The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.
Tag Class | Total number of occurrences | Tag strings used by tag class |
FIXME's | 1 | FIXME |
TODO's | 53 | TODO |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurrences found in the code: 1
org.kuali.student.contract.model.test.source.DtoConstants | Line |
Need to split out proposal states (ie. workflow states) versus dto states | 21 |
Number of occurrences found in the code: 53
org.kuali.student.contract.model.OrchestrationObjectField | Line |
Get grand parent | 126 |
org.kuali.student.contract.model.impl.R1R2ServiceContractComparisonTest | Line |
this works but really should make these specific to the object they are connected with | 320 |
org.kuali.student.contract.model.impl.ServiceContractModelPescXsdLoader | Line |
isNillable seems to ALWAYS be true so... figure out another way if (element.isNillable()) { return null; } return "Required"; | 337 |
facets only hold min/maxLength not min/maxOccurs find out where min/maxOccurs is parsed into String minOccurs = this.getFacetValue(element, "minOccurs"); if (minOccurs == null) { return "No"; } if (minOccurs.equals("0")) { return "No"; } System.out.println(element.getName() + " has a minOccurs that is " + minOccurs); return "Required"; | 342 |
facets only hold min/maxLength not min/maxOccurs find out where min/maxOccurs is parsed into String maxOccurs = this.getFacetValue(element, "maxOccurs"); if (maxOccurs == null) { return "One"; } if (maxOccurs.equals("unbounded")) { return "Many"; } System.out.println(element.getName() + " has a maxOccurs that is " + maxOccurs); return "Many"; | 362 |
org.kuali.student.contract.model.impl.ServiceContractModelQDoxLoader | Line |
worry about checking for this annotation on the method for non-field based AccessorTypes | 1038 |
check for shortNames that already start with is so we don't check for isIsEnrollable | 1073 |
followup on KimEntityResidencyInfo.getInState | 1099 |
check for shortNames that already start with is so we don't check for isIsEnrollable | 1113 |
followup on KimEntityResidencyInfo.getInState | 1117 |
check setterMethod | 1279 |
calc type based on the setterMethod | 1319 |
instead of hand mapping this take it based on the class in the @XmlEnum(String.class) tag | 1349 |
figure out why rice stuff translates like this junk? | 1382 |
make sure it is in fact a String,String map | 1387 |
org.kuali.student.contract.model.test.source.Comparison | Line |
Decide for complex Lists can they be checked to see how many occurences they have? | 53 |
Decide on other operators | 54 |
Deicde on operators to search collections inside such as any | 55 |
Decide how to search on dynamic attributes | 56 |
org.kuali.student.contract.model.test.source.DtoConstants | Line |
Ideally this method should not be hardcoded here. Also determining next state may be a more complicated and not just be a simple sequence. | 36 |
org.kuali.student.contract.model.test.source.Status | Line |
switch this to hold a count or something, a boolean that always is true is confusing. | 26 |
Figure out where the message came from because it is not in the R1 wiki | 27 |
org.kuali.student.contract.model.util.HtmlContractServiceWriter | Line |
wrap in link to type | 269 |
org.kuali.student.contract.model.util.ModelFinder | Line |
refactor all the *Writer to use this instead of their own finds. | 28 |
Worry about self-recursion | 240 |
Worry about self-recursion | 280 |
org.kuali.student.contract.model.validation.OrchObjValidator | Line |
more validation | 43 | | Line |
not sure what to put in the key attribute | 40 | | Line |
not sure what to put in the key attribute | 42 | | Line |
not sure what to put in the key attribute | 40 | | Line |
not sure what to put in the key attribute | 42 | | Line |
not sure what to put in the key attribute | 39 |
org.kuali.student.datadictionary.util.Bean2DictionaryConverter | Line |
handle collections of primitives DataType == null means it is a complex | 90 |
add back in this logic once they fix the jira about collectoin definition not working right if (dt == null) { if (!parentClasses.contains(clazz)) { parentFields.push(dddef); parentClasses.push(clazz); Bean2DictionaryConverter subConverter = new Bean2DictionaryConverter(actualClass, parentFields, parentClasses); subConverter.addFields(debuggingContext + "." + clazz.getSimpleName() + name, ode); parentFields.pop(); parentClasses.pop(); } } | 92 |
org.kuali.student.datadictionary.util.Dictionary2BeanComparer | Line |
deal with collections compareAddDiscrepancy(discrepancies, adDict.getName() + " maxOccurs", adDict.getMaximumNumberOfElements(), adBean.getMaximumNumberOfElements()); | 71 |
deal with collections compareAddDiscrepancy(discrepancies, adDict.getName() + " maxOccurs", adDict.getMaximumNumberOfElements(), adBean.getMaximumNumberOfElements()); | 82 |
org.kuali.student.datadictionary.util.DictionaryFormatter | Line |
uncomment this but right now there are xml files that don't have one defined and it seems to work so... throw new NullPointerException ("Could not find a data object entry, " + cd.getDataObjectClass() + " for field " + calcName(cd.getName(), parents)); | 443 |
implement once KRAD team implements if (ad.isDynamic()) { return "dynamic"; } | 580 |
Deal with collections if (ad.getMaximumNumberOfElements() != null) { if (ad.getMaximumNumberOfElements().intValue() == 0) { return "Not allowed"; } } | 642 |
Deal with collections if (ad.getMaximumNumberOfElements() != null) { if (ad.getMaximumNumberOfElements().intValue() == 0) { return "Not allowed"; } } | 664 |
other more complex constraints | 985 |
org.kuali.student.datadictionary.util.DictionaryValidator | Line |
Cross compare to make sure min is not greater than max and that default value is valid itself | 126 |
make the date parser configurable like the validator is | 221 |
more validation | 274 |
more validation | 331 |
org.kuali.student.datadictionary.util.KradDictionaryCreator | Line |
only write out the ones that are used in this structure out.indentPrintln("<import resource=\"classpath:ks-RichTextInfo-dictionary.xml\"/>"); out.indentPrintln("<import resource=\"classpath:ks-MetaInfo-dictionary.xml\"/>"); | 222 |
change this once they fix the list of complex jira if (filter.equals(Category.LIST_OF_COMPLEX)) { beanName = initUpper(childXmlTypeName); } | 419 |
deal with once is fixed for now treat the same as List of Complex, i.e. CollectionDefinition | 507 |
implement maxoccurs if (isList(pd)) { addProperty("maxOccurs", "" + DictionaryConstants.UNBOUNDED, s); } | 550 |
figure out what to do if it is qualified like "required on update" | 644 |
deal with once is fixed | 810 |
consider checking for ID and just returning null | 862 |
worry about the value starting on a new line i.e. is it trimmed when loaded? | 933 |