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Contexts are a collection of agendas, rules, terms, term specifications. In OLE a context of "License" has been established for easy identification of the items related to the licensing business rules.

Each Context contains its own agendas, and each Agenda contains its own rules. Rules aren't shared across agendas (though you can copy/paste, they become unique Rule instances), and Agendas aren't shared across Contexts. There is no Context hierarchy, that is, Agendas and Rules can't be inherited across contexts within any sort of hierarchy.

The Context Maintenance document includes the Context tab. The system automatically enters data into both the Old and New sections. Selected data fields are available for editing.

Context tab definition




The name of the Context. This is a unique identifier and must be unique to the namespace selected.


The Namespace to which this Context will belong. Select the namespace from the drop down list.


Select a type from the drop down list to assign the context to more specific attributes.


Enter a description of the context.

Active Indicator

Indicates whether this context is active or inactive. Remove the check mark to deactivate the code.

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