Coverage Report - liquibase.sqlgenerator.SqlGenerator
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 package liquibase.sqlgenerator;
 import liquibase.database.Database;
 import liquibase.exception.ValidationErrors;
 import liquibase.exception.Warnings;
 import liquibase.servicelocator.PrioritizedService;
 import liquibase.sql.Sql;
 import liquibase.statement.SqlStatement;
  * SqlGenerator implementations take a database-independent SqlStatement interface and create a database-specific Sql
  * object. SqlGenerators are registered with the SqlGeneratorFactory, which is used to determine the correct generator
  * to use for a given statment/database combination.
  * <p>
  * The SqlGenerator implementations are responsible for determining whether the data contained in the SqlStatement
  * method is valid using the validate method.
  * <p>
  * <b>Naming Conventions:</b><br>
  * Default SqlGenerators for a particular SqlStatement use the same name as the SqlStatement class, replacing
  * "Statement" with "Generator" (e.g.: CreateTableStatement -> CreateTableGenerator). Database-specific or alternate
  * SqlGenerators append a descrition of what makes them different appended (e.g. CreateTableStatement ->
  * CreateTableGeneratorOracle)
  * <p>
  * <b>NOTE:</b> There is only one instance of each SqlGenerator implementation created, and they must be thread safe.
  * <p>
  * <b>Lifecycle:</b><br>
  * <ol>
  * <li>Instance of SqlGenerator subclass is created when registered with SqlGeneratorFactory</li>
  * <li>For each SqlStatement to execute, SqlGeneratorFactory calls supports() to determine if the given SqlGenerator
  * will work for the current SqlStatement/Database combination</li>
  * <li>SqlGeneratorFactory calls getPriority to determine which of all the SqlGenerators that support a given
  * SqlStatement/Database combination is the best to use.</li>
  * <li>Liquibase calls validate() on the best SqlGenerator to determine if the data contained in the SqlStatement is
  * correct and complete for the given Database</li>
  * <li>If validate returns a no-error ValidationErrors object, Liquibase will call the generateSql() method and execute
  * the resuling SQL against the database.</li>
  * </ol>
  * @param <StatementType>
  *            Used to specify which type of SqlStatement this generator supports. If it supports multiple SqlStatement
  *            types, pass SqlStatement. The SqlGeneratorFactory will use this paramter to augment the response from the
  *            supports() method
  * @see SqlGeneratorFactory
  * @see liquibase.statement.SqlStatement
  * @see liquibase.sql.Sql
 public interface SqlGenerator<StatementType extends SqlStatement> extends PrioritizedService {
     public static final int PRIORITY_DEFAULT = 1;
     public static final int PRIORITY_DATABASE = 5;
      * Of all the SqlGenerators that "support" a given SqlStatement/Database, SqlGeneratorFactory will return the one
      * with the highest priority.
      * @return
     public int getPriority();
      * Does this generator support the given statement/database combination? Do not validate the statement with this
      * method, only return if it <i>can</i> suppot it.
     public boolean supports(StatementType statement, Database database);
      * Does this change require access to the database metadata? If true, the change cannot be used in an
      * updateSql-style command.
     public boolean requiresUpdatedDatabaseMetadata(Database database);
      * Validate the data contained in the SqlStatement. If there are no errors, return an empty ValidationErrors object,
      * not a null value. Liquibase will inspect the ValidationErrors result before attempting to call generateSql.
     public ValidationErrors validate(StatementType statement, Database database, SqlGeneratorChain sqlGeneratorChain);
     public Warnings warn(StatementType statementType, Database database, SqlGeneratorChain sqlGeneratorChain);
      * Generate the actual Sql for the given statement and database.
     public Sql[] generateSql(StatementType statement, Database database, SqlGeneratorChain sqlGeneratorChain);