1 package org.kuali.ole.docstore.process;
3 import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch;
4 import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument;
5 import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument;
6 import org.kuali.ole.DocumentUniqueIDPrefix;
7 import org.kuali.ole.RepositoryBrowser;
8 import org.kuali.ole.RepositoryManager;
9 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.discovery.solr.work.bib.marc.WorkBibMarcDocBuilder;
10 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.document.rdbms.RdbmsWorkBibMarcDocumentManager;
11 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.document.rdbms.RdbmsWorkEInstanceDocumentManager;
12 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.document.rdbms.RdbmsWorkInstanceDocumentManager;
13 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.indexer.solr.IndexerService;
14 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.metrics.reindex.ReIndexingBatchStatus;
15 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.metrics.reindex.ReIndexingStatus;
16 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocCategory;
17 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocFormat;
18 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.enums.DocType;
19 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.rdbms.bo.BibRecord;
20 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.rdbms.bo.EInstanceRecord;
21 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.rdbms.bo.InstanceRecord;
22 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.ingest.Content;
23 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.ingest.RequestDocument;
24 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.ingest.ResponseDocument;
25 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.work.instance.oleml.FormerIdentifier;
26 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.work.instance.oleml.Identifier;
27 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.work.instance.oleml.Instance;
28 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.work.instance.oleml.InstanceCollection;
29 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xstream.work.instance.oleml.WorkInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor;
30 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xstream.work.oleml.WorkEInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor;
31 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.service.BeanLocator;
32 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.service.DocumentIngester;
33 import org.kuali.ole.docstore.service.ServiceLocator;
34 import org.kuali.ole.pojo.OleException;
35 import org.kuali.ole.repository.CheckoutManager;
36 import org.kuali.ole.repository.NodeHandler;
37 import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.BusinessObjectService;
38 import org.kuali.rice.krad.service.KRADServiceLocator;
39 import org.slf4j.Logger;
40 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
42 import javax.jcr.Binary;
43 import javax.jcr.Node;
44 import javax.jcr.NodeIterator;
45 import javax.jcr.Session;
46 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
47 import java.text.DateFormat;
48 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
49 import java.util.*;
57 public class RebuildIndexesHandler
58 implements Runnable {
60 private static RebuildIndexesHandler reBuilder = null;
61 private boolean isRunning = false;
62 private boolean isStop = false;
63 private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RebuildIndexesHandler.class);
64 private String docCategory;
65 private String docType;
66 private String docFormat;
67 private CheckoutManager checkoutManager;
71 public synchronized void setRunning(boolean running) {
72 isRunning = running;
73 }
75 public synchronized void setStop(boolean stop) {
76 isStop = stop;
77 }
79 private RebuildIndexesHandler() {
80 checkoutManager = new CheckoutManager();
81 }
83 public static RebuildIndexesHandler getInstance() {
84 if (reBuilder == null) {
85 reBuilder = new RebuildIndexesHandler();
86 }
87 return reBuilder;
88 }
95 public synchronized boolean isRunning() {
96 return isRunning;
97 }
99 public synchronized boolean isStop() {
100 return isStop;
101 }
106 public String startProcess(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) throws InterruptedException {
107 String status = null;
108 if (isRunning()) {
109 status = "ReIndexing process is already running. Click 'Show Status' button to know the status. ";
110 } else {
111 setRunning(true);
112 setStop(false);
113 status = "ReIndexing process has started. Click 'Show Status' button to know the status. ";
114 ReIndexingStatus reIndexingStatus = ReIndexingStatus.getInstance();
115 reIndexingStatus.reset();
116 if (docCategory == null || docCategory.equals("")) {
117 docCategory = "all";
118 }
119 if (docType == null || docType.equals("")) {
120 docType = "all";
121 }
122 if (docFormat == null || docType.equals("")) {
123 docFormat = "all";
124 }
125 this.docCategory = docCategory;
126 this.docType = docType;
127 this.docFormat = docFormat;
128 Thread reBuilderThread = new Thread(this);
129 reBuilderThread.start();
131 setRunning(false);
132 }
133 return status;
134 }
136 public String stopProcess() throws Exception {
137 String status = null;
138 if (isRunning()) {
139 status = "ReIndexing process is running. ReIndexing will stop after current batch. ";
140 setStop(true);
141 setRunning(false);
142 } else {
143 status = "ReIndexing process is not running.";
144 }
145 return status;
147 }
149 public void run() {
150 DocCategoryTypeFormat docCategoryTypeFormat = new DocCategoryTypeFormat();
151 List<String> categoryList = docCategoryTypeFormat.getCategories();
152 List<String> typeList = null;
153 List<String> formatList = null;
154 for (String docCategoryCurr : categoryList) {
155 if (docCategory.equals("all") || docCategory.equals(docCategoryCurr)) {
156 typeList = docCategoryTypeFormat.getDocTypes(docCategoryCurr);
157 for (String docTypeCurr : typeList) {
158 if (docType.equals("all") || docType.equals(docTypeCurr)) {
159 formatList = docCategoryTypeFormat.getDocFormats(docCategoryCurr, docTypeCurr);
160 for (String docFormatCurr : formatList) {
161 if (docFormat.equals("all") || docFormat.equals(docFormatCurr)) {
162 if (!isStop()) {
163 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance()
164 .startDocType(docCategoryCurr, docTypeCurr, docFormatCurr);
165 reIndex(docCategoryCurr, docTypeCurr, docFormatCurr);
166 } else {
167 return;
168 }
169 }
170 }
171 }
172 }
173 }
174 }
175 setRunning(false);
176 }
178 private void reIndex(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) {
179 Session session = null;
180 setRunning(true);
181 logger.info("Rebuild Indexes Run(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + "): ");
182 try {
183 if (docCategory.equals(DocCategory.WORK.getCode())) {
184 if (docType.equals(DocType.BIB.getDescription())) {
185 if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.MARC.getCode()) || docFormat.equals(DocFormat.DUBLIN_CORE.getCode())
186 || docFormat.equals(DocFormat.DUBLIN_UNQUALIFIED.getCode())) {
187 workBibMarcAndDublinAll(docCategory, docType, docFormat);
188 } else {
189 logger.info(
190 "Rebuild Indexes Run(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + "): FAIL");
191 }
192 } else if (docType.equals(DocType.INSTANCE.getDescription())) {
193 if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.OLEML.getCode())) {
194 workInstanceOLEML(docCategory, docType, docFormat);
195 } else {
196 logger.info(
197 "Rebuild Indexes Run(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + "): FAIL");
198 }
199 } else if (docType.equals(DocType.LICENSE.getDescription())) {
200 if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.ONIXPL.getCode()) || docFormat.equals(DocFormat.PDF.getCode())
201 || docFormat.equals(DocFormat.DOC.getCode())) {
202 workLicense(docCategory, docType, docFormat);
203 } else {
204 logger.info(
205 "Rebuild Indexes Run(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + "): FAIL");
206 }
207 } else if (docType.equals(DocType.EINSTANCE.getCode())) {
208 if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.OLEML.getCode())) {
209 workEInstanceOLEML(docCategory, docType, docFormat);
210 } else {
211 logger.info(
212 "Rebuild Indexes Run(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + "): FAIL");
213 }
214 }
215 }
216 } catch (Exception e) {
217 logger.info(e.getMessage(), e);
218 } finally {
219 try {
220 if (isStop) {
221 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Stopped");
222 } else {
223 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Done");
224 }
225 RepositoryManager.getRepositoryManager().logout(session);
226 } catch (OleException e) {
227 logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
228 }
229 }
231 }
233 private void workEInstanceOLEML(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) {
234 long totalCount = 0;
235 long nodeCount = 0;
236 List<RequestDocument> docs = new ArrayList<RequestDocument>();
237 WorkEInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor workEInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor = new WorkEInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor();
238 try {
239 RequestDocument rd = new RequestDocument();
240 rd.setCategory(docCategory);
241 rd.setType(docType);
242 rd.setFormat(docFormat);
243 List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList = new ArrayList<ReIndexingBatchStatus>();
244 BusinessObjectService businessObjectService = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService();
245 List<EInstanceRecord> instanceRecords = (List<EInstanceRecord>) businessObjectService.findAll(EInstanceRecord.class);
246 StopWatch loadTimer = new StopWatch();
247 StopWatch batchTimer = new StopWatch();
248 loadTimer.start();
249 batchTimer.start();
250 for (int i = 0; i < instanceRecords.size(); i++) {
251 if (docs.size() == ProcessParameters.BULK_PROCESSOR_SPLIT_SIZE) {
252 if (!isStop()) {
253 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
254 indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
255 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
256 resetTimers(batchTimer, loadTimer);
257 totalCount = 0;
258 logger.info("Rebuild");
259 } else {
260 return;
261 }
262 } else {
263 EInstanceRecord instanceRecord = instanceRecords.get(i);
264 String uuid = DocumentUniqueIDPrefix.getPrefixedId(instanceRecord.getUniqueIdPrefix(), instanceRecord.geteInstanceIdentifier());
265 RequestDocument requestDocument = buildRequestDocumentForCheckout(docCategory, docType, docFormat, uuid);
266 ResponseDocument responseDocument = RdbmsWorkEInstanceDocumentManager.getInstance().checkoutContent(requestDocument, businessObjectService);
267 String content = responseDocument.getContent().getContent();
268 RequestDocument requestDocumentForIndex = (RequestDocument) rd.clone();
269 requestDocumentForIndex.setAdditionalAttributes(responseDocument.getAdditionalAttributes());
270 requestDocumentForIndex.setId(uuid);
271 requestDocumentForIndex.setUuid(uuid);
272 org.kuali.ole.docstore.model.xmlpojo.work.einstance.oleml.InstanceCollection instanceCollection = workEInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor.fromXML(content);
273 content = workEInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor.toXML(instanceCollection);
274 Content contentObj = new Content();
275 contentObj.setContent(content);
276 contentObj.setContentObject(instanceCollection);
277 requestDocumentForIndex.setContent(contentObj);
278 docs.add(requestDocumentForIndex);
279 totalCount++;
280 }
281 }
282 if (docs.size() > 0 && !isStop()) {
283 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
284 indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
285 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
286 }
287 } catch (Exception e) {
288 logger.error(
289 "Rebuild Indexes Process(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + ") Processed(" + (
290 totalCount - docs.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + docs.size() + "): Cause: " + e, e);
291 } finally {
292 if (isStop) {
293 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Stopped");
294 } else {
295 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Done");
296 }
297 }
299 }
302 private void indexDocs(List<RequestDocument> docs, long records, long recCount,
303 List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList, ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus) {
304 try {
305 StopWatch indexTimer = new StopWatch();
306 DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss:SSS");
307 Date startDate = new Date();
308 reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchStartTime(dateFormat.format(startDate));
309 indexTimer.start();
310 reIndexingBatchStatus.setStatus("Indexing");
311 reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchIndexingTime(indexTimer.toString());
312 reIndexingBatchStatus.setRecordsProcessed(records);
313 reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchEndTime(" ");
314 batchStatusList.add(reIndexingBatchStatus);
315 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setReIndBatStatusList(batchStatusList);
316 IndexerService indexerService = BeanLocator.getDocstoreFactory().getDocumentIndexManager(docs.get(0).getCategory(), docs.get(0).getType(), docs.get(0).getFormat());
317 String result = indexerService.indexDocuments(docs);
318 logger.debug(result);
319 indexTimer.stop();
320 Date endDate = new Date();
321 reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchEndTime(dateFormat.format(endDate));
322 reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchIndexingTime(indexTimer.toString());
323 reIndexingBatchStatus.setRecordsProcessed(records);
324 reIndexingBatchStatus.setStatus("Done");
325 reIndexingBatchStatus.setRecordsRemaining(recCount - records);
326 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setReIndBatStatusList(batchStatusList);
327 docs.clear();
328 } catch (Exception e) {
329 logger.error("Rebuild Indexes Processed(" + (records - docs.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + docs.size()
330 + "): Cause: " + e + "\n\tContinuous", e);
331 }
332 }
334 private void workBibMarcAndDublinAll(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) {
336 long totalCount = 0;
337 long nodeCount = 0;
338 List<RequestDocument> docs = new ArrayList<RequestDocument>();
339 try {
340 RequestDocument rd = new RequestDocument();
341 rd.setCategory(docCategory);
342 rd.setType(docType);
343 rd.setFormat(docFormat);
344 String prefix = DocumentUniqueIDPrefix.getPrefix(docCategory, docType, docFormat);
345 Map prefixMap = new HashMap(0);
346 prefixMap.put("uniqueIdPrefix", prefix);
347 BusinessObjectService businessObjectService = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService();
348 List<BibRecord> bibRecords = (List<BibRecord>) businessObjectService.findMatching(BibRecord.class, prefixMap);
349 List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList = new ArrayList<ReIndexingBatchStatus>();
350 StopWatch loadTimer = new StopWatch();
351 StopWatch batchTimer = new StopWatch();
352 loadTimer.start();
353 batchTimer.start();
354 for (int i = 0; i < bibRecords.size(); i++) {
355 if (docs.size() == ProcessParameters.BULK_PROCESSOR_SPLIT_SIZE) {
356 if (!isStop()) {
357 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
358 indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
359 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
360 resetTimers(batchTimer, loadTimer);
361 totalCount = 0;
362 logger.info("Rebuild");
363 } else {
364 return;
365 }
366 } else {
367 BibRecord bibRecord = bibRecords.get(i);
368 RequestDocument requestDocumentForIndex = (RequestDocument) rd.clone();
369 String uuid = DocumentUniqueIDPrefix.getPrefixedId(bibRecord.getUniqueIdPrefix(), bibRecord.getBibId());
370 RequestDocument requestDocument = buildRequestDocumentForCheckout(docCategory, docType, docFormat, uuid);
371 ResponseDocument responseDocument = RdbmsWorkBibMarcDocumentManager.getInstance().checkout(requestDocument, businessObjectService);
372 String content = responseDocument.getContent().getContent();
373 requestDocumentForIndex.setId(uuid);
374 requestDocumentForIndex.setUuid(uuid);
375 Content contentObj = new Content();
376 contentObj.setContent(content);
377 requestDocumentForIndex.setContent(contentObj);
378 requestDocumentForIndex.setAdditionalAttributes(requestDocument.getAdditionalAttributes());
379 docs.add(requestDocumentForIndex);
380 totalCount++;
381 }
382 }
383 if (docs.size() > 0 && !isStop()) {
384 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
385 indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
386 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
387 }
388 } catch (Exception e) {
389 logger.error(
390 "Rebuild Indexes Process(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + ") Processed(" + (
391 totalCount - docs.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + docs.size() + "): Cause: " + e, e);
392 } finally {
393 if (isStop) {
394 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Stopped");
395 } else {
396 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Done");
397 }
398 }
399 }
401 private void workInstanceOLEML(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) {
402 long totalCount = 0;
403 long nodeCount = 0;
404 List<RequestDocument> docs = new ArrayList<RequestDocument>();
405 WorkInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor workInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor = new WorkInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor();
406 try {
407 RequestDocument rd = new RequestDocument();
408 rd.setCategory(docCategory);
409 rd.setType(docType);
410 rd.setFormat(docFormat);
411 List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList = new ArrayList<ReIndexingBatchStatus>();
412 BusinessObjectService businessObjectService = KRADServiceLocator.getBusinessObjectService();
413 List<InstanceRecord> instanceRecords = (List<InstanceRecord>) businessObjectService.findAll(InstanceRecord.class);
414 StopWatch loadTimer = new StopWatch();
415 StopWatch batchTimer = new StopWatch();
416 loadTimer.start();
417 batchTimer.start();
418 for (int i = 0; i < instanceRecords.size(); i++) {
419 if (docs.size() == ProcessParameters.BULK_PROCESSOR_SPLIT_SIZE) {
420 if (!isStop()) {
421 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
422 indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
423 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
424 resetTimers(batchTimer, loadTimer);
425 totalCount = 0;
426 logger.info("Rebuild");
427 } else {
428 return;
429 }
430 } else {
431 InstanceRecord instanceRecord = instanceRecords.get(i);
432 String uuid = DocumentUniqueIDPrefix.getPrefixedId(instanceRecord.getUniqueIdPrefix(), instanceRecord.getInstanceId());
433 RequestDocument requestDocument = buildRequestDocumentForCheckout(docCategory, docType, docFormat, uuid);
434 ResponseDocument responseDocument = RdbmsWorkInstanceDocumentManager.getInstance().checkoutContent(requestDocument, businessObjectService);
435 String content = responseDocument.getContent().getContent();
436 RequestDocument requestDocumentForIndex = (RequestDocument) rd.clone();
437 requestDocumentForIndex.setAdditionalAttributes(responseDocument.getAdditionalAttributes());
438 requestDocumentForIndex.setId(uuid);
439 requestDocumentForIndex.setUuid(uuid);
440 InstanceCollection instanceCollection = workInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor.fromXML(content);
445 content = workInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor.toXML(instanceCollection);
446 Content contentObj = new Content();
447 contentObj.setContent(content);
448 contentObj.setContentObject(instanceCollection);
449 requestDocumentForIndex.setContent(contentObj);
450 docs.add(requestDocumentForIndex);
451 totalCount++;
452 }
453 }
454 if (docs.size() > 0 && !isStop()) {
455 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
456 indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
457 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
458 }
459 } catch (Exception e) {
460 logger.error(
461 "Rebuild Indexes Process(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + ") Processed(" + (
462 totalCount - docs.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + docs.size() + "): Cause: " + e, e);
463 } finally {
464 if (isStop) {
465 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Stopped");
466 } else {
467 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Done");
468 }
469 }
470 }
472 private RequestDocument buildRequestDocumentForCheckout(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat, String uuid) {
473 RequestDocument requestDocument = new RequestDocument();
474 requestDocument.setCategory(docCategory);
475 requestDocument.setType(docType);
476 requestDocument.setFormat(docFormat);
477 requestDocument.setUuid(uuid);
478 return requestDocument;
479 }
481 private void linkingInstanceWithBib(InstanceCollection instanceCollection, Session session, Node fileNode) {
482 for (Instance instance : instanceCollection.getInstance()) {
483 instance.getResourceIdentifier().clear();
484 for (FormerIdentifier frids : instance.getFormerResourceIdentifier()) {
485 try {
486 if (frids != null && frids.getIdentifier() != null &&
487 frids.getIdentifier().getIdentifierValue() != null &&
488 frids.getIdentifier().getIdentifierValue().trim().length() >= 0) {
489 List<SolrDocument> solrBibDocs = ServiceLocator.getIndexerService()
490 .getSolrDocument("SystemControlNumber",
491 frids.getIdentifier()
492 .getIdentifierValue());
493 SolrInputDocument solrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
494 WorkBibMarcDocBuilder marcDocBuilder = new WorkBibMarcDocBuilder();
495 List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocs = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>();
496 if (solrBibDocs != null && solrBibDocs.size() > 0) {
497 for (SolrDocument solrbibDoc : solrBibDocs) {
498 if (checkApplicability(frids.getIdentifier().getIdentifierValue(),
499 solrbibDoc.getFieldValue("SystemControlNumber"))) {
501 compareObjNAddValue(instance.getInstanceIdentifier(),
502 solrbibDoc.getFieldValue("instanceIdentifier"), solrbibDoc,
503 "instanceIdentifier");
504 solrInputDocument = new SolrInputDocument();
505 marcDocBuilder.buildSolrInputDocFromSolrDoc(solrbibDoc, solrInputDocument);
506 solrInputDocs.add(solrInputDocument);
507 String bibId = compareListRString(solrbibDoc.getFieldValue("id"));
508 instance.getResourceIdentifier().add(bibId);
509 modifyContentAddLinkedIdsInDocStore(instance, bibId, session, fileNode);
510 indexSolrDocs(solrInputDocs);
511 }
512 }
513 }
514 }
515 } catch (Exception e) {
516 logger.error("error message" + e.getMessage(), e);
517 }
518 }
519 }
520 }
522 private void modifyContentAddLinkedIdsInDocStore(Instance instance, String id, Session session, Node fileNode) {
524 try {
525 Node bibNode = getNodeByUUID(session, id);
526 bibNode.setProperty("instanceIdentifier", instance.getInstanceIdentifier());
527 fileNode.setProperty("bibIdentifier", id);
529 WorkInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor recordProcessor = new WorkInstanceOlemlRecordProcessor();
530 NodeIterator nodeIterator = fileNode.getNodes();
531 while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) {
532 Node instNode = nodeIterator.nextNode();
533 if (instNode.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("instanceFile")) {
534 InstanceCollection instCol = new InstanceCollection();
535 Instance inst = new Instance();
536 inst.setResourceIdentifier(instance.getResourceIdentifier());
537 inst.setFormerResourceIdentifier(instance.getFormerResourceIdentifier());
538 inst.setExtension(instance.getExtension());
539 inst.setInstanceIdentifier(instance.getInstanceIdentifier());
540 List<Instance> instanceList = new ArrayList<Instance>();
541 instanceList.add(inst);
542 instCol.setInstance(instanceList);
544 byte[] documentBytes = recordProcessor.toXML(instCol).getBytes();
545 Binary binary = null;
546 if (documentBytes != null && instNode != null && documentBytes.length > 0) {
547 binary = session.getValueFactory().createBinary(new ByteArrayInputStream(documentBytes));
548 instNode.getNode("jcr:content").setProperty("jcr:data", binary);
549 }
550 }
551 }
552 } catch (Exception e) {
553 logger.error("error while updating Docstore in reindexing Process" + e.getMessage(), e);
554 }
555 }
557 private void indexSolrDocs(List<SolrInputDocument> solrInputDocs) {
559 try {
560 ServiceLocator.getIndexerService().indexSolrDocuments(solrInputDocs);
561 logger.info("Linking Bib and Instance Records (" + solrInputDocs.size() + "): ");
562 solrInputDocs.clear();
563 } catch (Exception e) {
564 logger.error(
565 "Linking Bib and Instance Records (" + (solrInputDocs.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + solrInputDocs
566 .size() + "): Cause: " + e + "\n\tContinuous", e);
567 }
568 }
571 private boolean checkApplicability(Object value, Object fieldValue) {
572 if (fieldValue instanceof Collection) {
573 for (Object object : (Collection) fieldValue) {
574 if (object.equals(value)) {
575 return true;
576 }
577 }
578 return false;
579 } else {
580 return value.equals(fieldValue);
581 }
582 }
585 private String compareListRString(Object id) {
586 if (id != null) {
587 if (id instanceof List) {
588 List<String> idList = (List<String>) id;
589 return idList.get(0);
590 } else if (id instanceof String) {
591 String strId = (String) id;
592 return strId;
593 }
594 }
595 return null;
596 }
598 private void compareObjNAddValue(String id, Object idObj, SolrDocument solrDoc, String identifier) {
599 if (idObj != null) {
600 if (idObj instanceof List) {
601 List<String> instBibIdList = (List<String>) idObj;
602 if (!instBibIdList.contains(id)) {
603 solrDoc.addField(identifier, id);
604 }
605 } else if (idObj instanceof String) {
606 String instBibId = (String) idObj;
607 if (!instBibId.equalsIgnoreCase(id)) {
608 solrDoc.addField(identifier, id);
609 }
610 }
611 } else {
612 solrDoc.addField(identifier, id);
613 }
614 }
616 private void workLicense(String docCategory, String docType, String docFormat) {
617 Session session = null;
618 long totalCount = 0;
619 long nodeCount = 0;
620 List<RequestDocument> docs = new ArrayList<RequestDocument>();
621 try {
622 session = RepositoryManager.getRepositoryManager().getSession(ProcessParameters.BULK_DEFAULT_USER,
623 ProcessParameters.BULK_DEFUALT_ACTION);
624 RequestDocument rd = new RequestDocument();
625 rd.setCategory(docCategory);
626 rd.setType(docType);
627 rd.setFormat(docFormat);
628 DocumentIngester docIngester = new DocumentIngester();
629 Node nodeFormat = docIngester.getStaticFormatNode(rd, session);
630 NodeIterator nodesL1 = nodeFormat.getNodes();
631 List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList = new ArrayList<ReIndexingBatchStatus>();
632 StopWatch loadTimer = new StopWatch();
633 StopWatch batchTimer = new StopWatch();
634 loadTimer.start();
635 RepositoryBrowser repositoryBrowser = new RepositoryBrowser();
636 while (nodesL1.hasNext()) {
637 Node nodeL1 = nodesL1.nextNode();
638 NodeIterator nodesFile = nodeL1.getNodes();
639 nodeCount = nodesFile.getSize();
640 batchTimer.start();
641 while (nodesFile.hasNext()) {
642 if (docs.size() == ProcessParameters.BULK_PROCESSOR_SPLIT_SIZE && !isStop()) {
643 if (!isStop()) {
644 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
645 indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
646 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
647 resetTimers(batchTimer, loadTimer);
648 totalCount = 0;
649 logger.info("Rebuild");
650 } else {
651 return;
652 }
653 } else {
655 Node fileNode = nodesFile.nextNode();
656 String content = null;
657 if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.ONIXPL.getCode())) {
658 content = checkoutManager.getData(fileNode);
659 } else if (docFormat.equals(DocFormat.PDF.getCode()) || docFormat
660 .equals(DocFormat.DOC.getCode())) {
661 content = checkoutManager
662 .checkOutBinary(fileNode.getIdentifier(), ProcessParameters.BULK_DEFAULT_USER,
663 ProcessParameters.BULK_DEFUALT_ACTION, docFormat);
664 }
665 RequestDocument reqDoc = (RequestDocument) rd.clone();
666 reqDoc.setId(fileNode.getIdentifier());
667 reqDoc.setUuid(fileNode.getIdentifier());
668 Content contentObj = new Content();
669 contentObj.setContent(content);
670 reqDoc.setContent(contentObj);
671 docs.add(reqDoc);
672 totalCount++;
673 }
674 }
675 }
676 if (docs.size() > 0 && !isStop()) {
677 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = indexBeforeParams(loadTimer);
678 indexDocs(docs, totalCount, nodeCount, batchStatusList, reIndexingBatchStatus);
679 indexAfterParams(batchTimer, reIndexingBatchStatus, batchStatusList);
680 }
681 } catch (Exception e) {
682 logger.error(
683 "Rebuild Indexes Process(" + docCategory + " : " + docType + " : " + docFormat + ") Processed(" + (
684 totalCount - docs.size()) + "), Failed @ batch(" + docs.size() + "): Cause: " + e, e);
685 } finally {
686 try {
687 if (isStop) {
688 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Stopped");
689 } else {
690 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setStatus("Done");
691 }
692 RepositoryManager.getRepositoryManager().logout(session);
693 } catch (OleException e) {
694 logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
695 }
696 }
697 }
699 private void resetTimers(StopWatch batchTimer, StopWatch loadTimer) {
700 batchTimer.reset();
701 batchTimer.start();
702 loadTimer.reset();
703 loadTimer.start();
704 }
706 private void indexAfterParams(StopWatch batchTimer, ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus,
707 List<ReIndexingBatchStatus> batchStatusList) {
708 batchTimer.stop();
709 reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchTotalTime(batchTimer.toString());
710 ReIndexingStatus.getInstance().getDocTypeList().setReIndBatStatusList(batchStatusList);
711 }
713 private ReIndexingBatchStatus indexBeforeParams(StopWatch loadTimer) {
714 loadTimer.stop();
715 ReIndexingBatchStatus reIndexingBatchStatus = new ReIndexingBatchStatus();
716 reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchTotalTime(" ");
717 reIndexingBatchStatus.setBatchLoadTime(loadTimer.toString());
718 return reIndexingBatchStatus;
719 }
721 private Node getNodeByUUID(Session newSession, String uuid) throws OleException {
722 return new NodeHandler().getNodeByUUID(newSession, uuid);
723 }
724 }