Class | Description |
AbstractIngestProcessor |
AbstractIngestProcessor which does the pre-processing for Staff Upload process to create Requisition.
FileUtil |
FileUtil will reads the given file and returns stringBuilder
IngestProcessor |
IngestProcessor converts the marcFileContent in to marcXmlContent,ediFileContent in to ediXMLContent and also
creates Requisition and Purchase Order based on oleOrderRecordXml
ISBNUtil |
ISBNUtil is for processing the request based on ISBN values
KrmsBuilder |
KrmsBuilder will create context,category and rules for creating agenda and finally persists into database.
KrmsObjectGeneratorFromXML |
KrmsObjectGeneratorFromXML is for converting the string fileContent into Krms object
KrmsXMLSchemaValidator |
KrmsXMLSchemaValidator is used to validate the xsd schema for KRMS builder.
LineItemOrderMatcherForBib |
LineItemOrderMatcherForBib is for getting lineItemOrder based on vendorProfileCode and vendorReferenceNumber
LoadDefaultIngestProfileBean |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
LoadDefaultIngestProfileListener | |
OLEAccountInfoExtractor |
OLEAccountInfoExtractor adds the fund Code OLE as a Map and as well as return the function code based on the given vendorReferenceNumber
OleInvoiceRecordBuilder |
Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
OleLocationObjectGeneratorFromXML |
OleLocationObjectGeneratorFromXML is used as a converter which converts xml string to
OleLocationGroup object and OleLocationGroup object to xml string
OleLocationXMLSchemaValidator |
This class provides schema validation for uploaded location xml
OlePatronAddressLineConverter |
OlePatronAddressLineConverter is a converter class used to convert object into data and data into object by using
hierarchicalStreamWriter and hierarchicalStreamReader respectively
OlePatronRecordHandler |
OlePatronRecordHandler builds the Patron based on fileContent and also convert the List of olePatron into Patron xml
OlePatronXMLSchemaValidator |
OlePatronXMLSchemaValidator is for schema validation against W3C Xml Schema standards
OleTxRecordBuilder |
OleTxRecordBuilder is used to build the transaction information into a pojo which are extracted from the ingested marc and edi file.
OverlayIngestProfileBuilder |
User: peris
Date: 12/26/12
Time: 12:52 PM
ProfileAttributeConverter |
ProfileAttributeConverter converts the data into profileAttributeBo Object
ProfileBuilder |
ProfileBuilder is used to build the KRMS Agenda for the Profile xml which is used for Staff upload screen.
ProfileObjectGeneratorFromXML |
ProfileObjectGeneratorFromXML used to build the Profile based on fileContent
ProfileXMLSchemaValidator |
ProfileXMLSchemaValidator is for validating ProfileAttributeSchema against W3C Xml Schema standards
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