Package org.codehaus.mojo.license

Interface Summary
DependenciesTool A tool to deal with dependencies of a project.
MavenProjectDependenciesConfigurator Contract to configure which dependencies will be loaded by the dependency tool via the method DependenciesTool.loadProjectDependencies(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject, MavenProjectDependenciesConfigurator, org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository, java.util.List, java.util.SortedMap)
ThirdPartyTool A tool to load third party files missing files.

Class Summary
AbstractAddThirdPartyMojo Abstract mojo for all third-party mojos.
AbstractLicenseMojo Abstract license mojo.
AbstractLicenseNameMojo Abstract mojo which using a AbstractLicenseNameMojo.licenseName and owns a AbstractLicenseNameMojo.licenseStore.
AddThirdPartyMojo Goal to generate the third-party license file.
AggregatorAddThirdPartyMojo This aggregator goal (will be executed only once and only on pom projects) executed the add-third-party on all his modules (in a parellel build cycle) then aggreates all the third-party files in final one in the pom project.
CommentStyleListMojo Displays all the available comment style to box file headers.
DefaultDependenciesTool Default implementation of the DependenciesTool.
DefaultThirdPartyTool Default implementation of the third party tool.
DownloadLicensesMojo Download the license files of all the current project's dependencies, and generate a summary file containing a list of all dependencies and their licenses.
FileUtil Some basic file io utilities
HelpMojo Display help information on license-maven-plugin.
LicenseDownloader Utilities for downloading remote license files.
LicenseListMojo Display all available licenses.
LicenseSummaryReader A LicenseSummaryReader.
LicenseSummaryWriter A LicenseSummaryWriter.
MojoHelper Mojo helper methods.
SortedProperties Permet d'avoir les fichiers de proprietes tries.
UpdateFileHeaderMojo The goal to update (or add) the header on project source files.
UpdateProjectLicenseMojo Updates (or creates) the main project license file according to the given license defines as AbstractLicenseNameMojo.licenseName.

Exception Summary
ThirdPartyToolException An exception occurring during the execution of this tool.

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