Interface | Description |
CapitalAssetEditable | |
DisbursementVoucherConstants |
Holds constants for disbursement voucher and payee documents.
VoucherDocument |
Interface for voucher type documents that require debit/credit support
YearEndDocument |
used to classify a document as 'year end'.
Class | Description |
AdvanceDepositDocument |
This is the business object that represents the AdvanceDeposit document in Kuali.
AuxiliaryVoucherDocument |
This is the business object that represents the AuxiliaryVoucherDocument in Kuali.
BudgetAdjustmentDocument |
This is the business object that represents the BudgetAdjustment document in Kuali.
CapitalAccountingLinesDocumentBase |
class which defines behavior common for capital accounting lines.
CapitalAssetInformationDocumentBase |
class which defines behavior common for capital asset information lines.
CashManagementDocument |
This class represents the CashManagementDocument.
CashReceiptDocument |
This is the business object that represents the CashReceiptDocument in Kuali.
CashReceiptFamilyBase |
Abstract class which defines behavior common to CashReceipt-like documents.
CreditCardReceiptDocument |
This is the business object that represents the CreditCardReceipt document in Kuali.
DisbursementVoucherConstants.DocumentStatusCodes | |
DisbursementVoucherConstants.DvPdpExtractGroup | |
DisbursementVoucherConstants.RouteLevelNames | |
DisbursementVoucherConstants.TabKey | |
DisbursementVoucherDocument |
This is the business object that represents the DisbursementVoucher document in Kuali.
DistributionOfIncomeAndExpenseDocument |
The Distribution of Income and Expense (DI) document is used to distribute income or expense, or assets and liabilities.
GeneralErrorCorrectionDocument |
This is the business object that represents the GeneralErrorCorrectionDocument in Kuali.
IndirectCostAdjustmentDocument | |
InternalBillingDocument |
This is the business object that represents the InternalBillingDocument in Kuali.
JournalVoucherDocument |
This is the business object that represents the JournalVoucherDocument in Kuali.
NonCheckDisbursementDocument |
This is the business object that represents the NonCheckDisbursementDocument in Kuali.
PreEncumbranceDocument |
The Pre-Encumbrance document provides the capability to record encumbrances independently of purchase orders, travel, or Physical
Plant work orders.
ProcurementCardDocument |
This is the Procurement Card Document Class.
ServiceBillingDocument |
This is the business object that represents the ServiceBillingDocument in Kuali.
TransferOfFundsDocument |
The Transfer of Funds (TF) document is used to transfer funds (cash) between accounts.
YearEndBudgetAdjustmentDocument |
Year End version of the
BudgetAdjustmentDocument |
YearEndDistributionOfIncomeAndExpenseDocument |
Year End version of the
DistributionOfIncomeAndExpenseDocument the only functional difference between the YearEnd
version and the non-yearEnd version of a document is the glpe's generation. |
YearEndGeneralErrorCorrectionDocument |
This is the business object that represents the
version of
in Kuali. |
YearEndTransferOfFundsDocument |
Year End version of the
TransferOfFundsDocument functionally the only difference is the accounting period code
used on the glpe entries |
Enum | Description |
DisbursementVoucherConstants.TabByReasonCode |
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