addDisplayRow(DisplayRow, List<String[]>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
Convert a DisplayRow object to a String[]
addDisplayRows(List<DisplayRow>, List<String[]>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
Convert each DisplayRow object in the list to a String[] and add the String[] to the list of data


BaseMojo - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Mojo essentials.
BaseMojo() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo


closeTag(Tag) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.HtmlUtils
CloudFrontHtmlGenerator - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Generate directory listings in html format that is Amazon CloudFront friendly
CloudFrontHtmlGenerator() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
CloudFrontHtmlGenerator(S3BucketContext) - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
ColumnDecorator - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Helper pojo for marking up the html for a column in an html table
ColumnDecorator() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ColumnDecorator
ColumnDecorator(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ColumnDecorator
compare(DisplayRow, DisplayRow) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRowComparator
compareTo(DisplayRow) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
compareTokens(String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRowComparator


decrement() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Depth
DEFAULT_DELIMITER - Static variable in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRowComparator
DEFAULT_SEPARATORS - Static variable in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRowComparator
Depth - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Depth() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Depth
DisplayRow - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Pojo that represents one row in the directory listing of the contents of a directory in an S3 bucket
DisplayRow() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
DisplayRowComparator - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Provide non-alphanumeric sorting for version numbers.
DisplayRowComparator() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRowComparator


execute() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
executeMojo() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
This method is called after logging has been configured and only if mojo execution should not be skipped.
executeMojo() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo


FS - Static variable in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
Convenience reference to System.getProperty("file.separator").


getAbout() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
getAbout() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Show some text about this plugin
getAccessKeyId() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getAcl() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
getAcl() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getAhref() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
getAuthenticationErrorMessage() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getBrowseHtmlKey() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
getBrowseKey() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
getBrowseKey() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getBucket() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
getBucket() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getBucketContext() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ListObjectsContext
getBucketContext() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
getCacheControl() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getClazz() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Tag
getClient() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
getColumnDecorators() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
Decorators for the columns in the table
getColumnTitle() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ColumnDecorator
getContext() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
getContext() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
getContext() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContext
getCopyObjectRequest(String, String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Create a CopyObjectRequest with an ACL set to PublicRead
getCopyToKey() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContext
getCredentials() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getCss() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
getCss() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getData(ObjectListing, String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
Convert the ObjectListing into a List of String arrays.
getDateFormat() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getDefaultObject() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
getDefaultObjectKey() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
getDefaultObjectKey() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getDefaultPrefix(MavenProject, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Get a default prefix into the bucket from the project + groupId
getDelimiter() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRowComparator
getDelimiter() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
getDelimiter() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getDirectory(String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
If prefix is null, return the delimiter.
If delimiter is "/" and prefix is "foo/bar" return "/foo/bar"
If delimiter is "/" and prefix is "foo/bar/" return "/foo/bar"
getDirectoryDisplayRows(ObjectListing, String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
getDirectoryImage() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
getDirectoryImage() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getDisplayRow(String, String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
Convert a commonPrefix into a DisplayRow object for the UI
getDisplayRow(S3ObjectSummary, String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
Convert an S3ObjectSummary into a DisplayRow object for the UI
getDocType() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
getEncoding() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
getFileImage() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
getFileImage() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getGoogleAnalyticsJavascript() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
getHref(String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.HtmlUtils
Return an HTML ahref tag
getHtml(List<String[]>, String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
Generate the full html page
getHtml() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
getHtmlComment() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
getHtmlTable(List<String[]>, List<ColumnDecorator>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
Generate the table representing a directory listing
getId() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Tag
getImage() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
getImage(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.HtmlUtils
Return an HTML img tag
getIndent() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.HtmlUtils
getIndentedContent(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.HtmlUtils
getLastModified() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
getLastModifiedDateFormatter() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
getLastModifiedDateFormatter() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Return a SimpleDateFormat object initialized with the date format and timezone supplied to the mojo
getListMsg(int, long) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Show some information about the current directory
getListObjectsContexts(S3BucketContext, List<String>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Convert prefixes intl ListObjectContext objects
getListObjectsRequest(S3BucketContext, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Given a prefix and a bucket context return a ListObjectsRequest object
getMavenSession() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
getMaxKeys() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
getMaxKeys() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getMeta() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
getMojo() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContextHandler
getName() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Tag
getNumberFormatInstance() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
Return a NumberFormat that does not using grouping and always displays one fraction digit.
getObjectDisplayRows(ObjectListing, String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
getObjectListing() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
getObjectListing(S3BucketContext, ListObjectsRequest) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Get an object listing for the current directory
getObjectListings() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ListObjectsContextHandler
getObjectListings(S3BucketContext, List<String>, int) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Make a multi-threaded call to S3 to acquire ObjectListing objects for each of the prefixes
getObjectMetadata(String, Resource) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getOrganizationGroupId() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getOrgPomGavs() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getPathsToRoot(String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Split the string up and return a list of Strings representing the path from the starting prefix back to (and including) the root of the bucket.
getPrefix() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getPrefix() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
getPrefixes(ObjectListing, String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Return a listing of all the prefixes in this directory plus all the prefixes leading back to (and including) the root directory
getProject() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
getPutIndexObjectRequest(String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Create a PutObjectRequest for some html generated by this mojo.
getPutObjectRequest(String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getPutObjectRequest(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getRate(long, long) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.SimpleFormatter
Given milliseconds and bytes return kilobytes per second
getRequest() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ListObjectsContext
getS3BucketContext() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Get context information about the bucket we are operating on
getS3PrefixContext(S3BucketContext, ObjectListing) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Convert an ObjectListing into an S3PrefixContext
getS3PrefixContexts(S3BucketContext, List<ObjectListing>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Convert ObjectListing objects into S3PrefixContext objects
getSecretAccessKey() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getSeparators() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRowComparator
getServerId() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
getSettings() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
getShow() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
getShow(String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
Trim the prefix off of the text we display for this object.
Display "style.css" instead of "css/style.css"
getSize() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
getSize(long) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.SimpleFormatter
Given bytes, return kilobytes if it is less than a megabyte, megabytes if it is less than a gigabyte, otherwise gigabytes
getSpanClass() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ColumnDecorator
getTableCell(String, ColumnDecorator) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
Generate html representing the contents of one table cell
getTableDataClass() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ColumnDecorator
getTableHeaders(List<ColumnDecorator>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
Generate the html for the th tags from a list of ColumnDecorator objects
getTableRow(int, String[], List<ColumnDecorator>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
Generate an html table row for the String[]
getTableRows(List<String[]>, List<ColumnDecorator>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
Generate a table row for each String[] in the list
getTableRowTag(int) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
Alternate the styling of each row
getTag(Tag, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.HtmlUtils
getThreads() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getTime(long) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.SimpleFormatter
Given milliseconds, return seconds or minutes
getTimezone() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
getTrimmedPrefix(String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
Convert "foo/bar/css/" into "foo/bar/css"
Convert "foo/bar/css" into "foo/bar"
getUpdateDirContexts(List<S3PrefixContext>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Convert S3PrefixContext objects into UpdateDirectoryContext objects.
getUpOneDirectoryDest(String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
If prefix is "foo/" and delimiter is "/" return "/"
If prefix is "foo/bar/" and delimiter is "/" return "foo/"
getUpOneDirectoryDisplayRow(String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
Convert a commonPrefix into a DisplayRow object for the UI
getValue() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Depth


handleElement(ListIteratorContext<ListObjectsContext>, int, ListObjectsContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ListObjectsContextHandler
handleElement(ListIteratorContext<UpdateDirectoryContext>, int, UpdateDirectoryContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContextHandler
HtmlUtils - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Utility methods for generating html
HtmlUtils() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.HtmlUtils


increment() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Depth
isCopyDefaultObjectWithDelimiter() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
isCopyDefaultObjectWithoutDelimiter() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
isCopyIfExists() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContext
isCreateOrUpdateDefaultObject(S3PrefixContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Return true if there is no object in the ObjectListing under defaultObjectKey.
Return true if the object in the ObjectListing was created by this plugin.
Return false otherwise.
isDirectory(S3ObjectSummary, List<String>, String, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
isEmpty(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
Return true if the Collection is null or contains no entries, false otherwise
isEmpty(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Return true if the Collection is null or contains no entries, false otherwise
isExistingObject(ObjectListing, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Return true if the ObjectListing contains an object under "key"
isForceMojoExecution() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
isOurObject(S3Object) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Return true if this S3Object was created by this plugin.
isRoot() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
isSkip() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo


ListObjectsContext - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
ListObjectsContext() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ListObjectsContext
ListObjectsContext(S3BucketContext, ListObjectsRequest) - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ListObjectsContext
ListObjectsContextHandler - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
ListObjectsContextHandler() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ListObjectsContextHandler
lpad(int) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ListObjectsContextHandler
lpad(int) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContextHandler


openTag(Tag) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.HtmlUtils
org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3 - package org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Logic for examining an Amazon S3 bucket and creating html directory listings that display the contents of the bucket in a folder structure.


S3BucketContext - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Holds context information for S3
S3BucketContext() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
S3DataConverter - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Convert information from an S3 bucket into pojo's
S3DataConverter() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
S3DataConverter(S3BucketContext) - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
S3Mojo - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Abstract mojo containing S3 mojo essentials.
S3Mojo() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
S3PrefixContext - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
S3PrefixContext() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
setAbout(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
setAccessKeyId(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
setAcl(CannedAccessControlList) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
setAcl(CannedAccessControlList) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setAhref(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
setBrowseHtmlKey(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
setBrowseKey(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
setBrowseKey(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setBucket(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
setBucket(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
setBucketContext(S3BucketContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ListObjectsContext
setBucketContext(S3BucketContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
setCacheControl(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setClazz(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Tag
setClient(AmazonS3Client) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
setColumnTitle(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ColumnDecorator
setContext(S3BucketContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.CloudFrontHtmlGenerator
setContext(S3BucketContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3DataConverter
setContext(S3PrefixContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContext
setCopyDefaultObjectWithDelimiter(boolean) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setCopyDefaultObjectWithoutDelimiter(boolean) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setCopyIfExists(boolean) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContext
setCopyToKey(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContext
setCss(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
setCss(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setDateFormat(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setDefaultObject(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
setDefaultObjectKey(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
setDefaultObjectKey(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRowComparator
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
setDirectoryImage(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
setDirectoryImage(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setEncoding(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
setFileImage(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
setFileImage(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setForceMojoExecution(boolean) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
setHtml(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
setId(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Tag
setImage(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
setLastModified(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
setLastModifiedDateFormatter(SimpleDateFormat) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
setMavenSession(MavenSession) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
setMaxKeys(Integer) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3BucketContext
setMaxKeys(Integer) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
setMojo(UpdateOriginBucketMojo) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContextHandler
setName(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Tag
setObjectListing(ObjectListing) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
setObjectListings(List<ObjectListing>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ListObjectsContextHandler
setOrganizationGroupId(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setOrgPomGavs(List<String>) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setPrefix(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
setPrefix(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
setProject(MavenProject) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
setRequest(ListObjectsRequest) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ListObjectsContext
setRoot(boolean) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3PrefixContext
setSecretAccessKey(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
setSeparators(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRowComparator
setServerId(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
setSettings(Settings) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
setShow(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
setSize(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.DisplayRow
setSkip(boolean) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
setSpanClass(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ColumnDecorator
setTableDataClass(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.ColumnDecorator
setThreads(int) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
setTimezone(String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
SimpleFormatter - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Very simple formatter for formatting a few things - transfer rate, elapsed time, bytes
SimpleFormatter() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.SimpleFormatter
SKIP_PACKAGING_TYPE - Static variable in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
Skip packaging if type is "pom".
skipMojo() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.BaseMojo
Determine if the mojo execution should get skipped.


Tag - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
Lightweight pojo for helping generate html.
Tag() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Tag
No args constructor.
Tag(String) - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Tag
Tag(String, String) - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Tag
Tag(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.Tag


updateCredentials() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo
updateDirectory(UpdateDirectoryContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
updateDirectory(S3PrefixContext, boolean, String) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Create an object in the bucket under a key that lets a normal http request function correctly with CloudFront / S3.
Either use the client's object or upload some html created by this plugin
updateDirectory(S3PrefixContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Update this S3 "directory".
UpdateDirectoryContext - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
UpdateDirectoryContext() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContext
UpdateDirectoryContextHandler - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
UpdateDirectoryContextHandler() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContextHandler
UpdateDirectoryContextHandler(UpdateOriginBucketMojo) - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateDirectoryContextHandler
updateMojoState() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
Update the state of this mojo from the project metadata
UpdateOriginBucketMojo - Class in org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3
This mojo updates a bucket serving as an origin for a Cloud Front distribution.
UpdateOriginBucketMojo() - Constructor for class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
updatePrefix() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
If they supplied a prefix use it.
updateRoot(UpdateDirectoryContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
If this is the root of the bucket and the default object either does not exist or was created by this plugin, overwrite the default object with newly generated html.
updateRoot(S3PrefixContext) - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.UpdateOriginBucketMojo
If this is the root of the bucket and the default object either does not exist or was created by this plugin, overwrite the default object with newly generated html.


validateCredentials() - Method in class org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3.S3Mojo


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