Coverage Report - liquibase.change.custom.CustomTaskChange
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 package liquibase.change.custom;
 import liquibase.database.Database;
 import liquibase.exception.CustomChangeException;
  * Interface to implement when creating a custom change that does not actually generate SQL. If you are updating a
  * database through SQL, implementing CustomSqlChange is preferred because the SQL can either be executed directly or
  * saved to a text file for later use depending on the migration mode used. To allow the change to be rolled back, also
  * implement the CustomTaskRollback interface. If your change requires sql-based logic and non-sql-based logic, it is
  * best to create a change set that contains a mix of CustomSqlChange and CustomTaskChange calls.
  * @see liquibase.change.custom.CustomTaskRollback
  * @see liquibase.change.custom.CustomSqlChange
 public interface CustomTaskChange extends CustomChange {
      * Method called to run the change logic.
      * @param database
      * @throws liquibase.exception.CustomChangeException
      *             an exception occurs while processing this change
      * @throws liquibase.exception.UnsupportedChangeException
      *             if this change is not supported by the {@link liquibase.database.Database} passed as argument
     public void execute(Database database) throws CustomChangeException;