View Javadoc

1   /**
2    * Copyright 2004-2012 The Kuali Foundation
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package;
18  import java.math.BigDecimal;
19  import java.sql.Timestamp;
20  import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
21  import java.util.ArrayList;
22  import java.util.Date;
23  import java.util.HashMap;
24  import java.util.List;
25  import java.util.Map;
27  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
28  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
30  import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
31  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
32  import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
33  import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
34  import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
35  import org.joda.time.DateTime;
36  import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
37  import org.joda.time.Interval;
38  import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
39  import org.json.simple.JSONValue;
40  import;
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44  import;
45  import;
46  import;
47  import;
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51  import;
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53  import;
54  import;
55  import org.kuali.rice.krad.exception.AuthorizationException;
56  import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.GlobalVariables;
58  public class ClockAction extends TimesheetAction {
60      private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ClockAction.class);
61      public static final SimpleDateFormat SDF = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, MMMM d yyyy HH:mm:ss, zzzz");
62      public static final String SEPERATOR = "[****]+";
64      @Override
65      protected void checkTKAuthorization(ActionForm form, String methodToCall) throws AuthorizationException {
66          super.checkTKAuthorization(form, methodToCall); // Checks for read access first.
68          TimesheetActionForm taForm = (TimesheetActionForm) form;
69          UserRoles roles = TkUserRoles.getUserRoles(GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getPrincipalId());
70          TimesheetDocument doc = TKContext.getCurrentTimesheetDocument();
72          // Check for write access to Timeblock.
73          if (StringUtils.equals(methodToCall, "clockAction") ||
74                  StringUtils.equals(methodToCall, "addTimeBlock") ||
75                  StringUtils.equals(methodToCall, "editTimeBlock") ||
76                  StringUtils.equals(methodToCall, "distributeTimeBlocks") ||
77                  StringUtils.equals(methodToCall, "saveNewTimeBlocks") ||
78                  StringUtils.equals(methodToCall, "deleteTimeBlock")) {
79              if (!roles.isDocumentWritable(doc)) {
80                  throw new AuthorizationException(roles.getPrincipalId(), "ClockAction", "");
81              }
82          }
83      }
86      @Override
87      public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
88          ActionForward forward = super.execute(mapping, form, request, response);
89          ClockActionForm caf = (ClockActionForm) form;
90          caf.setCurrentServerTime(String.valueOf(new Date().getTime()));
91          caf.getUserSystemOffsetServerTime();
92          caf.setShowLunchButton(TkServiceLocator.getSystemLunchRuleService().isShowLunchButton());
93          caf.setAssignmentDescriptions(TkServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignmentDescriptions(caf.getTimesheetDocument(), true));
94          if (caf.isShowLunchButton()) {
95              // We don't need to worry about the assignments and lunch rules
96              // if the global lunch rule is turned off.
98              // Check for presence of department lunch rule.
99              Map<String, Boolean> assignmentDeptLunchRuleMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
100             for (Assignment a : caf.getTimesheetDocument().getAssignments()) {
101                 String key = AssignmentDescriptionKey.getAssignmentKeyString(a);
102                 assignmentDeptLunchRuleMap.put(key, a.getDeptLunchRule() != null);
103             }
104             caf.setAssignmentLunchMap(assignmentDeptLunchRuleMap);
105         }
106         String principalId = TKUser.getCurrentTargetPerson().getPrincipalId();
107         if (principalId != null) {
108             caf.setPrincipalId(principalId);
109         }
111         //if the timesheet document is enroute aor final, don't allow clock action
112         if(caf.getTimesheetDocument().getDocumentHeader().getDocumentStatus().equals(TkConstants.ROUTE_STATUS.ENROUTE)
113                 || caf.getTimesheetDocument().getDocumentHeader().getDocumentStatus().equals(TkConstants.ROUTE_STATUS.FINAL)) {
114             caf.setErrorMessage("Your current timesheet is already submitted for Approval. Clock action is not allowed on this timesheet.");
115             return mapping.findForward("basic");
116         }
119         this.assignShowDistributeButton(caf);
120         // if the time sheet document is final or enroute, do not allow missed punch
121         if(caf.getTimesheetDocument().getDocumentHeader().getDocumentStatus().equals(TkConstants.ROUTE_STATUS.ENROUTE)
122         		|| caf.getTimesheetDocument().getDocumentHeader().getDocumentStatus().equals(TkConstants.ROUTE_STATUS.FINAL)) {
123         	caf.setShowMissedPunchButton(false);
124         } else {
125         	caf.setShowMissedPunchButton(true);
126         }
128         String tbIdString = caf.getEditTimeBlockId();
129         if (tbIdString != null) {
130             caf.setCurrentTimeBlock(TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().getTimeBlock(caf.getEditTimeBlockId()));
131         }
133         ClockLog lastClockLog = TkServiceLocator.getClockLogService().getLastClockLog(principalId);
134         if (lastClockLog != null) {
135             Timestamp lastClockTimestamp = lastClockLog.getClockTimestamp();
136             String lastClockZone = lastClockLog.getClockTimestampTimezone();
137             if (StringUtils.isEmpty(lastClockZone)) {
138                 lastClockZone = TKUtils.getSystemTimeZone();
139             }
140             // zone will not be null. At this point is Valid or Exception.
141             // Exception would indicate bad data stored in the system. We can wrap this, but
142             // for now, the thrown exception is probably more valuable.
143             DateTimeZone zone = DateTimeZone.forID(lastClockZone);
144             DateTime clockWithZone = new DateTime(lastClockTimestamp, zone);
145             caf.setLastClockTimeWithZone(clockWithZone.toDate());
146             caf.setLastClockTimestamp(lastClockTimestamp);
147             caf.setLastClockAction(lastClockLog.getClockAction());
148         }
150         if (lastClockLog == null || StringUtils.equals(lastClockLog.getClockAction(), TkConstants.CLOCK_OUT)) {
151             caf.setCurrentClockAction(TkConstants.CLOCK_IN);
152         } else {
154             if (StringUtils.equals(lastClockLog.getClockAction(), TkConstants.LUNCH_OUT) && TkServiceLocator.getSystemLunchRuleService().isShowLunchButton()) {
155                 caf.setCurrentClockAction(TkConstants.LUNCH_IN);
156             }
157 //	   	    	else if(StringUtils.equals(lastClockLog.getClockAction(),TkConstants.LUNCH_OUT)) {
158 //	   	    		caf.setCurrentClockAction(TkConstants.LUNCH_IN);
159 //	   	    	}
160             else {
161                 caf.setCurrentClockAction(TkConstants.CLOCK_OUT);
162             }
163             // if the current clock action is clock out, displays only the clocked-in assignment
164             String selectedAssignment = new AssignmentDescriptionKey(lastClockLog.getJobNumber(), lastClockLog.getWorkArea(), lastClockLog.getTask()).toAssignmentKeyString();
165             caf.setSelectedAssignment(selectedAssignment);
166             Assignment assignment = TkServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignment(caf.getTimesheetDocument(), selectedAssignment);
167             Map<String, String> assignmentDesc = TkServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignmentDescriptions(assignment);
168             caf.setAssignmentDescriptions(assignmentDesc);
170         }
171         return forward;
172     }
174     public void assignShowDistributeButton(ClockActionForm caf) {
175     	TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument = caf.getTimesheetDocument();
176     	if(timesheetDocument != null) {
177     		List<Assignment> assignments = timesheetDocument.getAssignments();
178     		if(assignments.size() <= 1) {
179     			caf.setShowDistrubuteButton(false);
180     			return;
181     		}
182     		List<TimeCollectionRule> ruleList = new ArrayList<TimeCollectionRule> ();
183     		for(Assignment assignment: assignments) {
184     			TimeCollectionRule rule = TkServiceLocator.getTimeCollectionRuleService().getTimeCollectionRule(assignment.getJob().getDept(), assignment.getWorkArea(), assignment.getJob().getHrPayType(),assignment.getEffectiveDate());
185 		    	if(rule != null) {
186 		    		if(rule.isHrsDistributionF()) {
187 		    			ruleList.add(rule);
188 		    		}
189 		    	}
190     		}
191     		// if there's only one eligible assignment, don't show the distribute button
192     		if(ruleList.size() <= 1) {
193     			caf.setShowDistrubuteButton(false);
194     			return;	
195     		} else {
196 	    		caf.setShowDistrubuteButton(true);
197 				return;
198     		}
199     	}
200     	caf.setShowDistrubuteButton(false);
201     }
204     public ActionForward clockAction(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
205         ClockActionForm caf = (ClockActionForm) form;
207         // TODO: Validate that clock action is valid for this user
208         // TODO: this needs to be integrated with the error tag
209         if (StringUtils.isBlank(caf.getSelectedAssignment())) {
210             caf.setErrorMessage("No assignment selected.");
211             return mapping.findForward("basic");
212         }
213         ClockLog previousClockLog = TkServiceLocator.getClockLogService().getLastClockLog(TKUser.getCurrentTargetPerson().getPrincipalId());
214         if(previousClockLog != null && StringUtils.equals(caf.getCurrentClockAction(), previousClockLog.getClockAction())){
215         	caf.setErrorMessage("The operation is already performed.");
216             return mapping.findForward("basic");
217         }
218         String ip = TKUtils.getIPAddressFromRequest(request);
219         Assignment assignment = TkServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignment(caf.getTimesheetDocument(), caf.getSelectedAssignment());
221         List<Assignment> lstAssingmentAsOfToday = TkServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignments(TKContext.getTargetPrincipalId(), TKUtils.getCurrentDate());
222         boolean foundValidAssignment = false;
223         for(Assignment assign : lstAssingmentAsOfToday){
224         	if((assign.getJobNumber().compareTo(assignment.getJobNumber()) ==0) &&
225         		(assign.getWorkArea().compareTo(assignment.getWorkArea()) == 0) &&
226         		(assign.getTask().compareTo(assignment.getTask()) == 0)){
227         		foundValidAssignment = true;
228         		break;
229         	}
230         }
232         if(!foundValidAssignment){
233         	caf.setErrorMessage("Assignment is not effective as of today");
234         	return mapping.findForward("basic");
235         }
238         ClockLog clockLog = TkServiceLocator.getClockLogService().processClockLog(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), assignment, caf.getPayCalendarDates(), ip,
239                 TKUtils.getCurrentDate(), caf.getTimesheetDocument(), caf.getCurrentClockAction(), TKUser.getCurrentTargetPerson().getPrincipalId());
241         caf.setClockLog(clockLog);
243         return mapping.findForward("basic");
244     }
246     public ActionForward distributeTimeBlocks(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
247         ClockActionForm caf = (ClockActionForm) form;
248         caf.findTimeBlocksToDistribute();
249         return mapping.findForward("tb");
250     }
253     public ActionForward editTimeBlock(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
254         ClockActionForm caf = (ClockActionForm) form;
255         TimeBlock tb = caf.getCurrentTimeBlock();
256         caf.setCurrentAssignmentKey(tb.getAssignmentKey());
258         ActionForward forward = mapping.findForward("et");
260         return new ActionForward(forward.getPath() + "?editTimeBlockId=" + tb.getTkTimeBlockId().toString());
262     }
263     public ActionForward addTimeBlock(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
264         ClockActionForm caf = (ClockActionForm) form;
265         TimeBlock currentTb = caf.getCurrentTimeBlock();
266         List<TimeBlock> newTimeBlocks = caf.getTimesheetDocument().getTimeBlocks();
267         List<TimeBlock> referenceTimeBlocks = new ArrayList<TimeBlock>(caf.getTimesheetDocument().getTimeBlocks().size());
268         for (TimeBlock tb : caf.getTimesheetDocument().getTimeBlocks()) {
269             referenceTimeBlocks.add(tb.copy());
270         }
271         //call persist method that only saves added/deleted/changed timeblocks
272         TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().saveTimeBlocks(referenceTimeBlocks, newTimeBlocks);
274         ActionForward forward = mapping.findForward("et");
276         return new ActionForward(forward.getPath() + "?editTimeBlockId=" + currentTb.getTkTimeBlockId().toString());
277     }
279     public ActionForward saveNewTimeBlocks(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){
280 		ClockActionForm caf = (ClockActionForm)form;
281 		String tbId = caf.getTbId();
282 		String timesheetDocId = caf.getTsDocId();
284 		String[] assignments = caf.getNewAssignDesCol().split(SEPERATOR);
285 		String[] beginDates = caf.getNewBDCol().split(SEPERATOR);
286 		String[] beginTimes = caf.getNewBTCol().split(SEPERATOR);
287 		String[] endDates = caf.getNewEDCol().split(SEPERATOR);
288 		String[] endTimes = caf.getNewETCol().split(SEPERATOR);
289 		String[] hrs = caf.getNewHrsCol().split(SEPERATOR);
290 		String earnCode = TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().getTimeBlock(tbId).getEarnCode();
292 		List<TimeBlock> newTbList = new ArrayList<TimeBlock>();
293 		for(int i = 0; i < hrs.length; i++) {
294 			TimeBlock tb = new TimeBlock();
295 			BigDecimal hours = new BigDecimal(hrs[i]);
296 			Timestamp beginTS = TKUtils.convertDateStringToTimestamp(beginDates[i], beginTimes[i]);
297 			Timestamp endTS = TKUtils.convertDateStringToTimestamp(endDates[i], endTimes[i]);
298 			String assignString = assignments[i];
299 			Assignment assignment = TkServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignment(assignString);
301 			TimesheetDocument tsDoc = TkServiceLocator.getTimesheetService().getTimesheetDocument(timesheetDocId);
303 			tb = TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().createTimeBlock(tsDoc, beginTS, endTS, assignment, earnCode, hours,BigDecimal.ZERO, false, false);
304 			newTbList.add(tb);
305 		}
306 		TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().resetTimeHourDetail(newTbList);
307 		TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().saveTimeBlocks(newTbList);
308 		TimeBlock oldTB = TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().getTimeBlock(tbId);
309 		TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().deleteTimeBlock(oldTB);
310 		return mapping.findForward("basic");
311 	}
313 	public ActionForward validateNewTimeBlock(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){
314 		ClockActionForm caf = (ClockActionForm)form;
315 		String tbId = caf.getTbId();
316 		String[] assignments = caf.getNewAssignDesCol().split(SEPERATOR);
317 		String[] beginDates = caf.getNewBDCol().split(SEPERATOR);
318 		String[] beginTimes = caf.getNewBTCol().split(SEPERATOR);
319 		String[] endDates = caf.getNewEDCol().split(SEPERATOR);
320 		String[] endTimes = caf.getNewETCol().split(SEPERATOR);
321 		String[] hrs = caf.getNewHrsCol().split(SEPERATOR);
323 		List<Interval> newIntervals = new ArrayList<Interval>();
324 		JSONArray errorMsgList = new JSONArray();
326 		// validates that all fields are available
327 		if(assignments.length != beginDates.length ||
328 				assignments.length!= beginTimes.length ||
329 				assignments.length != endDates.length ||
330 				assignments.length != endTimes.length ||
331 				assignments.length != hrs.length) {
332 			errorMsgList.add("All fields are required");
333 		    caf.setOutputString(JSONValue.toJSONString(errorMsgList));
334 		    return mapping.findForward("ws");
335 		}
337 		for(int i = 0; i < hrs.length; i++) {
338 			String index = String.valueOf(i+1);
340 			// validate the hours field
341 			BigDecimal dc = new BigDecimal(hrs[i]);
342 		    if (dc.compareTo(new BigDecimal("0")) == 0) {
343 		        errorMsgList.add("The entered hours for entry " + index + " is not valid.");
344 		        caf.setOutputString(JSONValue.toJSONString(errorMsgList));
345 		        return mapping.findForward("ws");
346 		    }
348 		    // check if the begin / end time are valid
349 		    // should not include time zone in consideration when conparing time intervals
350 		    Timestamp beginTS = TKUtils.convertDateStringToTimestampWithoutZone(beginDates[i], beginTimes[i]);
351 			Timestamp endTS = TKUtils.convertDateStringToTimestampWithoutZone(endDates[i], endTimes[i]);
352 		    if ((beginTS.compareTo(endTS) > 0 || endTS.compareTo(beginTS) < 0)) {
353 		        errorMsgList.add("The time or date for entry " + index + " is not valid.");
354 		        caf.setOutputString(JSONValue.toJSONString(errorMsgList));
355 		        return mapping.findForward("ws");
356 		    }
358 		    // check if new time blocks overlap with existing time blocks
359 		    DateTime start = new DateTime(beginTS);
360 		    DateTime end = new DateTime(endTS);
361 		    Interval addedTimeblockInterval = new Interval(start, end);
362 		    newIntervals.add(addedTimeblockInterval);
363 		    for (TimeBlock timeBlock : caf.getTimesheetDocument().getTimeBlocks()) {
364 		    	if(timeBlock.getTkTimeBlockId().equals(tbId)) {	// ignore the original time block
365 		    		continue;
366 		    	}
367 		    	if(timeBlock.getHours().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) { // ignore time blocks with zero hours
368 		    		continue;
369 		    	}
370 			    Interval timeBlockInterval = new Interval(timeBlock.getBeginTimestamp().getTime(), timeBlock.getEndTimestamp().getTime());
371 			    if (timeBlockInterval.overlaps(addedTimeblockInterval)) {
372 			        errorMsgList.add("The time block you are trying to add for entry " + index + " overlaps with an existing time block.");
373 			        caf.setOutputString(JSONValue.toJSONString(errorMsgList));
374 			        return mapping.findForward("ws");
375 			    }
376 		    }
377 		}
378 		// check if new time blocks overlap with each other
379 		if(newIntervals.size() > 1 ) {
380 			for(Interval intv1 : newIntervals) {
381 				for(Interval intv2 : newIntervals) {
382 					if(intv1.equals(intv2)) {
383 						continue;
384 					}
385 					if (intv1.overlaps(intv2)) {
386 						errorMsgList.add("There is time overlap between the entries.");
387 				        caf.setOutputString(JSONValue.toJSONString(errorMsgList));
388 				        return mapping.findForward("ws");
389 					}
390 				}
391 			}
392 		}
394 	    caf.setOutputString(JSONValue.toJSONString(errorMsgList));
395 		return mapping.findForward("ws");
396  	}
398     public ActionForward closeMissedPunchDoc(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){
399         return mapping.findForward("closeMissedPunchDoc");
400     }
402 }