This class uses java.sql.Time and java.sql.Date because for each respective component
we are only interested in a partial Date or Time, that is for example:
3:55 pm (at any date)
6/22/2010 (at any time)
Make sure you are aware of whether or not you need a Local Relative time or
an absolute server time.
Determine if given leave block is a accrual generated System Scheduled Timeoff usage that can be banked/transferred
and if the leave block is on the current leave calendar entry of the current targeted user
Determine if given leave block is a accrual generated System Scheduled Timeoff usage that can be banked
and if the leave block is on the current leave calendar entry of the current targeted user
Determine if given leave block is a accrual generated System Scheduled Timeoff usage that can be transferred
and if the leave block is on the current leave calendar entry of the current targeted user
Convenience method to make the primitive account fields from this Account easier to compare to the account fields from
another Account or an AccountingLine
Get active assignments for all users for the current date
CAUTION this method will return a lot of data in a normal production env
It is intended to only be used in a batch setting
When consuming these weeks, you must be aware that you could be on a
virtual day, ie noon to noon schedule and have your FLSA time start
before the virtual day start,
but still have a full 7 days for your week.
Get list of leave blocks to display on leave calendar with given dates and principal id
the leave blocks created from time calendar should have assignments in the list of assignment keys
Get list of leave blocks to display on time sheet with given dates and principal id
Only get leave blocks with type of leave calendar and time calendar
the leave blocks should have assignments in the list of assignment keys
Determine if Leave Calendar document should be created for given principalId and calendar entry
Should only create leave calendar document if active jobs were found with flsa elig = no and ben elg = yes