Interface LeaveBlockHistoryContract

All Superinterfaces:
CalendarBlockContract, LeaveBlockContract
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LeaveBlockHistoryContract
extends LeaveBlockContract

LeaveBlockHistoryContract interface

Method Summary
 String getAction()
          The action associated with the LeaveBlockHistory
 String getAssignmentTitle()
          The assignment title associated with the LeaveBlockHistory
 String getLmLeaveBlockHistoryId()
          The primary key of a LeaveBlockHistory entry saved in a database
 String getPrincipalIdDeleted()
          TODO: Put a better comment The principalIdDeleted associated with the LeaveBlockHistory
 Timestamp getTimestampDeleted()
          TODO: Put a better comment The timestampDeleted associated with the LeaveBlockHistory
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.kpme.tklm.api.leave.block.LeaveBlockContract
getAccrualCategory, getAccrualCategoryRuleId, getAccrualGenerated, getAssignmentKey, getBeginDateTime, getBlockId, getCalendarId, getDescription, getDocumentStatus, getEarnCode, getEarnCodeDescription, getEndDateTime, getJobNumber, getLeaveAmount, getLeaveBlockHistories, getLeaveBlockType, getLeaveDate, getLeaveLocalDate, getLeaveRequestDocumentId, getLmLeaveBlockId, getPlanningDescription, getReason, getRequestStatus, getRequestStatusString, getScheduleTimeOffId, getTask, getTransactionalDocId, getWorkArea, isDeletable, isEditable, isSubmit
Methods inherited from interface org.kuali.kpme.core.api.block.CalendarBlockContract
getAmount, getBeginTimestamp, getConcreteBlockId, getConcreteBlockType, getDocumentId, getEndTimestamp, getHours, getHrCalendarBlockId, getLunchDeleted, getOvertimePref, getPrincipalId, getTimestamp, setAmount, setBeginTimestamp, setConcreteBlockId, setConcreteBlockType, setDocumentId, setEarnCode, setEndTimestamp, setHours, setHrCalendarBlockId, setJobNumber, setLunchDeleted, setOvertimePref, setPrincipalId, setTask, setTimestamp, setWorkArea

Method Detail


String getLmLeaveBlockHistoryId()
The primary key of a LeaveBlockHistory entry saved in a database

lmLeaveBlockHistoryId of a LeaveBlockHistory

lmLeaveBlockHistoryId for LeaveBlockHistory


String getAction()
The action associated with the LeaveBlockHistory

action of a LeaveBlockHistory

action for LeaveBlockHistory


String getPrincipalIdDeleted()
TODO: Put a better comment The principalIdDeleted associated with the LeaveBlockHistory

principalIdDeleted of a LeaveBlockHistory

principalIdDeleted for LeaveBlockHistory


Timestamp getTimestampDeleted()
TODO: Put a better comment The timestampDeleted associated with the LeaveBlockHistory

timestampDeleted of a LeaveBlockHistory

timestampDeleted for LeaveBlockHistory


String getAssignmentTitle()
The assignment title associated with the LeaveBlockHistory

If the leave block associated with the LeaveBlockHistory is not null, it checks its work area. If the work area is not null, it gets its description and its task. If the task is not null and not the default task, it gets the task description.

Specified by:
getAssignmentTitle in interface LeaveBlockContract
"work area description - task description" for LeaveBlockHistory

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