View Javadoc
1   package org.kuali.ole.docstore.engine.service.index.solr;
3   import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
4   import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
5   import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
6   import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer;
7   import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
8   import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse;
9   import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.UpdateResponse;
10  import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
11  import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
12  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.OleException;
13  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.*;
14  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.config.DocumentSearchConfig;
15  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.content.bib.marc.*;
16  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.content.bib.marc.xstream.BibMarcRecordProcessor;
17  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.exception.DocstoreIndexException;
18  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.util.ReindexBatchStatistics;
19  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.discovery.service.SolrServerManager;
20  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.indexer.solr.DocumentLocalId;
21  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocCategory;
22  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocFormat;
23  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocType;
24  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.utility.ISBNUtil;
25  import org.kuali.ole.utility.Constants;
26  import org.slf4j.Logger;
27  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
28  import org.springframework.util.StopWatch;
30  import;
31  import java.text.DateFormat;
32  import java.text.Normalizer;
33  import java.text.ParseException;
34  import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
35  import java.util.*;
36  import java.util.regex.Matcher;
37  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
39  /**
40   * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
41   * User: sambasivam
42   * Date: 12/17/13
43   * Time: 4:58 PM
44   * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
45   */
46  public class BibMarcIndexer extends DocstoreSolrIndexService implements BibConstants {
49  //    public static Map<String, String> FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_INCLUDE_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>();
50  //    public static Map<String, String> FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_EXCLUDE_MAP = new HashMap<String, String>();
51      private static final String SEPERATOR_DATA_FIELD = ", ";
52      private static final String SEPERATOR_SUB_FIELD = " ";
53      private static final String PATTERN_CHAR = "*";
54      private static final String SEPERATOR_HYPHEN = " - ";
55      private static final String SEPERATOR_DOUBLE_HYPHEN = " -- ";
56      private static final String DYNAMIC_FIELD_PREFIX = "mdf_";
57      private static final String BIB_IDENTIFIER  = "bibIdentifier";
58      private static final String HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER  = "holdingsIdentifier";
59      private static final String ITEM_IDENTIFIER  = "itemIdentifier";
60      private String publicationDateRegex = "[0-9]{4}";
61      private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory
62              .getLogger(BibMarcIndexer.class);
64      private static BibMarcIndexer bibMarcIndexer = null;
66      public static BibMarcRecordProcessor recordProcessor = new BibMarcRecordProcessor();
67      private static DocumentSearchConfig documentSearchConfig = null;
69  //    static {
70  //        DocumentSearchConfig.getDocumentSearchConfig();
71  //        FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_INCLUDE_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(DocumentSearchConfig.FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_INCLUDE_MAP);
72  //        FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_EXCLUDE_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(DocumentSearchConfig.FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_EXCLUDE_MAP);
73  //    }
75      public static BibMarcIndexer getInstance() {
76          if (bibMarcIndexer == null) {
77              bibMarcIndexer = new BibMarcIndexer();
78          }
79          documentSearchConfig = DocumentSearchConfig.getDocumentSearchConfig();
80          return bibMarcIndexer;
81      }
84      @Override
85      public void createTree(Object object) {
86          List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments = new ArrayList<>();
87          buildSolrDocsForBibTree((BibTree) object, solrInputDocuments);
88          indexSolrDocuments(solrInputDocuments, true);
89      }
91      /**
92       *  Build Solr input document for bib tree
93       * @param bibTree
94       * @param solrInputDocuments
95       */
96      private void buildSolrDocsForBibTree(BibTree bibTree, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments) {
97          Bib bib = bibTree.getBib();
98          if (bib.getId() != null && bib.getId().contains("wbm")) {
99              BibMarcRecords bibMarcRecords = recordProcessor.fromXML(bib.getContent());
100             SolrInputDocument bibSolrDoc = buildSolrInputDocument(bibMarcRecords.getRecords().get(0));
101             setCommonFields(bib, bibSolrDoc);
102             solrInputDocuments.add(bibSolrDoc);
103             for (HoldingsTree holdingsTree : bibTree.getHoldingsTrees()) {
104                 buildSolrDocsForHoldingsTree(solrInputDocuments, bib, bibSolrDoc, holdingsTree);
105             }
106         }
107     }
110     /**
111      * Building Holdings Tree  Solr document
112      *
113      * @param solrInputDocuments
114      * @param bib
115      * @param bibSolrDoc
116      * @param holdingsTree
117      */
118     private void buildSolrDocsForHoldingsTree(List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments, Bib bib, SolrInputDocument bibSolrDoc, HoldingsTree holdingsTree) {
119         if (holdingsTree.getHoldings() != null) {
120             HoldingsOlemlIndexer holdingsOlemlIndexer = HoldingsOlemlIndexer.getInstance();
121             if (holdingsTree.getHoldings().getContent() != null || holdingsTree.getHoldings().getContentObject() != null) {
122                 SolrInputDocument holdingsSolrInputDoc = holdingsOlemlIndexer.getSolrInputFieldsForHoldings(holdingsTree.getHoldings());
123                 linkHoldingsWithBib(bibSolrDoc, holdingsSolrInputDoc,bib.getId(),solrInputDocuments,holdingsTree.getHoldings().getId());
124                 holdingsSolrInputDoc.addField(BIB_IDENTIFIER, bib.getId());
125                 List<Item> itemDocuments = holdingsTree.getItems();
126                 List<String> itemIds = new ArrayList<String>();
127                 holdingsSolrInputDoc.addField(ITEM_IDENTIFIER, itemIds);
128                 ItemOlemlIndexer itemOlemlIndexer = ItemOlemlIndexer.getInstance();
129                 for (Item itemDocument : itemDocuments) {
130                     itemIds.add(itemDocument.getId());
131                     SolrInputDocument itemSolrInputDoc = itemOlemlIndexer.getSolrInputFieldsForItem(itemDocument);
132                     itemSolrInputDoc.addField(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER, holdingsTree.getHoldings().getId());
133                     itemSolrInputDoc.addField(BIB_IDENTIFIER, bib.getId());
134                     addBibInfoForHoldingsOrItems(itemSolrInputDoc, holdingsSolrInputDoc);
135                     addHoldingsInfoToItem(itemSolrInputDoc, holdingsSolrInputDoc);
136                     solrInputDocuments.add(itemSolrInputDoc);
137                 }
139                 solrInputDocuments.add(holdingsSolrInputDoc);
140             } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(holdingsTree.getHoldings().getId())) {
141                 bibSolrDoc.addField(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER, "who-" + holdingsTree.getHoldings().getId());
142             }
143         }
144     }
146     private void linkHoldingsWithBib(SolrInputDocument bibSolrDoc,SolrInputDocument holdingsSolrInputDoc,String bibId,List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments,String holdingsId ){
147         if (bibSolrDoc == null) {
148             SolrDocument bibSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(bibId);
149             bibSolrDoc = buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(bibSolrDocument);
150             solrInputDocuments.add(bibSolrDoc);
151         }
152         bibSolrDoc.addField(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER, holdingsId);
153         addBibInfoForHoldingsOrItems(holdingsSolrInputDoc, bibSolrDoc);
154     }
156     @Override
157     public void createTrees(Object object) {
158         BibTrees bibTreesObj = (BibTrees) object;
159         List<BibTree> bibTrees = bibTreesObj.getBibTrees();
160         List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments = new ArrayList<>();
161         for (BibTree bibTree : bibTrees) {
162             buildSolrDocsForBibTree(bibTree, solrInputDocuments);
163         }
165         indexSolrDocuments(solrInputDocuments, true);
166     }
168     /**
169      * process Bib Trees and commit once to solr.
170      * Delete documents and commit once
171      *
172      * @param bibTrees
173      */
174     @Override
175     public void processBibTrees(BibTrees bibTrees) {
176         List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments = new ArrayList<>();
177         List<String> idsToDelete = new ArrayList<>();
178         for (BibTree bibTree : bibTrees.getBibTrees()) {
179             processBibTree(bibTree, solrInputDocuments, idsToDelete);
180         }
181"Solr Input Documents Size : " + solrInputDocuments.size());
182         indexAndDelete(solrInputDocuments, idsToDelete, true);
183     }
185     /**
186      * Process Bib tree
187      * @param bibTree
188      * @param solrInputDocuments
189      * @param idsToDelete
190      */
191     private void processBibTree(BibTree bibTree, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments, List<String> idsToDelete) {
192         Bib bib = bibTree.getBib();
193         if (null != bib) {
194             SolrInputDocument bibSolrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
195             if (Bib.ResultType.SUCCESS.equals(bib.getResult())) {
196                 if (bib.getId() != null) {
197                     if (Bib.OperationType.CREATE.equals(bib.getOperation())) {
198                         createBibTreeDocforSolr(bibTree, solrInputDocuments);
199                     } else if (Bib.OperationType.UPDATE.equals(bib.getOperation())) {
200                         updateBibDocument(bib, solrInputDocuments, bibSolrInputDocument);
201                         processHoldingsTrees(bibTree.getHoldingsTrees(), bibSolrInputDocument, solrInputDocuments, idsToDelete);
202                     } else if (Bib.OperationType.DELETE.equals(bib.getOperation())) {
203                         idsToDelete.add(bib.getId());
204                     }
205                 }
206             } else if (bib.getOperation() == null || StringUtils.isBlank(bib.getOperation().name())) {
207                 processHoldingsTrees(bibTree.getHoldingsTrees(), bibSolrInputDocument, solrInputDocuments, idsToDelete);
208             }
209         }
210     }
212     /**
213      *
214      * @param bibTree
215      * @param solrInputDocuments
216      */
217     private void createBibTreeDocforSolr(BibTree bibTree, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments) {
218         buildSolrDocsForBibTree(bibTree, solrInputDocuments);
219     }
221     /**
222      *
223      * @param holdingsTrees
224      * @param bibSolrInputDocument
225      * @param solrInputDocuments
226      * @param idsToDelete
227      */
228     private void processHoldingsTrees(List<HoldingsTree> holdingsTrees, SolrInputDocument bibSolrInputDocument, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments, List<String> idsToDelete) {
229         for (HoldingsTree holdingsTree : holdingsTrees) {
230             processHoldingsTree(holdingsTree, bibSolrInputDocument, solrInputDocuments, idsToDelete);
231         }
232     }
235     /**
236      * Proocess Holdings Tree and add Holdings tree  to solr input documents
237      *
238      * @param holdingsTree
239      * @param bibSolrInputDocument
240      * @param solrInputDocuments
241      * @param idsToDelete          *
242      */
243     private void processHoldingsTree(HoldingsTree holdingsTree, SolrInputDocument bibSolrInputDocument, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments, List<String> idsToDelete) {
244         HoldingsOlemlIndexer holdingsOlemlIndexer = HoldingsOlemlIndexer.getInstance();
245         Holdings holdings = holdingsTree.getHoldings();
246         SolrInputDocument holdingsSolrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
248         if (Holdings.ResultType.SUCCESS.equals(holdings.getResult())) {
249             if (holdings.getId() != null) {
250                 if (Holdings.OperationType.CREATE.equals(holdings.getOperation())) {
251                     Bib bib = holdings.getBib();
252                     if (null != bib && null != bib.getId()) {
253                         buildSolrDocsForHoldingsTree(solrInputDocuments, bib, bibSolrInputDocument, holdingsTree);
254                     }
255                 } else if (Holdings.OperationType.UPDATE.equals(holdings.getOperation())) {
256                     holdingsOlemlIndexer.processHoldingSolrDocumentForUpdate(holdings, solrInputDocuments, holdingsSolrInputDocument);
257                     processItems(holdingsTree.getItems(), solrInputDocuments, holdingsSolrInputDocument, idsToDelete);
258                 } else if (Holdings.OperationType.DELETE.equals(holdings.getOperation())) {
259                     idsToDelete.add(holdings.getId());
260                     holdingsOlemlIndexer.processDelete(holdings.getId(), solrInputDocuments);
261                 }
262             }
263         } else if ((holdings.getOperation() == null || StringUtils.isBlank(holdings.getOperation().name()))) {
264             processItems(holdingsTree.getItems(), solrInputDocuments, holdingsSolrInputDocument, idsToDelete);
265         }
267     }
270     /**
271      * Process items and add items to solr input documents
272      *
273      * @param items
274      * @param solrInputDocuments
275      * @param holdingsSolrInputDocument
276      * @param idsToDelete
277      */
278     private void processItems(List<Item> items, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments, SolrInputDocument holdingsSolrInputDocument, List<String> idsToDelete) {
279         ItemOlemlIndexer itemOlemlIndexer = ItemOlemlIndexer.getInstance();
280         for (Item item : items) {
281             if (Item.ResultType.SUCCESS.equals(item.getResult())) {
282                 if (item.getId() != null) {
283                     if (Item.OperationType.CREATE.equals(item.getOperation())) {
284                         itemOlemlIndexer.buildSolrInputDocumentForBatchProcess(item, solrInputDocuments, holdingsSolrInputDocument);
285                     } else if (Item.OperationType.UPDATE.equals(item.getOperation())) {
286                         itemOlemlIndexer.updateRecordInSolr(item, solrInputDocuments);
287                     } else if (Item.OperationType.DELETE.equals(item.getOperation())) {
288                         idsToDelete.add(item.getId());
289                         itemOlemlIndexer.processDelete(item.getId(), solrInputDocuments);
290                     }
291                 }
292             }
293         }
294     }
296     public void createTrees(Object object, ReindexBatchStatistics reindexBatchStatistics) {
297         BibTrees bibTreesObj = (BibTrees) object;
298         List<BibTree> bibTrees = bibTreesObj.getBibTrees();
299         List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments = new ArrayList<>();
300         StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
302         stopWatch.start();
303         for (BibTree bibTree : bibTrees) {
304             buildSolrDocsForBibTree(bibTree, solrInputDocuments);
305         }
306         stopWatch.stop();
307         reindexBatchStatistics.addBuildSolrDocsTime(stopWatch.getTotalTimeMillis());
309         indexSolrDocuments(solrInputDocuments, true, reindexBatchStatistics);
310     }
312     protected void indexSolrDocuments(List<SolrInputDocument> solrDocs, boolean isCommit, ReindexBatchStatistics reindexBatchStatistics) {
313         SolrServer solr = null;
314         try {
315             solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
316             StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
317             stopWatch.start("add");
318             UpdateResponse response = solr.add(solrDocs);
319             stopWatch.stop();
320             reindexBatchStatistics.addRecToAddInSolr(stopWatch.getLastTaskTimeMillis());
321             if (isCommit) {
322                 stopWatch.start("commit");
323                 solr.commit(false, false);
324                 stopWatch.stop();
325                 reindexBatchStatistics.addCommitTime(stopWatch.getLastTaskTimeMillis());
326             }
327         } catch (SolrServerException e) {
328   "Exception :", e);
329             rollback(solr);
330             throw new DocstoreIndexException(e.getMessage());
331         } catch (IOException e) {
332   "Exception :", e);
333             rollback(solr);
334             throw new DocstoreIndexException(e.getMessage());
335         }
336     }
339     protected void buildSolrInputDocument(Object object, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments) {
340         Bib bib = (Bib) object;
341         BibMarcRecords bibMarcRecords = recordProcessor.fromXML(bib.getContent());
342         SolrInputDocument solrInputDocument = buildSolrInputDocument(bibMarcRecords.getRecords().get(0));
344         setCommonFields(bib, solrInputDocument);
346         solrInputDocuments.add(solrInputDocument);
348     }
350     protected void setCommonFields(Bib bib, SolrInputDocument solrInputDocument) {
351         solrInputDocument.setField(ID, bib.getId());
352         solrInputDocument.addField(LOCALID_SEARCH, DocumentLocalId.getDocumentId(bib.getId()));
353         solrInputDocument.addField(LOCALID_DISPLAY, DocumentLocalId.getDocumentIdDisplay(bib.getId()));
354         solrInputDocument.addField(UNIQUE_ID, bib.getId());
355         solrInputDocument.setField(DOC_CATEGORY, DocCategory.WORK.getCode());
356         solrInputDocument.setField(BIB_ID, bib.getId());
358         solrInputDocument.setField(STATUS_SEARCH, bib.getStatus());
359         solrInputDocument.setField(STATUS_DISPLAY, bib.getStatus());
361         if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(bib.getStatusUpdatedOn())) {
362             solrInputDocument.setField(STATUS_UPDATED_ON, getDate(bib.getStatusUpdatedOn()));
363         }
365         solrInputDocument.addField(STAFF_ONLY_FLAG, bib.isStaffOnly());
367         String createdBy = bib.getCreatedBy();
368         solrInputDocument.setField(CREATED_BY, createdBy);
369         solrInputDocument.setField(UPDATED_BY, createdBy);
371         Date date = new Date();
372         Date createdDate = null;
374         if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(bib.getCreatedOn())) {
375             createdDate = getDate(bib.getCreatedOn());
376             solrInputDocument.setField(DATE_ENTERED, createdDate);
377         } else {
378             solrInputDocument.setField(DATE_ENTERED, date);
379         }
381         if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(bib.getUpdatedOn())) {
382             solrInputDocument.setField(DATE_UPDATED, getDate(bib.getUpdatedOn()));
383         } else {
384             if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(bib.getCreatedOn())) {
385                 // Updated date will have created date value when bib is not updated after it is created.
386                 solrInputDocument.setField(DATE_UPDATED, createdDate);
387             } else {
388                 solrInputDocument.setField(DATE_UPDATED, date);
389             }
390         }
391     }
393     protected void updateRecordInSolr(Object object, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments) {
394         Bib bib = (Bib) object;
395         List<SolrDocument> solrDocumentList = getSolrDocumentBySolrId(bib.getId());
396         SolrDocument solrDocument = solrDocumentList.get(0);
397         SolrInputDocument solrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
398         if (bib.getContent() != null) {
399             BibMarcRecord workBibMarcRecord = recordProcessor.fromXML(bib.getContent()).getRecords().get(0);
400             solrInputDocument = buildSolrInputDocument(workBibMarcRecord);
401             if (solrDocument != null && solrDocument.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER) != null) {
402                 addBibInfoToHoldings(solrInputDocuments, solrInputDocument, solrDocument);
403             }
404             if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(bib.getStatusUpdatedOn())) {
405                 solrInputDocument.setField(STATUS_UPDATED_ON, getDate(bib.getStatusUpdatedOn()));
406             }
407         } else {
408             buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrDocument, solrInputDocument);
409         }
410         setCommonFieldsForSolrDoc(solrInputDocument, bib, solrDocument);
411         solrInputDocuments.add(solrInputDocument);
412     }
414     /**
415      *
416      * Updating Bib solr document with holding and other details
417      * @param object
418      * @param solrInputDocuments
419      * @param solrbibInputDocument
420      */
421     protected void updateBibDocument(Object object, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments, SolrInputDocument solrbibInputDocument) {
422         Bib bib = (Bib) object;
423         List<SolrDocument> solrDocumentList = getSolrDocumentBySolrId(bib.getId());
424         SolrDocument solrDocument = solrDocumentList.get(0);
426         if (bib.getContent() != null) {
427             BibMarcRecord workBibMarcRecord = recordProcessor.fromXML(bib.getContent()).getRecords().get(0);
428             solrbibInputDocument = buildSolrInputDocument(workBibMarcRecord, solrbibInputDocument);
430             if (solrDocument != null && solrDocument.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER) != null) {
431                 addBibInfoToHoldings(solrInputDocuments, solrbibInputDocument, solrDocument);
432             }
433             if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(bib.getStatus()) || StringUtils.isNotEmpty(bib.getStatusUpdatedOn())) {
434                 solrbibInputDocument.setField(STATUS_UPDATED_ON, getDate(bib.getStatusUpdatedOn()));
435             }
436         } else {
437             buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrDocument, solrbibInputDocument);
438         }
439         setCommonFieldsForSolrDoc(solrbibInputDocument, bib, solrDocument);
440         solrInputDocuments.add(solrbibInputDocument);
442     }
444     private void addBibInfoToHoldings(List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocuments, SolrInputDocument bibSolrDoc, SolrDocument solrDocument ) {
445         Object instanceIdentifier = solrDocument.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER);
446         bibSolrDoc.addField(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER, instanceIdentifier);
447         List<String> holdinsgsIds = new ArrayList<>();
448         if(instanceIdentifier instanceof String) {
449             holdinsgsIds.add((String) instanceIdentifier);
450         }
451         else {
452             holdinsgsIds.addAll((List<String>) instanceIdentifier);
453         }
455         for(String holdingsId : holdinsgsIds) {
456             List<SolrDocument> solrDocumentList = getSolrDocumentBySolrId(holdingsId);
457             if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(solrDocumentList)) {
458                 SolrDocument holdingsSolrDocument = solrDocumentList.get(0);
459                 SolrInputDocument holdingsSolrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
460                 buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(holdingsSolrDocument, holdingsSolrInputDocument);
461                 removeFieldFromSolrInputDocument(holdingsSolrInputDocument);
462                 addBibInfoForHoldingsOrItems(holdingsSolrInputDocument, bibSolrDoc);
463                 List<String> itemIds = new ArrayList<>();
465                 Object itemIdentifier = holdingsSolrDocument.getFieldValue(ITEM_IDENTIFIER);
466                 if (itemIdentifier != null) {
467                     if (itemIdentifier instanceof String) {
468                         itemIds.add((String) itemIdentifier);
469                     } else {
470                         itemIds.addAll((List<String>) itemIdentifier);
471                     }
472                 }
474                 for (String itemId : itemIds) {
476                     List<SolrDocument> itemDocumentList = getSolrDocumentBySolrId(itemId);
477                     SolrDocument itemSolrDocument = itemDocumentList.get(0);
478                     SolrInputDocument itemSolrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
479                     buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(itemSolrDocument, itemSolrInputDocument);
480                     removeFieldFromSolrInputDocument(itemSolrInputDocument);
481                     addBibInfoForHoldingsOrItems(itemSolrInputDocument, bibSolrDoc);
482                     addHoldingsInfoToItem(itemSolrInputDocument, bibSolrDoc);
483                     solrInputDocuments.add(itemSolrInputDocument);
484                 }
485                 solrInputDocuments.add(holdingsSolrInputDocument);
487             }
488         }
490     }
492     protected void deleteRecordInSolr(SolrServer solrServer, String id) throws IOException, SolrServerException {
493         String query = "bibIdentifier:" + id + " OR " + "id:" + id;
494         UpdateResponse updateResponse = solrServer.deleteByQuery(query);
495"updateResponse " + updateResponse);
496         // save deleted  Bibliographic with Bibliographic_delete
497         String newId = id + "_d";
498         SolrInputDocument solrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
499         solrInputDocument.setField("DocType", "bibliographic_delete");
500         solrInputDocument.setField("dateUpdated", new Date());
501         solrInputDocument.setField("uniqueId", newId);
502         solrInputDocument.setField("id", newId);
503         solrInputDocument.setField("LocalId_display", DocumentLocalId.getDocumentIdDisplay(id));
504         UpdateResponse updateResponseForBib = solrServer.add(solrInputDocument);
505         LOG.debug("updateResponse " + updateResponseForBib);
507     }
509     private void setCommonFieldsForSolrDoc(SolrInputDocument solrInputDocument, Bib bib, SolrDocument solrDocument) {
510         solrInputDocument.setField(ID, bib.getId());
511         solrInputDocument.addField(UNIQUE_ID, bib.getId());
512         solrInputDocument.setField(DOC_CATEGORY, DocCategory.WORK.getCode());
513         String updatedBy = bib.getUpdatedBy();
514         solrInputDocument.setField(UPDATED_BY, updatedBy);
515         solrInputDocument.setField(DATE_UPDATED, new Date());
516         solrInputDocument.setField(CREATED_BY, solrDocument.getFieldValue(CREATED_BY));
517         solrInputDocument.setField(DATE_ENTERED, solrDocument.getFieldValue(DATE_ENTERED));
518         solrInputDocument.setField(BIB_ID, bib.getId());
519         solrInputDocument.addField(LOCALID_SEARCH, DocumentLocalId.getDocumentId(bib.getId()));
520         solrInputDocument.addField(LOCALID_DISPLAY, DocumentLocalId.getDocumentIdDisplay(bib.getId()));
521         solrInputDocument.addField(STAFF_ONLY_FLAG, bib.isStaffOnly());
522         solrInputDocument.setField(STATUS_SEARCH, bib.getStatus());
523         solrInputDocument.setField(STATUS_DISPLAY, bib.getStatus());
524     }
527     private Date getDate(String dateStr) {
528         DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(Constants.DATE_FORMAT);
529         try {
530             if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dateStr)) {
531                 return format.parse(dateStr);
532             } else {
533                 return new Date();
534             }
536         } catch (ParseException e) {
537   "Exception : " + dateStr + " for format:: " + Constants.DATE_FORMAT, e);
538             return new Date();
539         }
540     }
543     /**
544      * Method to build Solr Input Document from a given Work Bib Marc Record
545      *
546      * @param record
547      * @return
548      */
549     public SolrInputDocument buildSolrInputDocument(BibMarcRecord record) {
550         SolrInputDocument solrDoc = new SolrInputDocument();
551         buildSolrInputDocument(record,solrDoc);
552         return solrDoc;
553     }
555     public SolrInputDocument buildSolrInputDocument(BibMarcRecord record,SolrInputDocument solrDoc ) {
557         solrDoc.addField(LEADER, record.getLeader());
559         // Title Field Calculations.
560         List<ControlField> controlFieldList = record.getControlFields();
562         for (ControlField cf : controlFieldList) {
563             solrDoc.addField("controlfield_" + cf.getTag(), cf.getValue());
564         }
566         solrDoc.addField(DOC_TYPE, DocType.BIB.getDescription());
567         solrDoc.addField(DOC_FORMAT, DocFormat.MARC.getDescription());
569         for (String field : documentSearchConfig.FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_INCLUDE_MAP.keySet()) {
570             if (!field.equalsIgnoreCase("mdf_035a") && !field.startsWith("Local")) {
571                 addFieldToSolrDoc(record, field, buildFieldValue(field, record), solrDoc);
572             }
574         }
575         addFieldToSolrDoc(record, ALL_TEXT, getAllText(record), solrDoc);
576         addGeneralFieldsToSolrDoc(record, solrDoc);
577         if(record.getLeader() == null || ((record.getLeader().length() >= 8) && (record.getLeader().charAt(7) != 's'))) {
578             solrDoc.removeField(JOURNAL_TITLE_SEARCH);
579             solrDoc.removeField(JOURNAL_TITLE_DISPLAY);
580             solrDoc.removeField(JOURNAL_TITLE_SORT);
581         }
582         return solrDoc;
583     }
585     private void addFieldToSolrDoc(BibMarcRecord record, String fieldName, Object value,
586                                    SolrInputDocument solrDoc) {
587         int ind2Value = 0;
588         if (value instanceof List) {
589             if (fieldName.toLowerCase().endsWith("_sort")) // Sort fields only the first value to be inserted.
590             {
591                 ind2Value = getSecondIndicator(record, fieldName);
592                 LOG.debug("field name -->" + fieldName + "----->" + ind2Value);
593                 if (ind2Value > 0) {
594                     solrDoc.addField(fieldName, ((List) value).get(0).toString().substring(ind2Value));
595                 } else {
596                     solrDoc.addField(fieldName, ((List) value).get(0));
597                 }
599             } else if (fieldName.endsWith("_facet")) {
600                 solrDoc.addField(fieldName, getSortString((List) value));
601             } else {
602                 if (((List) value).size() > 0) {
603                     for (Object obj : (List<Object>) value)
604                     // All non Sort and Multi Valued Fields
605                     {
606                         solrDoc.addField(fieldName, obj);
607                     }
608                 } else {
609                     solrDoc.addField(fieldName, null);
610                 }
611             }
612         } else {
613             if (fieldName.toLowerCase().endsWith("_sort")) // Sort fields only the first value to be inserted.
614             {
615                 ind2Value = getSecondIndicator(record, fieldName);
616                 LOG.debug("field name -->" + fieldName + "----->" + ind2Value);
617                 if (value != null && ind2Value > 0) {
618                     String fieldValue = value.toString();
619                     try {
620                         fieldValue = value.toString().substring(ind2Value);
621                     }
622                     catch (Exception e) {
623                         LOG.error("Exception while getting value:" + value.toString() + " for field:" + fieldName + ". Exception:" + e.toString());
624                         // TODO: log the exception trace here.
625                     }
626                     solrDoc.addField(fieldName, fieldValue);
627                 } else {
628                     solrDoc.addField(fieldName, value);
629                 }
630             } else if (fieldName.endsWith("_facet")) {
631                 if (value != null) {
632                     solrDoc.addField(fieldName, getSortString(value.toString()));
633                 }
634             } else {
635                 solrDoc.addField(fieldName, value);
636             }
637         }
638     }
640     /**
641      * Method to build Field Value for a given field Name and given record.
642      *
643      * @param fieldName - field name should be one of the defined names in WorkBibMarcDocBuilder
644      * @param record    - WorkBibMarcRecord
645      * @return - returns the field value build over from the given record.
646      */
647     public Object buildFieldValue(String fieldName, BibMarcRecord record) {
648         List<ControlField> controlFieldList = record.getControlFields();
649         List<DataField> dataFields = record.getDataFields();
650         String includeTags = documentSearchConfig.FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_INCLUDE_MAP.get(fieldName);
651         if ((includeTags != null) && (includeTags.length() > 0)) {
652             String excludeTags = documentSearchConfig.FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_EXCLUDE_MAP.get(fieldName);
653             if (excludeTags == null) {
654                 excludeTags = "";
655             }
656             if (fieldName.startsWith("Subject_")) {
657                 return getDataFieldValue(includeTags, excludeTags, record, true, fieldName);
658             } else {
659                 if (fieldName.equals(ISBN_SEARCH))
660                     return normalizeIsbn(getDataFieldValue(includeTags, excludeTags, record, false, fieldName));
661                 else
662                     return getDataFieldValue(includeTags, excludeTags, record, false, fieldName);
663             }
664         } else if (fieldName.equals(PUBLICATIONDATE_DISPLAY) || fieldName.equals(PUBLICATIONDATE_SEARCH) || fieldName.equals(PUBLICATIONDATE_FACET)
665                 || fieldName.equals(PUBLICATIONDATE_SORT)) {
666             String publicationDate = "";
667             String publicationEndDate = "";
668             Object publicationDateValue = null;
669             for (ControlField controlField : controlFieldList) {
670                 if (controlField.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase("008")) {
671                     String controlField008 = controlField.getValue();
672                     if (controlField008 != null && controlField008.length() > 10) {
673                         publicationDate = controlField008.substring(7, 11);
674                         publicationDate = extractPublicationDateWithRegex(publicationDate);
675                         if (controlField008.length() > 14) {
676                             publicationEndDate = controlField008.substring(11, 15);
677                             publicationEndDate = extractPublicationDateWithRegex(publicationEndDate);
678                         }
679                     }
680                 }
681             }
682             if (publicationDate == null || publicationDate.trim().length() == 0) {
683                 if (getDataFieldValue("260-c", "", record, true, fieldName) instanceof String) {
684                     publicationDate = (String) getDataFieldValue("260-c", "", record, true, fieldName);
685                 } else if (getDataFieldValue("260-c", "", record, true, fieldName) instanceof List) {
686                     publicationDate = ((List<String>) getDataFieldValue("260-c", "", record, true, fieldName)).get(0);
687                 }
688                 publicationDate = extractPublicationDateWithRegex(publicationDate);
689             }
690             if (fieldName.equals(PUBLICATIONDATE_FACET)) {
691                 if (publicationDate.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
692                     publicationDateValue = "Date could not be determined";
693                 } else {
694                     publicationDateValue = buildPublicationDateFacetValue(publicationDate, publicationEndDate);
695                 }
696                 return publicationDateValue;
697             }
698             return publicationDate;
699         } else if (fieldName.equals(LANGUAGE_DISPLAY) || fieldName.equals(LANGUAGE_SEARCH) || fieldName.equals(LANGUAGE_FACET)) {
700             List<Object> langs = new ArrayList<Object>();
701             for (ControlField controlField : controlFieldList) {
702                 if (controlField.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase("008")) {
703                     String cf8 = controlField.getValue();
704                     if (cf8 != null && cf8.length() > 37) {
705                         String lang = Languages.getInstance(Languages.ISO_639_3).getLanguageDescription(
706                                 cf8.substring(35, 38));
707                         langs.add(lang == null ? "Undefined" : lang);
708                     }
709                 }
710             }
711             if (fieldName.equals(LANGUAGE_SEARCH) || fieldName.equals(LANGUAGE_FACET)) {
712                 for (DataField df : dataFields) {
713                     if (df.getTag().equals("546")) {
714                         try {
715                             for (SubField subfield : df.getSubFields()) {
716                                 if (subfield.getCode().equalsIgnoreCase("a")) {
717                                     langs.add(subfield.getValue());
718                                 }
719                             }
720                         } catch (RuntimeException re) {
721                   "Exception :", re);
722                         }
723                     }
724                 }
725             }
726             return langs;
727         } else if (fieldName.equals(FORMAT_DISPLAY) || fieldName.equals(FORMAT_SEARCH) || fieldName.equals(FORMAT_FACET)) {
728             return getRecordFormat(record);
729         } else if(fieldName.equals(DESCRIPTION_SEARCH)) {
730             String excludeTags = documentSearchConfig.FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_EXCLUDE_MAP.get(fieldName);
731             if (excludeTags == null) {
732                 excludeTags = "";
733             }
734             if (includeTags == null) {
735                 includeTags = "";
736             }
737             return getDataFieldValue(includeTags, excludeTags, record, false, fieldName);
738         } else {
739             throw new RuntimeException("Unknown field named:" + fieldName);
740         }
741     }
743     /**
744      * Method to give all_text field to a given record.
745      *
746      * @param record
747      * @return
748      */
749     public String getAllText(BibMarcRecord record) {
750         StringBuilder allText = new StringBuilder();
751         allText.append(record.getLeader());
752         allText.append(SEPERATOR_DATA_FIELD);
753         for (ControlField cf : record.getControlFields()) {
754             allText.append(cf.getValue());
755             allText.append(SEPERATOR_DATA_FIELD);
756         }
757         for (DataField df : record.getDataFields()) {
758             for (SubField sf : df.getSubFields()) {
759                 allText.append(sf.getValue());
760                 allText.append(SEPERATOR_SUB_FIELD);
761             }
762             allText.append(SEPERATOR_DATA_FIELD);
763         }
764         return allText.toString();
765     }
767     /**
768      * Method to get Record Format.
769      *
770      * @param record
771      * @return
772      */
773     public String getRecordFormat(BibMarcRecord record) {
774         String format = null;
775         String cF7 = null;
776         String cF8 = null;
777         String formatData = "";
778         char cF8Ch21 = ' ';
779         char cF8Ch22 = ' ';
780         char cF8Ch28 = ' ';
781         char cF7Ch0 = ' ';
782         int cFIndex = record.getControlFields().indexOf(new ControlField("007"));
783         if (cFIndex != -1) {
784             cF7 = record.getControlFields().get(cFIndex).getValue();
785         }
786         cFIndex = record.getControlFields().indexOf(new ControlField("008"));
787         if (cFIndex != -1) {
788             cF8 = record.getControlFields().get(cFIndex).getValue();
789         }
790         Object tmp = null;
791         tmp = getDataFieldValue("111-a", "", record, false, "");
792         String dF111a = tmp != null ? tmp.toString() : null;
793         tmp = getDataFieldValue("254-h", "", record, false, "");
794         String dF254h = tmp != null ? tmp.toString() : null;
795         tmp = getDataFieldValue("254-k", "", record, false, "");
796         String dF254k = tmp != null ? tmp.toString() : null;
797         tmp = getDataFieldValue("260-b", "", record, false, "");
798         String dF260b = tmp != null ? tmp.toString() : null;
799         tmp = getDataFieldValue("502-a", "", record, false, "");
800         String dF502a = tmp != null ? tmp.toString() : null;
801         tmp = getDataFieldValue("711-a", "", record, false, "");
802         String dF711a = tmp != null ? tmp.toString() : null;
804         if (cF8 != null && cF8.length() > 22) {
805             cF8Ch21 = cF8.charAt(21);
806             cF8Ch22 = cF8.charAt(22);
807         }
808         if (cF8 != null && cF8.length() > 28) {
809             cF8Ch28 = cF8.charAt(28);
810         }
811         if (cF7 != null) {
812             cF7Ch0 = cF7.charAt(0);
813         }
814         if (record.getLeader() != null && record.getLeader().length() > 8) {
815             formatData = record.getLeader().substring(6, 8);
816         }
818         if (dF254h != null && dF254h.contains("micro")) {
819             format = "Microformat";
820         } else if (formatData.equals("tm") && dF502a != null) {
821             format = "Thesis/Dissertation";
822         } else if (dF111a != null || dF711a != null) {
823             format = "Conference/Event";
824         } else if (formatData.equals("aa") || formatData.equals("am") || formatData.equals("ac") || formatData
825                 .equals("tm")) {
826             if (dF254k != null && dF254k.contains("kit")) {
827                 format = "Other";
828             } else {
829                 format = "Book";
830             }
831         } else if (formatData.equals("im") || formatData.equals("jm") || formatData.equals("jc")
832                 || formatData.equals("jd") || formatData.equals("js")) {
833             format = "Sound recording";
834         } else if (formatData.equals("cm") || formatData.equals("dm") || formatData.equals("ca")
835                 || formatData.equals("cb") || formatData.equals("cd") || formatData.equals("cs")) {
836             format = "Musical score";
837         } else if (formatData.equals("fm") || ("".equals(formatData) && formatData.startsWith("e"))) {
838             format = "Map/Atlas";
839         } else if (formatData.equals("gm") || (cF7 != null && (cF7Ch0 == ('v')))) {
840             format = "Video";
841         } else if (formatData.equals("gm") || (cF7 != null && (cF7Ch0 == ('g')))) {
842             format = "Projected graphic";
843         } else if (formatData.equals("as") || formatData.equals("gs")) {
844             format = "Journal/Periodical";
845         } else if (formatData.equals("km")) {
846             format = "Image";
847         } else if (formatData.equals("mm")) {
848             format = "Datafile";
849         } else if (formatData.equals("as") && (cF8Ch21 == 'n' || cF8Ch22 == 'e')) {
850             format = "Newspaper";
851         } else if ("".equals(formatData) && formatData.startsWith("r")) {
852             format = "3D object";
853         } else if (formatData != "" && formatData.endsWith("i")) {
854             format = "Database/Website";
855         } else if (("".equals(formatData) && (!formatData.startsWith("c") || !formatData.startsWith("d")
856                 || !formatData.startsWith("i") || !formatData.startsWith("j"))) && (
857                 (cF8Ch28 == 'f' || cF8Ch28 == 'i' || cF8Ch28 == 'o') && (dF260b != null && !dF260b
858                         .contains("press")))) {
859             format = "Government document";
860         } else {
861             format = "Other";
862         }
863         return format;
864     }
866     /**
867      * Method to give data field value of a given include tags and exclude tags
868      *
869      * @param includeTags
870      * @param excludeTags
871      * @param record
872      * @param isHyphenSeperatorFirst - Pass 'false' by default (if it is not a subject field (Currently)).
873      *                               - Pass 'true' if it has to get encoded first subfield values with " - ".
874      * @param fieldName
875      * @return
876      */
877     private Object getDataFieldValue(String includeTags, String excludeTags, BibMarcRecord record,
878                                      boolean isHyphenSeperatorFirst, String fieldName) {
879         List<Object> fieldValues = new ArrayList<Object>();
880         StringTokenizer includeTagsTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(includeTags, ",");
882         while (includeTagsTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
883             String tag = includeTagsTokenizer.nextToken();
884             tag = tag.trim();
885             int subFieldIdx = tag.indexOf('-');
886             String tagNum = (subFieldIdx == -1) ? tag : tag.substring(0, subFieldIdx);
888             for (int i = 0; i < record.getDataFields().size(); i++) {
889                 DataField dataField = record.getDataFields().get(i);
890                 if (isValidTag(dataField.getTag(), tagNum)) {
891                     StringBuilder fieldValue = new StringBuilder();
892                     List<SubField> subFields = dataField.getSubFields();
893                     if (subFieldIdx != -1) { // Includes only one Sub Field of a main Data Field.
894                         if (!excludeTags.contains(tag)) {
895                             String subFieldCodes = tag.substring(subFieldIdx + 1, tag.length());
896                             boolean isHyphenCodedOnce = false;
897                             for (SubField subField : subFields) {
898                                 if (subFieldCodes.contains(subField.getCode())) {
899                                     if (fieldValue.length() != 0) {
900                                         if (!isHyphenSeperatorFirst || isHyphenCodedOnce || (
901                                                 dataField.getTag().endsWith("00") || dataField.getTag().endsWith("10")
902                                                         || dataField.getTag().endsWith("11"))) {
903                                             fieldValue.append(SEPERATOR_SUB_FIELD);
904                                         } else {
905                                             fieldValue.append(SEPERATOR_HYPHEN);
906                                             isHyphenCodedOnce = true;
907                                         }
908                                     }
909                                     fieldValue.append(subField.getValue());
910                                 }
911                             }
912                         }
913                     } else { // Includes whole Data Field i.e includes All Sub Fields in a datafield
914                         boolean isHyphenCodedOnce = false;
915                         boolean isFirstSubField = false;
916                         for (SubField subField : subFields) {
917                             if (!excludeTags.contains(dataField.getTag() + "-" + subField.getCode()) && !excludeTags
918                                     .contains(tagNum + "-" + subField.getCode())) {
919                                 if (fieldValue.length() != 0) {
920                                     if (!isHyphenSeperatorFirst || isHyphenCodedOnce || (
921                                             dataField.getTag().endsWith("00") || dataField.getTag().endsWith("10")
922                                                     || dataField.getTag().endsWith("11"))) {
923                                         fieldValue.append(SEPERATOR_SUB_FIELD);
924                                     } else if (fieldName != null && (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(SUBJECT_FACET)
925                                             || fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(SUBJECT_DISPLAY))) {
926                                         if (dataField.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase("630")) {
927                                             if (subField.getCode().equals("v") || subField.getCode().equals("x")
928                                                     || subField.getCode().equals("y") || subField.getCode().equals("z")) {
929                                                 fieldValue.append(SEPERATOR_DOUBLE_HYPHEN);
930                                             }
931                                         } else if (dataField.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase("650") || dataField.getTag()
932                                                 .equalsIgnoreCase(
933                                                         "651")) {
934                                             if (isFirstSubField && fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(SUBJECT_FACET)) {
935                                                 fieldValues.add(fieldValue.toString().trim());
936                                             }
937                                             fieldValue.append(SEPERATOR_DOUBLE_HYPHEN);
938                                             isFirstSubField = true;
939                                         } else {
940                                             fieldValue.append(SEPERATOR_SUB_FIELD);
941                                         }
942                                     } else {
943                                         if (fieldName.startsWith("Subject_")) {
944                                             fieldValue.append(SEPERATOR_SUB_FIELD);
945                                         } else {
946                                             fieldValue.append(SEPERATOR_HYPHEN);
947                                             isHyphenCodedOnce = true;
948                                         }
949                                     }
950                                 }
951                                 fieldValue.append(subField.getValue());
952                             }
953                         }
954                     }
955                     if ((dataField.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase("650") || dataField.getTag().equalsIgnoreCase("651"))
956                             && fieldValue != null && fieldValue.length() > 1 && fieldValue.toString().trim().length() > 1) {
957                         String fieldVal = fieldValue.toString().trim();
958                         String lastChar = String.valueOf(fieldVal.charAt(fieldVal.length() - 1));
959                         if (!lastChar.equalsIgnoreCase(".")) {
960                             fieldValue.append(".");
961                         }
962                     }
963                     fieldValues.add(fieldValue.toString().trim());
964                 }
965             }
966         }
967         if (fieldValues.size() == 1) {
968             return fieldValues.get(0);
969         } else if (fieldValues.size() > 0) {
970             return fieldValues;
971         } else {
972             return null;
973         }
974     }
976     /**
977      * Method to validate tag with given allowed tag format supplied.
978      *
979      * @param tag
980      * @param tagFormat
981      * @return
982      */
983     private boolean isValidTag(String tag, String tagFormat) {
984         try {
985             if (!tagFormat.contains(PATTERN_CHAR)) {
986                 return tagFormat.equals(tag);
987             } else {
988                 int idx = tagFormat.lastIndexOf(PATTERN_CHAR);
989                 return isValidTag(tag.substring(0, idx) + tag.substring(idx + PATTERN_CHAR.length(), tag.length()), tagFormat.substring(0, idx)
990                         + tagFormat.substring(idx + PATTERN_CHAR.length(), tagFormat.length()));
991             }
992         } catch (Exception e) {
993   "Exception :", e);
994             return false;
995         }
996     }
998     private void addGeneralFieldsToSolrDoc(BibMarcRecord record, SolrInputDocument solrDoc) {
999         String isbnDataFields = documentSearchConfig.FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_INCLUDE_MAP.get(ISBN_SEARCH);
1000         for (DataField dataField : record.getDataFields()) {
1001             String tag = dataField.getTag();
1002             for (SubField subField : dataField.getSubFields()) {
1003                 String subFieldKey = subField.getCode();
1004                 String subFieldValue = subField.getValue();
1005                 String key = tag + subFieldKey;
1006                 subFieldValue = processGeneralFieldValue(tag, subFieldKey, subFieldValue, isbnDataFields);
1007                 solrDoc.addField(DYNAMIC_FIELD_PREFIX + key, subFieldValue);
1008             }
1009         }
1010     }
1012     private String processGeneralFieldValue(String tag, String subFieldKey, String subFieldValue, String isbnKey) {
1013         String value = subFieldValue;
1014         if (isbnKey.contains(tag) && isbnKey.contains(subFieldKey)) {
1015             value = (String) normalizeIsbn(subFieldValue);
1016         }
1017         return value;
1018     }
1020     private Object normalizeIsbn(Object isbnValue) {
1021         Object result = null;
1022         ISBNUtil isbnUtil = new ISBNUtil();
1023         if (isbnValue != null) {
1024             if (isbnValue instanceof List) {
1025                 result = new ArrayList<String>();
1026                 for (Object obj : (List<Object>) isbnValue) {
1027                     if (((String) obj).length() > 0) {
1028                         try {
1029                             ((List<String>) result).add(isbnUtil.normalizeISBN(obj));
1030                         } catch (OleException e) {
1031                            // LOG.error("Exception :", e);
1032                             ((List<String>) result).add((String) obj + " " + ISBN_NOT_NORMALIZED);
1033                         }
1034                     } else {
1035                         ((List<String>) result).add((String) obj);
1036                     }
1037                 }
1038             } else {
1039                 if (((String) isbnValue).length() > 0) {
1040                     try {
1041                         result = isbnUtil.normalizeISBN(isbnValue);
1042                     } catch (OleException e) {
1043                       //  LOG.error("Exception :", e);
1044                         result = isbnValue + " " + ISBN_NOT_NORMALIZED;
1045                     }
1046                 } else {
1047                     result = isbnValue;
1048                 }
1049             }
1050         }
1051         return result;
1052     }
1055     /**
1056      * @param pubCen
1057      * @param pubList
1058      */
1059     private void pubCentury(int pubCen, List<String> pubList) {
1060         String pubCentury = String.valueOf(pubCen);
1061         if (pubCentury.endsWith("1")) {
1062             if (pubCentury.equalsIgnoreCase("11")) {
1063                 pubList.add(pubCentury + "th Century");
1064             } else {
1065                 pubList.add(pubCentury + "st Century");
1066             }
1067         } else if (pubCentury.endsWith("2")) {
1068             if (pubCentury.equalsIgnoreCase("12")) {
1069                 pubList.add(pubCentury + "th Century");
1070             } else {
1071                 pubList.add(pubCentury + "nd Century");
1072             }
1073         } else if (pubCentury.endsWith("3")) {
1074             if (pubCentury.equalsIgnoreCase("13")) {
1075                 pubList.add(pubCentury + "th Century");
1076             } else {
1077                 pubList.add(pubCentury + "rd Century");
1078             }
1079         } else {
1080             pubList.add(pubCentury + "th Century");
1081         }
1083     }
1086     public String extractPublicationDateWithRegex(String publicationDate) {
1087         Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(publicationDateRegex);
1088         Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(publicationDate);
1089         if (matcher.find()) {
1090             if ("0000")) {
1091                 return "";
1092             }
1093             return;
1094         } else {
1095             return "";
1096         }
1099     }
1101     /**
1102      * @param publicationDate
1103      * @param publicationEndDate
1104      * @return
1105      */
1106     public Object buildPublicationDateFacetValue(String publicationDate, String publicationEndDate) {
1107         int pubDat = 0;
1108         List<String> pubList = new ArrayList<String>();
1109         Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
1110         int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
1111         if (publicationDate != null && publicationDate.length() == 4 && Integer.parseInt(publicationDate) <= year) {
1112             int pubStartDate = Integer.parseInt(publicationDate);
1113             if (publicationEndDate != null && publicationEndDate.length() == 4 && pubStartDate < Integer
1114                     .parseInt(publicationEndDate)) {
1115                 if (Integer.parseInt(publicationEndDate) > year) {
1116                     publicationEndDate = String.valueOf(year);
1117                 }
1118                 int pubEndDate = Integer.parseInt(publicationEndDate);
1119                 while (pubStartDate < pubEndDate) {
1120                     pubStartDate = (pubStartDate / 10) * 10;
1121                     if (pubStartDate == 0) {
1122                         pubList.add("Date could not be determined");
1123                     } else {
1124                         pubList.add(String.valueOf(pubStartDate) + "s");
1125                     }
1126                     pubStartDate = pubStartDate + 10;
1127                 }
1128                 pubStartDate = Integer.parseInt(publicationDate);
1129                 pubEndDate = Integer.parseInt(publicationEndDate);
1130                 while (pubStartDate < pubEndDate) {
1131                     pubStartDate = (pubStartDate) / 100;
1132                     pubDat = (pubStartDate) + 1;
1133                     pubCentury(pubDat, pubList);
1134                     pubStartDate = pubStartDate * 100 + 100;
1135                 }
1136             } else {
1137                 pubDat = (pubStartDate / 10) * 10;
1138                 int pubCen = ((pubStartDate) / 100) + 1;
1139                 if (pubDat == 0) {
1140                     pubList.add("Date could not be determined");
1141                 } else {
1142                     pubList.add(String.valueOf(pubDat) + "s");
1143                     pubCentury(pubCen, pubList);
1144                 }
1145             }
1146         } else {
1147             pubList.add("Date could not be determined");
1148         }
1149         return pubList;
1150     }
1153     /**
1154      * Builds the facet values for the given publication dates.
1155      *
1156      * @param publicationDates
1157      * @return
1158      */
1159     public List<String> buildPublicationDateFacetValues(List<String> publicationDates) {
1160         List<String> valueList = null;
1161         if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(publicationDates)) {
1162             valueList = new ArrayList<String>(publicationDates.size());
1163             for (int i = 0; i < publicationDates.size(); i++) {
1164                 String pubDate = publicationDates.get(i);
1165                 Object pubDt = buildPublicationDateFacetValue(pubDate, "");
1166                 if (pubDt instanceof String) {
1167                     valueList.add((String) pubDt);
1168                 } else if (pubDt instanceof List) {
1169                     List<String> pubDateList = (List<String>) pubDt;
1170                     for (String pubDtVal : pubDateList) {
1171                         valueList.add(pubDtVal);
1172                     }
1173                 }
1174             }
1175         }
1176         return valueList;
1177     }
1180     public String getSortString(String str) {
1181         String ret = "";
1182         StringBuffer sortString = new StringBuffer();
1183         ret = str.toLowerCase();
1184         ret = ret.replaceAll("[\\-\\/]", " ");
1185         ret = ret.replace("&lt;", "");
1186         ret = ret.replace("&gt;", "");
1187         ret = ret.replaceAll("[\\.\\,\\;\\:\\(\\)\\{\\}\\'\\!\\?\\\"\\<\\>\\[\\]]", "");
1188         ret = Normalizer.normalize(ret, Normalizer.Form.NFD).replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", "");
1189         ret = ret.replaceAll("\\s+", " ");
1190         sortString.append(ret);
1191         sortString.append(" /r/n!@#$");
1192         sortString.append(str);
1193         return sortString.toString();
1194     }
1196     public List<String> getSortString(List<String> list) {
1197         List<String> sortStringList = new ArrayList<String>();
1198         for (String str : list) {
1199             sortStringList.add(getSortString(str));
1200         }
1201         return sortStringList;
1202     }
1204     private int getSecondIndicator(BibMarcRecord record, String fieldName) {
1205         int ind2Value = 0;
1206         String fieldTags = documentSearchConfig.FIELDS_TO_TAGS_2_INCLUDE_MAP.get(fieldName);
1207         String[] tagValueList = null;
1208         if (fieldTags != null) {
1209             tagValueList = fieldTags.split(",");
1210             List<DataField> dataFieldList = record.getDataFields();
1211             String ind2 = null;
1212             boolean isVisit = true;
1213             for (DataField dataField : dataFieldList) {
1214                 String tag = dataField.getTag();
1215                 for (String tagValue : tagValueList) {
1216                     StringBuffer sb = null;
1217                     if (fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(AUTHOR_SORT) || fieldName.equalsIgnoreCase(TITLE_SORT)) {
1218                         sb = getTagValues(dataField, tag, tagValue);
1219                         if (sb != null && sb.toString().length() > 0 && isVisit) {
1220                             ind2 = dataField.getInd2();
1221                             isVisit = false;
1222                         }
1224                     }
1225                 }
1226             }
1227             try {
1228                 if (ind2 != null)
1229                     ind2Value = Integer.parseInt(ind2);
1231             } catch (Exception e) {
1232                 ind2Value = -1;
1233             }
1235         }
1236         return ind2Value;
1237     }
1239     private StringBuffer getTagValues(DataField dataField, String tag, String tagValue) {
1240         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
1241         String[] tags = tagValue.split("-");
1242         for (String tagName : tags) {
1243             if (tag.equalsIgnoreCase(tagName)) {
1244                 List<SubField> subFieldList = dataField.getSubFields();
1245                 for (SubField subField : subFieldList) {
1246                     sb.append(subField.getValue() + " ");
1247                 }
1249             }
1250         }
1252         /*       if (tag.equals(tags[0])) {
1253   "tags-->"+tags[0]);
1254   "length-->"+tags[0].length());
1255             List<SubField> subFieldList = dataField.getSubFields();
1256             for (SubField subField : subFieldList) {
1257                 sb.append(subField.getValue() + " ");
1258             }
1259         }*/
1260         return sb;
1261     }
1263     public void bind(String holdingsId, List<String> bibIds) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
1264         List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
1265         updateInstanceDocument(holdingsId, bibIds, solrInputDocumentList);
1266         updateBibDocument(holdingsId, bibIds, solrInputDocumentList);
1267"solrInputDocumentList-->" + solrInputDocumentList);
1268         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1269         UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.add(solrInputDocumentList);
1270         server.commit();
1271     }
1273     private void updateBibDocument(String holdingsId, List<String> bibIds, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList) {
1274         for (String bibId : bibIds) {
1275             SolrDocument bibSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(bibId);
1276             List<String> holdingsIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1277             Object holdingsIdentifier = bibSolrDocument.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER);
1278             if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof List) {
1279                 holdingsIdentifierList = (List<String>) bibSolrDocument.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER);
1280             } else if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof String) {
1281                 holdingsIdentifierList.add((String) holdingsIdentifier);
1282         }
1283             holdingsIdentifierList.add(holdingsId);
1284             bibSolrDocument.setField(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER, holdingsIdentifierList);
1285             solrInputDocumentList.add(buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(bibSolrDocument));
1286     }
1287     }
1289     private void updateInstanceDocument(String holdingsId, List<String> bibIds, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList) throws SolrServerException {
1290         SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
1291         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1292         solrQuery.setQuery(("id:" + holdingsId + " AND DocType:" + DocType.HOLDINGS.getCode()));
1293         QueryResponse response = server.query(solrQuery);
1294         List<SolrDocument> solrDocumentList = response.getResults();
1295         LOG.debug("response.getResults()-->" + response.getResults());
1296         for (SolrDocument solrDocument : solrDocumentList) {
1297             List<String> bibIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1299             //Get the BibIdentifier list and update the bibIdentifier field with the linked doc uuid's.
1300             Object bibIdentifier = solrDocument.getFieldValue(BIB_IDENTIFIER);
1301             if (bibIdentifier instanceof List) {
1302                 bibIdentifierList = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue(BIB_IDENTIFIER);
1304             } else if (bibIdentifier instanceof String) {
1305                 bibIdentifierList.add((String) bibIdentifier);
1306     }
1307   "bibIdentifierList-->" + bibIdentifierList);
1308             //List<RequestDocument> linkedRequestDocuments = requestDocument.getLinkedRequestDocuments();
1309             for (String bibId : bibIds) {
1310                 bibIdentifierList.add(bibId);
1311             }
1312             solrDocument.setField("isBoundwith", true);
1313             solrDocument.setField(BIB_IDENTIFIER, bibIdentifierList);
1314             solrInputDocumentList.add(buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrDocument));
1316             /*//Get the holdings identifier from the solrdoc and update bibIdentifier field in holding doc with the linked doc uuid's.
1317             Object holdingsIdentifier = solrDocument.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier");
1318             List<String> holdingIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1319             if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof List) {
1320                 holdingIdentifierList = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue("holdingsIdentifier");
1322             } else if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof String) {
1323                 holdingIdentifierList.add((String) holdingsIdentifier);
1325             }
1326             SolrDocument holdingSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(holdingIdentifierList.get(0));
1327             holdingSolrDocument.setField("bibIdentifier", bibIdentifierList);
1328             solrInputDocumentList.add(buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(holdingSolrDocument));*/
1330             //Get the item identifier from the solrdoc and update bibIdentifier field in item doc with the linked doc uuid's.
1331             Object itemIdentifier = solrDocument.getFieldValue(ITEM_IDENTIFIER);
1332             List<String> itemIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1333         if (itemIdentifier instanceof List) {
1334                 itemIdentifierList = (List<String>) solrDocument.getFieldValue(ITEM_IDENTIFIER);
1336         } else if (itemIdentifier instanceof String) {
1337             itemIdentifierList.add((String) itemIdentifier);
1338         }
1340         for (String itemId : itemIdentifierList) {
1341                 SolrDocument itemSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(itemId);
1342                 itemSolrDocument.setField(BIB_IDENTIFIER, bibIdentifierList);
1343                 solrInputDocumentList.add(buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(itemSolrDocument));
1345         }
1346     }
1347     }
1349     public void bindAnalytics(String seriesHoldingsId, List<String> itemIds, String createOrBreak) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
1350         List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
1351         updateHoldingsDocument(seriesHoldingsId, itemIds, solrInputDocumentList, createOrBreak);
1352         updateItemDocument(seriesHoldingsId, itemIds, solrInputDocumentList, createOrBreak);
1353"solrInputDocumentList-->" + solrInputDocumentList);
1354         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1355         UpdateResponse updateResponse = server.add(solrInputDocumentList);
1356         server.commit();
1357     }
1359     private void updateHoldingsDocument(String seriesHoldingsId, List<String> itemIds, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList, String createOrBreak) throws SolrServerException {
1360         SolrQuery solrQuery = new SolrQuery();
1361         SolrServer server = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
1362         solrQuery.setQuery(("id:" + seriesHoldingsId + " AND DocType:" + DocType.HOLDINGS.getCode()));
1363         QueryResponse response = server.query(solrQuery);
1364         List<SolrDocument> solrDocumentList = response.getResults();
1365         LOG.debug("response.getResults()-->" + response.getResults());
1366         List<String> itemIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1367         List<String> holdingsIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1368         for (SolrDocument holdingsSolrDocument : solrDocumentList) {
1369             Object itemIdentifier = holdingsSolrDocument.getFieldValue(ITEM_IDENTIFIER);
1370             if (itemIdentifier instanceof List) {
1371                 itemIdentifierList = (List<String>) holdingsSolrDocument.getFieldValue(ITEM_IDENTIFIER);
1372             } else if (itemIdentifier instanceof String) {
1373                 itemIdentifierList.add((String) itemIdentifier);
1374             }
1375             if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(itemIdentifierList) && createOrBreak.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")) {
1376                 itemIdentifierList.addAll(itemIds);
1377                 holdingsSolrDocument.setField(ITEM_IDENTIFIER, itemIdentifierList);
1378                 holdingsSolrDocument.setField("isSeries", Boolean.TRUE);
1379                 if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(itemIds)) {
1380                     for (String itemId : itemIds) {
1381                         SolrDocument itemSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(itemId);
1383                         Object holdingsIdentifier = itemSolrDocument.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER);
1384                         if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof List) {
1385                             holdingsIdentifierList = (List<String>) itemSolrDocument.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER);
1386                         } else if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof String) {
1387                             holdingsIdentifierList.add((String) holdingsIdentifier);
1388         }
1389                         if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(holdingsIdentifierList)) {
1390                             for (String holdingId : holdingsIdentifierList) {
1391                                 SolrDocument holdingSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(holdingId);
1392                                 holdingSolrDocument.setField("isAnalytic", Boolean.TRUE);
1393                                 solrInputDocumentList.add(buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(holdingSolrDocument));
1394     }
1395                         }
1396                     }
1397                 }
1399       "itemIdentifierList-->" + itemIdentifierList);
1400             } else if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(itemIdentifierList) && createOrBreak.equalsIgnoreCase("BREAK")) {
1401                 itemIdentifierList.removeAll(itemIds);
1402                 holdingsSolrDocument.setField(ITEM_IDENTIFIER, itemIdentifierList);
1403                 boolean hasAnalytic = false;
1404                 if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(itemIdentifierList)) {
1405                     for (String itemId : itemIdentifierList) {
1406                         SolrDocument itemSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(itemId);
1407                         if (itemSolrDocument.getFieldValue("isAnalytic") instanceof Boolean) {
1408                             hasAnalytic = (Boolean) itemSolrDocument.getFieldValue("isAnalytic");
1409                             if (hasAnalytic) {
1410                                 break;
1411             }
1412         }
1413     }
1414                     if (!hasAnalytic) {
1415                         holdingsSolrDocument.setField("isSeries", Boolean.FALSE);
1417                         if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(itemIds)) {
1418                             for (String itemId : itemIds) {
1419         SolrDocument itemSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(itemId);
1421                                 Object holdingsIdentifier = itemSolrDocument.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER);
1422         if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof List) {
1423                                     holdingsIdentifierList = (List<String>) itemSolrDocument.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER);
1424         } else if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof String) {
1425             holdingsIdentifierList.add((String) holdingsIdentifier);
1426         }
1427                                 if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(holdingsIdentifierList)) {
1428                                     for (String holdingId : holdingsIdentifierList) {
1429                                         SolrDocument holdingSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(holdingId);
1430                                         holdingSolrDocument.setField("isAnalytic", Boolean.FALSE);
1431                                         solrInputDocumentList.add(buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(holdingSolrDocument));
1432                         }
1433                     }
1434                 }
1435             }
1436 //                        holdingsSolrDocument.setField("isAnalytic", Boolean.FALSE);
1437         }
1438     }
1439       "itemIdentifierList-->" + itemIdentifierList);
1440             }
1441             solrInputDocumentList.add(buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(holdingsSolrDocument));
1442         }
1443     }
1445     private void updateItemDocument(String seriesHoldingsId, List<String> itemIds, List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocumentList, String createOrBreak) throws SolrServerException {
1446         for (String itemId : itemIds) {
1447                 SolrDocument itemSolrDocument = getSolrDocumentByUUID(itemId);
1448             List<String> holdingsIdentifierList = new ArrayList<String>();
1449             Object holdingsIdentifier = itemSolrDocument.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER);
1450             if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof List) {
1451                 holdingsIdentifierList = (List<String>) itemSolrDocument.getFieldValue(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER);
1452             } else if (holdingsIdentifier instanceof String) {
1453                 holdingsIdentifierList.add((String) holdingsIdentifier);
1454                     }
1455             if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(holdingsIdentifierList) && createOrBreak.equalsIgnoreCase("CREATE")) {
1456                 holdingsIdentifierList.add(seriesHoldingsId);
1457                 itemSolrDocument.setField(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER, holdingsIdentifierList);
1458                 itemSolrDocument.setField("isAnalytic", Boolean.TRUE);
1459             } else if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(holdingsIdentifierList) && createOrBreak.equalsIgnoreCase("BREAK")) {
1460                 holdingsIdentifierList.remove(seriesHoldingsId);
1461                 itemSolrDocument.setField(HOLDINGS_IDENTIFIER, holdingsIdentifierList);
1462                 itemSolrDocument.setField("isAnalytic", Boolean.FALSE);
1463                 }
1464             solrInputDocumentList.add(buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(itemSolrDocument));
1465             }
1466         }
1471 }