Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag ClassTotal number of occurrencesTag strings used by tag class

Each tag is detailed below:


Number of occurrences found in the code: 1

Need to split out proposal states (ie. workflow states) versus dto states21


Number of occurrences found in the code: 53

Get grand parent126
this works but really should make these specific to the object they are connected with320
isNillable seems to ALWAYS be true so... figure out another way if (element.isNillable()) { return null; } return "Required";337
facets only hold min/maxLength not min/maxOccurs find out where min/maxOccurs is parsed into String minOccurs = this.getFacetValue(element, "minOccurs"); if (minOccurs == null) { return "No"; } if (minOccurs.equals("0")) { return "No"; } System.out.println(element.getName() + " has a minOccurs that is " + minOccurs); return "Required";342
facets only hold min/maxLength not min/maxOccurs find out where min/maxOccurs is parsed into String maxOccurs = this.getFacetValue(element, "maxOccurs"); if (maxOccurs == null) { return "One"; } if (maxOccurs.equals("unbounded")) { return "Many"; } System.out.println(element.getName() + " has a maxOccurs that is " + maxOccurs); return "Many";362
worry about checking for this annotation on the method for non-field based AccessorTypes1038
check for shortNames that already start with is so we don't check for isIsEnrollable1073
followup on KimEntityResidencyInfo.getInState1099
check for shortNames that already start with is so we don't check for isIsEnrollable1113
followup on KimEntityResidencyInfo.getInState1117
check setterMethod1279
calc type based on the setterMethod1319
instead of hand mapping this take it based on the class in the @XmlEnum(String.class) tag1349
figure out why rice stuff translates like this junk?1382
make sure it is in fact a String,String map1387
Decide for complex Lists can they be checked to see how many occurences they have?53
Decide on other operators54
Deicde on operators to search collections inside such as any55
Decide how to search on dynamic attributes56
Ideally this method should not be hardcoded here. Also determining next state may be a more complicated and not just be a simple sequence.36
switch this to hold a count or something, a boolean that always is true is confusing.26
Figure out where the message came from because it is not in the R1 wiki https://wiki.kuali.org/display/KULSTU/statusInfo+Structure27
wrap in link to type269
refactor all the *Writer to use this instead of their own finds.28
Worry about self-recursion240
Worry about self-recursion280
more validation43
not sure what to put in the key attribute40
not sure what to put in the key attribute42
not sure what to put in the key attribute40
not sure what to put in the key attribute42
not sure what to put in the key attribute39
handle collections of primitives DataType == null means it is a complex90
add back in this logic once they fix the jira about collectoin definition not working right if (dt == null) { if (!parentClasses.contains(clazz)) { parentFields.push(dddef); parentClasses.push(clazz); Bean2DictionaryConverter subConverter = new Bean2DictionaryConverter(actualClass, parentFields, parentClasses); subConverter.addFields(debuggingContext + "." + clazz.getSimpleName() + name, ode); parentFields.pop(); parentClasses.pop(); } }92
deal with collections compareAddDiscrepancy(discrepancies, adDict.getName() + " maxOccurs", adDict.getMaximumNumberOfElements(), adBean.getMaximumNumberOfElements());71
deal with collections compareAddDiscrepancy(discrepancies, adDict.getName() + " maxOccurs", adDict.getMaximumNumberOfElements(), adBean.getMaximumNumberOfElements());82
uncomment this but right now there are xml files that don't have one defined and it seems to work so... throw new NullPointerException ("Could not find a data object entry, " + cd.getDataObjectClass() + " for field " + calcName(cd.getName(), parents));443
implement once KRAD team implements if (ad.isDynamic()) { return "dynamic"; }580
Deal with collections if (ad.getMaximumNumberOfElements() != null) { if (ad.getMaximumNumberOfElements().intValue() == 0) { return "Not allowed"; } }642
Deal with collections if (ad.getMaximumNumberOfElements() != null) { if (ad.getMaximumNumberOfElements().intValue() == 0) { return "Not allowed"; } }664
other more complex constraints985
Cross compare to make sure min is not greater than max and that default value is valid itself126
make the date parser configurable like the validator is221
more validation274
more validation331
only write out the ones that are used in this structure out.indentPrintln("<import resource=\"classpath:ks-RichTextInfo-dictionary.xml\"/>"); out.indentPrintln("<import resource=\"classpath:ks-MetaInfo-dictionary.xml\"/>");222
change this once they fix the list of complex jira if (filter.equals(Category.LIST_OF_COMPLEX)) { beanName = initUpper(childXmlTypeName); }419
deal with once https://jira.kuali.org/browse/KULRICE-5439 is fixed for now treat the same as List of Complex, i.e. CollectionDefinition507
implement maxoccurs if (isList(pd)) { addProperty("maxOccurs", "" + DictionaryConstants.UNBOUNDED, s); }550
figure out what to do if it is qualified like "required on update"644
deal with once https://jira.kuali.org/browse/KULRICE-5439 is fixed810
consider checking for ID and just returning null862
worry about the value starting on a new line i.e. is it trimmed when loaded?933