Interface | Description |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants |
Holds common constants for all Transaction Processing eDoc rule classes.
Class | Description |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.ACCOUNT_NUMBER | |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.APPLICATION_PARAMETER | |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.CONSOLIDATED_OBJECT_CODE | |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.ERROR_PATH |
Constant to statically define reusable error paths
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.EXCEPTIONS | |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.FUND_GROUP_CODE | |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.GENERAL_LEDGER_PENDING_ENTRY_CODE | |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.OBJECT_CODE | |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.OBJECT_LEVEL_CODE | |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.OBJECT_SUB_TYPE_CODE | |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.OBJECT_TYPE_CODE | |
AccountingDocumentRuleBaseConstants.SUB_FUND_GROUP_CODE | |
AccountingLineAccessibleValidation |
A validation that checks whether the given accounting line is accessible to the given user or not
AccountingLineAmountPositiveValidation |
Validates an accounting line that, if the line is not a correction document, the line amount is a positive amount
AccountingLineBranchingValidation | |
AccountingLineCheckValidationHutch | |
AccountingLineDataDictionaryValidation |
A validation which uses the AccountingLineRuleHelperService to validate the values on an accounting line
AccountingLineGroupTotalsUnchangedValidation |
A validation, used on accounting document approval, that accounting line totals are unchanged
AccountingLineValueAllowedValidation |
A validation which uses parameters to determine if a value on an accounting line is valid.
AccountingLineValuesAllowedValidationHutch |
A cleaner way to conglomerate closely related rules together, this validation checks that
all of the values on the accounting line are allowed by a given document.
AccountingRuleEngineRuleBase |
A rule that uses the accounting rule engine to perform rule validations.
AlwaysTrueValidation |
A validation that _always_ returns true; to be used in BranchingValidation composite rules
AttributeReference |
This class refers to an attribute which has a value and is labeled in the DataDictionary.
BankCodeValidation |
Performs bank code validation.
BankRule |
Evaluates business rules for editing or creation of a new bank record.
BusinessObjectDataDictionaryValidation |
A validation to have the data dictionary perform its validations upon a business object
CollectionValidation |
A validation that runs a list of child validations over each member of a collection.
CompositeValidation |
This validation represents a hiearchy of validations
DebitsAndCreditsBalanceValidation |
A validation that checks that the credits and debits of GLPEs generated by a document are balanced.
GeneralLedgerPostingDocumentRuleBase |
This class contains a helper method used to implement a rule for the CashManagementDocument (a FinancialDocument) as well as to
implement rules for TransactionalDocuments.
KfsMaintenanceDocumentRuleBase | |
LedgerPostingDocumentRuleBase |
This class contains all of the business rules that are common to all ledger posting documents.
OneSidedRequiredAccountingLinesCountValidation |
Validation which checks a one-sided accounting document (ie, an accounting document which only uses source accounting lines, not target)
has a required number of accounting lines.
OptionalOneSidedDocumentAccountingLinesCountValidation |
Validation which checks a one-sided accounting document (ie, an accounting document which only uses source accounting lines, not target)
has a required number of accounting lines.
ReferenceExistsValidation |
Validation to check if a reference of a validation
RequiredAccountingLinesCountValidation |
GenericValidation to check if the required number of accounting lines in a given accounting line group has been met
TaxRegionRule |
This class implements add collection line business rule for tax district rate.
ValidationFieldConversion |
A simple class to create field conversions to specify in validations.
Enum | Description |
AccountingLineAccessibleValidation.AccountingLineAction |
Indicates what is being done to an accounting line.
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