Class | Description |
AuxiliaryVoucherTypeCodeValuesFinder |
class that handles
types. |
BankAccountTypeValuesFinder |
This class returns list of bank account type value pairs.
BudgetAdjustmentFiscalYearValuesFinder |
This class...
BudgetAdjustmentFundRestrictionsValuesFinder |
This class returns list of ba fund restriction levels.
BudgetAdjustmentSubFundRestrictionsValuesFinder |
This class returns list of ba sub fund restriction levels.
CapitalAccountingLinesComparator | |
CashReceiptCheckEntryModeValuesFinder |
returns field delimeter vaules
CreditCardTypeComparator | |
CreditCardTypeValuesFinder |
This class...
CurrencyTypeValuesFinder |
This class returns list of currency type value pairs.
DisbursementVoucherDocumentationLocationValuesFinder |
This class returns list of documentation location value pairs.
DistributeAmountsForAssetsValuesFinder |
This class returns list of distribute amounts for Assets value pairs.
ForeignBankIndicatorValuesFinder |
This class returns list of currency type value pairs.
InvoiceTypeValuesFinder | |
OLEInvoiceSearchInvoiceTypeValuesFinder | |
PaymentMethodValuesFinder |
This class returns list of payment method key value pairs.
PaymentReasonValuesFinder |
This class returns list of payment reason value pairs.
TaxIncomeClassValuesFinder |
This class returns list of tax income class value pairs.
TaxPayerTypeValuesFinder |
This class returns list of tax payer type value pairs.
TravelExpenseTypeValuesFinder |
This class returns list of travel expense type category value pairs.
TravelPerDiemCategoryValuesFinder |
This class returns list of per diem category value pairs.
TravelPrePaidExpenseTypeValuesFinder |
This class returns list of travel pre paid expense type category value pairs.
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