Class SqlSplitter

  extended by org.kuali.db.SqlSplitter

public class SqlSplitter
extends Object

Utility class to split a long sql batch script into single SQL commands.

Field Summary
static int NO_END
          Value indicating the sql has no end-delimiter like i.e.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static int containsSqlEnd(String line, String delimiter)
          Check if the given sql line contains an end of command ';' Please note that we do not fully parse the SQL, so if we get a malformed statement, we cannot detect it.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NO_END
Value indicating the sql has no end-delimiter like i.e. semicolon

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SqlSplitter()
Method Detail


public static int containsSqlEnd(String line,
                                 String delimiter)
Check if the given sql line contains an end of command ';' Please note that we do not fully parse the SQL, so if we get a malformed statement, we cannot detect it.

line - to parse
delimiter - which should be used to split SQL commands
position after the end character if the given line contains the end of a SQL script, if it doesn't contain an end char.

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