View Javadoc
1   /**
2    * Copyright 2004-2014 The Kuali Foundation
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.timesheet.service;
18  import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils;
19  import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils;
20  import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
21  import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
22  import org.joda.time.DateTime;
23  import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
24  import org.joda.time.Interval;
25  import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
26  import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
27  import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.accrualcategory.AccrualCategory;
28  import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.assignment.Assignment;
29  import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.block.CalendarBlockPermissions;
30  import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.calendar.entry.CalendarEntry;
31  import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.earncode.EarnCode;
32  import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.earncode.EarnCodeContract;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.job.JobContract;
36  import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.permission.HRPermissionService;
37  import org.kuali.kpme.core.api.principal.PrincipalHRAttributes;
38  import org.kuali.kpme.core.batch.BatchJobUtil;
39  import;
40  import org.kuali.kpme.core.role.KPMERole;
41  import org.kuali.kpme.core.service.HrServiceLocator;
42  import org.kuali.kpme.core.util.HrConstants;
43  import org.kuali.kpme.core.util.HrContext;
44  import org.kuali.kpme.core.util.TKUtils;
45  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.api.common.TkConstants;
46  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.api.leave.block.LeaveBlock;
47  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.api.leave.timeoff.SystemScheduledTimeOffContract;
48  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.api.time.timeblock.TimeBlock;
49  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.common.LMConstants;
50  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.common.WorkflowTagSupport;
51  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.leave.block.LeaveBlockAggregate;
52  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.leave.service.LmServiceLocator;
53  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.flsa.FlsaDay;
54  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.flsa.FlsaWeek;
55  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.rules.timecollection.TimeCollectionRule;
56  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.service.TkServiceLocator;
57  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.timesheet.TimesheetDocument;
58  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.util.TkTimeBlockAggregate;
59  import org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.workflow.TimesheetDocumentHeader;
60  import;
61  import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.KewApiServiceLocator;
62  import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.WorkflowDocument;
63  import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.WorkflowDocumentFactory;
64  import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.action.ActionRequest;
65  import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.exception.WorkflowException;
66  import org.kuali.rice.kew.api.note.Note;
67  import;
68  import;
69  import org.kuali.rice.krad.util.GlobalVariables;
71  import java.math.BigDecimal;
72  import java.util.*;
74  public class TimesheetServiceImpl implements TimesheetService {
76      private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TimesheetServiceImpl.class);
77      private static final ModelObjectUtils.Transformer<TimeBlock, TimeBlock.Builder> toTimeBlockBuilder =
78              new ModelObjectUtils.Transformer<TimeBlock, TimeBlock.Builder>() {
79                  public TimeBlock.Builder transform(TimeBlock input) {
80                      return TimeBlock.Builder.create(input);
81                  };
82              };
83      private HRPermissionService hrPermissionService;
85      @Override
86      public void routeTimesheet(String principalId, TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument) {
87          routeTimesheet(principalId, timesheetDocument, HrConstants.DOCUMENT_ACTIONS.ROUTE);
88      }
90      @Override
91      public void routeTimesheet(String principalId, TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument, String action) {
92          timesheetAction(action, principalId, timesheetDocument);
93      }
95      @Override
96      public void approveTimesheet(String principalId, TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument) {
97          timesheetAction(HrConstants.DOCUMENT_ACTIONS.APPROVE, principalId, timesheetDocument);
98      }
100     @Override
101     public void approveTimesheet(String principalId, TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument, String action) {
102         timesheetAction(action, principalId, timesheetDocument);
103     }
105     @Override
106     public void disapproveTimesheet(String principalId, TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument) {
107         timesheetAction(HrConstants.DOCUMENT_ACTIONS.DISAPPROVE, principalId, timesheetDocument);
108     }
110     protected void timesheetAction(String action, String principalId, TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument) {
111         WorkflowDocument wd = null;
112         if (timesheetDocument != null) {
113             //TkServiceLocator.getTkSearchableAttributeService().updateSearchableAttribute(timesheetDocument, timesheetDocument.getAsOfDate());
114             String rhid = timesheetDocument.getDocumentId();
115             wd = WorkflowDocumentFactory.loadDocument(principalId, rhid);
116             List<ActionRequest> actionRequests = KewApiServiceLocator.getWorkflowDocumentService().getPendingActionRequests(rhid);
117             if (StringUtils.equals(action, HrConstants.DOCUMENT_ACTIONS.ROUTE)) {
118                 wd.route("Routing for Approval");
119             } else if (StringUtils.equals(action, HrConstants.BATCH_JOB_ACTIONS.BATCH_JOB_ROUTE)) {
120             	Note.Builder builder = Note.Builder.create(rhid, principalId);
121                 builder.setCreateDate(new DateTime());
122                 builder.setText("Routed via Employee Approval batch job");
123             	KewApiServiceLocator.getNoteService().createNote(;
125             	wd.route("Batch job routing timesheet");
126             } else if (StringUtils.equals(action, HrConstants.DOCUMENT_ACTIONS.APPROVE)) {
127                 if (HrServiceLocator.getHRPermissionService().canSuperUserAdministerCalendarDocument(GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getPrincipalId(), timesheetDocument)
128                 		&& !HrServiceLocator.getHRPermissionService().canApproveCalendarDocument(GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getPrincipalId(), timesheetDocument)) {
129                     wd.superUserBlanketApprove("Superuser approving timesheet.");
130                 } else {
131                     wd.approve("Approving timesheet.");
132                 }
133             } else if (StringUtils.equals(action, HrConstants.BATCH_JOB_ACTIONS.BATCH_JOB_APPROVE)) {
134                 boolean approverFlag = false;
135                 for (ActionRequest ar : actionRequests) {
136                 	if(StringUtils.equals(ar.getQualifiedRoleNameLabel(), KPMERole.APPROVER.getRoleName())) {
137                 		approverFlag = true;
138                 		break;
139                 	}
140                 }
141                 // if there's still action requested to be taken by approver, then approve the document with this SupervisorApproval batch job
142                 // otherwise, don't take any actions
143                 if(approverFlag) {
144 	            	// supervisor approval job should take approve action but not finalize the document if there's payroll processor set up for this doc
145 	            	Note.Builder builder = Note.Builder.create(rhid, principalId);
146 	           	 	builder.setCreateDate(new DateTime());
147 	           	 	builder.setText("Approved via Supervisor Approval batch job");
148 	           	 	KewApiServiceLocator.getNoteService().createNote(;
149 	           	 	wd.approve("Supervisor Batch job approving timesheet on behalf of approvers.");
150                 }
151             } else if (StringUtils.equals(action, HrConstants.BATCH_JOB_ACTIONS.PAYROLL_JOB_APPROVE)) {
152             	boolean payrollProcessorFlag = false;
153                 for (ActionRequest ar : actionRequests) {
154                 	if(StringUtils.equals(ar.getQualifiedRoleNameLabel(), KPMERole.PAYROLL_PROCESSOR.getRoleName())) {
155                 		payrollProcessorFlag = true;
156                  		break;
157                  	}
158                  }
159                  if(payrollProcessorFlag) {
160 	            	Note.Builder builder = Note.Builder.create(rhid, principalId);
161 	           	 	builder.setCreateDate(new DateTime());
162 	           	 	builder.setText("Approved via Payroll Processor Approval batch job");
163 	           	 	KewApiServiceLocator.getNoteService().createNote(;
164 	            	wd.approve("Payroll Processor Batch job approving timesheet on behalf of payroll processors.");
165                  }
166             } else if (StringUtils.equals(action, HrConstants.DOCUMENT_ACTIONS.DISAPPROVE)) {
167                 if (HrServiceLocator.getHRPermissionService().canSuperUserAdministerCalendarDocument(GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getPrincipalId(), timesheetDocument)
168                 		&& !HrServiceLocator.getHRPermissionService().canApproveCalendarDocument(GlobalVariables.getUserSession().getPrincipalId(), timesheetDocument)) {
169                     wd.superUserDisapprove("Superuser disapproving timesheet.");
170                 } else {
171                     wd.disapprove("Disapproving timesheet.");
172                 }
173             }
174             clearTimesheetTimeblockPermissions(timesheetDocument);
175         }
176     }
178     @Override
179     public TimesheetDocument openTimesheetDocument(String principalId, CalendarEntry calendarDates) throws WorkflowException {
180         TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument = null;
182         DateTime begin = calendarDates.getBeginPeriodFullDateTime();
183         DateTime end = calendarDates.getEndPeriodFullDateTime();
185         TimesheetDocumentHeader header = TkServiceLocator.getTimesheetDocumentHeaderService().getDocumentHeader(principalId, begin, end);
187         if (header == null) {
188             List<Assignment> activeAssignments = HrServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAllAssignmentsByCalEntryForTimeCalendar(principalId, calendarDates);
189             //HrServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignmentMap(principalId, TKUtils.getTimelessDate(payCalendarDates.getEndPeriodDate()));
190             if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(activeAssignments)) {
191                 LOG.warn("No active assignments for " + principalId + " for " + calendarDates.getEndPeriodFullDateTime());
192                 return null;
193                 //throw new RuntimeException("No active assignments for " + principalId + " for " + calendarDates.getEndPeriodDate());
194             }
196             EntityNamePrincipalName person = KimApiServiceLocator.getIdentityService().getDefaultNamesForPrincipalId(principalId);
197             String principalName = person != null && person.getDefaultName() != null ? person.getDefaultName().getCompositeName() : StringUtils.EMPTY;
198             String endDateString = TKUtils.formatDate(end.toLocalDate());
199             String timesheetDocumentTitle = TimesheetDocument.TIMESHEET_DOCUMENT_TYPE + " - " + principalName + " (" + principalId + ") - " + endDateString;
201             timesheetDocument = this.initiateWorkflowDocument(principalId, begin, end, calendarDates, TimesheetDocument.TIMESHEET_DOCUMENT_TYPE, timesheetDocumentTitle);
202             //timesheetDocument.setPayCalendarEntry(calendarDates);
203             //this.loadTimesheetDocumentData(timesheetDocument, principalId, calendarDates);
204             //TODO switch this to scheduled time offs
205             //this.loadHolidaysOnTimesheet(timesheetDocument, principalId, begin, end);
206         } else {
207             timesheetDocument = this.getTimesheetDocument(header.getDocumentId());
208             if (timesheetDocument != null) {
209             	timesheetDocument.setCalendarEntry(calendarDates);
210             }
211         }
213         //if (timesheetDocument != null) {
214         //	timesheetDocument.setTimeSummary(TkServiceLocator.getTimeSummaryService().getTimeSummary(timesheetDocument));
215         //}
217         return timesheetDocument;
218     }
220     public void loadHolidaysOnTimesheet(TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument, String principalId, LocalDate beginDate, LocalDate endDate) {
221         PrincipalHRAttributes principalCalendar = HrServiceLocator.getPrincipalHRAttributeService().getPrincipalCalendar(principalId, beginDate);
222         if (principalCalendar != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(principalCalendar.getLeavePlan())) {
223         	List<? extends SystemScheduledTimeOffContract> sstoList = LmServiceLocator.getSysSchTimeOffService()
224         		.getSystemScheduledTimeOffForPayPeriod(principalCalendar.getLeavePlan(), beginDate, endDate);
225             Assignment sstoAssign = getAssignmentToApplyScheduledTimeOff(timesheetDocument.getPrincipalId(), timesheetDocument.getAllAssignments(), endDate);
226         	if (sstoAssign != null) {
227         		for(SystemScheduledTimeOffContract ssto : sstoList) {
228                   BigDecimal sstoCalcHours = LmServiceLocator.getSysSchTimeOffService().calculateSysSchTimeOffHours(sstoAssign.getJob(), ssto.getAmountofTime());
229                   TimeBlock timeBlock = TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().createTimeBlock(timesheetDocument.getPrincipalId(), timesheetDocument.getDocumentId(), ssto.getScheduledTimeOffLocalDate().toDateTimeAtStartOfDay(),
230                           ssto.getScheduledTimeOffLocalDate().toDateTimeAtStartOfDay(), sstoAssign, HrConstants.HOLIDAY_EARN_CODE, sstoCalcHours, BigDecimal.ZERO, false, false, HrContext.getPrincipalId());
231                   timesheetDocument.getTimeBlocks().add(timeBlock);
232               }
233 	            //If system scheduled time off are loaded will need to save them to the database
234 		        if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(sstoList)) {
235 		           TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().saveOrUpdateTimeBlocks(Collections.<TimeBlock>emptyList(), timesheetDocument.getTimeBlocks(), HrContext.getPrincipalId());
236 		        }
237         	}
238         }
239     }
241     private Assignment getAssignmentToApplyScheduledTimeOff(String principalId, List<Assignment> assignments, LocalDate endDate) {
242 		JobContract primaryJob = HrServiceLocator.getJobService().getPrimaryJob(principalId, endDate);
243 		for(Assignment assign : assignments){
244 			if(assign.getJobNumber().equals(primaryJob.getJobNumber())){
245 				return assign;
246 			}
247 		}
248 		return null;
249 	}
251 	protected TimesheetDocument initiateWorkflowDocument(String principalId, DateTime payBeginDate,  DateTime payEndDate, CalendarEntry calendarEntry, String documentType, String title) throws WorkflowException {
252         TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument = null;
253         WorkflowDocument workflowDocument = null;
255         workflowDocument = WorkflowDocumentFactory.createDocument(principalId, documentType, title);
257         String status = workflowDocument.getStatus().getCode();
258         TimesheetDocumentHeader documentHeader = new TimesheetDocumentHeader(workflowDocument.getDocumentId(), principalId, payBeginDate.toDate(), payEndDate.toDate(), status);
260         documentHeader.setDocumentId(workflowDocument.getDocumentId());
261         documentHeader.setDocumentStatus("I");
263         TkServiceLocator.getTimesheetDocumentHeaderService().saveOrUpdate(documentHeader);
264         timesheetDocument = new TimesheetDocument(documentHeader);
265         timesheetDocument.setCalendarEntry(calendarEntry);
266         loadTimesheetDocumentData(timesheetDocument, principalId, calendarEntry);
267         TkServiceLocator.getTkSearchableAttributeService().updateSearchableAttribute(timesheetDocument, payEndDate.toLocalDate());
269         if (LmServiceLocator.getLeaveApprovalService().isActiveAssignmentFoundOnJobFlsaStatus(principalId, HrConstants.FLSA_STATUS_NON_EXEMPT, true)) {
270         	deleteNonApprovedLeaveBlocks(principalId, calendarEntry.getBeginPeriodFullDateTime().toLocalDate(), calendarEntry.getEndPeriodFullDateTime().toLocalDate());
271         }
273         return timesheetDocument;
274     }
276     private void deleteNonApprovedLeaveBlocks(String principalId, LocalDate beginDate, LocalDate endDate) {
277     	String batchUserPrincipalId = BatchJobUtil.getBatchUserPrincipalId();
279         if (batchUserPrincipalId != null) {
280 	    	List<LeaveBlock> leaveBlocks = LmServiceLocator.getLeaveBlockService().getLeaveBlocks(principalId, beginDate, endDate);
282 	    	for (LeaveBlock leaveBlock : leaveBlocks) {
283 	    		if (!StringUtils.equals(leaveBlock.getRequestStatus(), HrConstants.REQUEST_STATUS.APPROVED)) {
284                     LmServiceLocator.getLeaveRequestDocumentService().suCancelLeave(
285                             leaveBlock.getLeaveRequestDocumentId(), batchUserPrincipalId);
286                     LmServiceLocator.getLeaveBlockService().deleteLeaveBlock(leaveBlock.getLmLeaveBlockId(), batchUserPrincipalId);
287 	    		}
288 	    	}
289         } else {
290         	String principalName = BatchJobUtil.getBatchUserPrincipalName();
291         	LOG.error("Could not delete leave request blocks due to missing batch user " + principalName);
292         }
293     }
296     public List<TimeBlock> getPrevDocumentTimeBlocks(String principalId, DateTime payBeginDate) {
297         TimesheetDocumentHeader prevTdh = TkServiceLocator.getTimesheetDocumentHeaderService().getPreviousDocumentHeader(principalId, payBeginDate);
298         if (prevTdh == null) {
299             return new ArrayList<TimeBlock>();
300         }
301         return TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().getTimeBlocks(prevTdh.getDocumentId());
302     }
304     @Override
305     public TimesheetDocument getTimesheetDocument(String documentId) {
306         TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument = null;
307         TimesheetDocumentHeader tdh = TkServiceLocator.getTimesheetDocumentHeaderService().getDocumentHeader(documentId);
309         if (tdh != null) {
310             timesheetDocument = new TimesheetDocument(tdh);
311             CalendarEntry pce =  HrServiceLocator.getCalendarEntryService().getCalendarDatesByPayEndDate(tdh.getPrincipalId(), tdh.getEndDateTime(), HrConstants.PAY_CALENDAR_TYPE);
312             loadTimesheetDocumentData(timesheetDocument, tdh.getPrincipalId(), pce);
314             timesheetDocument.setCalendarEntry(pce);
315         }
317         return timesheetDocument;
318     }
320     protected void loadTimesheetDocumentData(TimesheetDocument tdoc, String principalId, CalendarEntry payCalEntry) {
321     	//tdoc.setAssignments(HrServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignmentsByCalEntryForTimeCalendar(principalId, payCalEntry));
322     	tdoc.setAssignments(HrServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignmentHistoryForCalendarEntry(principalId, payCalEntry));
323     	if (payCalEntry != null) {
324     		tdoc.setJobs(HrServiceLocator.getJobService().getJobs(principalId, payCalEntry.getEndPeriodFullDateTime().toLocalDate()));
325     	}
326     	tdoc.setTimeBlocks(TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().getTimeBlocks(tdoc.getDocumentHeader().getDocumentId()));
327     }
329     public boolean isSynchronousUser() {
330         List<Assignment> assignments = HrServiceLocator.getAssignmentService().getAssignments(HrContext.getTargetPrincipalId(),;
331         boolean isSynchronousUser = true;
332         for (Assignment assignment : assignments) {
333         	if(assignment.getJob() != null) {
334 	        	TimeCollectionRule tcr = TkServiceLocator.getTimeCollectionRuleService().getTimeCollectionRule(assignment.getDept(), assignment.getWorkArea(), assignment.getJob().getHrPayType(), assignment.getGroupKeyCode(),;
335 	            isSynchronousUser &= tcr == null || tcr.isClockUserFl();
336         	}
337         }
338         return isSynchronousUser;
339     }
341     //this is an admin function used for testing
342     public void deleteTimesheet(String documentId) {
343         TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().deleteTimeBlocksAssociatedWithDocumentId(documentId);
344         TkServiceLocator.getTimesheetDocumentHeaderService().deleteTimesheetHeader(documentId);
345     }
347     protected void resetWorkedHours(TimeBlock.Builder previousTimeBlock, TimeBlock.Builder timeBlock, LocalDate asOfDate) {
348     	EarnCodeContract earnCodeObj = HrServiceLocator.getEarnCodeService().getEarnCode(timeBlock.getEarnCode(), asOfDate);
349         if (timeBlock.getBeginTime() != null && timeBlock.getEndTime() != null && StringUtils.equals(timeBlock.getEarnCodeType(), HrConstants.EARN_CODE_TIME)) {
350             BigDecimal hours = TKUtils.getHoursBetween(timeBlock.getBeginDateTime().getMillis(), timeBlock.getEndDateTime().getMillis());
352             //If earn code has an inflate min hours check if it is greater than zero
353             //and compare if the hours specified is less than min hours awarded for this
354             //earn code
355             if (earnCodeObj.getInflateMinHours() != null) {
356             	if ((earnCodeObj.getInflateMinHours().compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) != 0) &&
357             			earnCodeObj.getInflateMinHours().compareTo(hours) > 0) {
358                     //if previous timeblock has no gap then assume its one block if the same earn code and divide inflated hours accordingly
359                     if(previousTimeBlock != null && StringUtils.equals(earnCodeObj.getEarnCode(),previousTimeBlock.getEarnCode()) &&
360                             (timeBlock.getBeginDateTime().getMillis() - previousTimeBlock.getEndDateTime().getMillis() == 0L)) {
361                         BigDecimal prevTimeBlockHours = TKUtils.getHoursBetween(previousTimeBlock.getBeginDateTime().getMillis(), previousTimeBlock.getEndDateTime().getMillis());
362                         previousTimeBlock.setHours(prevTimeBlockHours);
363                     }
364                 }
365             }
367             timeBlock.setHours(hours);
368         }
369     }
371     @Override
372     public List<TimeBlock> resetTimeBlock(List<TimeBlock> timeBlocks, LocalDate asOfDate) {
373         TimeBlock.Builder previous = null;
374         List<TimeBlock.Builder> builders = ModelObjectUtils.transform(timeBlocks, toTimeBlockBuilder);
375         for (TimeBlock.Builder tb : builders) {
376             resetWorkedHours(previous, tb, asOfDate);
377             previous = tb;
378         }
379         return TkServiceLocator.getTimeBlockService().resetTimeHourDetail(ModelObjectUtils.<TimeBlock>buildImmutableCopy(builders));
380     }
382 	@Override
383 	public boolean isReadyToApprove(TimesheetDocument document) {
384         if (document == null) {
385             return false;
386         }
387         List<LeaveBlock> leaveBlocks = LmServiceLocator.getLeaveBlockService().getLeaveBlocksWithType(document.getPrincipalId(),
388         		document.getCalendarEntry().getBeginPeriodFullDateTime().toLocalDate(), document.getCalendarEntry().getEndPeriodFullDateTime().toLocalDate(), LMConstants.LEAVE_BLOCK_TYPE.BALANCE_TRANSFER);
389         leaveBlocks.addAll(LmServiceLocator.getLeaveBlockService().getLeaveBlocksWithType(document.getPrincipalId(),
390         		document.getCalendarEntry().getBeginPeriodFullDateTime().toLocalDate(), document.getCalendarEntry().getEndPeriodFullDateTime().toLocalDate(), LMConstants.LEAVE_BLOCK_TYPE.LEAVE_PAYOUT));
391         for(LeaveBlock lb : leaveBlocks) {
392         	if(!StringUtils.equals(lb.getRequestStatus(),HrConstants.REQUEST_STATUS.APPROVED) &&
393         			!StringUtils.equals(lb.getRequestStatus(), HrConstants.REQUEST_STATUS.DISAPPROVED))
394         		return false;
395         }
396         return true;
397 	}
399     @Override
400     public List<EarnCode> getEarnCodesForTime(Assignment a, LocalDate asOfDate, boolean includeRegularEarnCode) {
401         //getEarnCodesForTime and getEarnCodesForLeave have some overlapping logic, but they were separated so that they could follow their own distinct logic, so consolidation of logic is not desirable.
403         if (a == null) {
404         	LOG.error("No assignment parameter.");
405         	return null;
406 //        	throw new RuntimeException("No assignment parameter.");
407         }
408         JobContract job = a.getJob();
409         if (job == null || job.getPayTypeObj() == null) {
410         	LOG.error("Null job or null job pay type on assignment.");
411         	return null;
412 //        	throw new RuntimeException("Null job or null job pay type on assignment.");
413         }
415         List<EarnCode> earnCodes = new LinkedList<EarnCode>();
416         String earnTypeCode = EarnCodeType.TIME.getCode();
418         TimeCollectionRule tcr = null;
419         if(a.getJob() != null) {
420             tcr = TkServiceLocator.getTimeCollectionRuleService().getTimeCollectionRule(a.getDept(), a.getWorkArea(), a.getJob().getHrPayType(), a.getGroupKeyCode(), asOfDate);
421         }
422         boolean isClockUser = tcr == null || tcr.isClockUserFl();
423         boolean isUsersTimesheet = StringUtils.equals(HrContext.getPrincipalId(),a.getPrincipalId());
425         // Reg earn codes will typically not be defined in the earn code security table
426         EarnCode regularEarnCode = HrServiceLocator.getEarnCodeService().getEarnCode(job.getPayTypeObj().getRegEarnCode(), asOfDate);
427         if (regularEarnCode == null) {
428         	LOG.error("No regular earn code defined for job pay type.");
429         	return null;
430 //            throw new RuntimeException("No regular earn code defined for job pay type.");
431         } else {
432             //  if you are a clock user and this is your timesheet and you are processing the reg earn code, do not add this earn code. Use the clock in/out mechanism.
433         	if (!isClockUser || !isUsersTimesheet || includeRegularEarnCode) {
434                 earnCodes.add(regularEarnCode);
435             }
436         }
438         List<String> listAccrualCategories = new LinkedList<String>();
439         String accrualCategory;
441         //  first make a list of the accrual categories available to the user's Leave Plan (yes, leave plan), for later comparison.
442         PrincipalHRAttributes principalHRAttributes = HrServiceLocator.getPrincipalHRAttributeService().getPrincipalCalendar(job.getPrincipalId(), asOfDate);
443         boolean fmlaEligible = principalHRAttributes.isFmlaEligible();
444         boolean workersCompEligible = principalHRAttributes.isWorkersCompEligible();
446         String leavePlan = principalHRAttributes.getLeavePlan();
447         if (leavePlan != null) {
448             for (AccrualCategory accrualCategories : HrServiceLocator.getAccrualCategoryService().getActiveAccrualCategoriesForLeavePlan(leavePlan, asOfDate)) {
449                 accrualCategory = accrualCategories.getAccrualCategory();
450                 if(accrualCategory != null) {
451                     listAccrualCategories.add(accrualCategory);
452                 }
453             }
454         }
456         //  get all earn codes by user security, then we'll filter on accrual category first as we process them.
457         List<EarnCodeSecurity> decs = HrServiceLocator.getEarnCodeSecurityService().getEarnCodeSecurities(job.getDept(), job.getHrSalGroup(), asOfDate, job.getGroupKey().getGroupKeyCode());
458         for (EarnCodeSecurity dec : decs) {
460             boolean addEarnCode = HrServiceLocator.getEarnCodeService().addEarnCodeBasedOnEmployeeApproverSettings(dec, a, asOfDate);
461             if (addEarnCode) {
463                 //  allow types Time AND Both
464                 if (earnTypeCode.equals(dec.getEarnCodeType()) || EarnCodeType.BOTH.getCode().equals(dec.getEarnCodeType())) {
465                     EarnCode ec = HrServiceLocator.getEarnCodeService().getEarnCode(dec.getEarnCode(), asOfDate);
467                     //  make sure we got something back from the earn code dao
468                     if (ec != null) {
469                     	// make sure the earn code's leave plan matches the user's leave plan
470                     	// if user has a leave plan, we show earn codes with a matching leave plan and all earn codes without a leave plan
471                     	// if user doe not have a leave plan, we show earn codes that don't have a leave plan
472                     	if( (StringUtils.isNotBlank(leavePlan) && StringUtils.isBlank(ec.getLeavePlan()))
473                     			|| (StringUtils.isNotBlank(leavePlan) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(ec.getLeavePlan()) && StringUtils.equals(leavePlan, ec.getLeavePlan()))
474     							|| (StringUtils.isBlank(leavePlan) && StringUtils.isBlank(ec.getLeavePlan()))) {
475 	                        //  if the user's fmla flag is Yes, that means we are not restricting codes based on this flag, so any code is shown.
476 	                        //    if the fmla flag on a code is yes they can see it.    (allow)
477 	                        //    if the fmla flag on a code is no they should see it.  (allow)
478 	                        //  if the user's fmla flag is No,
479 	                        //    they can see any codes which are fmla=no.             (allow)
480 	                        //    they can not see codes with fmla=yes.                 (exclude earn code)
481 	                        //  the fmla earn codes=no do not require any exclusion
482 	                        //  the only action required is if the fmla user flag=no: exclude those codes with fmla=yes.
483 	                        if ( (fmlaEligible || ec.getFmla().equals("N")) ) {
484 	                        	if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ec.getAccrualCategory())
485 	                        		|| (listAccrualCategories.contains(ec.getAccrualCategory())
486 	                         	 		&& HrConstants.ACCRUAL_BALANCE_ACTION.USAGE.equals(ec.getAccrualBalanceAction()))) {
487 	                            // go on, we are allowing these three combinations: YY, YN, NN
489 	                                //  apply the same logic as FMLA to the Worker Compensation flags.
490 	                                if ( (workersCompEligible || ec.getWorkmansComp().equals("N")) ) {
491 	                                    // go on, we are allowing these three combinations: YY, YN, NN.
493 	                                    //  determine if the holiday earn code should be displayed.
494 	                                    if ( showEarnCodeIfHoliday(ec, dec) ) {
495 	                                        //  non-Holiday earn code will go on, Holiday earn code must meet some requirements in the method.
496 	                                    	// KPME-2556
497 	                                        //if ( !StringUtils.equals(regularEarnCode.toString(), dec.getEarnCode()) ) {
498 	                                    	if (!StringUtils.equals(regularEarnCode.getEarnCode(), dec.getEarnCode()) ) {
499 	                                            //  add earn code if it is not the reg earn code.
500 	                                            earnCodes.add(ec);
501 	                                        }
502 	                                    }
503 	                                }
504 	                            }
505 	                        }
506                     	}
507                     }
508                 }
509             }
510         }
512         return earnCodes;
513     }
515     public List<EarnCode> getEarnCodesForTime(Assignment a, LocalDate asOfDate) {
516     	return getEarnCodesForTime(a, asOfDate, false);
517 	}
519     private boolean showEarnCodeIfHoliday(EarnCode earnCode, EarnCodeSecurityContract security) {
520         if (earnCode.getEarnCode().equals(HrConstants.HOLIDAY_EARN_CODE)) {
521             if (security.isApprover() || HrContext.isSystemAdmin()) {
522                 return true;
523             } else {
524                 return false;
525             }
526         } else {
527             return true;
528         }
529     }
531     public HRPermissionService getHRPermissionService() {
532         if (hrPermissionService == null) {
533             hrPermissionService = HrServiceLocator.getHRPermissionService();
534         }
535         return hrPermissionService;
536     }
538     private void clearTimesheetTimeblockPermissions(TimesheetDocument doc) {
539         for (TimeBlock tb : doc.getTimeBlocks()) {
540             getHRPermissionService().updateTimeBlockPermissions(CalendarBlockPermissions.newInstance(tb.getTkTimeBlockId()));
541         }
542     }
544     public boolean isTimesheetValid(TimesheetDocument td) {
545         boolean isTimeSheetValid = true;
547         if (WorkflowTagSupport.isTimesheetApprovalButtonsDisplaying(td.getDocumentId())) {
548             if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(validateHours(td)) || CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(validateHours(td))) {
549                     isTimeSheetValid = false ;
550                 }
551         }
552         return isTimeSheetValid;
553     }
555     public List<String> validateTimeBlock(TimesheetDocument td) {
556         List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
557         if (td != null) {
559             Map<String, String> earnCodeTypeMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
562             for (TimeBlock timeBlock : td.getTimeBlocks()) {
563                 String earnCode = timeBlock.getEarnCode();
564                 if (earnCodeTypeMap.containsKey(earnCode)) {
565                     continue;
566                 } else {
567                     EarnCodeContract earnCodeObj = HrServiceLocator.getEarnCodeService().getEarnCode(earnCode, td.getAsOfDate());
568                     if (earnCodeObj != null) {
569                         earnCodeTypeMap.put(earnCodeObj.getEarnCode(),earnCodeObj.getEarnCodeType());
570                     }
571                 }
572             }
574             for (TimeBlock timeBlock : td.getTimeBlocks()) {
575                 DateTime beginDate = timeBlock.getBeginDateTime();
576                 String earnCodeType = earnCodeTypeMap.get(timeBlock.getEarnCode());
577                 if (earnCodeType != null && HrConstants.EARN_CODE_TIME.equals(earnCodeType)) {
578                     String timeBlockDesc = "TimeBlock (" + timeBlock.getTkTimeBlockId() + ") on " + DateTimeFormat.forPattern("EEE MMM d").print(timeBlock.getBeginDateTime()) + " from " + timeBlock.getBeginTimeDisplayTimeOnlyString() + " - " + timeBlock.getEndTimeDisplayTimeOnlyString();
579                     for (TimeBlock compareTimeBlock : td.getTimeBlocks()) {
580                     	if(compareTimeBlock.getTkTimeBlockId()!=null && timeBlock.getTkTimeBlockId()!=null){
581                     		if (compareTimeBlock.getTkTimeBlockId().equals(timeBlock.getTkTimeBlockId())) {
582                     			continue;
583                     		}
584                     	}
585                         String compareEarnCodeType = earnCodeTypeMap.get(compareTimeBlock.getEarnCode());
586                         if (compareEarnCodeType != null && HrConstants.EARN_CODE_TIME.equals(compareEarnCodeType)) {
587                             String compareTimeBlockDesc = "TimeBlock (" + compareTimeBlock.getTkTimeBlockId() + ") on " + DateTimeFormat.forPattern("EEE MMM d").print(compareTimeBlock.getBeginDateTime()) + " from " + compareTimeBlock.getBeginTimeDisplayTimeOnlyString() + " - " + compareTimeBlock.getEndTimeDisplayTimeOnlyString();
588                             Interval compareTimeBlockInterval = new Interval(compareTimeBlock.getBeginDateTime(), compareTimeBlock.getEndDateTime());
589                             if (compareTimeBlockInterval.contains(beginDate.getMillis())) {
590                                 errors.add("Error : [" + timeBlockDesc + " overlaps with " + compareTimeBlockDesc + ".]" );
591                             }
592                         }
593                     }
595                     List<String> assignmentKeyList = new ArrayList<String>();
598                     for (Assignment assignment : td.getAssignmentMap().get(timeBlock.getBeginDateTime().toLocalDate())) {
599                         assignmentKeyList.add(assignment.getAssignmentKey());
600                     }
601                     if (!assignmentKeyList.contains(timeBlock.getAssignmentKey())) {
602                         errors.add("Error: [" + timeBlockDesc + " contains an invalid assignment.]");
603                     }
604                 }
605             }
606         }
607         return errors;
608     }
610     public List<String> validateHours(TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument) {
611         List<String> errors = new ArrayList<String>();
614         if (timesheetDocument != null && WorkflowTagSupport.isTimesheetApprovalButtonsDisplaying(timesheetDocument.getDocumentId())) {
615             DateTimeZone userTimeZone = DateTimeZone.forID(HrServiceLocator.getTimezoneService().getUserTimezone(timesheetDocument.getPrincipalId()));
617             if (userTimeZone == null) {
618                 userTimeZone = HrServiceLocator.getTimezoneService().getTargetUserTimezoneWithFallback();
619             }
620             String assignmentDesc = "";
621             for (Assignment assignment : timesheetDocument.getAllAssignments()) {
622                 //get standard hours for job on assignment
623                 BigDecimal standardHours = assignment.getJob().getStandardHours();
624                 LocalDate jobStartDate = assignment.getJob().getEffectiveLocalDate();
625                 //if standard hours is 0 no validation is needed.
626                 if (standardHours.compareTo(new BigDecimal(0)) == 0) {
627                     continue;
628                 }
630                 //create a aggregate of timeblocks for current assignment in the loop
631                 List<TimeBlock> assignmentTimeBlocks = new ArrayList<TimeBlock>();
632                 for (TimeBlock timeBlock : timesheetDocument.getTimeBlocks()) {
633                     if (timeBlock.getAssignmentKey().equals(assignment.getAssignmentKey())) {
634                         assignmentTimeBlocks.add(timeBlock);
635                     }
636                 }
638                 TkTimeBlockAggregate tkTimeBlockAggregate = new TkTimeBlockAggregate(assignmentTimeBlocks, timesheetDocument.getCalendarEntry(), HrServiceLocator.getCalendarService().getCalendar(timesheetDocument.getCalendarEntry().getHrCalendarId()), true);
640                 //create an aggregate of leaveblocks for current assignment in the loop
641                 List<String> assigmentKeyList = new ArrayList<String>();
642                 assigmentKeyList.add(assignment.getAssignmentKey());
644                 List<LeaveBlock> leaveBlocks =  LmServiceLocator.getLeaveBlockService().getLeaveBlocksForTimeCalendar(timesheetDocument.getPrincipalId(),
645                         timesheetDocument.getCalendarEntry().getBeginPeriodFullDateTime().toLocalDate(), timesheetDocument.getCalendarEntry().getEndPeriodFullDateTime().toLocalDate(), assigmentKeyList);
646                 LeaveBlockAggregate leaveBlockAggregate = new LeaveBlockAggregate(leaveBlocks, timesheetDocument.getCalendarEntry());
648                 //combine timeBlocks and leave blocks for selected assignment
649                 tkTimeBlockAggregate = TkTimeBlockAggregate.combineTimeAndLeaveAggregates(tkTimeBlockAggregate, leaveBlockAggregate);
651                 Map<String, BigDecimal> flsaWeekTotal =  getAssignmentHoursToFlsaWeekMap(tkTimeBlockAggregate, timesheetDocument.getPrincipalId(), assignment.getAssignmentKey(), jobStartDate, userTimeZone);
653                 for (Map.Entry<String, BigDecimal> entry : flsaWeekTotal.entrySet()) {
654                     if (standardHours.compareTo(entry.getValue()) > 0) {
655                         errors.add("Error: [" + assignment.getAssignmentDescription() + " expected " + standardHours + " hours for " + entry.getKey() + " only " + entry.getValue() + " hours were entered.]");
656                     }
657                 }
658             }
660         }
661         return errors;
662     }
664     private Map<String, BigDecimal> getAssignmentHoursToFlsaWeekMap(TkTimeBlockAggregate tkTimeBlockAggregate, String principalId, String assignmentKey, LocalDate jobStartDate, DateTimeZone userTimeZone) {
666         Map<String, BigDecimal> hoursToFlsaWeekMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, BigDecimal>();
667         List<List<FlsaWeek>> flsaWeeks = tkTimeBlockAggregate.getFlsaWeeks(userTimeZone, principalId);
670         int weekCount = 1;
671         for (List<FlsaWeek> flsaWeekParts : flsaWeeks) {
672             boolean printWeek = true;
673             BigDecimal weekTotal = new BigDecimal(0.00);
674             FlsaWeek lastWeekPart = CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(flsaWeekParts) ? flsaWeekParts.get(flsaWeekParts.size() - 1) : null;
675             for (FlsaWeek flsaWeekPart : flsaWeekParts) {
677                 //if flsa week doesn't end during this pay period do not validate.
678                 if (flsaWeekPart == lastWeekPart) {
679                     Integer lastFlsaDayOfWeek = flsaWeekPart.getFlsaDays().get(flsaWeekPart.getFlsaDays().size() - 1).getFlsaDate().getDayOfWeek();
681                     Integer flsaWeekEndDayOfWeek = TkConstants.FLSA_WEEK_END_DAY.get(tkTimeBlockAggregate.getPayCalendar().getFlsaBeginDay());
683                     if (lastFlsaDayOfWeek.compareTo(flsaWeekEndDayOfWeek) != 0) {
684                         printWeek = false;
685                         weekCount++;
686                         continue;
687                     }
688                 }
690                 //if flsa week starts before effective date of the job on the assignment do not validate.
691                 if (flsaWeekPart.getFlsaDays().get(0).getFlsaDate().toLocalDate().isBefore(jobStartDate) ) {
692                     printWeek = false;
693                     weekCount++;
694                     continue;
695                 }
697                 for (FlsaDay flsaDay : flsaWeekPart.getFlsaDays()) {
699                     for (TimeBlock timeBlock : flsaDay.getAppliedTimeBlocks()) {
700                         if (assignmentKey != null) {
701                             if (timeBlock.getAssignmentKey().compareTo(assignmentKey) == 0) {
702                                 weekTotal = weekTotal.add(timeBlock.getHours(), HrConstants.MATH_CONTEXT);
703                             } else {
704                                 weekTotal = weekTotal.add(new BigDecimal("0"), HrConstants.MATH_CONTEXT);
705                             }
706                         } else {
707                             weekTotal = weekTotal.add(timeBlock.getHours(), HrConstants.MATH_CONTEXT);
708                         }
709                     }
710                 }
711             }
713             if (printWeek) {
714                 hoursToFlsaWeekMap.put("Week " + weekCount++, weekTotal);
715             }
716         }
718         return hoursToFlsaWeekMap;
719     }
720 }