View Javadoc
1   package org.kuali.kpme.edo.item.web;
3   import;
4   import;
5   import java.math.BigDecimal;
6   import java.util.ArrayList;
7   import java.util.Collection;
8   import java.util.Collections;
9   import java.util.List;
10  import java.util.Map;
12  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
13  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
14  import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
16  import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
17  import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory;
18  import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload;
19  import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
20  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
21  import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
22  import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
23  import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
24  import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;
25  import org.joda.time.DateTime;
26  import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
27  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.api.dossier.EdoDossierDocumentInfo;
28  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.api.item.EdoItem;
29  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.api.reviewlayerdef.EdoReviewLayerDefinition;
30  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.base.web.EdoAction;
31  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.candidate.EdoSelectedCandidate;
32  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.item.EdoItemTracker;
33  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.service.EdoServiceLocator;
34  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.util.EdoConstants;
35  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.util.EdoContext;
36  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.util.EdoRule;
37  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.util.EdoUtils;
38  import org.kuali.kpme.edo.util.QueryParams;
39  import;
40  import;
41  import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.GlobalVariables;
42  import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.MessageMap;
44  /**
45   * $HeadURL$
46   * $Revision$
47   * Created with IntelliJ IDEA.
48   * User: bradleyt
49   * Date: 5/21/14
50   * Time: 2:15 PM
51   */
52  public class EdoSecondUnitAction extends EdoAction {
53      protected Config config;
54      static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(EdoSecondUnitAction.class);
56      @Override
57      public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
59          int currentTreeNodeID;
60          List<EdoItem> itemList;
61          String itemListJSON = "";
62          EdoSecondUnitForm reviewLetterForm = (EdoSecondUnitForm) form;
64          EdoSelectedCandidate selectedCandidate = (EdoSelectedCandidate) request.getSession().getAttribute("selectedCandidate");
65          String workflowId = selectedCandidate.getDossierWorkflowId();
66          Map<String, EdoReviewLayerDefinition> lvlMap = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoReviewLayerDefinitionService().buildReviewLevelMap( EdoServiceLocator.getEdoReviewLayerDefinitionService().getReviewLayerDefinitions(workflowId) );
68          //figure out the dossier's current level
69          //BigDecimal dossierCurrentRouteLevel = EdoServiceLocator.getDossierProcessDocumentHeaderService().getCurrentRouteLevel(selectedCandidate.getCandidateDossierID().intValue());
70          String dossierCurrentRouteLevelName = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoDossierDocumentInfoService().getCurrentRouteLevelName(selectedCandidate.getCandidateDossierID().toString());
72          //BigDecimal dossierCurrentReviewLevel = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoReviewLayerDefinitionService().buildRouteLevelMap(EdoServiceLocator.getEdoReviewLayerDefinitionService().getReviewLayerDefinitions()).get(dossierCurrentRouteLevel).getReviewLevel();
73          String dossierCurrentReviewLevel = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoReviewLayerDefinitionService().buildReviewLevelByRouteMap(EdoServiceLocator.getEdoReviewLayerDefinitionService().getReviewLayerDefinitions(workflowId)).get(dossierCurrentRouteLevelName);
76          // authorized View review letter levels set up
77          BigDecimal highestAuthorizedViewReviewLevel = BigDecimal.ZERO;
78          List<BigDecimal> authorizedViewReviewLetterLevels = EdoContext.getAuthorizedViewReviewLetterLevels();
80          if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(authorizedViewReviewLetterLevels)) {
81              highestAuthorizedViewReviewLevel = Collections.max(authorizedViewReviewLetterLevels);
82          }
84          // authorized Upload review levels set up
85          BigDecimal highestAuthorizedUploadReviewLevel = BigDecimal.ZERO;
86          Collection<EdoReviewLayerDefinition> authorizedUploadLevelDefs = reviewLetterForm.getLayerList();
87          List<BigDecimal> authorizedUploadReviewLetterLevels = EdoContext.getAuthorizedUploadReviewLetterLevels();
89          for ( BigDecimal lvl : authorizedUploadReviewLetterLevels ) {
90              authorizedUploadLevelDefs.add(lvlMap.get(lvl));
91          }
92          if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(authorizedUploadReviewLetterLevels)) {
93              highestAuthorizedUploadReviewLevel = Collections.max(authorizedUploadReviewLetterLevels);
94          }
96          request.setAttribute("authorizedUploadReviewLevels", authorizedUploadLevelDefs);
97          request.setAttribute("authorizedEditReviewLevels", authorizedUploadReviewLetterLevels.toString());
98          request.setAttribute("highestAuthorizedUploadLevel", highestAuthorizedUploadReviewLevel);
99          request.setAttribute("currentDossierLevel", 0);
100         if (dossierCurrentReviewLevel != null) {
101             request.setAttribute("currentDossierLevel", dossierCurrentReviewLevel);
102         }
104         // parse out the node id and current node id
105         HttpSession ssn = request.getSession();
107         if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("nid")) {
108             ssn.setAttribute("nid", request.getParameter("nid"));
109         } else if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("nidFwd")) {
110             ssn.setAttribute("nid", request.getParameter("nidFwd"));
111         }
112         request.setAttribute("nidFwd", ssn.getAttribute("nid"));
114         ssn.setAttribute("currentNodeID", Integer.parseInt(ssn.getAttribute("nid").toString().split("_")[2]));
115         currentTreeNodeID = Integer.parseInt(ssn.getAttribute("nid").toString().split("_")[2]);
116         reviewLetterForm.setChecklistItemID(currentTreeNodeID);
118         itemList = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemService().getItemList(selectedCandidate.getCandidateDossierID().toString(), currentTreeNodeID+"");
120         // filter list of letters for display, based upon authorizedViewReviewLetterLevel
121         if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(itemList)) {
122         	Collections.sort(itemList);
123             // copy the itemList because we can't "remove" an item while iterating over it
124             List<EdoItem> copy = new ArrayList<EdoItem>(itemList);
125             for (EdoItem item : copy) {
126                 // only display review levels allowed by policy
127             	// Now there is no view that we have to get review level from EdoReviewLayerDefinitionService
128             	// TODO when review level is ready, pass string review layer definition id
129             	String reviewLevel = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoReviewLayerDefinitionService().getReviewLayerDefinitionById(item.getEdoReviewLayerDefId()).getReviewLevel();
130                 if (new BigDecimal(reviewLevel).compareTo(highestAuthorizedViewReviewLevel) < 1 ) {
131                     itemListJSON = itemListJSON.concat(EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemService().getItemJSONString(item) + ",");
132                 } else {
133                     itemList.remove(item);
134                 }
135             }
136         }
137         reviewLetterForm.setItemList(itemList);
138         request.setAttribute("itemlistJSON", itemListJSON);
140         request.setAttribute("hasSupplementalWaiting", false);
141         request.setAttribute("hasUploadReviewLetterSupplemental", false);
143         // check to see if there are pending supplemental documents that need a new letter
144         EdoDossierDocumentInfo documentHeader = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoDossierDocumentInfoService().getEdoDossierDocumentInfoByDossierId(selectedCandidate.getCandidateDossierID().toString());
146         if (documentHeader != null) {
147             List<EdoDossierDocumentInfo> suppDocHeaders = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoDossierDocumentInfoService().getPendingSupplementalDocuments(documentHeader.getEdoDossierId());
148             if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(suppDocHeaders)) {
149                 boolean isWaiting = false;
150                 for (EdoDossierDocumentInfo docHeader : suppDocHeaders) {
151                     isWaiting = isWaiting || EdoServiceLocator.getEdoSupplementalPendingStatusService().isWaiting(docHeader.getEdoDocumentId(),EdoContext.getPrincipalId());
152                 }
153                 if (isWaiting) {
154                     request.setAttribute("hasSupplementalWaiting", true);
155                     request.setAttribute("hasUploadReviewLetterSupplemental", EdoServiceLocator.getAuthorizationService().isAuthorizedToUploadReviewLetter_W(EdoContext.getPrincipalId()));
156                 }
157             }
158         }
160         request.setAttribute("isRoutedAsReconsiderDocument", false);
161         if (EdoServiceLocator.getEdoDossierService().isRoutedAsReconsiderDocument(selectedCandidate.getCandidateDossierID().intValue())) {
162             request.setAttribute("isRoutedAsReconsiderDocument", true);
163         }
165         // set page request variables for title and description
166         request.setAttribute("nodeID", currentTreeNodeID );
167         request.setAttribute("itemName", "Review Letters" );
168         request.setAttribute("itemDescription", "Review letters");
169         request.setAttribute("checklistItemID", currentTreeNodeID );
170         request.setAttribute("selectedCandidate", selectedCandidate);
172         String path = request.getRequestURL().toString().replace(request.getServletPath(), "").concat("/");
173         request.setAttribute("requestPath", path);
175         return super.execute(mapping, reviewLetterForm, request, response);
176     }
178     public ActionForward postFile(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
180         EdoSecondUnitForm edoReviewLetterForm = (EdoSecondUnitForm)form;
181         MessageMap msgmap = GlobalVariables.getMessageMap();
182         String itemListJSON = "";
183         boolean replaceFile = false;
184         boolean isNewFile = true;
185         BigDecimal itemID = BigDecimal.ZERO;
186         String itemReviewLayerID = null;
187         LocalDate currentDate =;
188         String itemTypeID = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemTypeService().getItemTypeId(EdoConstants.EDO_ITEM_TYPE_NAME_REVIEW_LETTER, currentDate);
190         FormFile uploadFile = edoReviewLetterForm.getUploadFile();
191         int checklistItemID = edoReviewLetterForm.getChecklistItemID();
192         int selectedRvwLayer = edoReviewLetterForm.getSelectedRvwLayer();
193         String uploadUsername = EdoContext.getUser().getNetworkId();
194         config = ConfigContext.getCurrentContextConfig();
195         EdoSelectedCandidate selectedCandidate = (EdoSelectedCandidate) request.getSession().getAttribute("selectedCandidate");
197         HttpSession ssn = request.getSession();
198         String nidParam = ssn.getAttribute("nid").toString();
199         int currentTreeNodeID = Integer.parseInt(nidParam.split("_")[2]);
201         // if this is a file replacement, set the replace flag and the item ID from the request scope
202         if (request.getParameterMap().containsKey("repl")) {
203             replaceFile = Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter("repl"));
204             itemID = BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("itemID")));
205         }
206         // pull candidate details needed for storing the item in the db
207         EdoSelectedCandidate candidate = (EdoSelectedCandidate)request.getSession().getAttribute("selectedCandidate");
208         String candidateUsername = candidate.getCandidateUsername();
209         BigDecimal dossierID     = candidate.getCandidateDossierID();
210         String workflowId        = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoDossierService().getEdoDossierById(dossierID.toString()).getWorkflowId();
212         EdoItem.Builder item = EdoItem.Builder.create();
213         // originalItem doesn't get used except to get item id
214         // EdoItem originalItem = new EdoItem();
215         String originalItemID = null;
217         if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request)) {
218             DiskFileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
219             factory.setSizeThreshold(EdoConstants.FILE_UPLOAD_PARAMETERS.THRESHHOLD_SIZE);
220             factory.setRepository(new File(System.getProperty("")));
222             ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
223             upload.setFileSizeMax(EdoConstants.FILE_UPLOAD_PARAMETERS.MAX_FILE_SIZE);
224             upload.setSizeMax(EdoConstants.FILE_UPLOAD_PARAMETERS.REQUEST_SIZE);
226             //edo-79
227             if(!EdoRule.validateFileNameLength(uploadFile)) {
228                 LOG.error("File name exceeds allowed length.");
229                 // msgmap.putError(EdoConstants.ErrorKeys.ERROR_KEYS, "error.fileUpload.length");
230                 ActionForward fwd = mapping.findForward("basic");
231                 return fwd;
232             }
234             String storeFileName = candidateUsername + "_" + uploadFile.getFileName();
235             String fileName      = uploadFile.getFileName();
236             String contentType   = uploadFile.getContentType();
237             int uploadSize       = uploadFile.getFileSize();
239             // uploaded file is empty or non-existent; flag the error
240             if (uploadSize < 1) {
241                 LOG.error("File size is zero.");
242                 msgmap.putError(EdoConstants.ErrorKeys.ERROR_KEYS, "error.fileUpload.empty");
243                 ActionForward fwd = mapping.findForward("basic");
244                 return fwd;
245             }
247             if (contentType.contains("Content-Dispostion") || "".equals(contentType)) {
248                 contentType = EdoConstants.FILE_UPLOAD_PARAMETERS.DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE;
249             }
250             String uploadPath    = EdoUtils.BuildUploadPath(candidateUsername, Integer.toString(checklistItemID));
252             if (uploadPath == null) {
253                 LOG.error("Upload path does not exist: [" + uploadPath + "]");
254                 msgmap.putError(EdoConstants.ErrorKeys.ERROR_KEYS,"error.fileUpload.path");
255                 LOG.error("\n\n the upload path is null. It's either the candidateUserName is null or checklistItemID is null \n\n");
256                 ActionForward fwd = mapping.findForward("basic");
257                 return fwd;
258             }
260             // populate the item object to save
261             request.setAttribute("message", "Upload has been completed successfully");
262             java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
263             long t = date.getTime();
264             java.sql.Timestamp sqlTimestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(t);
266             // set attributes unique to a new file in the DB
267             if (isNewFile) {
268                 item.setActionFullDateTime(new DateTime(sqlTimestamp));
269                 // TODO: this will need to be a dynamic value, not hard coded; see declarations above
270                 item.setEdoItemTypeId(itemTypeID);
271                 item.setRouted(true);
272                 item.setUserPrincipalId(uploadUsername);
273                 item.setEdoDossierId(dossierID.toString());
274                 item.setEdoChecklistItemId(checklistItemID+"");
275                 Integer nextRowIndexNum = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemService().getNextRowIndexNum(checklistItemID+"", uploadUsername);
276                 item.setRowIndex(nextRowIndexNum);
278                 if (selectedRvwLayer != 0) {
279                     // translate review layer to DB ID for insert
280                     Map<String, EdoReviewLayerDefinition> lvlMap = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoReviewLayerDefinitionService().buildReviewLevelMap(EdoServiceLocator.getEdoReviewLayerDefinitionService().getReviewLayerDefinitions(workflowId));
281                     itemReviewLayerID = lvlMap.get(BigDecimal.valueOf(selectedRvwLayer)).getEdoReviewLayerDefinitionId();
282                     item.setEdoReviewLayerDefId(itemReviewLayerID.toString());
283                 }
284             }
285             // if a replacement, get the existing file information from the DB record
286             if (replaceFile) {
287                 EdoItem edoItem = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemService().getEdoItem(itemID.toString());
288                 // originalItem doesn't get used except to get item id
289                 // originalItem = edoItem;
290                 originalItemID = edoItem.getEdoItemId();
291                 if (!deleteFileFromFS(edoItem)) {
292                     // error deleting the file; report it and return
293                     ActionForward fwd = mapping.findForward("basic");
294                     return fwd;
295                 }
296             }
297             // these attributes will need to be updated for both new file and replacement
298             // but we can't update until the old file is removed, as above
299             item.setFileName(fileName);
300             item.setFileLocation(uploadPath + File.separator + storeFileName);
301             item.setContentType(contentType);
302             item.setUserPrincipalId(uploadUsername);
303             item.setActionFullDateTime(new DateTime(sqlTimestamp));
305             if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(storeFileName)) {
306                 File newFile = new File(uploadPath, storeFileName);
307                 isNewFile = !newFile.exists();
308                 if ( isNewFile || replaceFile ) {
309                     try {
310                         FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(newFile);
311                         fos.write(uploadFile.getFileData());
312                         fos.flush();
313                         fos.close();
314               "File [" + item.getFileName() + "] written to the file system.");
315                     } catch (Exception e) {
316                         LOG.error("An exception occurred writing the file: [" + e.getMessage() + "]");
317                         msgmap.putError(EdoConstants.ErrorKeys.ERROR_KEYS, "error.fileUpload.exception", e.getMessage() );
318                         ActionForward fwd = mapping.findForward("basic");
319                         return fwd;
320                     }
321                 } else {
322                     LOG.error("The file [" + fileName + "] already exists in this checklist section");
323                     msgmap.putError(EdoConstants.ErrorKeys.ERROR_KEYS,"error.fileUpload.exists", fileName);
324                     ActionForward fwd = mapping.findForward("basic");
325                     return fwd;
326                 }
327             }
328             //   }
330             // if this is a new file or we are replacing the file, update the db; otherwise, don't do anything
331             if (isNewFile || replaceFile) {
332                 EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemService().saveOrUpdate(;
333       "File entry [" + item.getEdoItemId() + "][" + item.getFileName() + "] updated/saved to the database.");
334             }
335         }
337         // authorized View review letter levels set up
338         BigDecimal highestAuthorizedViewReviewLevel = BigDecimal.ZERO;
339         List<BigDecimal> authorizedViewReviewLetterLevels = EdoContext.getAuthorizedViewReviewLetterLevels();
341         if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(authorizedViewReviewLetterLevels)) {
342             highestAuthorizedViewReviewLevel = Collections.max(authorizedViewReviewLetterLevels);
343         }
345         List<EdoItem> itemList = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemService().getItemList(selectedCandidate.getCandidateDossierID().toString(), currentTreeNodeID+"");
346         // filter list of letters for display, based upon authorizedViewReviewLetterLevel
347         // from EDO-196
348         // The code above can't fetch the latest change from db for some reason.
349         // It's probably related the transactions but not 100% positive.
350         // As a workaround, we update the java EdoItemV list with the new EdoItemV object for json output.
351         if (replaceFile) {
352             for (EdoItem oldItem : itemList) {
353                 if (oldItem.getEdoItemId().equals(originalItemID)) {
354                     EdoItem.Builder newItem = EdoItem.Builder.create(item);
355                     itemList.remove(oldItem);
356                     itemList.add(;
357                     // since we can only update one item at a time, break the loop once the update is done.
358                     break;
359                 }
360             }
361         }
363         if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(itemList)) {
364         	Collections.sort(itemList);
365             // copy the itemList because we can't "remove" an item while iterating over it
366             List<EdoItem> copy = new ArrayList<EdoItem>(itemList);
367             for (EdoItem tmpItem : copy) {
368                 // only display review levels allowed by policy
369             	// Now there is no view that we have to get review level from EdoReviewLayerDefinitionService
370             	// TODO when review level is ready, pass string review layer definition id
371             	String reviewLevel = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoReviewLayerDefinitionService().getReviewLayerDefinitionById(tmpItem.getEdoReviewLayerDefId()).getReviewLevel();
372                 if (new BigDecimal(reviewLevel).compareTo(highestAuthorizedViewReviewLevel) < 1 ) {
373                     itemListJSON = itemListJSON.concat(EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemService().getItemJSONString(tmpItem) + ",");
374                 } else {
375                     itemList.remove(item);
376                 }
377             }
378         }
380         edoReviewLetterForm.setItemList(itemList);
382         String path = request.getRequestURL().toString().replace(request.getServletPath(), "").concat("/");
383         request.setAttribute("requestPath", path);
384         request.setAttribute("itemlistJSON", itemListJSON);
385         request.setAttribute("nidFwd", nidParam);
387         ActionForward fwd = mapping.findForward("basic");
389         return fwd;
390     }
392     public ActionForward deleteConfirm(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
394         String itemListJSON = "";
395         String data = ((EdoSecondUnitForm)form).getFormData();
396         MessageMap msgmap = GlobalVariables.getMessageMap();
397         EdoSelectedCandidate selectedCandidate = (EdoSelectedCandidate) request.getSession().getAttribute("selectedCandidate");
398         EdoSecondUnitForm cliForm = (EdoSecondUnitForm) form;
400         HttpSession ssn = request.getSession();
402         String nidParam = ssn.getAttribute("nid").toString();
404         int currentTreeNodeID = Integer.parseInt(nidParam.split("_")[2]);
406         if (data == null) {
407             msgmap.putError(EdoConstants.ErrorKeys.ERROR_KEYS,"error.formData.null");
408             LOG.error("Form data missing");
409             return mapping.findForward("basic");
410         }
412         QueryParams itemData = new QueryParams(data);
413         List<String> params = itemData.getParameterValues("itemID");
415         for (String id : params) {
416             EdoItem item = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemService().getEdoItem(id);
417             if (deleteFileFromFS(item)) {
418                 // all is well with the file system, delete the item from the database
419                 EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemService().deleteItem(item);
420       "File deleted [" + item.getFileName() + "]");
421             }
422         }
424         List<EdoItem> itemList = EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemService().getItemList(selectedCandidate.getCandidateDossierID().toString(), currentTreeNodeID+"");
425         cliForm.setItemList(itemList);
427         if (itemList != null && itemList.size() > 0) {
428         	Collections.sort(itemList);
429             for (EdoItem item : itemList) {
430                 itemListJSON = itemListJSON.concat(EdoServiceLocator.getEdoItemService().getItemJSONString(item) + ",");
431             }
432         }
434         EdoItemTracker itemTracker = (EdoItemTracker) ssn.getAttribute("itemTracker");
435         itemTracker.clearItemsMarked();
437         String path = request.getRequestURL().toString().replace(request.getServletPath(), "").concat("/");
438         request.setAttribute("requestPath", path);
439         request.setAttribute("itemlistJSON", itemListJSON);
440         request.setAttribute("nidFwd", nidParam);
442         ActionForward fwd = mapping.findForward("basic");
444         return fwd;
445     }
447     // private methods
448     private boolean deleteFileFromFS(EdoItem item) {
450         MessageMap msgmap = GlobalVariables.getMessageMap();
451         File fn = new File(item.getFileLocation());
452         Boolean fsOK = true;
454         if (fn.isFile() && fn.exists()) {
455             if (fn.canWrite()) {
456                 try {
457                     boolean deleteResult = fn.delete();
458                     if (!deleteResult) {
459                         fsOK = false;
460                         msgmap.putError(EdoConstants.ErrorKeys.ERROR_KEYS, "error.fileDelete.null", fn.getName());
461                         LOG.error("Error deleting file [" + item.getFileLocation() + "]");
462                     }
463                 } catch (Exception e) {
464                     fsOK = false;
465                     msgmap.putError(EdoConstants.ErrorKeys.ERROR_KEYS,"error.fileDelete.exception", e.getMessage() );
466                     LOG.error("Error deleting file [" + item.getFileLocation() + "] " + e.getMessage() );
467                 }
468             } else {
469                 fsOK = false;
470                 LOG.error("Can't delete file from [" + item.getFileLocation() + "]");
471                 msgmap.putError(EdoConstants.ErrorKeys.ERROR_KEYS, "error.fileDelete.access", fn.getName());
472             }
473         } else {
474             fsOK = false;
475             msgmap.putError(EdoConstants.ErrorKeys.ERROR_KEYS, "error.fileDelete.invalid", fn.getName());
476             LOG.warn("Missing file from file system [" + item.getFileLocation() + "]");
477         }
478         return fsOK;
479     }
481 }