrQuery.setQuery(query);
1350             QueryResponse response = server.query(solrQuery);
1351             List<SolrDocument> solrDocumentList = response.getResults();
1352             for (SolrDocument bibSolrDocument : solrDocumentList) {
1353                 List<String> instanceIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1354                 Object instanceIdentifier = bibSolrDocument.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
1355                 if (instanceIdentifier instanceof List) {
1356                     instanceIdentifierList = (List<String>) bibSolrDocument.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
1357                     if (instanceIdentifierList.contains(requestDocument.getUuid())) {
1358                         instanceIdentifierList.remove(requestDocument.getUuid());
1359                         bibSolrDocument.setField("instanceIdentifier", instanceIdentifierList);
1360                     }
1361                 } else if (instanceIdentifier instanceof String) {
1362                     String instId = (String) instanceIdentifier;
1363                     if (instId.equalsIgnoreCase(requestDocument.getUuid())) {
1364                         bibSolrDocument.removeFields("instanceIdentifier");
1365                     }
1366                 }
1367                 bibSolrDocument.setField("dateUpdated", date);
1368                 solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(bibSolrDocument));
1369             }
1370             String result = indexSolrDocuments(solrInputDocumentList, true);
1371             if (!result.contains(SUCCESS)) {
1372                 return result;
1373             }
1374         }
1375         if (requestDocument.getCategory().equalsIgnoreCase("work") && requestDocument.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("item")
1376                 && requestDocument.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("oleml")) {
1377             String query = "id:" + requestDocument.getUuid();
1378             UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.deleteByQuery(query);
1379             query = "itemIdentifier:" + requestDocument.getUuid();
1380             solrQuery.setQuery(query);
1381             QueryResponse response = server.query(solrQuery);
1382             List<SolrDocument> solrDocumentList = response.getResults();
1383             for (SolrDocument instanceSolrDocument : solrDocumentList) {
1384                 List<String> itemIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1385                 Object itemIdentifier = instanceSolrDocument.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1386                 if (itemIdentifier instanceof List) {
1387                     itemIdentifierList = (List<String>) instanceSolrDocument.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1388                     if (itemIdentifierList.contains(requestDocument.getUuid())) {
1389                         itemIdentifierList.remove(requestDocument.getUuid());
1390                         instanceSolrDocument.setField("itemIdentifier", itemIdentifierList);
1391                     }
1392                 } else if (itemIdentifier instanceof String) {
1393                     String itemId = (String) itemIdentifier;
1394                     if (itemId.equalsIgnoreCase(requestDocument.getUuid())) {
1395                         itemIdentifier = "";
1396                         instanceSolrDocument.setField("itemIdentifier", itemIdentifier);
1397                     }
1398                 }
1399                 solrInputDocumentList
1400                         .add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(instanceSolrDocument));
1401             }
1402             query = "id:" + requestDocument.getUuid();
1403             solrQuery.setQuery(query);
1404             response = server.query(solrQuery);
1405             List<SolrDocument> solrDocuments = response.getResults();
1406             String bibId = "";
1407             if(solrDocuments != null && solrDocuments.size() > 0) {
1408                 SolrDocument itemDoc = solrDocuments.get(0);
1409                 Object bibIdentifier = itemDoc.getFieldValue("bibIdentifier");
1410                 if (bibIdentifier instanceof List) {
1411                     List<String> bibIds = (List) bibIdentifier;
1412                     bibId = bibIds.get(0);
1413                 }
1414                 else {
1415                     bibId = (String) bibIdentifier;
1416                 }
1417             }
1418             if(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(bibId)) {
1419                 query = "id:" + bibId;
1420                 solrQuery.setQuery(query);
1421                 response = server.query(solrQuery);
1422                 List<SolrDocument> bibSolrDocumentList = response.getResults();
1423                 for(SolrDocument bibSolrDocument : bibSolrDocumentList) {
1424                     bibSolrDocument.setField("dateUpdated", date);
1425                     solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(bibSolrDocument));
1426                 }
1427             }
1428             String result = indexSolrDocuments(solrInputDocumentList, true);
1429             if (!result.contains(SUCCESS)) {
1430                 return result;
1431             }
1432             //                return result;
1434         }
1435         return "success";
1437     }
1439     private void modifySolrDocForSourceInstance(List<String> sourceInstanceUUIDList, List<String> itemUUIDList,
1440                                                 List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentListFinal) throws Exception {
1442         List itemIdentifierList = new ArrayList();
1443         for (String sourceInstanceIdentifier : sourceInstanceUUIDList) {
1444             SolrDocument solrDocumentForSourceInstance = getSolrDocumentByUUID(sourceInstanceIdentifier);
1445             Object field = solrDocumentForSourceInstance.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1446             if (field instanceof String) {
1447                 String instanceIdentifier = (String) solrDocumentForSourceInstance.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1448                 itemIdentifierList.add(instanceIdentifier);
1449             } else if (field instanceof List) {
1450                 itemIdentifierList = (List) solrDocumentForSourceInstance.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1451             }
1452             for (String itemIdenfier : itemUUIDList) {
1453                 if (itemIdentifierList.contains(itemIdenfier)) {
1454                     itemIdentifierList.remove(itemIdenfier);
1455                 }
1456             }
1457             solrDocumentForSourceInstance.setField("itemIdentifier", itemIdentifierList);
1458             String holdingsIdentifier = (String) solrDocumentForSourceInstance.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier");
1459             SolrDocument solrDocumentForHoldingsIdentifier = getSolrDocumentByUUID(holdingsIdentifier);
1460             solrDocumentForHoldingsIdentifier.setField("itemIdentifier", itemIdentifierList);
1461             solrInputDocumentListFinal
1462                     .add(workBibMarcDocBuilder1.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrDocumentForSourceInstance));
1463             solrInputDocumentListFinal
1464                     .add(workBibMarcDocBuilder1.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrDocumentForHoldingsIdentifier));
1465         }
1467     }
1469     private void modifySolrDocForDestInstance(String destInstanceIdentifier, List<String> itemUUIDList,
1470                                               List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentListFinal) throws Exception {
1472         SolrDocument solrDocumentForDestinationInstance = getSolrDocumentByUUID(destInstanceIdentifier);
1473         solrDocumentForDestinationInstance.addField("itemIdentifier", itemUUIDList);
1474         String holdingsIdentifier = (String) solrDocumentForDestinationInstance.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier");
1475         SolrDocument solrDocumentForHoldingsIdentifier = getSolrDocumentByUUID(holdingsIdentifier);
1476         solrDocumentForHoldingsIdentifier.addField("itemIdentifier", itemUUIDList);
1477         solrInputDocumentListFinal
1478                 .add(workBibMarcDocBuilder1.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrDocumentForDestinationInstance));
1479         solrInputDocumentListFinal
1480                 .add(workBibMarcDocBuilder1.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrDocumentForHoldingsIdentifier));
1482     }
1484     private void modifySolrDocForItem(List<RequestDocument> requestDocuments, List<String> sourceInstanceUUIDList,
1485                                       List<String> itemUUIDList, String destInstanceIdentifier,
1486                                       List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentListFinal) throws Exception {
1487         // List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
1488         SolrDocument solrDocumentForDestinationInstance = getSolrDocumentByUUID(destInstanceIdentifier);
1490         for (RequestDocument requestDocument : requestDocuments) {
1491             if (requestDocument.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("item") && requestDocument.getFormat()
1492                     .equalsIgnoreCase("oleml")) {
1493                 String itemUUID = requestDocument.getUuid();
1494                 SolrDocument solrDocumentForItem = getSolrDocumentByUUID(itemUUID);
1495                 String sourceInstanceUUID = (String) solrDocumentForItem.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
1496                 sourceInstanceUUIDList.add(sourceInstanceUUID);
1497                 solrDocumentForItem.setField("holdingsIdentifier",
1498                         solrDocumentForDestinationInstance.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier"));
1499                 solrDocumentForItem
1500                         .setField("bibIdentifier", solrDocumentForDestinationInstance.getFieldValue("bibIdentifier"));
1501                 solrDocumentForItem
1502                         .setField("instanceIdentifier", solrDocumentForDestinationInstance.getFieldValue("id"));
1503                 itemUUIDList.add(itemUUID);
1504                 solrInputDocumentListFinal
1505                         .add(workBibMarcDocBuilder1.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrDocumentForItem));
1506             }
1507         }
1508     }
1510     private void unbindFromInstanceDocument(RequestDocument requestDocument, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList) throws Exception {
1512         SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
1513         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1514         solrQuery.setQuery("id:" + requestDocument.getUuid());
1515         QueryResponse response = server.query(solrQuery);
1516         List<SolrDocument> solrDocumentList = response.getResults();
1517         LOG.debug("response.getResults()-->" + response.getResults());
1518         for (SolrDocument solrDocument : solrDocumentList) {
1519             List<String> bibIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1521             //Get the BibIdentifier list and update the bibIdentifier field with the linked doc uuid's.
1522             Object bibIdentifier = solrDocument.getFieldValue("bibIdentifier");
1523             if (bibIdentifier instanceof List) {
1524                 bibIdentifierList = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue("bibIdentifier");
1526             } else if (bibIdentifier instanceof String) {
1527                 bibIdentifierList.add((String) bibIdentifier);
1528             }
1529   "bibIdentifierList before remove-->" + bibIdentifierList);
1530             List<RequestDocument> linkedRequestDocuments = requestDocument.getLinkedRequestDocuments();
1531             for (RequestDocument linkedRequestDocument : linkedRequestDocuments) {
1532                 if (bibIdentifierList.contains(linkedRequestDocument.getUuid())) {
1533                     bibIdentifierList.remove(linkedRequestDocument.getUuid());
1534                 }
1536             }
1537   "bibIdentifierList after remove-->" + bibIdentifierList);
1538             solrDocument.setField("bibIdentifier", bibIdentifierList);
1539             solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrDocument));
1541             //Get the holdings identifier from the solrdoc and update bibIdentifier field in holding doc with the linked doc uuid's.
1542             Object holdingsIdentifier = solrDocument.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier");
1543             List<String> holdingIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1544             if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof List) {
1545                 holdingIdentifierList = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier");
1547             } else if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof String) {
1548                 holdingIdentifierList.add((String) holdingsIdentifier);
1550             }
1552             SolrDocument holdingSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(holdingIdentifierList.get(0));
1553             holdingSolrDocument.setField("bibIdentifier", bibIdentifierList);
1554             solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(holdingSolrDocument));
1556             //Get the item identifier from the solrdoc and update bibIdentifier field in item doc with the linked doc uuid's.
1557             Object itemIdentifier = solrDocument.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1558             List<String> itemIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1559             if (itemIdentifier instanceof List) {
1560                 itemIdentifierList = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue("itemIdentifier");
1562             } else if (itemIdentifier instanceof String) {
1563                 itemIdentifierList.add((String) itemIdentifier);
1564             }
1566             for (String itemId : itemIdentifierList) {
1567                 SolrDocument itemSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(itemId);
1568                 itemSolrDocument.setField("bibIdentifier", bibIdentifierList);
1569                 solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(itemSolrDocument));
1571             }
1574         }
1577     }
1579     private void unbindFromBibDocument(RequestDocument requestDocument, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList) throws Exception {
1580         List<RequestDocument> linkedRequestDocuments = requestDocument.getLinkedRequestDocuments();
1581         for (RequestDocument linkedRequestDocument : linkedRequestDocuments) {
1582             SolrDocument bibSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(linkedRequestDocument.getUuid());
1583             List<String> instanceIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1584             Object instanceIdentifier = bibSolrDocument.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
1585             if (instanceIdentifier instanceof List) {
1586                 instanceIdentifierList = (List<String>) bibSolrDocument.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier");
1588             } else if (instanceIdentifier instanceof String) {
1589                 instanceIdentifierList.add((String) instanceIdentifier);
1590             }
1591   "instanceIdentifierList before remove-->" + instanceIdentifierList);
1592             if (instanceIdentifierList.contains(requestDocument.getUuid())) {
1593                 instanceIdentifierList.remove(requestDocument.getUuid());
1594             }
1595   "instanceIdentifierList after remove-->" + instanceIdentifierList);
1596             bibSolrDocument.setField("instanceIdentifier", instanceIdentifierList);
1597             solrInputDocumentList.add(new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder().buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(bibSolrDocument));
1599         }
1601     }
1604     private SolrDocument getSolrDocumentByUUID(String identifier) throws Exception {
1605         SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
1606         SolrDocument solrDocument = null;
1607         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1608         QueryResponse response = null;
1609         query.setQuery("id:" + identifier);
1610         response = server.query(query);
1611         solrDocument = response.getResults().get(0);
1612         return solrDocument;
1613     }
1615     private SolrDocument getSolrDocumentByUUID(String identifier, String docType) throws Exception {
1616         SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery();
1617         SolrDocument solrDocument = null;
1618         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1619         QueryResponse response = null;
1620         query.setQuery(("id:" + identifier + " AND " + "DocType:" + docType));
1621         response = server.query(query);
1622         solrDocument = response.getResults().get(0);
1623         return solrDocument;
1624     }
1625 }