Class Summary | |
AbstractDBACommandMojo | Common logic for running SQL commands on a database |
AbstractMorphSingleMojo | Common logic for morphing one file to another file |
AbstractSQLExecutorMojo | Abstract mojo for making use of SQLExecutor |
AntTaskMojo | A base class for mojos that wrap an Ant Task |
BaseMojo | Mojo essentials. |
CreateMojo | Authenticates to a database server using credentials with DBA authority and creates an empty database along with a default user for accessing the newly created database. |
DataDtdMojo | Generates a DTD for the database tables from a schema XML file |
DataModelTaskMojo | The base class for mojos that wrap DataModelTasks |
DataSqlMojo | Generates platform specific SQL from database agnostic XML files. |
DelimiterType | |
DocumentationMojo | |
DropMojo | Authenticates to a database server using credentials with DBA authority and drops a database along with the default user that was created for accessing that database. |
ExportDataMojo | Reads the content of tables from a database and exports the data in a database agnostic format to XML files. |
ExportMojo | Base Mojo for export related functionality |
ExportSchemaMojo | Examines the JDBC metadata of a proprietary database and exports the schema information to database agnostic XML. |
IdTableInitSqlMojo | |
ImpexError | |
ImportMojo | Executes SQL for creating tables, primary keys, constraints, indexes, relationships, and views inside a database. |
MorphDataMojo | Converts Ant impex data XML files into maven-impex-plugin data XML files |
MorphSchemaMojo | Convert an Ant impex schema XML file into a maven-impex-plugin schema XML file |
MorphVersionTableMojo | Morph the xml inside KS_DB_VERSION.xml so it has Maven friendly placeholders for version info |
OMMojo | |
ResetMojo | Does a DROP->CREATE of a database and the corresponding default user. |
SchemaSqlMojo | Generates platform specific SQL from database agnostic XML files. There are two types of SQL files created by this goal: Type 1: DDL statements for creating tables, primary keys, indexes, and unique constraints. |
SingleDBACommandMojo | Runs a command that performs a single operation on a database (create,drop etc) |
SqlMojoBase | Generates SQL from schema.xml files |
TexenTaskMojo | The base class for mojos that wrap Texen Ant Tasks |
Enum Summary | |
ImportMojo.Order |
This package contains the mojo classes which provide maven2 access to the Torque generator.