16 package org.kuali.student.contract.model.impl;
18 import java.io.File;
19 import java.util.ArrayList;
20 import java.util.Collection;
21 import java.util.Date;
22 import java.util.HashMap;
23 import java.util.HashSet;
24 import java.util.List;
25 import java.util.Map;
26 import java.util.Set;
27 import org.junit.After;
28 import org.junit.AfterClass;
29 import org.junit.Before;
30 import org.junit.BeforeClass;
31 import org.junit.Test;
32 import static org.junit.Assert.*;
33 import org.junit.Ignore;
35 import org.kuali.student.contract.model.MessageStructure;
36 import org.kuali.student.contract.model.Service;
37 import org.kuali.student.contract.model.ServiceContractModel;
38 import org.kuali.student.contract.model.ServiceMethod;
39 import org.kuali.student.contract.model.ServiceMethodParameter;
40 import org.kuali.student.contract.model.XmlType;
41 import org.kuali.student.contract.model.util.HtmlContractMessageStructureWriter;
42 import org.kuali.student.contract.model.util.ModelFinder;
43 import org.kuali.student.contract.model.validation.ServiceContractModelValidator;
49 @Ignore
50 public class R1R2ServiceContractComparisonTest {
52 public R1R2ServiceContractComparisonTest() {
53 }
55 @BeforeClass
56 public static void setUpClass() throws Exception {
57 }
59 @AfterClass
60 public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception {
61 }
63 @Before
64 public void setUp() {
66 System.out.println("This section was created by programmatically comparing the message structures.");
67 System.out.println("Run on: " + new Date());
68 System.out.println("See [R1R2ServiceContractComparisonTest.java|https://test.kuali.org/svn/student/tools/maven-kscontractdoc-plugin/trunk/src/test/java/org/kuali/student/contract/model/impl/R1R2ServiceContractComparisonTest.java]");
69 System.out.println("");
70 System.out.println("*TABLE OF CONTENTS*");
71 System.out.println("{toc}");
72 System.out.println("");
73 System.out.println("h1. Loading models of the contracts from the source code");
74 System.out.println("h2. Log from loading model for R1");
75 getModel1();
76 System.out.println("h2. Log from loading model for R2");
77 getModel2();
78 getFinder1();
79 getFinder2();
80 loadKnownObjectRenames();
81 loadKnownUnconvertedObjects();
82 loadKnownFieldRenames();
83 loadKnownFieldIssues();
84 loadKnownMethodRenames();
85 loadKnownMethodIssues ();
86 }
88 @After
89 public void tearDown() {
90 }
91 private static final String RESOURCES_DIRECTORY = "src/test/resources";
92 private static final String TEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY =
93 "src/test/java/org/kuali/student/contract/model/test/source";
94 private static final String ENROLL_PROJECT_SRC_MAIN = "C:/svn/ks-1.3-services/ks-enroll/ks-enroll-api/src/main";
95 private static final String ENROLL_PROJECT_JAVA_DIRECTORY = ENROLL_PROJECT_SRC_MAIN + "/java";
96 private static final String RICE_CORE_API_DIRECTORY = "C:/svn/rice/trunk/core/api/src/main/java";
97 private static final String RICE_KIM_API_DIRECTORY = "C:/svn/rice/trunk/kim/kim-api/src/main/java";
98 private static final String RICE_LOCATION_API_DIRECTORY = "C:/svn/rice/trunk/location/api/src/main/java";
99 private static final String RICE_KEW_API_DIRECTORY = "C:/svn/rice/trunk/kew/api/src/main/java";
100 private static final String RICE_KEN_API_DIRECTORY = "C:/svn/rice/trunk/ken/api/src/main/java";
101 private static final String RICE_KSB_API_DIRECTORY = "C:/svn/rice/trunk/ksb/api/src/main/java";
102 private static final String RICE_KRMS_API_DIRECTORY = "C:/svn/rice/trunk/krms/api/src/main/java";
103 private static final String R1_PROJECT_DIRECTORY = "C:/svn/student/";
104 private static final String CORE_API_DIRECTORY = R1_PROJECT_DIRECTORY + "ks-core/ks-core-api/src/main/java";
105 private static final String COMMON_API_DIRECTORY = R1_PROJECT_DIRECTORY + "ks-common/ks-common-api/src/main/java";
106 private static final String LUM_API_DIRECTORY = R1_PROJECT_DIRECTORY + "ks-lum/ks-lum-api/src/main/java";
107 private static ServiceContractModel model1 = null;
108 private static ServiceContractModel model2 = null;
113 @Test
114 public void testCompareModels() {
115 System.out.println("");
116 System.out.println("h1. Message Structure Comparison");
117 compareTypes();
118 System.out.println("");
119 System.out.println("h1. Service Method Comparison");
120 compareMethods();
121 }
123 private ServiceContractModel getModel1() {
124 if (model1 != null) {
125 return model1;
126 }
127 List<String> srcDirs = new ArrayList();
128 System.out.println("User directory=" + System.getProperty("user.dir"));
129 System.out.println("Current directory=" + new File(".").getAbsolutePath());
130 srcDirs.add(COMMON_API_DIRECTORY);
131 srcDirs.add(CORE_API_DIRECTORY);
132 srcDirs.add(LUM_API_DIRECTORY);
133 System.out.println ("Reading as input:");
134 for (String directory : srcDirs) {
135 System.out.println ("* " + directory);
136 }
137 System.out.println ("");
138 boolean validateKualiStudent = false;
139 ServiceContractModel instance = new ServiceContractModelQDoxLoader(srcDirs, validateKualiStudent);
141 instance = new ServiceContractModelCache(instance);
142 validate(instance);
143 model1 = instance;
144 return instance;
145 }
147 private ServiceContractModel getModel2() {
148 if (model2 != null) {
149 return model2;
150 }
151 List<String> srcDirs = new ArrayList();
152 System.out.println("User directory=" + System.getProperty("user.dir"));
153 System.out.println("Current directory=" + new File(".").getAbsolutePath());
155 System.out.println ("Reading as input:");
156 for (String directory : srcDirs) {
157 System.out.println ("* " + directory);
158 }
159 System.out.println ("");
160 boolean validateKualiStudent = true;
161 ServiceContractModel instance = new ServiceContractModelQDoxLoader(srcDirs, validateKualiStudent);
163 instance = new ServiceContractModelCache(instance);
164 validate(instance);
165 model2 = instance;
166 return instance;
167 }
169 private String dump(ServiceMethod method) {
170 StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
171 bldr.append(method.getName());
172 String comma = "";
173 bldr.append("(");
174 for (ServiceMethodParameter param : method.getParameters()) {
175 bldr.append(comma);
176 comma = ", ";
177 bldr.append(param.getType());
178 bldr.append(" ");
179 bldr.append(param.getName());
180 }
181 bldr.append(")");
182 return bldr.toString();
183 }
185 private void validate(ServiceContractModel model) {
186 Collection<String> errors =
187 new ServiceContractModelValidator(model).validate();
188 if (errors.size() > 0) {
189 StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
190 buf.append(errors.size()).append(" errors found while validating the data.");
191 int cnt = 0;
192 for (String msg : errors) {
193 cnt++;
194 buf.append("\n");
195 buf.append("*error*").append(cnt).append(":").append(msg);
196 }
198 fail(buf.toString());
199 }
200 }
201 private ModelFinder finder1 = null;
203 private ModelFinder getFinder1() {
204 if (finder1 == null) {
205 finder1 = new ModelFinder(getModel1());
206 }
207 return finder1;
208 }
209 private ModelFinder finder2 = null;
211 private ModelFinder getFinder2() {
212 if (finder2 == null) {
213 finder2 = new ModelFinder(getModel2());
214 }
215 return finder2;
216 }
218 private void compareTypes() {
219 for (Service service : model1.getServices()) {
220 System.out.println("");
221 System.out.println("h2. " + service.getName() + " Structures");
222 for (XmlType type : finder1.findAllComplexTypesInService(service.getKey())) {
223 findCompareType(type);
224 }
225 }
226 }
228 private String calcService(XmlType xmlType) {
229 StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
230 String comma = "";
231 for (String serviceKey : HtmlContractMessageStructureWriter.calcUsageByService(model1, xmlType)) {
232 bldr.append(comma);
233 comma = ", ";
234 bldr.append(serviceKey);
235 }
236 return bldr.toString();
237 }
239 private String calcFieldNames(XmlType xmlType) {
240 StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
241 String comma = "";
242 for (MessageStructure ms : finder2.findMessageStructures(xmlType.getName())) {
243 bldr.append(comma);
244 comma = ", ";
245 bldr.append(ms.getShortName());
246 }
247 return bldr.toString();
248 }
249 private Map<String, String> knownUnconvertedObjects = null;
251 private void loadKnownUnconvertedObjects() {
252 Map<String, String> missings = new HashMap<String, String>();
253 missings.put("ObjectStructureDefinition", "Old R1 dictionary not converted");
254 missings.put("FieldDefinition", "Old R1 dictionary not converted");
255 missings.put("ValidCharsConstraint", "Old R1 dictionary not converted");
256 missings.put("RequiredConstraint", "Old R1 dictionary not converted");
257 missings.put("CaseConstraint", "Old R1 dictionary not converted");
258 missings.put("WhenConstraint", "Old R1 dictionary not converted");
259 missings.put("Constraint", "Old R1 dictionary not converted");
260 missings.put("MustOccurConstraint", "Old R1 dictionary not converted");
261 missings.put("LookupConstraint", "Old R1 dictionary not converted");
262 missings.put("CommonLookupParam", "Old R1 dictionary not converted");
263 missings.put("CommonLookup", "Old R1 dictionary not converted");
264 missings.put("DateRangeInfo", "DateRange was merged in with Milestone");
265 missings.put("CredentialInfo", "LRC was revamped and Class II like objects were dropped");
266 missings.put("CreditInfo", "LRC was revamped and Class II like objects were dropped");
267 missings.put("ScaleInfo", "Changed to be ResultScaleInfo");
268 missings.put("GradeInfo", "LRC was revamped and Class II like objects were dropped");
269 missings.put("ResultComponentInfo", "Changed to be ResultValuesGroupInfo");
270 missings.put("QueryParamInfo", "Is really a type object that holds typing info information about a parameter model as TypeInfo and use type-type relation to connnect it to search criteria");
271 missings.put("FieldDescriptor", "Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
272 missings.put("SearchSelector", "Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
273 missings.put("ObjectStructure", "Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
274 missings.put("Type", "Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
275 missings.put("State", "Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
276 missings.put("Field", "Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
277 missings.put("ConstraintDescriptor", "Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
278 missings.put("ConstraintSelector", "Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
279 missings.put("RequireConstraint", "Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
280 missings.put("TypeStateCaseConstraint", "Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
281 missings.put("TypeStateWhenConstraint", "Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
282 missings.put("OccursConstraint", " Old pre-R1 dictionary structure that were attached to search param types were dropped -- ui dictionary provided that info");
283 missings.put("ResultColumnInfo", " is really a type that describes the type of result that comes back, store as a TypeInfo object and use type-type relation to connect to result");
285 missings.put("java.lang.String", "");
286 missings.put("Map<String, String>", "");
287 missings.put("LuiInfo", "Lui was pulled out and put in it's own service. The LuiInfo object was not used in R1 and was radically redesigned in R2");
289 knownUnconvertedObjects = missings;
290 return;
291 }
292 private Map<String, String> knownObjectRenames = null;
294 private void loadKnownObjectRenames() {
295 Map<String, String> renames = new HashMap<String, String>();
296 renames.put("Message", "MessageInfo");
297 renames.put("SearchRequest", "SearchRequestInfo");
298 renames.put("SearchResult", "SearchResultInfo");
299 renames.put("SearchParam", "SearchParamInfo");
300 renames.put("SearchResultRow", "SearchResultRowInfo");
301 renames.put("SearchResultCell", "SearchResultCellInfo");
302 renames.put("Message", "MessageInfo");
303 knownObjectRenames = renames;
304 return;
305 }
306 private Map<String, String> knownFieldRenames = null;
308 private void loadKnownFieldRenames() {
309 Map<String, String> renames = new HashMap<String, String>();
310 renames.put("id", "key");
311 renames.put("desc", "descr");
312 renames.put("state", "stateKey");
313 renames.put("type", "typeKey");
314 renames.put("metaInfo", "meta");
315 renames.put("desc", "descr");
316 renames.put("startTerm", "startTermId");
317 renames.put("endTerm", "endTermId");
318 renames.put("longDesc", "longDescr");
319 renames.put("shortDesc", "shortDescr");
320 renames.put("objectTypeURI", "refObjectUri");
322 renames.put("detailDesc", "descr");
323 renames.put("milestoneDate", "startDate");
324 renames.put("success", "isSuccess");
325 renames.put("relationType", "relationTypeKey");
326 renames.put("unitType", "unitTypeKey");
327 renames.put("enrollable", "isEnrollable");
328 renames.put("hazardousForDisabledStudents", "isHazardousForDisabledStudents");
329 renames.put("versionInfo", "version");
330 renames.put("primary", "isPrimary");
331 renames.put("activityType", "typeKey");
332 renames.put("loRepository", "loRepositoryKey");
333 renames.put("queryParamValueList", "queryParamValues");
334 renames.put("credentialProgramType", "typeKey");
335 knownFieldRenames = renames;
336 return;
337 }
338 private Map<String, String> knownFieldIssues = null;
340 private void loadKnownFieldIssues() {
341 Map<String, String> issues = new HashMap<String, String>();
342 issues.put("AtpInfo.key", "Switched from key to Id");
343 issues.put("MilestoneInfo.key", "Switched from key to Id");
344 issues.put("AtpInfo.id", "");
345 issues.put("MilestoneInfo.id", "");
346 issues.put("MilestoneInfo.atpId", "Is not in R2 because a Milestone can be connected to more than one ATP so it is managed through a relationship");
347 issues.put("Message.locale", "the type was changed from String to LocaleInfo to hold the different parts of the locale info");
348 issues.put("SearchRequest.params", "");
349 issues.put("SearchResult.rows", "");
350 issues.put("SearchResultRow.cells", "");
351 issues.put("ValidationResultInfo.errorLevel", "");
352 issues.put("ValidationResultInfo.level", "");
353 issues.put("ValidationResultInfo.ok", "");
354 issues.put("ValidationResultInfo.warn", "");
355 issues.put("ValidationResultInfo.error", "");
356 issues.put("DocumentInfo.documentBinaryInfo", "renamd to just documentBinary (removing the trailing Info from the field name)");
357 issues.put("OrgHierarchyInfo.key", "Switched from key to Id");
358 issues.put("SearchResultTypeInfo.resultColumns", "ResultColumns is really anotther type to describe the column, Use type-type relation to hold that info");
359 issues.put("ReqCompFieldTypeInfo.fieldDescriptor", "was dropped because it was an Old Pre-R1 dictionary and was not used -- UI dictionary provides that info instead");
360 issues.put("LuTypeInfo.instructionalFormat", "Instructional format is a TypeInfo object and should be modeled as such using the type-type relation to connect it to a learning unit type");
361 issues.put("LuTypeInfo.deliveryMethod", "Delivery method is a TypeInfo object and should be modeled as such using type-type relation to connect it to a learning unit type");
362 issues.put("SearchCriteriaTypeInfo.queryParams", "Query Params is a TypeInfo that describes the parameter, model as type and type-type relation");
363 issues.put("OrgOrgRelationTypeInfo.orgHierarchyKey", "This was removed because a particular relation type can participate in more than one hierarchies!");
364 issues.put("SearchParam.value", "Renamed to values which is List<String>, in R1 the setValue method was overloaded to take a string or List, Kept in R2 but marked as deprecated");
365 issues.put("", "");
366 issues.put("", "");
367 issues.put("", "");
368 issues.put("", "");
369 issues.put("", "");
370 issues.put("", "");
371 issues.put("", "");
372 issues.put("", "");
373 issues.put("", "");
374 issues.put("", "");
376 knownFieldIssues = issues;
377 return;
378 }
380 private XmlType findType(XmlType r1) {
381 XmlType r2 = finder2.findXmlType(r1.getName());
382 if (r2 == null) {
383 String renamedName = this.knownObjectRenames.get(r1.getName());
384 if (renamedName != null) {
385 r2 = finder2.findXmlType(renamedName);
386 if (r2 == null) {
387 System.out.println("# (-) " + r1.getName() + ": was not found even after being renamed to " + renamedName);
388 return null;
389 }
390 System.out.println("# (/) " + r1.getName() + ": was renamed to " + renamedName);
391 return r2;
392 }
393 }
394 if (r2 == null) {
395 if (r1.getName().endsWith("TypeInfo")) {
396 r2 = finder2.findXmlType("TypeInfo");
397 }
398 }
399 return r2;
400 }
402 private void findCompareType(XmlType r1) {
403 if (r1.getName().endsWith("List")) {
404 return;
405 }
406 if (this.knownUnconvertedObjects.containsKey(r1.getName())) {
407 String message = this.knownUnconvertedObjects.get(r1.getName());
408 if (message.isEmpty()) {
409 return;
410 }
411 System.out.println("# (/) " + r1.getName() + ":" + message);
412 return;
413 }
414 XmlType r2 = findType(r1);
415 if (r2 == null) {
416 System.out.println("# " + r1.getName() + ": has no corresponding object in r2");
417 return;
418 }
419 Set<MessageStructure> usedInR2 = new HashSet<MessageStructure>();
420 for (MessageStructure ms : finder1.findMessageStructures(r1.getName())) {
421 MessageStructure used = findCompareMessageStructure(ms, r2);
422 if (used != null) {
423 usedInR2.add(used);
424 }
425 }
427 if (!r2.getName().equals("TypeInfo")) {
428 for (MessageStructure ms : finder2.findMessageStructures(r2.getName())) {
429 if (usedInR2.contains(ms)) {
430 continue;
431 }
432 String issue = this.knownFieldIssues.get(ms.getXmlObject() + "." + ms.getShortName());
433 if (issue != null) {
434 if (!issue.isEmpty()) {
435 System.out.println("# (*g) " + ms.getXmlObject() + "." + ms.getShortName() + ": " + issue);
436 }
437 continue;
438 }
439 System.out.println("# (+) " + ms.getXmlObject() + "." + ms.getShortName() + " - new field added in R2");
440 }
441 }
442 }
444 private MessageStructure findCompareMessageStructure(MessageStructure r1, XmlType xmlType2) {
445 MessageStructure r2 = findMessageStructure(r1, xmlType2);
446 String issue = this.knownFieldIssues.get(r1.getXmlObject() + "." + r1.getShortName());
447 if (issue != null) {
448 if (!issue.isEmpty()) {
449 System.out.println("# (*g) " + r1.getXmlObject() + "." + r1.getShortName() + ": " + issue);
450 }
451 return r2;
452 }
453 if (r2 == null) {
454 if (xmlType2.getName().equals("TypeInfo")) {
455 if (r1.getShortName().endsWith("Type")
456 || r1.getShortName().endsWith("TypeInfo")
457 || r1.getShortName().endsWith("Types")
458 || r1.getShortName().endsWith("TypeInfos")) {
459 System.out.println("# (*g) " + r1.getXmlObject() + "." + r1.getShortName() + " was a type stored on a type: use type-type relationship instead");
460 return null;
461 }
462 System.out.println("# (!) " + r1.getXmlObject() + "." + r1.getShortName() + " was extra data on type, store in dynamic attribute if actually used");
463 return null;
464 }
465 System.out.println("# (-) " + r1.getXmlObject() + "." + r1.getShortName() + " not found in r2: renamed to one of these? " + calcFieldNames(xmlType2));
466 return null;
467 }
468 compareType(r1, r2);
469 return r2;
470 }
472 private void compareType(MessageStructure r1, MessageStructure r2) {
473 if (r1.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(r2.getType())) {
474 return;
475 }
476 if (r1.getShortName().equals("attributes")) {
477 if (r1.getType().equals("Map<String, String>")) {
478 if (r2.getType().equals("AttributeInfoList")) {
479 return;
480 }
481 }
482 }
483 if (r1.getShortName().equals("desc") || r1.getShortName().equals("descr")) {
484 if (r1.getType().equals("String")) {
485 if (r2.getType().equals("RichTextInfo")) {
486 System.out.println("# (*g) " + r1.getXmlObject() + "." + r1.getShortName() + ": description type were changed to RichText, use plain version");
487 return;
488 }
489 }
490 }
491 System.out.println("# (!) " + r1.getXmlObject() + "." + r1.getShortName() + ": the type was changed from " + r1.getType() + " to " + r2.getType());
492 }
494 private MessageStructure findMessageStructure(MessageStructure r1, XmlType xmlType2) {
495 MessageStructure r2 = finder2.findMessageStructure(xmlType2.getName(), r1.getShortName());
496 if (r2 == null) {
497 String renamed = this.knownFieldRenames.get(r1.getShortName());
498 if (renamed != null) {
499 r2 = finder2.findMessageStructure(xmlType2.getName(), renamed);
500 if (r2 == null) {
501 System.out.println("# (-) " + r1.getXmlObject() + "." + r1.getShortName()
502 + " was renamed to " + xmlType2.getName() + "." + renamed
504 return null;
505 }
506 System.out.println("# (*g) " + r1.getXmlObject() + "." + r1.getShortName()
507 + " was renamed to " + xmlType2.getName() + "." + renamed);
508 }
509 }
510 return r2;
511 }
513 private void compareMethods() {
514 for (Service service : model1.getServices()) {
515 System.out.println("");
516 System.out.println("h2. " + service.getName() + " Methods");
517 List<ServiceMethod> methodsInService = finder1.findServiceMethods(service.getKey());
518 for (ServiceMethod method : methodsInService) {
519 findCompareMethod(method);
520 }
521 }
522 }
524 private void findCompareMethod(ServiceMethod method1) {
525 String issue = knownMethodIssues.get (method1.getService() + "Service." + method1.getName());
526 if (issue != null) {
527 if (!issue.isEmpty()) {
528 System.out.println("# (*g) " + method1.getService() + "Service." + method1.getName()
529 + ": " + issue);
530 }
531 return;
532 }
533 ServiceMethod method2 = findMethod(method1);
534 if (method2 == null) {
536 if (isTypeMethod(method1)) {
537 System.out.println("# (*g) " + method1.getService() + "Service." + method1.getName()
538 + " was dropped because it is a type, use TypeService instead");
539 return;
540 }
541 String possibleMethods = this.calcPossibleMethods(method1);
542 if (possibleMethods.isEmpty()) {
543 System.out.println("# (-) " + method1.getService() + "Service." + method1.getName()
544 + " could not be found in R2");
545 } else {
546 System.out.println("# (!) " + method1.getService() + "Service." + method1.getName()
547 + " might have been renamed to one of these: "
548 + possibleMethods);
549 }
550 return;
551 }
552 if (!method1.getName().equals(method2.getName())) {
553 System.out.println("# (*g) " + method1.getService() + "Service." + method1.getName()
554 + " was renamed to " + method2.getService() + "Service." + method2.getName());
555 }
556 }
558 private ServiceMethod findMethod(ServiceMethod method1) {
559 ServiceMethod method2 = findMethod2(method1.getService(), method1.getName());
560 if (method2 == null) {
561 String methodRename = knownMethodRenames.get(method1.getService() + "Service." + method1.getName());
562 if (methodRename != null) {
563 method2 = findMethod2(method1.getService(), methodRename);
564 if (method2 == null) {
565 System.out.println("# (x) " + method1.getService() + "Service." + method1.getName()
566 + " could not be found even after being renamed to " + methodRename);
567 return null;
568 }
569 }
570 }
571 return method2;
572 }
573 private Map<String, String> knownMethodRenames = null;
575 private void loadKnownMethodRenames() {
576 Map<String, String> renames = new HashMap<String, String>();
577 renames.put("AtpService.getAtpsByAtpType", "getAtpIdsByType");
578 renames.put("AtpService.getMilestonesByAtp", "getMilestonesForAtp");
579 renames.put("AtpService.addMilestone", "addMilestoneToAtp");
580 renames.put("AtpService.removeMilestone", "removeMilestoneFromAtp");
581 renames.put("MessageService.getMessageGroups", "getMessageGroupKeys");
582 renames.put("CommentService.getComments", "getCommentsByReferenceAndType");
583 renames.put("CommentService.getTags", "getTagsByReferenceAndType");
584 renames.put("CommentService.addTag", "createTag");
585 renames.put("CommentService.addComment", "createComment");
586 renames.put("CommentService.removeComment", "deleteComment");
587 renames.put("CommentService.removeTag", "deleteTag");
588 renames.put("CommentService.removeComments", "deleteCommentsByReference");
589 renames.put("CommentService.removeTags", "deleteTagsByReference");
590 renames.put("DocumentService.getDocumentsByIdList", "getDocumentsByIds");
591 renames.put("DocumentService.getCategoriesByDocument", "getDocumentCategoriesByDocumentId");
592 renames.put("DocumentService.getRefDocRelationsByDoc", "getRefDocRelationsByDocument");
593 renames.put("EnumerationManagementService.removeEnumeratedValue", "deleteEnumeratedValue");
594 renames.put("OrganizationService.getOrganization", "getOrg");
595 renames.put("OrganizationService.getOrganizationsByIdList", "getOrgsByIds");
596 renames.put("OrganizationService.getOrgOrgRelationsByIdList", "getOrgOrgRelationsByIds");
597 renames.put("OrganizationService.getOrgPersonRelationsByIdList", "getOrgPersonRelationsByIds");
598 renames.put("OrganizationService.getPersonIdsForOrgByRelationType", "");
599 renames.put("OrganizationService.getAllOrgPersonRelationsByPerson", "getOrgPersonRelationsByPerson");
600 renames.put("OrganizationService.getAllOrgPersonRelationsByOrg", "getOrgPersonRelationsByOrg");
601 renames.put("OrganizationService.createOrganization", "createOrg");
602 renames.put("OrganizationService.updateOrganization", "updateOrg");
603 renames.put("OrganizationService.deleteOrganization", "deleteOrg");
604 renames.put("OrganizationService.validateOrganization", "validateOrg");
605 renames.put("OrganizationService.removeOrgOrgRelation", "deleteOrgOrgRelation");
606 renames.put("OrganizationService.removeOrgPersonRelation", "deleteOrgPersonRelation");
607 renames.put("OrganizationService.addPositionRestrictionToOrg", "createOrgPositionRestriction");
608 renames.put("OrganizationService.updatePositionRestrictionForOrg", "updateOrgPositionRestriction");
609 renames.put("OrganizationService.removePositionRestrictionFromOrg", "deleteOrgPositionRestriction");
610 renames.put("StatementService.getStatementsUsingReqComponent", "getStatementsByReqComponent");
611 renames.put("StatementService.getStatementsUsingStatement", "getStatementsForStatement");
612 renames.put("CourseService.getCourseFormats", "getCourseFormatsByCourse");
613 renames.put("CourseService.getCourseActivities", "getCourseActivitiesByCourseFormat");
614 renames.put("CourseService.getCourseLos", "getCourseLearningObjectivesByCourse");
615 renames.put("LearningObjectiveService.getLoCategories", "getLoCategoriesByLoRepository");
616 renames.put("LearningObjectiveService.getLoByIdList", "getLosByIds");
617 renames.put("LearningObjectiveService.getLosByRepository", "getLosByLoRepository");
618 renames.put("LearningObjectiveService.getLoCategoriesForLo", "getLoCategoriesByLo");
619 renames.put("LrcService.getResultComponent", "getResultValuesGroup");
620 renames.put("LuService.getClusByIdList", "getClusByIds");
621 renames.put("LuService.getAllowedLuLuRelationTypesByCluId", "getAllowedCluCluRelationTypesByClu");
622 renames.put("LuService.getClusByRelation", "getClusByRelatedCluAndRelationType");
623 renames.put("LuService.getCluIdsByRelation", "getCluIdsByRelatedCluAndRelationType");
624 renames.put("LuService.getRelatedClusByCluId", "getRelatedClusByCluAndRelationType");
625 renames.put("LuService.getRelatedCluIdsByCluId", "getRelatedCluIdsByCluAndRelationType");
626 renames.put("LuService.getCluPublicationsByCluId", "getCluPublicationsByClu");
627 renames.put("LuService.getResourceRequirementsForCluId", "getResourceRequirementsForClu");
628 renames.put("LuService.getCluSetInfo", "getCluSet");
629 renames.put("LuService.getCluSetInfoByIdList", "getCluSetsByIds");
630 renames.put("LuService.getLuisByIdList", "getLuisByIds");
631 renames.put("ProgramService.getMajorIdsByCredentialProgramType", "getMajorDisciplineIdsByCredentialProgramType");
632 renames.put("ProgramService.getVariationsByMajorDisciplineId", "getProgramVariationsByMajorDiscipline");
633 renames.put("ProgramService.getHonorsByCredentialProgramType", "getHonorProgramIdsByCredentialProgramType");
634 renames.put("ProposalService.getProposalsByIdList", "getProposalsByIds");
635 renames.put("", "");
636 renames.put("", "");
637 knownMethodRenames = renames;
638 return;
639 }
641 private Map<String, String> knownMethodIssues = null;
643 private void loadKnownMethodIssues() {
644 Map<String, String> issues = new HashMap<String, String>();
645 issues.put("AtpService.validateDateRange", "Dropped because DateRange objects were merged in with milestones");
646 issues.put("AtpService.getDateRange", "Dropped because DateRange objects were merged in with milestones");
647 issues.put("AtpService.getDateRangesByAtp", "Dropped because DateRange objects were merged in with milestones");
648 issues.put("AtpService.getDateRangesByDate", "Dropped because DateRange objects were merged in with milestones");
649 issues.put("AtpService.addDateRange", "Dropped because DateRange objects were merged in with milestones");
650 issues.put("AtpService.updateDateRange", "Dropped because DateRange objects were merged in with milestones");
651 issues.put("AtpService.removeDateRange", "Dropped because DateRange objects were merged in with milestones");
652 issues.put("DictionaryService.getObjectTypes", "Dictionary service was completely revamped to match KRAD, old one is still around use that for R1 stuff");
653 issues.put("DictionaryService.getObjectStructure", "Dictionary service was completely revamped to match KRAD, old one is still around use that for R1 stuff");
654 issues.put("CommentService.getCommentsByType", "Renamed and changed to just get Ids, so use getCommentIdsByType then call getCommentsByIds");
655 issues.put("CommentService.getTagsByType", "Renamed and changed to just get Ids, so use getTagIdsByType then call getTagsByIds");
656 issues.put("DocumentService.getRefObjectTypes", "(!) has been dropped from the contract, the document service should store any uri");
657 issues.put("DocumentService.getRefObjectSubTypes", "(!) has been dropped from the contract, the document service should store any uri and sub-object URI");
658 issues.put("OrganizationService.getOrgOrgRelationsByRelatedOrg", " (!) the two methods for tranversing by one side of the relationship or other has replaced by a single method that finds relationships no matter which side it is on (?) Need to possibly rethink this it imposes a big change on both the implementation and on the the application. ");
659 issues.put("OrganizationService.getPersonIdsForOrgByRelationType", "Was removed, instead use getOrgPersonRelationsByTypeAndPerson and loop through the relationships to get the list of personIds that you want. The issue was the old method did not take into account relationships that are old/inactive so using it would lead to errors that would only appear once transitions occured in the people being related to the org.");
660 issues.put("OrganizationService.getOrgPersonRelationsByPerson", "Renamd to getOrgPersonRelationsByOrgAndPerson, because the R1 was badly named, it said just by person but the parameters required an Org as well!");
661 issues.put("OrganizationService.getPositionRestrictionsByOrg", "use getOrgPositionRestrictionIdsByOrg then call getOrgPositionRestrictionsByIds to get the objects");
662 issues.put("LearningObjectiveService.getAllowedLoLoRelationTypesForLoType", "is a type method, use Type Service instead");
663 issues.put("LrcService.getCredential", "Is a Class 2 concept and as dropped from the Class 1 service");
664 issues.put("LrcService.getCredentialsByKeyList", "Is a Class 2 concept and as dropped from the Class 1 service");
665 issues.put("LrcService.getCredentialKeysByCredentialType", "Is a Class 2 concept and as dropped from the Class 1 service");
666 issues.put("LrcService.getCredit", "Is a Class 2 concept and as dropped from the Class 1 service");
667 issues.put("LrcService.getCreditsByKeyList", "Is a Class 2 concept and as dropped from the Class 1 service");
668 issues.put("LrcService.getCreditKeysByCreditType", "Is a Class 2 concept and as dropped from the Class 1 service");
669 issues.put("LrcService.getGrade", "Is a Class 2 concept and as dropped from the Class 1 service");
670 issues.put("LrcService.getGradesByKeyList", "Is a Class 2 concept and as dropped from the Class 1 service");
671 issues.put("LrcService.getGradeKeysByGradeType", "Is a Class 2 concept and as dropped from the Class 1 service");
672 issues.put("LrcService.getGradesByScale", "Is a Class 2 concept and as dropped from the Class 1 service");
673 issues.put("LrcService.translateGrade", "(-) is not being supported at this time, translations will be added later");
674 issues.put("LrcService.compareGrades", "(-) is not being supported at this time, comparisons will be added later");
675 issues.put("LrcService.getResultComponentIdsByResultComponentType", "roughly maps to getResultValuesGroupIdsByType but they are different objects and the types have changed as well");
676 issues.put("LrcService.getResultComponentIdsByResult", "roughly maps to getResultValuesGroupsByResultValue but doesn't take the extra type parameter");
677 issues.put("LrcService.createResultComponent", "rougly maps to createResultValuesGroup");
678 issues.put("LrcService.updateResultComponent", "rougly maps to updateResultValuesGroup");
679 issues.put("LrcService.deleteResultComponent", "rougly maps to deleteResultValuesGroup");
680 issues.put("LrcService.getScale", "roughly maps to getResultScale");
681 issues.put("LuService.getAllowedLuLuRelationTypesByLuiId", "is a type method, use TypeService instead");
682 issues.put("", "");
683 issues.put("", "");
684 issues.put("", "");
685 issues.put("", "");
686 knownMethodIssues = issues;
687 return;
688 }
691 private ServiceMethod findMethod2(String serviceKey, String methodName) {
692 ServiceMethod method2 = finder2.findServiceMethod(serviceKey, methodName);
693 if (method2 == null) {
694 if (serviceKey.equals("Lu")) {
695 method2 = finder2.findServiceMethod("Clu", methodName);
696 if (method2 == null) {
697 method2 = finder2.findServiceMethod("Lui", methodName);
698 }
699 }
700 }
701 return method2;
702 }
704 private String calcMethods(ServiceMethod method1) {
705 StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
706 String comma = "";
707 for (ServiceMethod method2 : finder2.findServiceMethods(method1.getService())) {
708 bldr.append(comma);
709 comma = ", ";
710 bldr.append(method2.getName());
711 }
712 return bldr.toString();
713 }
715 private String calcPossibleMethods(ServiceMethod method1) {
716 StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
717 String comma = "";
718 for (ServiceMethod method2 : findPossibleMethods(method1)) {
719 bldr.append(comma);
720 comma = ", ";
721 bldr.append(method2.getName());
722 }
723 return bldr.toString();
724 }
726 private List<ServiceMethod> findPossibleMethods(ServiceMethod method1) {
727 List<ServiceMethod> methods = new ArrayList<ServiceMethod>();
728 List<ServiceMethod> wideNet = null;
729 if (method1.getService().equals("Lu")) {
730 wideNet = finder2.findServiceMethods("Clu");
731 wideNet.addAll(finder2.findServiceMethods("Lui"));
732 } else {
733 wideNet = finder2.findServiceMethods(method1.getService());
734 }
735 for (ServiceMethod method2 : wideNet) {
736 if (isPossibleMatch(method1, method2)) {
737 methods.add(method2);
738 }
739 }
740 return methods;
741 }
743 private boolean isPossibleMatch(ServiceMethod method1, ServiceMethod method2) {
744 if (method1.getName().contains(method2.getName())) {
745 return true;
746 }
747 if (method2.getName().contains(method1.getName())) {
748 return true;
749 }
750 if (method1.getName().startsWith("get") && method2.getName().startsWith("get")) {
751 return true;
752 }
753 if (method1.getName().startsWith("add") && method2.getName().startsWith("create")) {
754 return true;
755 }
756 if (method1.getName().startsWith("create") && method2.getName().startsWith("create")) {
757 return true;
758 }
759 if (method1.getName().startsWith("update") && method2.getName().startsWith("update")) {
760 return true;
761 }
762 if (method1.getName().startsWith("delete") && method2.getName().startsWith("delete")) {
763 return true;
764 }
765 if (method1.getName().startsWith("remove") && method2.getName().startsWith("delete")) {
766 return true;
767 }
768 if (method1.getName().startsWith("validate") && method2.getName().startsWith("validate")) {
769 return true;
770 }
771 return false;
772 }
774 private boolean isTypeMethod(ServiceMethod method1) {
775 if (method1.getReturnValue().getType().endsWith("TypeInfo")) {
776 return true;
777 }
778 if (method1.getReturnValue().getType().endsWith("TypeInfoList")) {
779 return true;
780 }
781 return false;
782 }
783 }