Class | Description |
AccountingLineServiceImpl |
This class is the service implementation for the AccountingLine structure.
BalanceSummaryReportWriterTextServiceImpl |
Ensures that balance summary reports have the fiscal year included in the filename.
BankServiceImpl |
Default implementation of the
BankService interface. |
DevelopmentMailServiceImpl | |
DocumentHelperServiceImpl | |
ElectronicFundTransferCancelActionHelper |
An Electronic Funds Transfer action which simply returns to the portal.
ElectronicFundTransferClaimActionHelper |
An Electronic Funds Transfer action which claims the electronic payment claims in a form and redirects
to the claiming document.
ElectronicFundTransferRefreshActionHelper |
Represents a web action that occurs when a user returns a bunch of selected claims and redirects to the electronic funds transfer "claimng" page
ElectronicFundTransferStartActionHelper |
An action for Electronic Fund Transfer that simply redirects to either the claiming or non-claiming lookup.
ElectronicPaymentClaimingDocumentGenerationStrategyImpl |
for those cases when admins claim a payment without an associated document
ElectronicPaymentClaimingServiceImpl | |
FinancialSystemUserServiceImpl | |
FinancialSystemWorkflowHelperServiceImpl | |
FlexibleOffsetAccountServiceImpl |
This is the default implementation of the FlexibleOffsetAccountService interface.
GeneralLedgerPendingEntryServiceImpl |
This class is the service implementation for the GeneralLedgerPendingEntry structure.
HomeOriginationServiceImpl | |
KfsKualiModuleServiceImpl | |
OleBusinessObjectMetaDataServiceImpl | |
OleModuleServiceImpl |
This class is the OLE implementation of a module service.
OleParameterConstants | |
OptionsServiceImpl | |
OriginationCodeServiceImpl | |
PostalCodeValidationServiceImpl |
Service implementation for the PostalCodeBase structure.
PostProcessorServiceImpl | |
ReportAggregatorServiceTextImpl | |
ReportGenerationServiceImpl |
To provide utilities that can generate reports with JasperReport
ReportWriterTextServiceImpl |
Text output implementation of
ReportWriterService interface. |
ScrubberListingReportWriterTextServiceImpl | |
SegmentedLookupResultsServiceImpl |
Used for segemented lookup results
TaxRegionServiceImpl | |
TaxServiceImpl | |
UniversityDateServiceImpl |
This is the default implementation of the UniversityDateService interface.
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