After manually creating a requisition, if all APO rules are met, then a purchase order (PO) is created.  This finalizes the purchasing decision, and transmits the request to the vendor, through whatever transmission method is defined for that vendor.

The approved Purchase Order (PO) document serves two purposes. Externally it is a legal contract with a vendor to deliver goods or services. Internally it provides the mechanism to generate documents for payments and receipt of goods. It differs from most other OLE documents in three ways:

The PO is not generated by initiating a blank document that is then completed by the initiator. Instead, purchase orders are currently created in one of several ways:

When creating the new PO, the system automatically populates it with information from the related requisition.

A purchase order can be amended after it is approved. No other OLE document behaves in the manner. Many purchasing organizations refer to this amended PO as a 'change order'.

The PO document contains several unique tabs or unique sections in tabs that appear on all OLE documents : Document Overview (contains unique sections), Delivery, Vendor, Stipulations, Titles, Payment Info, Additional Institutional Info, Account Summary, and View Related Documents. While some of these tabs may appear in other financial documents, the tabs in a PO document may contain additional information.

Purchase Order document tabs and purposes

Tab Name


Document Overview

In addition to the standard document overview information (description, explanation, and organization document number), contains the fiscal year, line item receiving requirements, order type, funding source, previous purchase order number, the source of the requisition, a way to alter the status of the PO when waiting on information from a vendor or the department, and license requirement information.


Contains information about the final delivery and central receiving addresses.


Contains information about the vendor who has been selected to provide the goods or services and the reason the vendor was selected.


Allows for the entry of stipulations that the vendor filling this PO must follow. May also be used for any additional contractual information that should be added to the PO.


Identifies what is being ordered on this PO and establishes an accounting distribution indicating how these items should be charged, how many copies are ordered, and claiming information.

Payment Info

Indicates the type of payment schedule required and the duration of that schedule if recurring payments are required for the items on this PO

Additional Institutional Info

Collects information about the organization at your institution that has requested the goods or services for this PO as well as the transmission method and internal contact information.

Account Summary

Summarizes the accounting information for all the line items on this PO. The line items that make up the summary display here.

View Related Documents

Lists all documents related to this PO such as the requisition, receiving documents, payments, credit memos. Also all the various PO documents that are created from the PO when the PO is amended, closed, or open.

General Ledger Pending Entries

Generates a display-only view of the encumbrances that have not yet posted the G/L. This tab may be empty if there are no pending entries.

As in other OLE documents, the header section contains basic identification and status information about the PO document as well as who created it. However, the PO document has two additional fields in the document header that do not appear in other OLE documents.

These additional fields are defined below.

Document Header definition for a Purchase Order document



Purchase Order #

An identifying number assigned to this PO. The PO number may be used for queries specific to the Purchasing/AP module of the OLE. This number differs from the Doc Nbr entry, which identifies the PO as a unique document for general OLE and Workflow queries.

Purchase Order Status

A status that indicates where the PO is in the Purchasing/AP process. This indicator is similar to the status a document receives in Workflow, but it is specific to the purchasing process. Examples of PO status include 'In Process,' 'Awaiting Purchasing Approval,' and 'Closed'.

The Document Overview tab on the PO contains three sections: Document Overview, Financial Document Detail, and Purchase Order Detail.

Document Overview section definition




Required. The default is the current fiscal year and this field isn't editable until the 'ALLOW ENCUMBER NEXT YEAR DAYS' parameter has been met. If the FY is set to the future then funds will not be encumbered until that next fiscal year.


This field automatically defaults to the current fiscal year.

Total Amount

Display-only. The total PO amount.

Purchase Order Detail section definition




Required. Automatically completed based on the requisition's chart/organization. May be changed manually by clicking the lookup .

Receiving Required

Optional. This flag can be set by a Purchasing Processor while a PO is 'in process'. If the field is checked manually, the system will not use receiving thresholds to determine whether receiving is required.

If the field is checked, a line item Receiving document must be processed with sufficient quantities received before a payment will route to the fiscal officer. After the PO is approved, this value cannot be changed.

Assigned to User

Allows a user to take ownership of an in-process document. Users can then easily find documents they are working on.

Order Type

Identifies the type of order, possible values could be one-time, standing, subscription.  System default data value is "Firm, Fixed".

Funding Source

Display-only. The funding source for the PO; derived from the requisition.

Payment Request Positive Approval Required

Optional. The 'DEFAULT POS APPRVL LMT' parameter determines the dollar limit at which payment requests must receive positive approval from a fiscal officer. If selected, this field overrides the parameter and requires positive approval on the payment request regardless of the total of the payment.

Previous Purchase Order #

Optional. Identifies the previous PO number associated with this purchase order. This field is typically used to identify the converted PO number from a legacy purchasing system.

Purchase Order Confirmed Indicator

Optional. Select this box to indicate that this PO is being created after the purchase has been made. This field may be used to track instances in which users did not properly create a requisition before making a purchase. In this case, the PO is being processed only to enter the transaction into OLE.

Requisition Source

Display only. Indicates whether the requisition that created this PO was input directly or created in some other way such as B2B.

The Delivery tab contains information about where goods ordered on this PO should be delivered. It also collects delivery contact information and any special delivery instructions. The address that is transmitted to the vendor (final delivery vs. receiving address) depends on the radio button that is selected in the Address to Vendor section.

The following table explains the fields on this tab. With the exception of the last two fields listed, all fields pertain to the Final Delivery section. When the PO is initiated, all information in the tab is populated from the information in the same tab of the requisition. The fields described below apply only if the default information from the requisition needs to be updated by Purchasing.

Delivery tab definition



Delivery Campus

Required. Defaults to the delivery campus that was selected on the requisition. Search for another campus by clicking the lookup button.


Required. Search for the building to which goods should be delivered from the building lookup . Only buildings that correspond with the delivery campus will be displayed. Selection of a building automatically completes the Address, City, State and Postal Code fields.

Address 1

Required (display-only); automatically populated from data in Building. May be entered manually if you clicked the building not found button.

Address 2

Optional; Entered manually if an additional line of address is needed.


Required. Enter the room number to which delivery should be made.


Display-only. Automatically populated from data in Building. May be entered manually if you clicked the building not found button.


Display-only. Automatically populated from data in Building. May be entered manually you clicked the building not found button.

Postal Code

Display-only. Automatically populated from data in Building. May be entered manually if you clicked the building not found button.


Display-only. Automatically populated from data in Building. May be entered manually you clicked the building not found button.

Delivery To

Required. This entry defaults to the user's name on the requisition. The User lookup can be used if the name needs to be changed.

Phone Number

Optional. This entry defaults to the phone number from the requisition. (Formatted: xxx-xxx-xxxx)


Optional. This entry defaults to the email address from the requisition.

Date Required

Optional. Defaults to the date required from the requisition. Change or enter a date on which delivery is required or use the date from the calendar .

Date Required Reason

Optional. If a date required has been specified, select the appropriate date required reason from the list.

Delivery Instructions

Optional. Enter text describing any special delivery instructions for the item(s).

Receiving Address

Display-only after the PO has been approved. Defaults to the central receiving address from the requisition. May be changed by using the lookup .

Use Receiving Address as Shipping Address Presented to Vendor

Required. Defaults to the indicator selected on the requisition.

On an approved purchase order, the Vendor tab identifies the vendor that was awarded the PO. The default is the vendor selected on the requisition. Although most field entries in this tab default to the values provided on the associated requisition (REQS) document or from the vendor's default information, the entries may be modified. If a vendor was not supplied already, you must add one.

The Vendor tab includes two sections: Vendor Address and Vendor Info.

The Vendor Address section lists address information about the vendor for this purchase order.

Vendor Address section definition



Vendor Alias NameThe abbreviated code, or alias, of the vendor. Enter the code and click to prepopulate the vendor information.


Required and Display-only. The vendor's name is automatically updated from the Vendor record.

Vendor #

Display-only. The OLE-generated identifying number assigned to this vendor.

Address 1

Required. The default address is the PO address defined as the default for the campus. This field is editable.

Address 2

Optional. The default address is the PO address defined as the default for the campus. This field is editable.


Optional. If the attention line on the PO address is present this information will be populated although this field is always editable.


Required. Enter the city associated with this vendor address.


Enter the state's abbreviation. States are required for US addresses.


Optional. Non-U.S. vendor addresses may include a province. Enter the province here. This field should always be used for Canadian vendors.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code for this address. Postal code may be required under certain circumstances (such as when entering a U.S. address).


Required. Select a country from the Country list.

Vendor Info section definition



Vendor Choice

Required. Select the reason that this vendor was selected to fill this purchase order from the Vendor Choice list.

Acquisition Unit's Vendor acct/Vendor Info Customer #

Optional. Enter or look up a customer number that identifies your institution or department for this vendor's reference.

Notes to Vendor

Optional. Include any text you want the vendor to see on the PO.

Contract Name

Optional. If a contract exists with the vendor for these goods or services, search for it from the Contact lookup .

Phone Number

Optional. Enter the selected vendor's phone number. (Formatted: xxx-xxx-xxxx)

Fax Number

Optional. Enter the selected vendor's fax number.

Payment Terms

Optional. Select the payment terms from the Payment Terms list.

Shipping Title

Optional. Select the shipping title from the Shipping Title list.

Shipping Payment Terms

Optional. Select the shipping payment terms from the Shipping Payment Terms list.


Optional. If the vendor has multiple contacts, select the appropriate contact for this PO.

Supplier Diversity

Display-only. The information appears if the selected vendor has been assigned a supplier diversity type.

Alternate Vendor for Non-Primary Vendor Payment

Optional. Used any time a purchasing needs to give accounts payable the option to pay one vendor or another. Examples include third-party receivables or escrow accounts for construction payments. To search for a vendor, use the lookup . To remove an alternate vendor, click remove alternate vendor.

The Stipulations tab allows for the entry of stipulations for the vendor filling this PO. It may also be used for any additional contractual information that should be added to the PO.

Stipulations tab definition



Note Text

Required. Enter text to be viewed by the vendor of this PO or search for pre-defined text from the lookup .


Click to add new text.

The Titles tab identifies what is being ordered on the PO, how many copies, claiming information, and establishes the accounting distribution for payments. Before the PO has been approved, you may change or add to the items and accounts that have been carried over from the requisition. You may also add additional charges or apply PO total reductions here. Make sure you have bibliographic information in the Bib Info fields and complete accounting lines.

Add Item and Current Items sections contain the same fields.

Add Item and Current Items section definitions



Bib Info

Choose to link to the Bib Editor. Titles will appear in the after an item has been added.

In Current Items, you may click the title link to open the bibliographic editor.

Print Holdings or E-Holdings

Select the Holdings format you would like the Purchase Order to link to. Purchase Orders link to an Item record (for print materials) or E-Instance (for electronic material).


Select the home location for the item.

Copy #

Optional. You may add a copy number to indicate the copy of the item. This will appear on the purchase order and the item record. If left blank, the field on the purchase order and item record will also be blank.

No of Copies Ordered

Required. Enter the quantity of the item in this field.

No. of Parts Ordered

This is the number of individual pieces that must be accounted for upon payment/receipt of a requisitioned item.

List Price

Basic price of an item before any discounts are taken.

Extended Cost

Display-only. No of Copies ordered multiplied by the list price minus any discount.

Public View

Optional. Indicates whether or not a bibliographic description shall be exposed to users prior to purchase/receipt.  Default is Yes (checked).

Do Not Claim

Optional. Indicates whether or not an item will be claimed. Default is No (unchecked). If checked, overrides Claim Date information below.

Currency Type

Display only if foreign vendor is chosen. Identifies the associated vendor's currency as identified on the vendor record that is identified in the Link to Vendor/Supplier.

Exchange Rate

Display only if foreign vendor is chosen. Currency conversion rate populates from the Exchange rate and Currency Type maintenance tables. The rate will populate when user clicks action button "Calculate" on conversion tab. Optionally: when currency tab opens, currency rate may auto-populate.  This may be updated up until the Requisition is approved.  After that point, it may no longer be modified.

Foreign List Price

Basic foreign price of an item before any discounts are taken.

Receipt Status

Display only. Will reflect receipt status after receiving has occurred.

No Of Copies Received

Display only. The number of copies already received. This will populate as the document moves through the acquisition workflow.

No Of Parts Received

Display only. The number of parts already received. This will populate as the document moves through the acquisition workflow.

Item Price Source

Optional. Select the Price Source of the requested item from the drop down list.

Request Source

Optional. Select the Request Source of the requested item from the drop down list.

Claim Date

Date item is eligible for the next claim based on the claim interval entered in the Vendor Record. To override the claiming interval, enter a date or select one from the calendar .


Optional. Select the format of the requested item from the drop down list.


Optional. Select a Category of the item from the drop down list..

Vendor Item Identifier

Display Only.  Identifies a vendor item identifier if one has been provided by a vendor.


Defaults to the selector's user name. If the Requestor is different than the selector, you may use the Requestor lookup  to find the requesting individual’s name or create a new Requestor (this will search from the OLE Patron database).

Route to Requestor

Optional. Yes/No checkbox to indicate whether a requestor should be notified when the item has been purchased.  System default data value is "No".

Foreign Unit Cost

Display only if foreign vendor is chosen. Calculated foreign cost per unit for the item or service on this line.  Calculation is the Foreign List Price less Foreign Discount amount.


Discount provided by the vendor/customer number/organization combination.  Automatically populated from the Vendor customer number table based on the selected vendor and customer number.  Can be modified for a specific title. If the vendor record has a Vendor currency noted other than the default system currency (aka US dollar), then the Vendor discount will populate the Foreign Discount field.

Discount Type

Choose # (for Amount) or % (for Percentage).

Foreign Discount

Foreign discount provided by the vendor/customer number/organization combination when the vendor record has a Currency Type different from the system default currency.  Should be automatically populated from the Vendor customer number table based on the selected vendor and customer number. This data can be changed for the specific title.  Must identify the type of discount (amount or %.) If the vendor record does not have a Currency Type noted other than the default system currency (aka US dollar), then the discount should populate the Discount field.

Foreign Discount Type

Choose # (for Amount) or % (for Percentage).


Add or delete lines as appropriate. After a line has been added, it is moved to the Current Items section, where the details may be viewed or modified.

Inactivate Button: The inactivate button becomes available only when you are amending a PO. If while amending a PO you would like to deactivate a line item, click the inactivate button associated with that item.

When processing an amendment to a PO, you may deactivate item lines that are no longer valid. To do so, select the Inactivate check box next to the appropriate items. When the amendment is approved, these items are no longer valid for this PO.

Click to add a line. The system will move it to the Current Items section.


To add an item, you must follow the same procedure described in Working in the Titles Tab on the Requisition section (First add the bibliographic record, fill in the purchasing information, then click add).

Click to delete a line.

Click to view the additional details (notes, accounting lines, copies, claim history, invoice history, donor).

The Additional Charges tab allows lines for predetermined charges to be included on the payment request. This tab is divided into four charge lines, each representing a different type of charge and each with its own accounting lines. The four Additional Charges lines are Freight, Shipping and Handling, Full Order Discount, and Trade In.

Additional Charges section definition



Item Type

Display-only. Describes the type of miscellaneous item ('Freight' or 'Shipping and Handling') being defined in this line.


Required if the extended cost has been entered. Enter a text description describing the additional charges item line.

Extended Cost

Required. Enter the dollar amount for this item line.

Amount Paid

Display-only. Automatically calculated based on responses in other fields.

Totals section definition



Grand Total

Display-only. Displays a total of all current item lines and additional charges lines.

Internal Purchasing Limit

Display-only. Displays the dollar amount of the maximum purchasing limit, above which a PO will route for approval.

Accounting distributions for item lines may be created individually, or a single accounting distribution may be copied to all line items on the requisition. A valid account string contains a chart, an account, and an object code. The account must be active and the expiration date has not expired. The object code must valid. Valid object codes are active codes in the object code table and are not included in the OBJECT CONSOLIDATION parameter.

To create accounting distributions for individual item lines, follow these steps.

Line item accounting can create considerable repetitive data entry. OLE allows you to load the information to all the line items rather than entering the information to each line item separately. The steps below describe how to distribute this information. This process distributes accounts only to line items that have no accounts added. It does not replace accounts that have been set up for individual line items.

If recurring payments are required for the items on this PO, this tab is used to indicate the type of payment schedule required and the duration of that schedule. The fields in this tab are informational only. They do not drive any other functions within OLE.

The Payment Info tab includes Payment Info and Billing Address sections.

Payment Info section definition



Type of Recurring Payment

Optional. Select the proper recurring payment schedule from the list. Examples include 'Fixed Schedule, Fixed Amount,' 'Fixed Schedule, Variable Amount' and 'Variable Schedule, Variable Amount'.

Begin/End Date

Required if Type of Recurring Payment has been selected. Enter dates indicating the time period during which the order is active, or search for the dates from the calendar .

Recurring Payment Amount

Optional. If a recurring payment type of 'fixed schedule' or 'fixed amount' has been selected, complete the remaining fields in this section.


Optional. Enter the dollar amount of the recurring payment.

First Payment Date

Optional. Enter the date on which the first recurring payment should be made or search for the date from the calendar . This date is used to determine subsequent payments based on the frequency. For example, if the frequency is 'monthly' and the first payment date is 01/01/2010, the subsequent payments occur on the first of the month.


Optional. Select a number to indicate how often recurring payments should be made.

Initial & Final Payment Amount

Optional. Enter the amount of the initial and final payments if those amounts differ from the amount in the Amount field above.

Initial & Final Payment Date

Optional. Enter the dates on which the initial and final payments are to be made if those dates differ from the date in the First Payment Date field. Or search for the dates from the calendar .

Billing Address section definition




Display-only. The address to which vendor invoices are to be mailed. This address is based on the campus specified for delivery on the Delivery tab.

The Additional Institutional Info tab collects information about the organization at your institution that is responsible for initiating this purchase. It also collects information on transmission method and contact information.

Additional Institutional Info tab definition



Method of PO Transmission

Required. Select the transmission method. Normally this is 'Print,' but if for some reason you do not need to print a copy of the PO for the vendor, you may choose 'No Print'.

Cost Source

Required. This field indicates how the pricing on the PO was determined. Select the appropriate cost source from the list.

Contact Name

Optional. Enter the name of the person to be contacted if Purchasing (or vendor if the order is an APO) has questions about the order or search for it from the Person lookup .

Contact Phone

Optional. Enter the phone number of the person specified in the Contact Name field. (Formatted: xxx-xxx-xxxx)

Contact Email

Optional. Enter the email address of the person specified in the Contact Name field.

PO Total Cannot Exceed

Optional. This information is typically entered on the requisition and indicates to Purchasing that the order has a limited amount of resources.

Requestor Name

Required. The name of the person who requested the goods or services. This field may be changed by entering a new name or searching for it from the Person lookup .

Requestor Phone

Required. Enter the phone number of the person specified in the Requestor Name field. (Formatted: xxx-xxx-xxxx)

Requestor Email

Required. Enter the email address of the person specified in the Requestor Name field.

Sensitive Data

Display-only. This displays the currently assigned sensitive data entries created using the sensitive data button at the bottom of the document.

The View Related Documents tab collects information about Purchasing/AP documents related to this document. For example, it displays identifying information for any associated requisition, payment requests, or credit memos.

View Related Documents tab definition




Display-only. The date the related document was created.


Display-only. The user who created the related document. 'Kuali System User' means the document was automatically created by the system.


Display-only. The note describing the document.

When you click the document number link, the system displays the related document in a separate window.

G/L Pending Ledger entries are generated after the PO document is submitted. These entries include the encumbrances for the transaction and the appropriate offsetting entry. After the nightly batch jobs run to post the G/L entries, these pending entries no longer display here.


General Ledger Pending Entries tab definition



Seq #

Display-only. Assigns a number to the entry in sequential order.

Fiscal Year

Display-only. Identifies the fiscal year of the debit or credit.


Display-only. Identifies the chart to which the pending entry is assigned.


Display-only. Identifies the account number to which the pending entry is assigned.


Display-only. Identifies the sub-account, if one exists, to which the pending entry is assigned.


Display-only. Identifies the object code of the item being ordered.


Display-only. Identifies the sub-object code of the item being ordered, if one exists.


Display-only. Identifies the project code, if one exists, to which the PO is assigned.

Doc. Type Code

Display-only. Identifies the document type code of the document. When working with POs, this value will almost always be PO.

Balance Type

Display-only. Identifies the different balances (actuals, budget, encumbrances, etc.) recorded in OLE to facilitate reporting and financial queries.

Obj. Type

Display-only. Categorizes object codes into general categories identifying income, expenses, assets, liabilities, fund balance or transfers.


Display-only. Indicates the amount charged to each account on the PO.


Display-only. Indicates whether the entry is a debit (D) or credit (C) to the account.

If all required fields have been correctly filled in, and you click on approve, the system will then approve the Purchase Order. If any required field is blank or contains invalid data, the system places a warning note at the top of the screen, and by the appropriate field.  You will be unable to approve the purchase order until you resolve the problem.

Once a Purchase Order is approved, the system:

  • changes the status of the Purchase Order document to Final

  • queues it for printing and/or transmission, by whichever method is specified

  • returns you to the Select/Acquire tab.

To facilitate routings and approvals, and maintain detailed audit trails, OLE has adapted the KFS versions of Purchase Orders. Not all of these may be needed in support of future library processes, but we are providing them for review.

After a PO has been initiated, authorized users may perform a variety of activities on it. With the exception of Print, each of these actions generates a new OLE document (although the PO number remains the same). The following chart summarizes each action and its corresponding document type. (The document type code for each is listed in parenthesis after the name of the associated button.) The table also indicates whether each action results in transactions to be fed to the G/L process.

The “versions” or e-Docs available are permissions-based, and dependent upon the Purchase Order status in workflows.

PO document types



Purchase Order Amend (POA)

Makes changes to the existing PO.

Purchase Order Payment Hold (POH)

Indicates that no payments should be processed against this PO.

Purchase Order Remove Payment Hold (PORH)

Changes the status of the PO back to 'Open' so payments can be made. An FYI is also sent to AP to indicate that the hold has been removed.

Purchase Order Void (POV)

Cancels the PO and disencumbers all related items. This option is not available after a payment has been made.

Purchase Order Close (POC)

Closes out any remaining items on this PO and disencumbers any outstanding funds.

Purchase Order Reopen (POR)

Reopens the PO and re-encumbers any accounting lines that were disencumbered when the PO was originally closed.

The print option allows users with the OLE-PURAP Purchasing Processor role to generate a PDF version of the document to print. The print action button becomes available for POs with the 'Pending Print' status.

To print a PO:

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