Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstylerss feed


FilesInfos InfosWarnings WarningsErrors Errors


Translation0Errors Error
FileLength0Errors Error
  • eachLine: "true"
0Errors Error
FinalClass1Infos Info
ArrayTypeStyle0Infos Info
  • ignoreNumbers: "-1, 0, 1, 2, 1024, 255"
47Infos Info
RedundantImport1Infos Info
RedundantThrows8Infos Info
SimplifyBooleanReturn0Infos Info
SimplifyBooleanExpression1Infos Info
  • id: "lineInfo"
  • max: "120"
4Warnings Warning
  • id: "lineError"
  • max: "255"
0Errors Error
UnusedImports1Warnings Warning
  • id: "emptyBlock"
  • option: "stmt"
6Warnings Warning
  • id: "emptyCatchBlock"
  • tokens: "LITERAL_CATCH"
  • option: "text"
6Warnings Warning
NeedBraces0Warnings Warning
  • max: "7"
0Errors Error
  • max: "150"
0Errors Error
  • allowStaticMemberImports: "true"
0Errors Error
WhitespaceAfter0Errors Error
WhitespaceAround0Errors Error
LeftCurly0Errors Error
RightCurly0Errors Error
StaticVariableName0Errors Error
  • format: "^[a-z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*$"
0Errors Error
  • packageAllowed: "true"
  • protectedAllowed: "true"
0Errors Error
AvoidNestedBlocks0Errors Error
LocalVariableName0Errors Error
  • format: "(^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(_[A-Z0-9]+)*$)|log|logger"
0Errors Error
TypeName0Errors Error
MethodName0Errors Error
EmptyStatement0Warnings Warning
EqualsHashCode0Errors Error
InnerAssignment0Warnings Warning
OperatorWrap0Warnings Warning
LocalFinalVariableName0Errors Error
ParameterName0Errors Error
MissingSwitchDefault0Errors Error
ParenPad0Warnings Warning
UpperEll0Errors Error
InterfaceIsType0Errors Error
0Errors Error
PackageName0Errors Error
IllegalImport0Errors Error
EmptyForIteratorPad0Warnings Warning
MethodParamPad0Warnings Warning
NoWhitespaceBefore0Warnings Warning
TypecastParenPad0Warnings Warning
  • classes: "java.lang.Boolean"
2Warnings Warning
  • elementStyle: "ignore"
  • trailingArrayComma: "never"
  • closingParens: "ignore"
0Errors Error
MissingDeprecated3Errors Error
MissingOverride0Errors Error
PackageAnnotation0Errors Error
CovariantEquals0Errors Error
EqualsAvoidNull110Warnings Warning
StringLiteralEquality1Errors Error
NoFinalizer0Errors Error
SuperClone0Errors Error
OuterTypeFilename0Errors Error
  • file: "/org/kuali/cm/checkstyle/rice-legacy-suppressions.xml"
0Errors Error



WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.183
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.290
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.290
Infos'5' is a magic number.529
Infos'5' is a magic number.539
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.598
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.598
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.598
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.599
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.599
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.599
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.600
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.600
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.907


Infos'3' is a magic number.46
WarningsEmpty catch block.57


Infos'100' is a magic number.49
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.375


ErrorsMissing a Javadoc comment.245
ErrorsMust include both @java.lang.Deprecated annotation and @deprecated Javadoc tag with description.247


Infos'3' is a magic number.39
Infos'3' is a magic number.40


Infos'3' is a magic number.55


Infos'5' is a magic number.53


InfosClass SchemaType should be declared as final.28


Infos'5' is a magic number.92
Infos'5' is a magic number.93
Infos'5' is a magic number.94
Infos'4' is a magic number.247
Infos'5' is a magic number.383
Infos'5' is a magic number.436
WarningsMust have at least one statement.804
WarningsInstantiation of java.lang.Boolean should be avoided.895
WarningsInstantiation of java.lang.Boolean should be avoided.899


WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.131
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.146
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.153
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.175
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.179
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.181
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.183
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.198
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.202
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.214
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.225
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.239
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.243
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.244
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.254
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.269
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.273
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.285
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.291
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.297
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.307
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.312
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.317
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.340
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.340
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.348
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.351
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.355
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.356
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.358
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.363
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.372
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.376
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.382
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.401
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.401
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.402
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.404
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.409
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.411
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.416
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.419
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.422
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.425
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.427
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.432
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.476


Infos'3' is a magic number.126
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.195
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.207
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.222
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.226
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.232
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.234
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.236
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.238
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.240
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.242
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.244
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.246
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.248
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.250
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.274
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.276
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.278
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.280
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.282


InfosRedundant throws: 'MalformedURLException' is subclass of 'IOException'.69
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.98
WarningsMust have at least one statement.98


Infos'30' is a magic number.47
Infos'64' is a magic number.79
Infos'4' is a magic number.166
Infos'3' is a magic number.193


Infos'3' is a magic number.78
WarningsLine is longer than 120 characters.127
WarningsLine is longer than 120 characters.150


Infos'30' is a magic number.73
WarningsLine is longer than 120 characters.113


InfosRedundant throws: 'BuildException' is unchecked exception.183


ErrorsMust include both @java.lang.Deprecated annotation and @deprecated Javadoc tag with description.218
InfosRedundant throws: 'BuildException' is unchecked exception.365
InfosExpression can be simplified.366
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.513
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.522
WarningsEmpty catch block.538
Infos'4' is a magic number.567
Infos'4' is a magic number.567
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equalsIgnoreCase comparison.567
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.590
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.671


InfosRedundant throws: 'BuildException' is unchecked exception.85


WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.81
InfosRedundant throws: 'BuildException' is unchecked exception.142


InfosRedundant import from the same package - org.kuali.core.db.torque.StringFilter.8


InfosRedundant throws: 'BuildException' is unchecked exception.85
Infos'4096' is a magic number.185
Infos'5' is a magic number.400
Infos'5' is a magic number.403
Infos'3' is a magic number.479


InfosRedundant throws: 'BuildException' is unchecked exception.89
InfosRedundant throws: 'BuildException' is unchecked exception.107
WarningsLine is longer than 120 characters.152
Infos'765' is a magic number.164
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.195
ErrorsLiteral Strings should be compared using equals(), not '=='.230
Infos'3' is a magic number.377
Infos'3' is a magic number.404
Infos'4' is a magic number.445
Infos'5' is a magic number.446
Infos'7' is a magic number.447
Infos'9' is a magic number.448
Infos'11' is a magic number.449
Infos'13' is a magic number.450
Infos'11' is a magic number.468
Infos'12' is a magic number.481
Infos'8' is a magic number.506
Infos'4' is a magic number.507
Infos'3' is a magic number.528


WarningsUnused import - org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform.DTDResolver.23
Infos'3' is a magic number.121
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.185
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.197
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.212
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.216
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.222
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.224
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.226
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.228
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.230
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.232
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.234
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.236
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.238
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.240
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.242
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.244
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.268
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.270
WarningsMust have at least one statement.270
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.272
WarningsMust have at least one statement.272
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.274
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.276
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.278
WarningsString literal expressions should be on the left side of an equals comparison.280


Infos'68' is a magic number.18
Infos'79' is a magic number.19
Infos'3' is a magic number.24
Infos'3' is a magic number.25
Infos'1000D' is a magic number.82