Interface Comparison

All Known Implementing Classes:
ComparisonInfo, ComparisonInfo.Builder

public interface Comparison

Criteria for a generic query

Method Summary
 String getFieldKey()
          Name: Field Key Dot path notation to identity the name of field to be compared
 String getOperator()
          Name: Operator Operator to use to compare the field to the value.
 List<String> getValues()
          Name: Criteria Value(s) Value to be compared
 boolean isIgnoreCase()
          Name: Ignore Case? Check if should ignore case when doing the comparison Default is false If true then the case of both the specified comparison value(s) and the data value from the field should be ignored

Method Detail


String getFieldKey()
Name: Field Key Dot path notation to identity the name of field to be compared


String getOperator()
Name: Operator Operator to use to compare the field to the value. The valid values are:
  1. =
  2. in
  3. <
  4. !=
  5. >=
  6. <=
  7. like
  8. between
The operators should work similar to their corresponding SQL operators. Complex objects can only be checked to see if they are null or not null. "in" operator takes a list of values "between" operator takes two values for from and thru inclusive all others take a single value TODO: Decide for complex Lists can they be checked to see how many occurences they have? TODO: Decide on other operators TODO: Deicde on operators to search collections inside such as any TODO: Decide how to search on dynamic attributes


List<String> getValues()
Name: Criteria Value(s) Value to be compared


boolean isIgnoreCase()
Name: Ignore Case? Check if should ignore case when doing the comparison Default is false If true then the case of both the specified comparison value(s) and the data value from the field should be ignored

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