public static void main(String[] args)
BatchStepTrigger is instantiated for each step in a brte script.
The value used when exiting the system tells the brte script how to handle failures.
0: okay, 4: the step returned false, 8: an exception occurred in the execution of the step or the trigger
- verify that the batch container is running, exit with an 8 if not
- for each step
- write a RUN semaphore file
- wait and listen for a result file (either SUCCESS or ERROR)
- if the result file is null the batch container is not running so remove the run file and exit with an 8
- if the result file is an ERROR
- if the file is EMPTY remove the result file and exit with a 4
- otherwise log the error contained in the result file, remove the result file, and exit with an 8
- otherwise remove the result file and exit with a 0
- Parameters:
- - refer to BatchStepTriggerParameters for details