View Javadoc

1   package;
3   /* Copyright 2002-2005 The Apache Software Foundation
4    *
5    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  import java.util.ArrayList;
19  import java.util.Collection;
20  import java.util.Iterator;
21  import java.util.Vector;
23  import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
24  import;
25  import;
28  /**
29   * mapping Description for member fields that are Collections
30   * <br>
31   * Note: Be careful when use references of this class or caching instances of this class,
32   * because instances could become invalid (see {@link MetadataManager}).
33   *
34   * @author <a href="">Thomas Mahler<a>
35   * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2007-08-24 22:17:29 ewestfal Exp $
36   */
37  public class CollectionDescriptor extends ObjectReferenceDescriptor
38  {
39      private static final long serialVersionUID = -8570280662286424937L;
41      /**
42       * Represents the type of the collection, if set to null,
43       * a java.util.Vector will be used.
44       * If set to a valid collection type it will be used to build typed collections.
45       */
46      private Class collectionClass = null;
47      /**
48       * the Collection of orderby Fields
49       */
50      private Collection m_orderby = new ArrayList();
51      /**
52       * For m:n related Classes this is the indirection table.
53       */
54      private String indirectionTable = null;
55      private Vector fksToItemClass = null;
56      private Vector fksToThisClass = null;
57      private String[] fksToItemClassAry;
58      private String[] fksToThisClassAry;
59      private QueryCustomizer m_queryCustomizer;
60      private Boolean m_hasProxyItems;
62      public CollectionDescriptor(ClassDescriptor descriptor)
63      {
64          super(descriptor);
65      }
67      public String[] getFksToThisClass()
68      {
69          if (fksToThisClassAry == null)
70          {
71              fksToThisClassAry = (String[]) fksToThisClass.toArray(
72                      new String[fksToThisClass.size()]);
73          }
74          return fksToThisClassAry;
75      }
77      public void setFksToThisClass(Vector fksToThisClass)
78      {
79          this.fksToThisClass = fksToThisClass;
80          fksToThisClassAry = null;
81      }
83      /**
84       * add a FK column pointing to This Class
85       */
86      public void addFkToThisClass(String column)
87      {
88          if (fksToThisClass == null)
89          {
90              fksToThisClass = new Vector();
91          }
92          fksToThisClass.add(column);
93          fksToThisClassAry = null;
94      }
96      /**
97       * add a FK column pointing to the item Class
98       */
99      public void addFkToItemClass(String column)
100     {
101         if (fksToItemClass == null)
102         {
103             fksToItemClass = new Vector();
104         }
105         fksToItemClass.add(column);
106         fksToItemClassAry = null;
107     }
109     /**
110      * returns the type of the collection.
111      * @return java.lang.Class
112      */
113     public Class getCollectionClass()
114     {
115         return collectionClass;
116     }
118     /**
119      * set the type of the collection
120      * @param c the collection type
121      */
122     public void setCollectionClass(Class c)
123     {
124         collectionClass = c;
125     }
127     /**
128      * Retrieve the classname of the collection.
129      */
130     public String getCollectionClassName()
131     {
132         return collectionClass != null ? collectionClass.getName() : null;
133     }
135     public String getIndirectionTable()
136     {
137         return indirectionTable;
138     }
140     public void setIndirectionTable(String indirectionTable)
141     {
142         this.indirectionTable = indirectionTable;
143     }
145     public String[] getFksToItemClass()
146     {
147         if (fksToItemClassAry == null)
148         {
149             fksToItemClassAry = (String[]) fksToItemClass.toArray(
150                     new String[fksToItemClass.size()]);
151         }
152         return fksToItemClassAry;
153     }
155     public void setFksToItemClass(Vector fksToItemClass)
156     {
157         this.fksToItemClass = fksToItemClass;
158         fksToItemClassAry = null;
159     }
161     public boolean isMtoNRelation()
162     {
163         return (indirectionTable != null);
164     }
166     /**
167      * Adds a field for orderBy
168      * @param  fieldName    The field name to be used
169      * @param  sortAscending    true for ASCENDING, false for DESCENDING
170      */
171     public void addOrderBy(String fieldName, boolean sortAscending)
172     {
173         if (fieldName != null)
174         {
175             m_orderby.add(new FieldHelper(fieldName, sortAscending));
176         }
177     }
179     /**
180      * Returns the orderby Collection of Fields.
181      * @return Collection
182      */
183     public Collection getOrderBy()
184     {
185         return m_orderby;
186     }
188     protected int getCascadeDeleteValue(String cascade)
189     {
190         if(cascade.equalsIgnoreCase("false") && isMtoNRelation())
191         {
192             /*
193             "old" implementation does always delete entries in indirection table for
194             m:n relations. For 1:n relations referenced objects are not touched.
195             */
196             return CASCADE_LINK;
197         }
198         return super.getCascadeDeleteValue(cascade);
199     }
201     /*
202      * @see XmlCapable#toXML()
203      */
204     public String toXML()
205     {
206         RepositoryTags tags = RepositoryTags.getInstance();
207         String eol = SystemUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR;
209         // write opening tag
210         String result = "      " + tags.getOpeningTagNonClosingById(COLLECTION_DESCRIPTOR) + eol;
212         // write attributes
213         // name
214         result       += "        " + tags.getAttribute(FIELD_NAME,this.getAttributeName()) + eol;
216         // collection class is optional
217         if (getCollectionClassName() != null)
218         {
219             result       += "        " + tags.getAttribute(COLLECTION_CLASS,this.getCollectionClassName()) + eol;
220         }
222         // element-class-ref
223          result       += "        " + tags.getAttribute(ITEMS_CLASS,this.getItemClassName()) + eol;
225         // indirection-table is optional
226         if (isMtoNRelation())
227         {
228              result += "        " + tags.getAttribute(INDIRECTION_TABLE,getIndirectionTable()) + eol;
229         }
231         // proxyReference is optional, disabled by default
232         if (isLazy())
233         {
234             result       += "        " + tags.getAttribute(PROXY_REFERENCE,"true") + eol;
235             result       += "        " + tags.getAttribute(PROXY_PREFETCHING_LIMIT, "" + this.getProxyPrefetchingLimit()) + eol;
236         }
238         //reference refresh is optional, disabled by default
239         if (isRefresh())
240         {
241              result       += "        " + tags.getAttribute(REFRESH,"true") + eol;
242         }
244         //auto retrieve
245         result += "        " + tags.getAttribute(AUTO_RETRIEVE, "" + getCascadeRetrieve()) + eol;
247         //auto update
248         result += "        " + tags.getAttribute(AUTO_UPDATE, getCascadeAsString(getCascadingStore())) + eol;
250         //auto delete
251         result += "        " + tags.getAttribute(AUTO_DELETE, getCascadeAsString(getCascadingDelete())) + eol;
253         //otm-dependent is optional, disabled by default
254         if (getOtmDependent())
255         {
256             result += "        " + tags.getAttribute(OTM_DEPENDENT, "true") + eol;
257         }
259         // close opening tag
260         result       += "      >" + eol;
262         // write elements
263          // inverse fk elements
264         for (int i=0;i<getForeignKeyFields().size();i++)
265         {
266         Object obj = getForeignKeyFields().get(i);
267         if (obj instanceof Integer)
268         {
269                 String fkId = obj.toString();
270             result += "        " + tags.getOpeningTagNonClosingById(INVERSE_FK) + " ";
271                 result += tags.getAttribute(FIELD_ID_REF, fkId) + "/>" + eol;
272         }
273         else
274         {
275                 String fk = (String) obj;
276             result += "        " + tags.getOpeningTagNonClosingById(INVERSE_FK) + " ";
277                 result += tags.getAttribute(FIELD_REF, fk) + "/>" + eol;
278         }
279         }
281         // write optional M:N elements
282         // m:n relationship settings, optional
283         if (isMtoNRelation())
284         {
285             // foreign keys to this class
286              for (int i=0;i<getFksToThisClass().length;i++)
287              {
288                 String fkId = getFksToThisClass()[i];
289                 result += "        " + tags.getOpeningTagNonClosingById(FK_POINTING_TO_THIS_CLASS) + " ";
290                 result += tags.getAttribute(COLUMN_NAME, fkId) + "/>" + eol;
291              }
293             // foreign keys to item class
294              for (int i=0;i<getFksToItemClass().length;i++)
295              {
296                 String fkId = getFksToItemClass()[i];
297                 result += "        " + tags.getOpeningTagNonClosingById(FK_POINTING_TO_ITEMS_CLASS) + " ";
298                 result += tags.getAttribute(COLUMN_NAME, fkId) + "/>" + eol;
299              }
300         }
302         // closing tag
303         result       += "      " + tags.getClosingTagById(COLLECTION_DESCRIPTOR) + eol;
304         return result;
305     }
307 	/**
308 	 * @return QueryCustomizer
309 	 */
310 	public QueryCustomizer getQueryCustomizer()
311 	{
312 		return m_queryCustomizer;
313 	}
315 	/**
316 	 * Sets the queryCustomizer.
317 	 * @param queryCustomizer The queryCustomizer to set
318 	 */
319 	public void setQueryCustomizer(QueryCustomizer queryCustomizer)
320 	{
321 		m_queryCustomizer = queryCustomizer;
322 	}
324     public boolean hasProxyItems() throws PersistenceBrokerException
325     {
326         if (m_hasProxyItems == null)
327         {
328             DescriptorRepository repo = getClassDescriptor().getRepository();
329             ClassDescriptor cld = repo.getDescriptorFor(getItemClass());
330             if (cld.getProxyClass() != null)
331             {
332                 m_hasProxyItems = Boolean.TRUE;
333             }
334             else
335             {
336                 Collection extents = cld.getExtentClasses();
337                 m_hasProxyItems = Boolean.FALSE;
338                 for (Iterator it = extents.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
339                 {
340                     Class ext = (Class);
341                     ClassDescriptor cldExt = repo.getDescriptorFor(ext);
342                     if (cldExt.getProxyClass() != null)
343                     {
344                         m_hasProxyItems = Boolean.TRUE;
345                         break;
346                     }
347                 }
348             }
349         }
351         return (m_hasProxyItems.booleanValue());
352     }
353 }