Class ShiftDifferentialRuleServiceImpl

  extended by org.kuali.kpme.tklm.time.rules.shiftdifferential.service.ShiftDifferentialRuleServiceImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ShiftDifferentialRuleServiceImpl
extends Object
implements ShiftDifferentialRuleService

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void applyPremium(org.joda.time.Interval shift, List<org.joda.time.Interval> blockIntervals, List<TimeBlock> blocks, List<TimeBlock> previousBlocks, BigDecimal initialHours, BigDecimal hours, String earnCode, ShiftDifferentialRule rule)
 List<ShiftDifferentialRule> getShiftDifferentalRules(String location, String hrSalGroup, String payGrade, String pyCalendarGroup, org.joda.time.LocalDate asOfDate)
          Fetch a given ShiftDifferentialRule based on criteria passed in
 ShiftDifferentialRule getShiftDifferentialRule(String tkShiftDifferentialRuleId)
          Fetch a ShiftDifferentialRule object for a given id
 List<ShiftDifferentialRule> getShiftDifferentialRules(String userPrincipalId, String location, String hrSalGroup, String payGrade, org.joda.time.LocalDate fromEffdt, org.joda.time.LocalDate toEffdt, String active, String showHist)
 void processShiftDifferentialRules(TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument, TkTimeBlockAggregate aggregate)
          Process a given TkTimeBlockAggregate with appropriate shift differential rules
 void saveOrUpdate(List<ShiftDifferentialRule> shiftDifferentialRules)
          Save or Update List of ShiftDifferentialRule objects
 void saveOrUpdate(ShiftDifferentialRule shiftDifferentialRule)
          Save or Update a ShiftDifferentialRule object
 void setShiftDifferentialRuleDao(ShiftDifferentialRuleDao shiftDifferentialRuleDao)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ShiftDifferentialRuleServiceImpl()
Method Detail


public void processShiftDifferentialRules(TimesheetDocument timesheetDocument,
                                          TkTimeBlockAggregate aggregate)
Description copied from interface: ShiftDifferentialRuleService
Process a given TkTimeBlockAggregate with appropriate shift differential rules

Specified by:
processShiftDifferentialRules in interface ShiftDifferentialRuleService


public List<ShiftDifferentialRule> getShiftDifferentialRules(String userPrincipalId,
                                                             String location,
                                                             String hrSalGroup,
                                                             String payGrade,
                                                             org.joda.time.LocalDate fromEffdt,
                                                             org.joda.time.LocalDate toEffdt,
                                                             String active,
                                                             String showHist)
Specified by:
getShiftDifferentialRules in interface ShiftDifferentialRuleService


protected void applyPremium(org.joda.time.Interval shift,
                            List<org.joda.time.Interval> blockIntervals,
                            List<TimeBlock> blocks,
                            List<TimeBlock> previousBlocks,
                            BigDecimal initialHours,
                            BigDecimal hours,
                            String earnCode,
                            ShiftDifferentialRule rule)
shift - The shift interval - need to examine the time block to determine how many hours are eligible per block.
blockIntervals - Intervals for each block present in the blocks list. Passed here to avoid re computation.
blocks - The blocks we are applying hours to.
previousBlocks - If present, this is the list of time blocks from a previous "day", on which the initial hours (from previous day) should be placed.
initialHours - hours accumulated from a previous boundary that need to be applied here (NOT SUBJECT TO INTERVAL)
hours - hours to apply
earnCode - what earn code to create time hour detail entry for.


public void setShiftDifferentialRuleDao(ShiftDifferentialRuleDao shiftDifferentialRuleDao)


public ShiftDifferentialRule getShiftDifferentialRule(String tkShiftDifferentialRuleId)
Description copied from interface: ShiftDifferentialRuleService
Fetch a ShiftDifferentialRule object for a given id

Specified by:
getShiftDifferentialRule in interface ShiftDifferentialRuleService


public List<ShiftDifferentialRule> getShiftDifferentalRules(String location,
                                                            String hrSalGroup,
                                                            String payGrade,
                                                            String pyCalendarGroup,
                                                            org.joda.time.LocalDate asOfDate)
Description copied from interface: ShiftDifferentialRuleService
Fetch a given ShiftDifferentialRule based on criteria passed in

Specified by:
getShiftDifferentalRules in interface ShiftDifferentialRuleService


public void saveOrUpdate(List<ShiftDifferentialRule> shiftDifferentialRules)
Description copied from interface: ShiftDifferentialRuleService
Save or Update List of ShiftDifferentialRule objects

Specified by:
saveOrUpdate in interface ShiftDifferentialRuleService


public void saveOrUpdate(ShiftDifferentialRule shiftDifferentialRule)
Description copied from interface: ShiftDifferentialRuleService
Save or Update a ShiftDifferentialRule object

Specified by:
saveOrUpdate in interface ShiftDifferentialRuleService

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