This guide provides information about general OLE concepts and gives instructions for performing core functionality.
This guide is organized in this manner:
The first section gives information for navigating through the OLE system. This includes OLE's tabs, screen elements, logging on and off the system, and some sample users for the test environment.
OLE E-Doc Fundamentals provides information about the structure of OLE's e-documents. This includes a description of the standard tabs, such as Notes and Attachments and Route Log, and an explanation of performing basic operations and searches.
OLE Maintenance Document Fundamentals provides information abou the structure of OLE's maintenance documents. This includes a description of the standard tabs, an explanation of performing basic operations, as well as some fiscal year information and extended attribute notes carried over from KFS.
The next section gives general information about workflows within OLE and explains the Route Log and Action List.
The final section gives information on importing accounting information for Select and Acquire and provides links to sample data to be used in the test environment.
This guide as well as guides to other OLE modules are available for download from the OLE Documentation Portal.