Documents route by progressing through a series of route levels (also called 'route nodes'). Many of the financial e-docs on the Select/Acquire menu, and other e-docs throughout OLE, support both pre-established workflow routing and ad hoc routing. Here is an example of the approval route nodes that a typical financial processing document passes through:

In workflow routing, a document's type (General Error Correction, Transfer of Funds, etc.) determines the route levels it passes through. Route nodes are defined by document type within the workflow process definition file. To view workflow process definitions in XML, use the export button on the Document Type Inquiry.

You may need technical assistance to understand or modify a workflow process definition file. Given that assistance, the file can easily be modified to change a document's routing behavior.

An easier view for functional users is located in the Routing & IDM Doc Type (Routing and Identity Management Document Type Hierarchy) option in the Workflow Admin submenu on the Admin menu.

The KEW arranges OLE document types in a hierarchical fashion, with some document types being 'parent' to the document types below them in the hierarchy. 'Child' document types inherit attributes from their parents. The Routing & IDM Doc Type Hierarchy screen displays documents in their respective positions in this hierarchy and also displays the route nodes associated with each document type. Nodes are listed in the order in which the document progresses through them.

The following example shows route nodes associated with the Transfer of Funds document type viewed through the  Routing & IDM Doc Type Hierarchy.

Most, but not all, Kuali financial documents are able to progress through three route levels: account level, organization hierarchy, and special conditions.

Special condition routing is a blanket term for additional route levels that might be triggered by various attributes of a transaction. Special conditions often represent special administrative approvals that may be required. This routing may be based on the type of document, attributes of the accounts being used, or other attributes of the transaction.

Examples of special conditions routing

Routing Type



Content Routing If the document's content is incomplete, routes the document to an appropriate individual for completion. Requisition
Separation of Duties If the amount of the document exceeds an institutionally-defined threshold and there have been no approvers other than the document initiator, routes the document to a defined central approver. Requisition
Sub-Account Routing If the document uses a sub-account and the sub-account has a routing rule established, routes the document to the person, group or role for which the rule has been established. Purchasing related e-docs
Sub-Fund Routing If a sub-fund derived from an account appearing on the document has a routing rule established, the document routes to the person, group or role for which the rule has been established. Financial transactions e-docs

Ad hoc routing allows a document initiator or approver to add additional individuals or groups to the routing of a specific document. In most cases, ad hoc approvers inserted into the routing interrupt the regular routing process. For example, when a user initiates a financial document and ad hoc routes it to another user for approval, the document routes to the ad hoc approver before it routes to the fiscal officer.

Financial processing documents with these types of ad hoc requests still pending post to the General Ledger as soon as all other approvals are obtained. The system does not put them on hold while waiting for the acknowledgment to take place or for the FYI to be cleared.

The following steps describe how to add an ad hoc recipient in the Ad Hoc Recipients tab.

When a document is en route, you may send ad hoc requests without taking a workflow action on the document. To do this follow the steps listed above but use the button instead of Submit.

The Pending Action Requests tab shows the requested action and the user ID.

When a document routes through a particular route level, the KEW evaluates it against the responsibilities that reference this document type and route level. A responsibility acts like a trigger: If the document meets its criteria, the system sends an action request to a particular user or group of users.

Responsibilities are associated with roles in KIM. Roles have members or assignees who are represented in the system as persons, groups, or other roles. Users assigned to a role inherit the role's responsibilities, meaning that they receive action requests from Workflow when specified conditions are met.

To view responsibilities, select the Responsibility option from the Identity Admin submenu on the tab.

Each responsibility includes several attributes (that is, values and details) that determine when it is triggered.

Responsibilities lookup results Definitions



Responsibility Detail Values

Display-only. Additional detail that identifies the document this responsibility generates action requests for, when the requests are generated and how Workflow handles them.

Route Node Name: The point in a document's workflow routing at which this responsibility generates requests.

Document Type Name: The name of the document type this responsibility will generate action requests for.

Action Details At Role Member Level: A 'True' or 'False' indicator that indicates where the details of this workflow action request are defined. If the value is 'True,' action details are collected when members are assigned to the role. If the value is 'False,' the action details are collected when this responsibility is assigned to a role.

Required: A 'True' or 'False' value that indicates whether this responsibility is required to generate an action request or send the document into exception status ('True') or is an optional responsibility and can be bypassed if no action requests are generated ('False').

Responsibility Name

Display-only. The name of this responsibility. In most cases, the responsibility name will be the same as the associated template name (Review).

Like permission names, responsibility names are not unique. Thus most OLE responsibilities have a Responsibility Name of 'Review'.

Responsibility Namespace Display-only. The namespace with which the responsibility is associated. This namespace usually corresponds to the namespace of the document type for which the responsibility generates action requests.
Template Name Display-only. The name of the template on which the responsibility is based. The template defines, in a broad sense, what the responsibilities based on it do. Since responsibilities usually generate action requests for user review, most responsibilities have a Template Name of 'Review'.
Template Namespace Code Display-only. The namespace for the responsibility template. Usually, the namespace identifies the application and module the applicable responsibility template pertains to. Because responsibilities pertain to workflow, most responsibility templates are associated with the KR-WKFLW (Kuali Rice-Workflow) namespace.

While responsibilities are created and maintained in two central locations, users may supply qualifying values when assigning users to a role associated with these responsibilities. These qualifying values generally identify specific circumstances under which the responsibility is invoked. For example, if a departmental user adds a user to a role with a responsibility that refers to an organization hierarchy route node, the departmental user supplies the appropriate chart and organization code. Subsequently, only documents that contain this chart and organization code route to the specified user.

The Route Log tab displayed on all OLE e-docs shows workflow status details. The Route Log can have up to these four subtabs---Document ID, Actions Taken, Pending Action Requests, and Future Action Requests.

Document ID Tab Definitions




A combination of the document type, description, and the organization document number (if any).


The document type. The full name of the transaction used to identify this document type in Workflow.


The name of the person who created the document.


The route status for the document.


For more information, see Route Status.


The current route node of the document -- that is, the current step that the document is on, on its route path. Route nodes are also referred to as 'route levels'.


The time and date that the document was created.

Last Modified

The time and date that the document was modified last.

Last Approved

The time and date that the last action was taken on this document.


The time and date that the document reached' Final,' 'Canceled,' or 'Disapproved' status.

The Pending Action Requests tab displays the next action to be taken and shows more detailed routing information about this request. Only action requests at the current route node are displayed.

The following example shows a document that is awaiting approval by one fiscal officers.

The Action field indicates whether the document is in a user or group's action list or is pending their approval. An action of Pending Approve means Workflow has identified other approval actions needed at this route node, but it has not actually sent these requests yet. Pending approval actions may be determined by the Priority attribute on the appropriate workflow responsibilities.

The Requested Of field displays the name of the user or group responsible for the pending action. The value in this field is based on the responsibility at this current route level. In cases where a document routes to a role with more than five members the name of the role will be displayed along with any qualifying values pertaining to the role assignees who received the request.

Note that the Pending Action Requests tab shows pending requests only for the document at its current route node. The system may add new requests when the document transitions to a new route level.

If multiple users are identified as the recipients of a single action request, the number of actions required is controlled by the action policy code associated with the responsibility that generated the request.

To display more detailed routing information about the request, click .

The resulting display contains additional information about the request.

Pending Action Requests Tab Definitions




The route node at which this request was generated.


The priority assigned to this workflow request. If multiple requests are generated at the same workflow node, the system generates requests with low priority numbers before requests with higher priority numbers.

Approval Policy

A value indicating whether members of a role receiving this request must each take action to fulfill the request or if only a single role member must take action.

Forced Action

A true/false indicator specifying whether a user must take action on this document even if he or she has acted on it previously. If 'True,' then the user must take another action. If 'False,' then the previous action will automatically fulfill this request.

Route status indicates where a document is in its routing process. For any given document, the system displays route status in both the Route Log tab and the document header.

The following table summarizes the meaning of various route statuses in the KEW.

Route Status Definitions




The document has been approved. The document is now a valid business transaction in accordance with institutional needs and policies. See note below.


The document is denoted as void and should be disregarded. This status is applied to a document when an initiator creates a document and cancels it before submitting it for approval.


The document has been committed to the database. See note below.


The document has been disapproved by an approver.


The document has pending approval requests.


The document has been routed to an exception queue because workflow has encountered an error when trying to process its routing.


The document has been routed and has no pending approval or acknowledgment requests. Documents in 'Final' status are considered approved in that documents in this status affect the General Ledger or update Chart of Accounts values.


The document has been created but has not yet been saved or submitted.


The document has no pending approval requests but still has one or more pending acknowledgment requests. Processed documents are considered approved, so they impact the General Ledger or update Chart of Accounts values.


The document has been started but not completed or routed yet. The save action allows the initiator of a document to save his or her work and close the document. The document may be retrieved from the initiator's action list for completion and routing at a later time.

When you open a document, you see various workflow action buttons at the bottom of the page. The buttons vary depending on the document you are opening, the kind of action request you have received for the document and the KIM role(s) to which you belong.

Workflow Action Button Definitions



Signifies that you have responded to the acknowledgment action request. This button is available only to users to whom a document has been routed for acknowledgment. See FYI below.

Signifies that in your judgment the document represents a valid business transaction in accordance with institutional needs and policies. A single document may require approval from several users, at multiple route levels, before it moves to 'Processed' status.

Bypasses all subsequent levels of approval and immediately moves a document to 'Processed' or 'Final' status. Anyone who would otherwise have received the document for approval receives an acknowledge request instead. This action may be taken only by roles associated with blanket approve document permission, such as the OLE-SYS Manager role.

Denotes that the document is void and should be disregarded. Canceled documents cannot be modified in any way and do not route for approval.

Allows you to exit the document. The system displays a message asking whether you want to save the document before closing. No changes to action requests, route logs or document status occur as a result of a close action. If you initiate a document and close it without saving, it is the same as canceling that document.

Allows you to create a new document based on the existing document. Not all document types can be copied.

Signifies that in your judgment the document does not represent a valid business transaction. A disapprove action from any single approver prevents a document from posting to the GL or updating a maintenance table.

Allows you to correct documents by creating a new document that reverses the original transaction. This feature can be used only on documents that have completed the routing process and have been fully approved. Not all document types are eligible for error correction.

Signifies that you have responded to the FYI action request. This action is available only to users to whom a document has been routed for FYI. The difference between acknowledgment and FYI is that FYI requests can be cleared directly from the action list without opening the document. FYI requests also have a different effect on the document status than acknowledgments. A document with no pending approval requests but with pending acknowledge requests is in 'Processed' status. A document with no pending approval requests but with pending FYI requests is in 'Final' status.

Refreshes the screen and displays the most recently saved information. Changes that are made but not saved prior to reloading a page are not maintained.

If you are the initiator of this document, allows you to save your work and close the document. The document may be retrieved from your action list for completion and routing at a later time. If your permissions allow you to edit en route documents, you can also save changes to an en route document in your action list.

Moves the document (through workflow) to the next level of approval. After a document is submitted, it remains in 'Enroute' status until all approvals have taken place.

Special attention should be paid when you select any of the workflow action buttons noted below.

In financial e-docs, the error correction action allows you to correct documents by creating a new document that reverses the original transaction that has been fully approved. A document created with the error correction action must route and be approved in the same manner as the e-doc it corrects.

  1. Click

    The system creates a new document with a new document ID. The system also displays Corrects Document ID in both the document header and the Notes and Attachment tab of the document.

    Amounts are in negative to reverse the original transaction.

    The new document has an annotation that is an error correction.

  2. Click .

    The header of the corrected document shows the corrected by document ID.

The system allows you to change the automatic refresh rate, action list page size, email notification, and row colors that indicate the status of the document. You may also limit the list of documents in the action list by setting filters for delegators or workflow status. To make any of these changes, click the preferences button in the action list.

The system displays the Workflow Preferences screen.

Workflow Preferences Field Definitions



Automatic Refresh Rate

Enter a number in whole minutes.

Action List Page Size

Enter a number of rows to display per page in the action list.

Email Notification

Select one of the desired email frequencies from the list: 'None,' 'Daily,' 'Weekly' or 'Immediate'.

Receive Primary Delegates Emails

Check this box to receive an email when a document arrives in your action list for which you are the primary delegate.

Receive Secondary Delegates Emails

Check this box to receive an email when a document arrives in your secondary delegate action list.

Delegator Filter

In the list, select 'Secondary Delegators on Action List' or 'Secondary Delegators only on Filter Page' to specify when to show the secondary delegation entries in your action list.

Fields Displayed in Action List

Check each box to include these items on the action list.

Document Route Status Colors for Action List Entries

Click one of the color options for each document route status.

To save your preferences, click .

To return to the default preferences, click .

Setting a filter allows you to display a subset of the action list.

Action List Filter Definitions



Document Title

Enter a partial or full character string that you are looking for in the document description. For example, enter 'Test' to see all documents that contain 'Test' in the document description. This field is case sensitive. Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents with the specified title from the list.

Document Route Status

Select the route status you want. The choices are 'All,' 'Approved,' 'Disapproved,' 'Enroute,' 'Exception,' 'Processed and Saved'. Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents with the selected status from the list.

Action Requested

Select an action from the list. The choices are 'Acknowledge,' 'Approve,' 'Complete,' and 'FYI'. Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents with the selected action from the list.

Action Requested Group

Select the name of the group that is requested to take an action.

Document Type

Select a document type from the lookup

. Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents with the selected type from the list.

Date Created

Enter a date range or select dates from the calendar

to limit the documents based on the date they were created. Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents that were created during this given time range.

Date Last Assigned

Enter a date range or select dates from the calendar to limit the documents based on the date that this action item was generated for you. Select the Exclude? check box to exclude documents that entered your action list during this given time range. The acceptable format is mm/dd/yyyy.

In Using Doc Search to Find a Document, we introduced the basic search capabilities within the KEW. The system also provides more advanced and sophisticated search capabilities.

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