public interface DailyOvertimeRuleContract extends TkRuleContract
DailyOvertimeRuleContract interface
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DepartmentContract |
The Department object associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
String |
The Department name associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
String |
The EarnCode name associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
EarnCodeContract |
The EarnCode object associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
String |
The earn group defined (using the Earn Group maint doc) which contains the list of earn codes
that are summed to the daily max hours to be converted to overtime
EarnCodeGroupContract |
The EarnCodeGroup object associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
String |
The id of the Department object associated wtih the DailyOvertimeRule
String |
The id of the Location object associated wtih the DailyOvertimeRule
String |
The Location name associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
LocationContract |
The Location object associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
BigDecimal |
The maximum gap of time in minutes that is allowed before daily overtime is considered invalid
BigDecimal |
The minimum hours associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
Boolean |
Indicates if this earn code may be used for overtime
String |
The PayType name associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
PayTypeContract |
The PayType object associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
TaskContract |
TODO: Make sure this comment is right
The Task object associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
String |
The primary key of a DailyOvertimeRule entry saved in a database
String |
The id of the WorkArea object associated wtih the DailyOvertimeRule
String |
The userPrincipalId associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
Long |
The WorkArea name(long) associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
WorkAreaContract |
The WorkArea object associated with the DailyOvertimeRule
boolean |
The history flag of the DailyOvertimeRule
getEffectiveDate, getEffectiveLocalDate, getId, getRelativeEffectiveDate, getTimestamp
String getTkDailyOvertimeRuleId()
tkDailyOvertimeRuleId of a DailyOvertimeRule
String getLocation()
If a location is defined, only entries associated with a job in this location will be subject to the defined rule.
BigDecimal getMaxGap()
For example, a rule that states daily overtime is given for working over 8 hours with a max gap of 30 minutes implies that employee must work a total of 8 hours in the day and have a gap of no more than 30 minutes in the reporting of those hours to be eligible
String getUserPrincipalId()
userPrincipalId of a DailyOvertimeRule
DepartmentContract getDepartmentObj()
If a department is defined, only entries associated with a job in this department will be subject to the defined rule.
String getPaytype()
If a paytype is defined, only entries associated with a job of this pay type will be subject to the defined rule
String getDept()
If a department is defined, only entries associated with a job in this department will be subject to the defined rule.
TaskContract getTaskObj()
If a task is defined, only entries associated with a job that has this task will be subject to the defined rule.
WorkAreaContract getWorkAreaObj()
If a work area is defined, only entries associated with a job that has this work area will be subject to the defined rule.
Long getWorkArea()
If a work area is defined, only entries associated with a job that has this work area will be subject to the defined rule.
PayTypeContract getPayTypeObj()
If a paytype is defined, only entries associated with a job of this pay type will be subject to the defined rule
String getFromEarnGroup()
fromEarnGroup of a DailyOvertimeRule
String getEarnCode()
earnCode of a DailyOvertimeRule
BigDecimal getMinHours()
minHours of a DailyOvertimeRule
EarnCodeGroupContract getFromEarnGroupObj()
fromEarnGroupObj of a DailyOvertimeRule
EarnCodeContract getEarnCodeObj()
earnCodeObj of a DailyOvertimeRule
LocationContract getLocationObj()
If a location is defined, only entries associated with a job in this location will be subject to the defined rule.
boolean isHistory()
history flag of a DailyOvertimeRule
Boolean getOvtEarnCode()
ovtEarnCode falg of a DailyOvertimeRule
String getTkWorkAreaId()
tkWorkAreaId of a DailyOvertimeRule
String getHrDeptId()
hrDeptId of a DailyOvertimeRule
String getHrLocationId()
hrLocationId of a DailyOvertimeRule
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