Clover Coverage Report - Maven Cloud Front Plugin 1.0.23
Coverage timestamp: Tue Apr 12 2011 19:22:38 EST
../../../../../img/srcFileCovDistChart0.png 9% of files have more coverage
98   225   25   5.44
14   165   0.26   18
18     1.39  
  CloudFrontHtmlGenerator       Line # 12 98 0% 25 130 0% 0.0
No Tests
1    package org.kuali.maven.mojo.s3;
3    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
4    import java.util.ArrayList;
5    import java.util.Collection;
6    import java.util.Date;
7    import java.util.List;
9    /**
10    * Generate directory listings in html format that is Amazon CloudFront friendly
11    */
12    public class CloudFrontHtmlGenerator {
13    HtmlUtils html = new HtmlUtils();
14    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z");
16    S3BucketContext context;
18  0 toggle public CloudFrontHtmlGenerator() {
19  0 this(null);
20    }
22  0 toggle public CloudFrontHtmlGenerator(final S3BucketContext context) {
23  0 super();
24  0 this.context = context;
25    }
27    /**
28    * Decorators for the columns in the table
29    */
30  0 toggle protected List<ColumnDecorator> getColumnDecorators() {
31  0 List<ColumnDecorator> columnDecorators = new ArrayList<ColumnDecorator>();
32  0 columnDecorators.add(new ColumnDecorator("image-column", "sort-header",
33    ""));
34  0 columnDecorators.add(new ColumnDecorator("name-column", "sort-header",
35    "Name"));
36  0 columnDecorators.add(new ColumnDecorator("last-modified-column",
37    "sort-header", "Last Modified"));
38  0 columnDecorators.add(new ColumnDecorator("size-column", "sort-header",
39    "Size"));
40  0 return columnDecorators;
41    }
43    /**
44    * If prefix is null, return the delimiter.<br>
45    * If delimiter is "/" and prefix is "foo/bar" return "/foo/bar"<br>
46    * If delimiter is "/" and prefix is "foo/bar/" return "/foo/bar"
47    */
48  0 toggle protected String getDirectory(final String prefix, final String delimiter) {
49  0 if (prefix == null) {
50  0 return delimiter;
51    }
52  0 if (prefix.endsWith(delimiter)) {
53  0 return delimiter
54    + prefix.substring(0, prefix.length() - delimiter.length());
55    } else {
56  0 return delimiter + prefix;
57    }
58    }
60  0 toggle protected String getHtmlComment() {
61  0 return "<!-- Generated on " + sdf.format(new Date()) + " -->\n";
62    }
64  0 toggle protected String getDocType() {
65  0 return "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">\n";
66    }
68  0 toggle protected String getMeta() {
69  0 return "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\"/>\n";
70    }
72  0 toggle protected String getGoogleAnalyticsJavascript() {
73  0 return "<script type=\"text/javascript\">var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-16781661-1']); _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })();</script>\n";
74    }
76    /**
77    * Generate the full html page
78    */
79  0 toggle public String getHtml(final List<String[]> data, final String prefix, final String delimiter) {
80  0 String directory = getDirectory(prefix, delimiter);
82  0 Tag html = new Tag("html");
83  0 Tag title = new Tag("title");
84  0 Tag head = new Tag("head");
85  0 Tag body = new Tag("body");
86  0 Tag div1 = new Tag("div", "title");
87  0 Tag span1 = new Tag("span", null, "title");
88  0 Tag div2 = new Tag("div", "data");
89  0 Tag div3 = new Tag("div", "footer", "footer-left");
90  0 Tag span2 = new Tag("span", null, "footer-text");
92  0 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
93  0 sb.append(getDocType());
94  0 sb.append(this.html.openTag(html));
95  0 sb.append(this.html.getIndentedContent(getHtmlComment()));
96  0 sb.append(this.html.getTag(title, "Directory listing for " + directory));
97  0 sb.append(this.html.openTag(head));
98  0 sb.append(this.html.getIndentedContent("<link href=\""
99    + context.getCss()
100    + "\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\"/>\n"));
101  0 sb.append(this.html.getIndentedContent(getMeta()));
102  0 sb.append(this.html.getIndentedContent(getGoogleAnalyticsJavascript()));
103  0 sb.append(this.html.closeTag(head));
104  0 sb.append(this.html.openTag(body));
105  0 sb.append(this.html.openTag(div1));
106  0 sb.append(this.html.getTag(span1, "Directory listing for " + directory));
107  0 sb.append(this.html.closeTag(div1));
108  0 sb.append(this.html.getIndentedContent("<hr>\n"));
109  0 sb.append(this.html.openTag(div2));
110  0 sb.append(getHtmlTable(data, getColumnDecorators()));
111  0 sb.append(this.html.closeTag(div2));
112  0 sb.append(this.html.getIndentedContent("<hr>\n"));
113  0 sb.append(this.html.openTag(div3));
114  0 sb.append(this.html.getTag(span2, context.getAbout()));
115  0 sb.append(this.html.closeTag(div3));
116  0 sb.append(this.html.closeTag(body));
117  0 sb.append(this.html.closeTag(html));
118  0 return sb.toString();
119    }
121    /**
122    * Generate html representing the contents of one table cell
123    */
124  0 toggle protected String getTableCell(final String content, final ColumnDecorator decorator) {
125  0 Tag td = new Tag("td", decorator.getTableDataClass());
126  0 return html.getTag(td, content);
127    }
129    /**
130    * Return true if the Collection is null or contains no entries, false
131    * otherwise
132    */
133  0 toggle protected boolean isEmpty(final Collection<?> c) {
134  0 return c == null || c.size() == 0;
135    }
137    /**
138    * Alternate the styling of each row
139    */
140  0 toggle protected Tag getTableRowTag(final int row) {
141  0 if ((row % 2) == 0) {
142  0 return new Tag("tr", "table-tr-odd");
143    } else {
144  0 return new Tag("tr");
145    }
146    }
148    /**
149    * Generate an html table row for the String[]
150    */
151  0 toggle protected String getTableRow(final int row, final String[] data,
152    final List<ColumnDecorator> columnDecorators) {
153  0 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
154  0 Tag tr = getTableRowTag(row);
155  0 sb.append(html.openTag(tr));
156  0 for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
157  0 sb.append(getTableCell(data[i], columnDecorators.get(i)));
158    }
159  0 sb.append(html.closeTag(tr));
160  0 return sb.toString();
161    }
163    /**
164    * Generate a table row for each String[] in the list
165    */
166  0 toggle protected String getTableRows(final List<String[]> data,
167    final List<ColumnDecorator> columnDecorators) {
168  0 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
169  0 for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
170  0 sb.append(getTableRow(i, data.get(i), columnDecorators));
171    }
172  0 return sb.toString();
173    }
175    /**
176    * Generate the html for the th tags from a list of ColumnDecorator objects
177    */
178  0 toggle protected String getTableHeaders(final List<ColumnDecorator> columnDecorators) {
179  0 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
180  0 for (int i = 0; i < columnDecorators.size(); i++) {
181  0 ColumnDecorator decorator = columnDecorators.get(i);
182  0 Tag th = new Tag("th", decorator.getTableDataClass());
183  0 sb.append(html.openTag(th));
184  0 sb.append(html.getTag(new Tag("span", decorator.getSpanClass()),
185    decorator.getColumnTitle()));
186  0 sb.append(html.closeTag(th));
187    }
188  0 return sb.toString();
189    }
191    /**
192    * Generate the table representing a directory listing
193    */
194  0 toggle protected String getHtmlTable(final List<String[]> data,
195    final List<ColumnDecorator> columnDecorators) {
196  0 if (isEmpty(data)) {
197  0 return "";
198    }
199  0 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
200  0 Tag table = new Tag("table", "mainTable");
201  0 Tag thead = new Tag("thead");
202  0 Tag tr = new Tag("tr");
203  0 Tag tbody = new Tag("tbody");
204  0 sb.append(html.openTag(table));
205  0 sb.append(html.openTag(thead));
206  0 sb.append(html.openTag(tr));
207  0 sb.append(getTableHeaders(columnDecorators));
208  0 sb.append(html.closeTag(tr));
209  0 sb.append(html.closeTag(thead));
210  0 sb.append(html.openTag(tbody));
211  0 sb.append(getTableRows(data, columnDecorators));
212  0 sb.append(html.closeTag(tbody));
213  0 sb.append(html.closeTag(table));
214  0 return sb.toString();
215    }
217  0 toggle public S3BucketContext getContext() {
218  0 return context;
219    }
221  0 toggle public void setContext(final S3BucketContext context) {
222  0 this.context = context;
223    }
225    }