The E-Instance / E-Holdings Editor are intended to support electronic resources. The E-Holdings (also called E-Instance) stands on its own; it does not have any associated item records. Instead, it combines some information from both OLE holdings and item records into a single record and adds other fields that are useful for managing electronic resources. A bibliographic record may have zero, one, or many E-Holdings records associated with and subordinate to it, in addition to OLE Instances. An E-Instance can also be linked to an E-Resource record to represent its participation in a larger electronic resource package. E-Instances can be created automatically when bibliographic records are imported or manually using the E-Holdings editor.

A user can create E-Instance records to store and view data about individual titles that make up an E-Resource purchase. The E-Instance record stores data that is unique to the title level, such as URL, coverage dates, and post-cancellation access dates. The E-Instance also inherits data from its parent E-Resource record. In some cases, however, this inherited data could vary and will require customization at the E-Instance level.

Because E-Instance records do not exist independently within OLE but are always linked to bibliographic records, the E-Holding Editor is most often invoked from the display of a particular bibliographic record.  However, it is possible to search E-Holdings records separately from bibliographic records, and thus invoke the E-Holdings Editor that way.  The E-Holdings Editor is not directly accessible from the OLE main menu.

Users may create an E-Instance from two different locations.

Navigation among the Bibliographic record, OLE Instances (holdings and items) and E-Instances is done by means of the links provided in the left pane. For a given bibliographic record, this menu will appear on the Bibliographic Editor screen, the Instance Editor (Holdings) screen, the Instance Editor (Item) screen, and the E-Holdings Editor screen. The complete list of holdings, items, and E-Instances associated with the bibliographic record is always available from the left pane regardless of which screen you are viewing

In the left pane, an E-Instance record is shown at the same level as a holdings record. It is identified by Location and E-Resource name elements in the E-Instance record. Not all of these data elements may be present. If neither of them are present, the E-Instance record will be identified by the word “E-Holdings” in the left pane until you add a Location or link it to an E-Resource and save it by clicking on the “Save” button.

Click the second top level plus sign to attach a new E-Instance E-Holdings record to a bibliographic record in the Bib/Instance Editor. Hover over either of the two "+" signs to see a pop-up note identifying which creates an Instance verses an E-Instance. When creating a new E-Instance, the ‘E-Holdings’ label will appear in the left pane after clicking Save if you do not add a Location field and the E-Instance is not linked to an E-Resource.

Right click on the call number to delete an Instance or E-Instance record or add an item record.

If you delete the E-Instance, it will be removed immediately without requiring any confirmation. You can also select the E-Instance in the left pane and click the Delete button in the E-Holdings Editor. This will also delete the E-Instance immediately without requiring confirmation.

Click the top level to delete the current bibliographic record. You will be asked to confirm that you actually want to delete the record before you may proceed. If you do not wish to delete the record, click on “Cancel”; you will then be returned to the OLE Describe menu instead of the record you have been working on.


Although you will still be viewing the E-Instance in the editor, if you navigate away from it you will find it has been fully deleted.


In future releases, you will receive an error message if you attempt to delete an EInstance that is linked to a PO.

You can hide the entire left pane from the screen display by clicking on the "Collapse Navigation" command at the top of the pane. To restore the left pane, click on the double right arrows (>>).

The E-Holdings ID is a system generated identification number.

The E-Instance E-Holdings record includes these tabs -- Overview, Location Information, Call Number Information, Extent of Ownership, Relationships, Acquisition Information, Access Information, License Details, and Note.

The Overview tab contains a summary of critical information about the E-Holding.

Overview tab definition



Access Status

Required. Defines whether the electronic resource has content that can currently be accessed by users. Defaults to active.

Status Date

System generated and display only. Displays the date that the Access Status was last modified and saved.

Staff Only

Staff only indicator. Check to keep the E-Instance from being displayed in the public view.


The name of the electronic title’s imprint. For example "Academic Press." In a future release, this will link to an existing Organization record in OLE.


The ISSN of the electronic title. Must be formatted as XXXX-XXXX.


The name of the electronic title’s platform. For example "JSTOR." In a future release, this will link to an existing Platform record in OLE.


The name of the electronic title’s publisher. For example "Elsevier". In a future release, this will link to an existing Organization record in OLE.

Statistical Code

Locally defined value to be used in searching for/limiting searches for items and for statistical reporting. Possible values for this field are the same as for the item record Statistical Searching Code.


If no Statistical Code has been set on the E-Instance and the E-Instance is tied to an E-Resource, the Statistical Code set on the E-Resource will display here.

The Location Information tab includes locations set up at each institution to describe where a resource is available or otherwise categorize it for searching / reporting / display purposes.

Location Information tab definition




Select the location from the drop down list.

Begin typing and a list of options will appear. Enter “*” (asterisk) to display the complete list.

The Call Number Information tab contains the call number, classification, and shelving scheme for the E-Holdings.

Call Number Information tab definition




Term that precedes a call number.

Shelving Order

A system-generated version of the call number that OLE uses for call number sorting. Because of the complexity of call numbers, in rare cases it may not be generated correctly to provide for proper sorting, so catalogers can edit it in order to change the sort order.

Call Number

The full call number, not subfielded. Click to open Call Number Browse


For more information on the interface, see Call Number Browse

Call Number Type

Scheme used to shelve a bibliographic item in the collections of the reporting organization. Select the Call Number Type from the drop down.

The Extent of Ownership tab contains the coverage and perpetual access start and end dates and issues for institutions. It is stored as specific dates, volumes, and issues, rather than as textual summary holdings, to allow for data that could be utilized by a link resolver in the future. There can be multiple Coverage dates and multiple Perpetual Access dates for a single E-Instance.

Click to add Coverage or Perpetual Access lines. Click Remove to remove an existing Coverage or Perpetual Access line.

Extent of Ownership tab: Coverage and Perpetual Access definitions



Start Date

Start date of electronic coverage / perpetual access. This must be specified as DD/MM/YY. This is pulled from the E-Resource record but can be modified.

Relative Date Format

If an approximate date is needed instead of a fixed date, enter a relative, rolling date. The format needs to be written as one of the following:

x calendar years ago (for example: 2 calendar years ago)

1 day/week/month/year ago (for example: 1 month ago)

x days/weeks/months/years ago (for example: 2 weeks ago)

Start Volume

Start volume of electronic coverage / perpetual access. This is pulled from the E-Resource record but can be modified.

Start Issue

Start issue of electronic coverage / perpetual access. This is pulled from the E-Resource record but can be modified.

End Date

End date of electronic access / perpetual access. This must be specified as DD/MM/YY. This is pulled from the E-Resource record but can be modified.

Relative Date Format

If an approximate date is needed instead of a fixed date, enter a relative, rolling date. The format needs to be written as one of the following:

x calendar years ago (for example: 2 calendar years ago)

1 day/week/month/year ago (for example: 1 month ago)

x days/weeks/months/years ago (for example: 2 weeks ago)

End Volume

End volume of electronic coverage / perpetual access. This is pulled from the E-Resource record but can be modified.

End Issue

End issue of electronic coverage / perpetual access. This is pulled from the E-Resource record but can be modified.

The Acquisition Information tab contains the relevant purchasing information from the Purchase Order and Invoice. Additionally the Acquisition Information tab contains information about any donors. Remember, you must click to add donor information.

Acquisition Information tab definition



Subscription Status

Current subscription status of the electronic resource. Locally configurable.

PO Number(s)

Display-only. ID of the purchase order(s) to which the E-Instance is linked.

Order Type

Display-only from the PO(s). Order type of the purchase order(s) to which the E-Instance is linked. For example "subscription" or "one-time purchase".

Order Format

Display-only from the PO(s). Format of the current purchase order(s) to which the E-instance is linked.

Payment Status

Display-only from the Invoice. If a current FY payment has been made, status will be Paid; if no current FY payment, status will be Not Paid


Display-only from the PO(s). The vendor of the electronic resource.

Current FY Cost

Display-only from the Invoice. The sum total of the current year's payment for the electronic resource.

Fund Code

Display-only from the Invoice. The account number for the electronic resource.

Donor Code

The Code of the donor. Enter the code or search for it from the lookup .

Donor Public Display

A free-text, editable note regarding the donor of a particular electronic resource, to be used in the library’s discover layer (OPAC).

Donor Note

A free-text, editable note regarding the donor of a particular electronic resource to be used by library staff only.  Example: gifts

The Access Information tab contains all information about accessing the electronic title including the links, user names and passwords.

Access Information tab definition



No. of Simultaneous Users

The number of users who can simultaneously access the electronic resource at one time. This is pulled from the E-Resource record but can be modified.

Access Location

The institutional location(s) where the electronic resource may be accessed. Select a locally configured option(s) from the drop down list. This is pulled from the E-Resource record but can be modified.

Access Username

The user name to use to access the electronic resource, if necessary. This is pulled from the E-Resource record but can be modified.

Access Password

The password to use to access the electronic resource, if necessary. This is pulled from the E-Resource record but can be modified.

Authentication Type

The type of Authentication needed for the electronic resource. Select the type from the drop down list. This is pulled from the E-Resource record but can be modified.

Persistent Link

The locally assigned persistent URL for the electronic resource.

Admin Username

The administrative user name used to access the platform portal to manage the electronic resource.

Admin Password

The administrative password used to access the platform portal to manage the electronic resource.

Admin URL

The administrative URL to access the platform portal to manage the electronic resource. This is site users would go to enter their IP ranges, input their link-resolver URL, manage the look and feel of the platform for their users, gather usage stats, etc.


Check the box if access to the electronic resource is proxied.


The URL for users to access the electronic resource.

Link Text

Publicly displayable information aside from coverage statement associated with a specific link. For example "PDF version".

The Note tab contains public and nonpublic notes that apply to the E-Instance record.

Click to add notes.

Click remove to remove existing notes.

Note tab definition




Select public or Non-Public from the drop down list to determine whether the note will be viewable from the discovery layer.


A free-text field to record information about this E-Instance.

Adding a New E-Instance to an Existing Bibliographic Description

Editing an Existing E-Instance

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