View Javadoc
1   package org.kuali.ole.docstore.process;
3   import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch;
4   import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServer;
5   import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException;
6   import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
7   import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
8   import org.kuali.ole.DocumentUniqueIDPrefix;
9   import org.kuali.ole.RepositoryBrowser;
10  import org.kuali.ole.RepositoryManager;
11  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.*;
12  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.content.instance.FormerIdentifier;
13  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.content.instance.Instance;
14  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.content.instance.xstream.InstanceOlemlRecordProcessor;
15  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.util.BatchBibTreeDBUtil;
16  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.util.BibInfoStatistics;
17  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.util.ReindexBatchStatistics;
18  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.discovery.service.SolrServerManager;
19  import;
20  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.document.rdbms.RdbmsWorkBibMarcDocumentManager;
21  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.document.rdbms.RdbmsWorkEInstanceDocumentManager;
22  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.document.rdbms.RdbmsWorkInstanceDocumentManager;
23  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.engine.service.index.solr.BibMarcIndexer;
24  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.engine.service.index.solr.DocumentIndexer;
25  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.indexer.solr.IndexerService;
26  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.metrics.reindex.ReIndexingBatchStatus;
27  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.metrics.reindex.ReIndexingStatus;
28  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocCategory;
29  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocFormat;
30  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocType;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.ingest.AdditionalAttributes;
35  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.ingest.Content;
36  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.ingest.RequestDocument;
37  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.ingest.ResponseDocument;
38  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.common.document.content.instance.InstanceCollection;
39  import;
40  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.service.BeanLocator;
41  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.service.DocumentIngester;
42  import org.kuali.ole.docstore.service.ServiceLocator;
43  import org.kuali.ole.pojo.OleException;
44  import org.kuali.ole.repository.CheckoutManager;
45  import org.kuali.ole.repository.NodeHandler;
46  import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.BusinessObjectService;
47  import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KRADServiceLocator;
48  import org.slf4j.Logger;
49  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
50  import;
52  import javax.jcr.Binary;
53  import javax.jcr.Node;
54  import javax.jcr.NodeIterator;
55  import javax.jcr.Session;
56  import;
57  import;
58  import java.sql.*;
59  import java.text.DateFormat;
60  import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
61  import java.util.*;
62  import java.util.Date;
64  /**
65   * Class to Rebuild Indexes.
66   *
67   * @author Rajesh Chowdary K
68   * @created May 2, 2012
69   */
70  public class RebuildIndexesHandler
71          implements Runnable {
73      private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RebuildIndexesHandler.class);
74      private static RebuildIndexesHandler reBuilder = null;
75      private boolean isRunning = false;
76      private boolean isStop = false;
77      private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RebuildIndexesHandler.class);
78      private String docCategory;
79      private String docType;
80      private String docFormat;
81      private BibInfoStatistics bibInfoStatistics = null;
82      private CheckoutManager checkoutManager;
83      //    private ReIndexingStatus reIndexingStatus;
84      private int batchSize;
85      private int startIndex;
86      private int endIndex;
87      private String updateDate;
89      public static String EXCEPION_FILE_NAME = "";
90      public static String STATUS_FILE_NAME = "";
91      public static String STORAGE_EXCEPTION_FILE_NAME = "";
92      public static String STORAGE_STATUS_FILE_NAME = "";
93      public static BatchBibTreeDBUtil bibTreeDBUtil = new BatchBibTreeDBUtil();
95      private String filePath =  System.getProperty("solr.solr.home");
96      public synchronized void setRunning(boolean running) {
97          isRunning = running;
98      }
100     public synchronized void setStop(boolean stop) {
101         isStop = stop;
102     }
104     private RebuildIndexesHandler() {
105         checkoutManager = new CheckoutManager();
106     }
108     public static RebuildIndexesHandler getInstance() {
109         if (reBuilder == null) {
110             reBuilder = new RebuildIndexesHandler();
111         }
112         return reBuilder;
113     }
115     /**
116      * Method to get running status.
117      *
118      * @return
119      */
120     public synchronized boolean isRunning() {
121         return isRunning;
122     }
124     public synchronized boolean isStop() {
125         return isStop;
126     }
128     /**
129      * Method to startProcess
130      */
131     public String startProcess(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) throws InterruptedException {
132         String status = null;
133         if (isRunning()) {
134             status = "ReIndexing process is already running. Click 'Show Status' button to know the status. ";
135         } else {
136             setRunning(true);
137             setStop(false);
138             status = "ReIndexing process has started. Click 'Show Status' button to know the status. ";
139             ReIndexingStatus reIndexingStatus = ReIndexingStatus.getInstance();
140             reIndexingStatus.reset();
141             if (docCategory == null || docCategory.equals("")) {
142                 docCategory = "all";
143             }
144             if (docType == null || docType.equals("")) {
145                 docType = "all";
146             }
147             if (docFormat == null || docType.equals("")) {
148                 docFormat = "all";
149             }
150             this.docCategory = docCategory;
151             this.docType = docType;
152             this.docFormat = docFormat;
153             Thread reBuilderThread = new Thread(this);
154             reBuilderThread.start();
155             //            reBuilderThread.join();
156             setRunning(false);
157         }
158         return status;
159     }
160     public String startProcess(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat, int batchSize, int startIndex, int endIndex,String updateDate) throws InterruptedException {
161         String status = null;
162         if (isRunning()) {
163             status = "ReIndexing process is already running. Click 'Show Status' button to know the status. ";
164         } else {
165             setRunning(true);
166             setStop(false);
167             status = "ReIndexing process has started. Click 'Show Status' button to know the status. ";
168             ReIndexingStatus reIndexingStatus = ReIndexingStatus.getInstance();
169             reIndexingStatus.reset();
170             if (docCategory == null || docCategory.equals("")) {
171                 docCategory = "all";
172             }
173             if (docType == null || docType.equals("")) {
174                 docType = "all";
175             }
176             if (docFormat == null || docType.equals("")) {
177                 docFormat = "all";
178             }
179             this.docCategory = docCategory;
180             this.docType = docType;
181             this.docFormat = docFormat;
182             this.batchSize = batchSize;
183             this.startIndex = startIndex;
184             this.endIndex = endIndex;
185             this.updateDate=updateDate;
186             Thread reBuilderThread = new Thread(this);
187             reBuilderThread.start();
188             //            reBuilderThread.join();
189             setRunning(false);
190         }
191         return status;
192     }
194     public String stopProcess() throws Exception {
195         String status = null;
196         if (isRunning()) {
197             status = "ReIndexing process is running. ReIndexing will stop after current batch. ";
198             setStop(true);
199             setRunning(false);
200         } else {
201             status = "ReIndexing process is not running.";
202         }
203         return status;
205     }
207     public void run() {
208         DocCategoryTypeFormat docCategoryTypeFormat = new DocCategoryTypeFormat();
209         List<String> categoryList = docCategoryTypeFormat.getCategories();
210         List<String> typeList = null;
211         List<String> formatList = null;
212         for (String docCategoryCurr : categoryList) {
213             if (docCategory.equals("all") || docCategory.equals(docCategoryCurr)) {
214                 typeList = docCategoryTypeFormat.getDocTypes(docCategoryCurr);
215                 for (String docTypeCurr : typeList) {
216                     if (docType.equals("all") || docType.equals(docTypeCurr)) {
217                         formatList = docCategoryTypeFormat.getDocFormats(docCategoryCurr, docTypeCurr);
218                         for (String docFormatCurr : formatList) {
219                             if (docFormat.equals("all") || docFormat.equals(docFormatCurr)) {
220                                 if (!isStop()) {
221                                     ReIndexingStatus.getInstance()
222                                             .startDocType(docCategoryCurr, docTypeCurr, docFormatCurr);
223                                     reIndex(docCategoryCurr, docTypeCurr, docFormatCurr);
224                                 } else {
225                                     return;
226                                 }
227                             }
228                         }
229                     }
230                 }
231             }
232         }
233         setRunning(false);
234     }
236     private void reIndex(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) {
237         Session session = null;
238         setRunning(true);
239"Rebuild Indexes Run(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + "): ");
240         try {
241             if (docCategory.equals(DocCategory.WORK.getCode())) {
242                 if (docType.equals(DocType.BIB.getDescription())) {
243                     if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.MARC.getCode()) || docFormat.equals(DocFormat.DUBLIN_CORE.getCode())
244                             || docFormat.equals(DocFormat.DUBLIN_UNQUALIFIED.getCode())) {
245                         org.springframework.util.StopWatch stopWatch = new org.springframework.util.StopWatch();
246                         stopWatch.start("total time taken");
247                         Date date = new Date();
248                         EXCEPION_FILE_NAME = "ReindexErrors-" + date.toString() + ".txt";
249                         STATUS_FILE_NAME = "ReindexBatchStatus-" + date.toString() + ".txt";
250                         BatchBibTreeDBUtil.writeStatusToFile(filePath, RebuildIndexesHandler.EXCEPION_FILE_NAME, "Reindex started at:" + date);
251                         BibHoldingItemReindexer bibHoldingItemReindexer = BibHoldingItemReindexer.getInstance();
252                         bibHoldingItemReindexer.setTotalBatchStatistics(new ReindexBatchStatistics());
253                         bibHoldingItemReindexer.index(batchSize, startIndex, endIndex,updateDate);
254                         date = new Date();
255                         BatchBibTreeDBUtil.writeStatusToFile(filePath, RebuildIndexesHandler.EXCEPION_FILE_NAME, "Reindex ended at:" + date);
256                         stopWatch.stop();
257               ;
258 //                        workBibMarcAndDublinAll(docCategory, docType, docFormat);
259                     } else {
261                                 "Rebuild Indexes Run(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + "): FAIL");
262                     }
263                 } else if (docType.equals(DocType.INSTANCE.getDescription())) {
264                     if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.OLEML.getCode())) {
265                         workInstanceOLEML(docCategory, docType, docFormat);
266                     } else {
268                                 "Rebuild Indexes Run(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + "): FAIL");
269                     }
270                 } else if (docType.equals(DocType.LICENSE.getDescription())) {
271                     if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.ONIXPL.getCode()) || docFormat.equals(DocFormat.PDF.getCode())
272                             || docFormat.equals(DocFormat.DOC.getCode())) {
273                         workLicense(docCategory, docType, docFormat);
274                     } else {
276                                 "Rebuild Indexes Run(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + "): FAIL");
277                     }
278                 } else if (docType.equals(DocType.EINSTANCE.getCode())) {
279                     if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.OLEML.getCode())) {
280                         workEInstanceOLEML(docCategory, docType, docFormat);
281                     } else {
283                                 "Rebuild Indexes Run(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + "): FAIL");
284                     }
285                 }
286             }
287         } catch (Exception e) {
288   , e);
289         } finally {
290             try {
291                 if (isStop) {
292                     ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Stopped");
293                 } else {
294                     ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Done");
295                 }
296                 RepositoryManager.getRepositoryManager().logout(session);
297             } catch (OleException e) {
298                 logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
299             }
300         }
302     }
304     private void workEInstanceOLEML(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) {
305         long totalCount = 0;
306         long nodeCount = 0;
307         List<RequestDocument> docs = new ArrayList<RequestDocument>();
308         WorkEInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor workEInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor = new WorkEInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor();
309         try {
310             RequestDocument rd = new RequestDocument();
311             rd.setCategory(docCategory);
312             rd.setType(docType);
313             rd.setFormat(docFormat);
314             List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList = new ArrayList<ReIndexingBatchStatus>();
315             BusinessObjectService businessObjectService = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService();
316             List<EInstanceRecord> instanceRecords = (List<EInstanceRecord>) businessObjectService.findAll(EInstanceRecord.class);
317             StopWatch loadTimer = new StopWatch();
318             StopWatch batchTimer = new StopWatch();
319             loadTimer.start();
320             batchTimer.start();
321             for (int i = 0; i < instanceRecords.size(); i++) {
322                 if (docs.size() == ProcessParameters.BULK_PROCESSOR_SPLIT_SIZE) {
323                     if (!isStop()) {
324                         ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
325                         indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
326                         indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
327                         resetTimers(batchTimer, loadTimer);
328                         totalCount = 0;
329               "Rebuild");
330                     } else {
331                         return;
332                     }
333                 } else {
334                     EInstanceRecord instanceRecord = instanceRecords.get(i);
335                     String uuid = DocumentUniqueIDPrefix.getPrefixedId(instanceRecord.getUniqueIdPrefix(), instanceRecord.geteInstanceIdentifier());
336                     RequestDocument requestDocument = buildRequestDocumentForCheckout(docCategory, docType, docFormat, uuid);
337                     ResponseDocument responseDocument = RdbmsWorkEInstanceDocumentManager.getInstance().checkoutContent(requestDocument, businessObjectService);
338                     String content = responseDocument.getContent().getContent();
339                     RequestDocument requestDocumentForIndex = (RequestDocument) rd.clone();
340                     requestDocumentForIndex.setAdditionalAttributes(responseDocument.getAdditionalAttributes());
341                     requestDocumentForIndex.setId(uuid);
342                     requestDocumentForIndex.setUuid(uuid);
343            instanceCollection = workEInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor.fromXML(content);
344                     content = workEInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor.toXML(instanceCollection);
345                     Content contentObj = new Content();
346                     contentObj.setContent(content);
347                     contentObj.setContentObject(instanceCollection);
348                     requestDocumentForIndex.setContent(contentObj);
349                     docs.add(requestDocumentForIndex);
350                     totalCount++;
351                 }
352             }
353             if (docs.size() > 0 && !isStop()) {
354                 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
355                 indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
356                 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
357             }
358         } catch (Exception e) {
359             logger.error(
360                     "Rebuild Indexes Process(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + ") Processed(" + (
361                             totalCount - docs.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + docs.size() + "): Cause: " + e, e);
362         } finally {
363             if (isStop) {
364                 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Stopped");
365             } else {
366                 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Done");
367             }
368         }
370     }
373     private void indexBibDocs(List<BibTree> bibTreeList, long records, long recCount,
374                               List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList, ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus) {
375         StopWatch indexTimer = new StopWatch();
376         DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:SSS");
377         try {
378             Date startDate = new Date();
379             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchStartTime(dateFormat.format(startDate));
380             indexTimer.start();
381             reIndexingBatchStatus.setStatus("Indexing");
382             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchIndexingTime(indexTimer.toString());
383             reIndexingBatchStatus.setRecordsProcessed(records);
384             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchEndTime(" ");
385             batchStatusList.add(reIndexingBatchStatus);
386             ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setReIndBatStatusList(batchStatusList);
387             DocumentIndexer documentIndexer = BibMarcIndexer.getInstance();
388             BibTrees bibTrees = new BibTrees();
389             bibTrees.getBibTrees().addAll(bibTreeList);
390             documentIndexer.createTrees(bibTrees);
391             //logger.debug(result);
392             indexTimer.stop();
393             Date endDate = new Date();
394             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchEndTime(dateFormat.format(endDate));
395             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchIndexingTime(indexTimer.toString());
396             reIndexingBatchStatus.setRecordsProcessed(records);
397             reIndexingBatchStatus.setStatus("Done");
398             reIndexingBatchStatus.setRecordsRemaining(recCount - records);
399             ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setReIndBatStatusList(batchStatusList);
400             bibTreeList.clear();
401         } catch (Exception e) {
402             String firstBibId = bibTreeList.get(0).getBib().getId();
403             String lastBibId = bibTreeList.get(bibTreeList.size()-1).getBib().getId();
404             logger.error(
405                     "Rebuild Indexes Process(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + ") Processed(" + (
406                             records - bibTreeList.size()) + "), Failed @ bibId( First BibId: " + firstBibId + "   :  Last BibId : "+ lastBibId +"): Cause: " + e, e);
407             indexTimer.stop();
408             Date endDate = new Date();
409             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchEndTime(dateFormat.format(endDate));
410             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchIndexingTime(indexTimer.toString());
411             reIndexingBatchStatus.setRecordsProcessed(0L);
412             reIndexingBatchStatus.setStatus("Done");
413             reIndexingBatchStatus.setRecordsRemaining(recCount - records);
414             ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setReIndBatStatusList(batchStatusList);
415             bibTreeList.clear();
416         }
417     }
420     private void indexDocs(List<RequestDocument> docs, long records, long recCount,
421                            List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList, ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus) {
422         try {
423             StopWatch indexTimer = new StopWatch();
424             DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:SSS");
425             Date startDate = new Date();
426             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchStartTime(dateFormat.format(startDate));
427             indexTimer.start();
428             reIndexingBatchStatus.setStatus("Indexing");
429             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchIndexingTime(indexTimer.toString());
430             reIndexingBatchStatus.setRecordsProcessed(records);
431             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchEndTime(" ");
432             batchStatusList.add(reIndexingBatchStatus);
433             ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setReIndBatStatusList(batchStatusList);
434             IndexerService indexerService = BeanLocator.getDocstoreFactory().getDocumentIndexManager(docs.get(0).getCategory(), docs.get(0).getType(), docs.get(0).getFormat());
435             String result = indexerService.indexDocuments(docs, false);
436             logger.debug(result);
437             indexTimer.stop();
438             Date endDate = new Date();
439             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchEndTime(dateFormat.format(endDate));
440             reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchIndexingTime(indexTimer.toString());
441             reIndexingBatchStatus.setRecordsProcessed(records);
442             reIndexingBatchStatus.setStatus("Done");
443             reIndexingBatchStatus.setRecordsRemaining(recCount - records);
444             ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setReIndBatStatusList(batchStatusList);
445             docs.clear();
446         } catch (Exception e) {
447             logger.error("Rebuild Indexes Processed(" + (records - docs.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + docs.size()
448                     + "): Cause: " + e + "\n\tContinuous", e);
449         }
450     }
452     private void workBibMarcAndDublinAll(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
453         long totalCount = 0;
454         long nodeCount = 0;
455         int start = 0;
456         String sqlQuery = null;
457         long startTime = 0;
458         long commitEndTime = 0;
459         long commitStartTime = 0;
460         int batchSize = 50000;  //ProcessParameters.BULK_PROCESSOR_SPLIT_SIZE;
461         int commitSize = 50000;
462         long endIndexBatch = 0;
463         String dbVendor = ConfigContext.getCurrentContextConfig().getProperty("db.vendor");
464         List<BibTree> bibTrees = new ArrayList<BibTree>();
465         //Map<String, BibTree> bibMap = new HashMap<String, BibTree>();
466         try {
467             String prefix = DocumentUniqueIDPrefix.getPrefix(docCategory, docType, docFormat);
468             Map prefixMap = new HashMap(0);
469             prefixMap.put("uniqueIdPrefix", prefix);
470             startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();   //t1
472             BusinessObjectService businessObjectService = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService();
473             int bibCount = businessObjectService.countMatching(BibRecord.class, prefixMap);
474             Connection connection = null;
475             PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;
476             if (bibCount > 0) {
477                 connection = getConnection();
478                 if (dbVendor.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) {
479                     sqlQuery = "select * from ole_ds_bib_t b ORDER BY b.bib_id LIMIT ?,?";
480                 } else {
481                     sqlQuery = "select * from (select b.*,ROWNUM r from OLE_DS_BIB_T b) where  r between ? and ?";
482                 }
483                 preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(sqlQuery);
484             }
485             List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList = new ArrayList<ReIndexingBatchStatus>();
486             StopWatch loadTimer = new StopWatch();
487             StopWatch batchTimer = new StopWatch();
488             loadTimer.start();
489             batchTimer.start();
491             for (int i = 0; i < bibCount; i++) {
492                 if (bibTrees.size() == batchSize) {
493                     if (!isStop()) {
495                         ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
496                         indexBibDocs(bibTrees, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
497                         indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
498                         resetTimers(batchTimer, loadTimer);
499                         totalCount = 0;
500               "Rebuild");
501                         i = start;
502                         if (start % commitSize == 0) {
503                             commitStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //t2
504                   "Time elapsed since start ====>>>>>>  " + (commitStartTime - startTime)); // t2-t1
505                   "Time elapsed since last commit ====>>>>>>  " + (commitStartTime - commitEndTime));   //t2-t3
506                   "commit started ====>>>>>>  " + commitStartTime);
507                             SolrServer solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
508                             solr.commit();
509                   "No..of records committed ====>>>>>>  " + start);
510                             commitEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //t3
511                   "Time Taken for commit ====>>>>>>  " + (commitEndTime - commitStartTime));  //t3-t2
513                         }
514                     } else {
515                         return;
516                     }
517                 } else {
518                     if (start < bibCount) {
519                         long b2time = System.currentTimeMillis();
520                         if (dbVendor.equalsIgnoreCase("mysql")) {
521                             preparedStatement.setInt(1, start);
522                             preparedStatement.setInt(2, batchSize);
523                         } else {
524                             preparedStatement.setInt(1, start + 1);
525                             preparedStatement.setInt(2, start + batchSize);
526                         }
527                         ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
528               "time taking for getting records from DB end======>>>>>" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - b2time));
529                         while ( {
531                                 BibTree bibTree = new BibTree();
532                                 bibTree.setCategory(docCategory);
533                                 bibTree.setType(docType);
534                                 bibTree.setFormat(docFormat);
535                                 Bib bib = new BibMarc();
536                                 bib.setCategory(docCategory);
537                                 bib.setType(docType);
538                                 bib.setFormat(docFormat);
539                                 bib.setCreatedBy(resultSet.getString("CREATED_BY"));
540                                 bib.setCreatedOn(resultSet.getString("DATE_CREATED"));
541                                 bib.setStaffOnly((resultSet.getString("STAFF_ONLY").equalsIgnoreCase("Y") ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE));
542                                 bib.setContent(resultSet.getString("CONTENT"));
543                                 bib.setUpdatedBy(resultSet.getString("UPDATED_BY"));
544                                 bib.setUpdatedOn(resultSet.getString("DATE_UPDATED"));
545                                 bib.setLastUpdated(resultSet.getString("DATE_UPDATED"));
546                                 bib.setStatus(resultSet.getString("STATUS"));
547                                 bib.setStatusUpdatedBy(resultSet.getString("STATUS_UPDATED_BY"));
548                                 bib.setStatusUpdatedOn(resultSet.getString("STATUS_UPDATED_DATE"));
549                                 String uuid = DocumentUniqueIDPrefix.getPrefixedId(resultSet.getString("UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX"), resultSet.getString(1));
550                                 bib.setId(uuid);
551                                 bib.setLocalId(uuid);
552                                 bibTree.setBib(bib);
554                                 start++;
555                                 totalCount++;
556                                 bibTrees.add(bibTree);
557                         }
558                         resultSet.close();
559                     }
560                 }
562             }
563             if (bibTrees.size() > 0 && !isStop()) {
564                 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
565                 indexBibDocs(bibTrees, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
566                 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
567                 commitStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
568       "commit started : ---->  " + commitStartTime);
569                 SolrServer solr = SolrServerManager.getInstance().getSolrServer();
570                 solr.commit();
571       "No..of records committed : ---->  " + start);
572                 commitEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
573       "Time Taken for commit ======>>>  " + (commitEndTime - commitStartTime));
575             }
576             endIndexBatch = System.currentTimeMillis();   //t1
577   "Time elapsed since end ====>>>>>>  " + endIndexBatch);
578         } catch (Exception e) {
579             logger.error(
580                     "Rebuild Indexes Process(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + ") Processed(" + (
581                             totalCount - bibTrees.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + bibTrees.size() + "): Cause: " + e, e);
582         } finally {
583             if (isStop) {
584                 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Stopped");
585             } else {
586                 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Done");
587             }
588         }
589     }
591     private void workInstanceOLEML(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) {
592         long totalCount = 0;
593         long nodeCount = 0;
594         List<RequestDocument> docs = new ArrayList<RequestDocument>();
595         InstanceOlemlRecordProcessor instanceOlemlRecordProcessor = new InstanceOlemlRecordProcessor();
596         try {
597             RequestDocument rd = new RequestDocument();
598             rd.setCategory(docCategory);
599             rd.setType(docType);
600             rd.setFormat(docFormat);
601             List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList = new ArrayList<ReIndexingBatchStatus>();
602             BusinessObjectService businessObjectService = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService();
603             List<InstanceRecord> instanceRecords = (List<InstanceRecord>) businessObjectService.findAll(InstanceRecord.class);
604             StopWatch loadTimer = new StopWatch();
605             StopWatch batchTimer = new StopWatch();
606             loadTimer.start();
607             batchTimer.start();
608             for (int i = 0; i < instanceRecords.size(); i++) {
609                 if (docs.size() == ProcessParameters.BULK_PROCESSOR_SPLIT_SIZE) {
610                     if (!isStop()) {
611                         ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
612                         indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
613                         indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
614                         resetTimers(batchTimer, loadTimer);
615                         totalCount = 0;
616               "Rebuild");
617                     } else {
618                         return;
619                     }
620                 } else {
621                     InstanceRecord instanceRecord = instanceRecords.get(i);
622                     String uuid = DocumentUniqueIDPrefix.getPrefixedId(instanceRecord.getUniqueIdPrefix(), instanceRecord.getInstanceId());
623                     RequestDocument requestDocument = buildRequestDocumentForCheckout(docCategory, docType, docFormat, uuid);
624                     ResponseDocument responseDocument = RdbmsWorkInstanceDocumentManager.getInstance().checkoutContent(requestDocument, businessObjectService);
625                     String content = responseDocument.getContent().getContent();
626                     RequestDocument requestDocumentForIndex = (RequestDocument) rd.clone();
627                     requestDocumentForIndex.setAdditionalAttributes(responseDocument.getAdditionalAttributes());
628                     requestDocumentForIndex.setId(uuid);
629                     requestDocumentForIndex.setUuid(uuid);
630                     InstanceCollection instanceCollection = instanceOlemlRecordProcessor.fromXML(content);
631 //                    logger.debug("REBUILD_INDEXING_LINKING " + ProcessParameters.REBUILD_INDEXING_LINKING);
632 //                    if (!ProcessParameters.REBUILD_INDEXING_LINKING) {
633 //                        instanceCollection.getInstance().get(0).getResourceIdentifier().clear();
634 //                    }
635                     content = instanceOlemlRecordProcessor.toXML(instanceCollection);
636                     Content contentObj = new Content();
637                     contentObj.setContent(content);
638                     contentObj.setContentObject(instanceCollection);
639                     requestDocumentForIndex.setContent(contentObj);
640                     docs.add(requestDocumentForIndex);
641                     totalCount++;
642                 }
643             }
644             if (docs.size() > 0 && !isStop()) {
645                 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
646                 indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
647                 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
648             }
649         } catch (Exception e) {
650             logger.error(
651                     "Rebuild Indexes Process(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + ") Processed(" + (
652                             totalCount - docs.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + docs.size() + "): Cause: " + e, e);
653         } finally {
654             if (isStop) {
655                 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Stopped");
656             } else {
657                 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Done");
658             }
659         }
660     }
662     private RequestDocument buildRequestDocumentForCheckout(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat, String uuid) {
663         RequestDocument requestDocument = new RequestDocument();
664         requestDocument.setCategory(docCategory);
665         requestDocument.setType(docType);
666         requestDocument.setFormat(docFormat);
667         requestDocument.setUuid(uuid);
668         return requestDocument;
669     }
671     private void linkingInstanceWithBib(InstanceCollection instanceCollection, Session session, Node fileNode) {
672         for (Instance instance : instanceCollection.getInstance()) {
673             instance.getResourceIdentifier().clear();
674             for (FormerIdentifier frids : instance.getFormerResourceIdentifier()) {
675                 try {
676                     if (frids != null && frids.getIdentifier() != null &&
677                             frids.getIdentifier().getIdentifierValue() != null &&
678                             frids.getIdentifier().getIdentifierValue().trim().length() >= 0) {
679                         List<SolrDocument> solrBibDocs = ServiceLocator.getIndexerService()
680                                 .getSolrDocument("SystemControlNumber",
681                                         frids.getIdentifier()
682                                                 .getIdentifierValue());
683                         SolrInputDocument solrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
684                         WorkBibMarcDocBuilder marcDocBuilder = new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder();
685                         List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocs = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
686                         if (solrBibDocs != null && solrBibDocs.size() > 0) {
687                             for (SolrDocument solrbibDoc : solrBibDocs) {
688                                 if (checkApplicability(frids.getIdentifier().getIdentifierValue(),
689                                         solrbibDoc.getFieldValue("SystemControlNumber"))) {
691                                     compareObjNAddValue(instance.getInstanceIdentifier(),
692                                             solrbibDoc.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier"), solrbibDoc,
693                                             "instanceIdentifier");
694                                     solrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
695                                     marcDocBuilder.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrbibDoc, solrInputDocument);
696                                     solrInputDocs.add(solrInputDocument);
697                                     String bibId = compareListRString(solrbibDoc.getFieldValue("id"));
698                                     instance.getResourceIdentifier().add(bibId);
699                                     modifyContentAddLinkedIdsInDocStore(instance, bibId, session, fileNode);
700                                     indexSolrDocs(solrInputDocs);
701                                 }
702                             }
703                         }
704                     }
705                 } catch (Exception e) {
706                     logger.error("error message" + e.getMessage(), e);
707                 }
708             }
709         }
710     }
712     private void modifyContentAddLinkedIdsInDocStore(Instance instance, String id, Session session, Node fileNode) {
714         try {
715             Node bibNode = getNodeByUUID(session, id);
716             bibNode.setProperty("instanceIdentifier", instance.getInstanceIdentifier());
717             fileNode.setProperty("bibIdentifier", id);
719             InstanceOlemlRecordProcessor recordProcessor = new InstanceOlemlRecordProcessor();
720             NodeIterator nodeIterator = fileNode.getNodes();
721             while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) {
722                 Node instNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
723                 if (instNode.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("instanceFile")) {
724                     InstanceCollection instCol = new InstanceCollection();
725                     Instance inst = new Instance();
726                     inst.setResourceIdentifier(instance.getResourceIdentifier());
727                     inst.setFormerResourceIdentifier(instance.getFormerResourceIdentifier());
728                     inst.setExtension(instance.getExtension());
729                     inst.setInstanceIdentifier(instance.getInstanceIdentifier());
730                     List<Instance> instanceList = new ArrayList<Instance>();
731                     instanceList.add(inst);
732                     instCol.setInstance(instanceList);
734                     byte[] documentBytes = recordProcessor.toXML(instCol).getBytes();
735                     Binary binary = null;
736                     if (documentBytes != null && instNode != null && documentBytes.length > 0) {
737                         binary = session.getValueFactory().createBinary(new ByteArrayInputStream(documentBytes));
738                         instNode.getNode("jcr:content").setProperty("jcr:data", binary);
739                     }
740                 }
741             }
742         } catch (Exception e) {
743             logger.error("error while updating Docstore in reindexing Process" + e.getMessage(), e);
744         }
745     }
747     private void indexSolrDocs(List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocs) {
749         try {
750             ServiceLocator.getIndexerService().indexSolrDocuments(solrInputDocs);
751   "Linking Bib and Instance Records (" + solrInputDocs.size() + "): ");
752             solrInputDocs.clear();
753         } catch (Exception e) {
754             logger.error(
755                     "Linking Bib and Instance Records (" + (solrInputDocs.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + solrInputDocs
756                             .size() + "): Cause: " + e + "\n\tContinuous", e);
757         }
758     }
761     private boolean checkApplicability(Object value, Object fieldValue) {
762         if (fieldValue instanceof Collection) {
763             for (Object object : (Collection) fieldValue) {
764                 if (object.equals(value)) {
765                     return true;
766                 }
767             }
768             return false;
769         } else {
770             return value.equals(fieldValue);
771         }
772     }
775     private String compareListRString(Object id) {
776         if (id != null) {
777             if (id instanceof List) {
778                 List<String> idList = (List<String>) id;
779                 return idList.get(0);
780             } else if (id instanceof String) {
781                 String strId = (String) id;
782                 return strId;
783             }
784         }
785         return null;
786     }
788     private void compareObjNAddValue(String id, Object idObj, SolrDocument solrDoc, String identifier) {
789         if (idObj != null) {
790             if (idObj instanceof List) {
791                 List<String> instBibIdList = (List<String>) idObj;
792                 if (!instBibIdList.contains(id)) {
793                     solrDoc.addField(identifier, id);
794                 }
795             } else if (idObj instanceof String) {
796                 String instBibId = (String) idObj;
797                 if (!instBibId.equalsIgnoreCase(id)) {
798                     solrDoc.addField(identifier, id);
799                 }
800             }
801         } else {
802             solrDoc.addField(identifier, id);
803         }
804     }
806     private void workLicense(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) {
807         Session session = null;
808         long totalCount = 0;
809         long nodeCount = 0;
810         List<RequestDocument> docs = new ArrayList<RequestDocument>();
811         try {
812             session = RepositoryManager.getRepositoryManager().getSession(ProcessParameters.BULK_DEFAULT_USER,
813                     ProcessParameters.BULK_DEFUALT_ACTION);
814             RequestDocument rd = new RequestDocument();
815             rd.setCategory(docCategory);
816             rd.setType(docType);
817             rd.setFormat(docFormat);
818             DocumentIngester docIngester = new DocumentIngester();
819             Node nodeFormat = docIngester.getStaticFormatNode(rd, session);
820             NodeIterator nodesL1 = nodeFormat.getNodes();
821             List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList = new ArrayList<ReIndexingBatchStatus>();
822             StopWatch loadTimer = new StopWatch();
823             StopWatch batchTimer = new StopWatch();
824             loadTimer.start();
825             RepositoryBrowser repositoryBrowser = new RepositoryBrowser();
826             while (nodesL1.hasNext()) {
827                 Node nodeL1 = nodesL1.nextNode();
828                 NodeIterator nodesFile = nodeL1.getNodes();
829                 nodeCount = nodesFile.getSize();
830                 batchTimer.start();
831                 while (nodesFile.hasNext()) {
832                     if (docs.size() == ProcessParameters.BULK_PROCESSOR_SPLIT_SIZE && !isStop()) {
833                         if (!isStop()) {
834                             ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
835                             indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
836                             indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
837                             resetTimers(batchTimer, loadTimer);
838                             totalCount = 0;
839                   "Rebuild");
840                         } else {
841                             return;
842                         }
843                     } else {
845                         Node fileNode = nodesFile.nextNode();
846                         String content = null;
847                         if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.ONIXPL.getCode())) {
848                             content = checkoutManager.getData(fileNode);
849                         } else if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.PDF.getCode()) || docFormat
850                                 .equals(DocFormat.DOC.getCode())) {
851                             content = checkoutManager
852                                     .checkOutBinary(fileNode.getIdentifier(), ProcessParameters.BULK_DEFAULT_USER,
853                                             ProcessParameters.BULK_DEFUALT_ACTION, docFormat);
854                         }
855                         RequestDocument reqDoc = (RequestDocument) rd.clone();
856                         reqDoc.setId(fileNode.getIdentifier());
857                         reqDoc.setUuid(fileNode.getIdentifier());
858                         Content contentObj = new Content();
859                         contentObj.setContent(content);
860                         reqDoc.setContent(contentObj);
861                         docs.add(reqDoc);
862                         totalCount++;
863                     }
864                 }
865             }
866             if (docs.size() > 0 && !isStop()) {
867                 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
868                 indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
869                 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
870             }
871         } catch (Exception e) {
872             logger.error(
873                     "Rebuild Indexes Process(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + ") Processed(" + (
874                             totalCount - docs.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + docs.size() + "): Cause: " + e, e);
875         } finally {
876             try {
877                 if (isStop) {
878                     ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Stopped");
879                 } else {
880                     ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Done");
881                 }
882                 RepositoryManager.getRepositoryManager().logout(session);
883             } catch (OleException e) {
884                 logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
885             }
886         }
887     }
889     private void resetTimers(StopWatch batchTimer, StopWatch loadTimer) {
890         batchTimer.reset();
891         batchTimer.start();
892         loadTimer.reset();
893         loadTimer.start();
894     }
896     private void indexAfterParams(StopWatch batchTimer, ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus,
897                                   List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList) {
898         batchTimer.stop();
899         reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchTotalTime(batchTimer.toString());
900         ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setReIndBatStatusList(batchStatusList);
901     }
903     private ReIndexingBatchStatus indexBeforeParams(StopWatch loadTimer) {
904         loadTimer.stop();
905         ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = new ReIndexingBatchStatus();
906         reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchTotalTime(" ");
907         reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchLoadTime(loadTimer.toString());
908         return reIndexingBatchStatus;
909     }
911     private Node getNodeByUUID(Session newSession, String uuid) throws OleException {
912         return new NodeHandler().getNodeByUUID(newSession, uuid);
913     }
915     public Connection getConnection() {
916         Connection connection = null;
917         try {
918             /* InputStream in =getClass().getResourceAsStream("/");
919             Properties properties = new Properties();
920             properties.load(in);*/
921             String connectionUrl = ConfigContext.getCurrentContextConfig().getProperty("datasource.url");
922             String userName = ConfigContext.getCurrentContextConfig().getProperty("datasource.username");
923             String passWord = ConfigContext.getCurrentContextConfig().getProperty("datasource.password");
924             String driverName = ConfigContext.getCurrentContextConfig().getProperty("jdbc.driver");
925             Class.forName(driverName);
926             connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl, userName, passWord);
927         } catch (Exception e) {
928             LOG.error("Exception : ", e);
929         }
930         return connection;
931     }
933     public String showStatus() {
934         BibHoldingItemReindexer bibHoldingItemReindexer = BibHoldingItemReindexer.getInstance();
935         return bibHoldingItemReindexer.showStats();
936     }
938     public String showBibStatus() {
939         if(bibInfoStatistics == null) {
940             bibInfoStatistics = new BibInfoStatistics();
941         }
942         return bibInfoStatistics.toString();
943     }
946     public String storeBibInfo(int batchSize) throws Exception {
948         Date date = new Date();
949         String STORAGE_EXCEPTION_FILE_NAME = "BibInfoLoadingErrors-" + date.toString() + ".txt";
950         String STORAGE_STATUS_FILE_NAME = "BibInfoLoadingStatus" + date.toString() + ".txt";
952         long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
953         bibInfoStatistics = new BibInfoStatistics();
954         bibInfoStatistics.setStartDateTime(date);
956         bibTreeDBUtil.init(0, 0,null);
958         int batchNo = 0;
959         int count = bibTreeDBUtil.storeBibInfo(batchSize, filePath, STORAGE_EXCEPTION_FILE_NAME, bibInfoStatistics, batchNo);
960         long batchStartTime = startTime;
961         long batchEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
962         long totalTimeForBatch = batchEndTime - batchStartTime;
963         BatchBibTreeDBUtil.writeStatusToFile(filePath, STORAGE_STATUS_FILE_NAME, "Time taken for batch " + totalTimeForBatch);
964         while(count > 0) {
965             Date batchStartDate = new Date();
966             batchStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
967             bibInfoStatistics.setBatchStartDateTime(batchStartDate);
968             count = bibTreeDBUtil.storeBibInfo(batchSize, filePath, STORAGE_EXCEPTION_FILE_NAME, bibInfoStatistics, batchNo++);
969             batchEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
970             Date batchEndDate = new Date();
971             bibInfoStatistics.setBatchEndDateTime(batchEndDate);
972             bibInfoStatistics.setBatchTotalTime((batchEndTime - batchStartTime));
973             totalTimeForBatch = batchEndTime - batchStartTime;
974             BatchBibTreeDBUtil.writeStatusToFile(filePath, STORAGE_STATUS_FILE_NAME, "Time taken for batch " + totalTimeForBatch);
975         }
977         long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
978         Date endDate = new Date();
979         bibInfoStatistics.setEndDateTime(endDate);
980         long totalTime = endTime - startTime;
981         bibInfoStatistics.setTotalTime(totalTime);
982         BatchBibTreeDBUtil.writeStatusToFile(filePath, STORAGE_STATUS_FILE_NAME, "Total Time taken " + totalTime);
983         return bibInfoStatistics.toString();
984     }
986 }