Interface | Description |
FlexibleAccountUpdateable |
An interface that declares the methods that a Business Object must implement, if it should have its flexible offset account updated by
the FlexibleOffsetAccountService.
LedgerBalanceHistory |
Interface for BalanceHistory used by GL and Labor
LedgerEntryHistory |
Interface for EntryHistory used by GL and Labor
OriginEntryInformation |
Represents an origin entry
PosterOutputSummaryAmountHolder |
Interface for any class which holds a set of poster output summary amounts
Transaction |
This interface represents a financial transaction
Class | Description |
AccountBalance |
Just as Balance is a summarization of Entry, so AccountBalance is a summarization of Balance.
AccountBalanceByConsolidation |
This class is an empty derived class of Balance for solving the conflict in lookup framework.
AccountBalanceByLevel |
This class...
AccountBalanceByObject |
This class is an empty derived class of Balance for solving the conflict in lookup framework.
AccountBalanceHistory |
AccountBalance BO for Balancing process.
Balance |
This class contains the monthly balance amounts for a specific fiscal year, chart of accounts code, account number,
sub account number, object code, sub object code, balance type code, object type code
BalanceHistory |
General Ledger business object for BalanceHistory.
CashBalance |
This class is an empty derived class of Balance for solving the conflict in lookup framework.
CollectorDetail |
CollectorDetail Business Object.
CollectorDetailFieldUtil |
This class has utility methods for parsing OriginEntries from Strings
CollectorHeader |
This class represents a unique header for use with a CollectorBatch class
CorrectionChange |
A class that represents a change to any origin entry that was altered within a GLCP Document
CorrectionChangeGroup |
This class represents a GLCP correction change group
CorrectionChangeGroup.CorrectionGroupLineNumberComparator |
A comparator that compares to GLCP correction change groups based on their group line numbers
within the GLCP document
CorrectionCriteria |
Represents a GLCP criteria
DemergerReportData |
A class to encapsulate statistics generated during a demerger
Encumbrance |
Represents the encumbrance amount for a specific university fiscal year,
chart of accounts code, account number, sub account number, object code,
sub object code, balance type code, document type code, origin code, and document number.
EncumbranceHistory |
Encumbrance BO for Balancing process.
Entry |
Represents a G/L entry
EntryHistory |
General Ledger business object for LedgerEntryHistory
ExpenditureTransaction |
Represents a expenditure transaction for a specific fiscal year, COA code, account number,
sub account number, object code, sub-object code, balance type code, object type code,
fiscal accounting period, project code, organization reference ID
GlSummary |
This class represents a G/L Summary object which contains monthly amounts
LedgerBalanceTypeSummaryTotalLine |
Holds summary information for the Ledger report
LedgerEntry |
A representation of LedgerEntries, which are summaries that show up on Ledger Reports created by the scrubber and poster.
LedgerEntryForReporting |
A representation of LedgerEntries, which are summaries that show up on Ledger Reports created by the scrubber and poster.
LedgerEntryHolder |
A collection of many LedgerEntry records, which appropriately groups the records
LedgerSummaryDetailLine |
Holds summary data for the ledger summary report
LedgerSummaryTotalLine |
Summarizes Pending Entry data for the GLPE pending entry report.
OrgReversionUnitOfWork |
This class represents a unit of work for the organization reversion
OrgReversionUnitOfWorkCategoryAmount |
This class represents a organization reversion unit of work category amount
OriginEntryFieldUtil |
This class has utility methods for parsing OriginEntries from Strings
OriginEntryFull |
This class represents a full origin entry
OriginEntryGroup | |
OriginEntryGroup.GroupTypeComparator |
An implementation of Comparator which compares origin entry groups by their source attribute
OriginEntrySource |
A class that defines all the source codes for all types of Origin Entry groups
OriginEntryStatistics |
This class represents origin entry statistics for debit, credit, and budget total amounts
PendingBalancesMove |
This class represents a pending balances move
PendingEntrySummary |
An OriginEntryInformation wrapper which helpfully summarizes data for the pending entry report
PosterOutputSummaryBalanceTypeFiscalYearAndPeriodTotal |
A poster output summary total line, for transactions with a given fiscal year, fiscal period, and balance type
PosterOutputSummaryBalanceTypeFiscalYearTotal |
A poster output summary total line, for transactions with a given fiscal year and balance type
PosterOutputSummaryBalanceTypeTotal |
Represents a poster output summary line which holds values for a specific balance type
PosterOutputSummaryEntry |
This class represents a poster output summary entry
PosterOutputSummaryTotal | |
Reversal |
This class represents a reversal of a transaction
ScrubberMessage |
A class that holds an error message that would have been encountered during a GL batch job
SufficientFundBalances |
This class represents sufficient fund balances
SufficientFundRebuild |
This class represents a sufficient fund rebuild
TransientBalanceInquiryAttributes |
This class represents the transient balance inquiry attributes which is typically used as a "dummy business object"
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