View Javadoc

1   package org.kuali.common.jdbc;
3   import;
4   import;
5   import java.sql.Connection;
6   import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
7   import java.sql.SQLException;
8   import java.sql.Statement;
9   import java.util.ArrayList;
10  import java.util.Collections;
11  import java.util.List;
13  import javax.sql.DataSource;
15  import;
16  import org.kuali.common.jdbc.context.JdbcContext;
17  import org.kuali.common.jdbc.context.ProgressContext;
18  import org.kuali.common.jdbc.context.SqlContext;
19  import org.kuali.common.jdbc.context.SqlSourceExecutionContext;
20  import org.kuali.common.util.SimpleFormatter;
21  import org.kuali.common.util.Str;
22  import org.slf4j.Logger;
23  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
24  import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceUtils;
26  public class DefaultJdbcService implements JdbcService {
28  	private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultJdbcService.class);
29  	protected SimpleFormatter formatter = new SimpleFormatter();
31  	@Override
32  	public JdbcMetaData getJdbcMetaData(DataSource dataSource) {
33  		Connection conn = null;
34  		try {
35  			conn = DataSourceUtils.doGetConnection(dataSource);
36  			DatabaseMetaData dbmd = conn.getMetaData();
37  			return getJdbcMetaData(dbmd);
38  		} catch (Exception e) {
39  			throw new JdbcException(e);
40  		} finally {
41  			JdbcUtils.closeQuietly(dataSource, conn);
42  		}
43  	}
45  	@Override
46  	public SqlMetaData executeSql(JdbcContext context, String location) {
47  		return executeSql(context, location, null);
48  	}
50  	@Override
51  	public SqlMetaData executeSql(JdbcContext context, String location, String encoding) {
52  		return executeSql(context, Collections.singletonList(location), encoding).get(0);
53  	}
55  	@Override
56  	public SqlMetaData executeSqlString(JdbcContext context, String sql) {
57  		return executeSqlStrings(context, Collections.singletonList(sql)).get(0);
58  	}
60  	protected SqlMetaDataList executeSources(JdbcContext context, List<SqlSource> sources) {
61  		Connection conn = null;
62  		Statement statement = null;
63  		long count = 0;
64  		long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
65  		try {
66  			conn = DataSourceUtils.doGetConnection(context.getDataSource());
67  			boolean originalAutoCommitSetting = conn.getAutoCommit();
68  			conn.setAutoCommit(false);
69  			statement = conn.createStatement();
70  			SqlMetaDataList smdl = new SqlMetaDataList();
71"Executing SQL from {} sources", sources.size());
72  			for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
73  				SqlSource source = sources.get(i);
74  				SqlSourceExecutionContext sec = getSourceSqlExecutionContext(context, conn, statement, source, count, i, sources.size());
75  				SqlMetaData smd = executeSqlFromSource(sec);
76  				smdl.add(smd);
77  				count += smd.getCount();
78  				afterExecuteSqlFromSource(sec, smd);
79  			}
80  			conn.setAutoCommit(originalAutoCommitSetting);
81  			smdl.setExecutionTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
82  			smdl.setCount(count);
83  			afterExecuteSources(context, conn);
84  			return smdl;
85  		} catch (Exception e) {
86  			throw new JdbcException(e);
87  		} finally {
88  			JdbcUtils.closeQuietly(context.getDataSource(), conn, statement);
89  		}
90  	}
92  	@Override
93  	public SqlMetaData getMetaData(SqlContext context, String location) {
94  		return getMetaData(context, Collections.singletonList(location), null).get(0);
95  	}
97  	@Override
98  	public SqlMetaDataList getMetaData(SqlContext context, List<String> locations) {
99  		return getMetaData(context, locations, null);
100 	}
102 	@Override
103 	public SqlMetaData getMetaDataFromString(SqlContext context, String sql) {
104 		return getMetaDataFromStrings(context, Collections.singletonList(sql)).get(0);
105 	}
107 	protected SqlMetaData getSqlMetaData(SqlContext context, SqlSource source) {
108 		return getSqlMetaDataList(context, Collections.singletonList(source)).get(0);
109 	}
111 	protected SqlMetaDataList getSqlMetaDataList(SqlContext context, List<SqlSource> sources) {
112 		SqlMetaDataList smdl = new SqlMetaDataList();
113 		long count = 0;
114 		for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
115 			SqlSource source = sources.get(i);
116 			// logSource("Examining", source, i, sources.size());
117 			SqlMetaData smd = getSqlMetaDataFromSource(context, source);
118 			count += smd.getCount();
119 			smdl.add(smd);
120 		}
121 		smdl.setCount(count);
122 		return smdl;
123 	}
125 	protected SqlMetaData getSqlMetaDataFromSource(SqlContext context, SqlSource source) {
126 		long count = 0;
127 		BufferedReader in = null;
128 		try {
129 			in = JdbcUtils.getBufferedReader(source);
130 			String sql = context.getReader().getSqlStatement(in);
131 			while (sql != null) {
132 				logger.debug("{} - {}", ++count, Str.flatten(sql));
133 				sql = context.getReader().getSqlStatement(in);
134 			}
135 			SqlMetaData metadata = new SqlMetaData();
136 			metadata.setCount(count);
137 			metadata.setSource(source);
138 			metadata.setReader(context.getReader());
139 			return metadata;
140 		} catch (IOException e) {
141 			throw new JdbcException("Unexpected IO error", e);
142 		} finally {
143 			IOUtils.closeQuietly(in);
144 		}
145 	}
147 	public List<String> getSqlStatements(SqlContext context, List<SqlSource> sources) {
148 		List<String> sql = new ArrayList<String>();
149 		for (SqlSource source : sources) {
150 			sql.addAll(getSqlStatements(context, source));
151 		}
152 		return sql;
153 	}
155 	public List<String> getSqlStatements(SqlContext context, SqlSource source) {
156 		List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
157 		BufferedReader in = null;
158 		try {
159 			in = JdbcUtils.getBufferedReader(source);
160 			String sql = context.getReader().getSqlStatement(in);
161 			while (sql != null) {
162 				list.add(sql);
163 				sql = context.getReader().getSqlStatement(in);
164 			}
165 			return list;
166 		} catch (IOException e) {
167 			throw new JdbcException("Unexpected IO error", e);
168 		} finally {
169 			IOUtils.closeQuietly(in);
170 		}
171 	}
173 	protected void logSource(String prefix, SqlSource source, int index, int size) {
174 		SqlStringType type = source.getType();
175 		String string = source.getString();
176 		switch (type) {
177 		case SQL:
178 + 1) + " of " + size + " - " + prefix + " SQL [{} characters]", formatter.getCount(string.length()));
179 			return;
180 		case LOCATION:
181 + 1) + " of " + size + " - " + prefix + " [{}]", string);
182 			return;
183 		default:
184 			throw new IllegalArgumentException("SQL string type '" + type + "' is unknown");
185 		}
186 	}
188 	protected ProgressContext getProgressContext(SqlSourceExecutionContext context) {
189 		ProgressContext pc = new ProgressContext();
190 		boolean showProgress = context.getJdbcContext().isShowProgress();
191 		pc.setShowProgress(showProgress);
192 		if (!showProgress) {
193 			return pc;
194 		}
195 		SqlMetaData metaData = getSqlMetaData(context.getJdbcContext(), context.getSource());
196 		int min = context.getJdbcContext().getShowProgressMin();
197 		int divisor = context.getJdbcContext().getShowProgressDivisor();
198 		long progress = Math.max(min, metaData.getCount() / divisor);
199 		pc.setMin(min);
200 		pc.setDivisor(divisor);
201 		pc.setTotalCount(metaData.getCount());
202 		pc.setProgress(progress);
203 		return pc;
204 	}
206 	protected void beforeExecuteSqlFromSource(SqlSourceExecutionContext context, ProgressContext pc) {
207 		int min = pc.getMin();
208 		long count = pc.getTotalCount();
209 		boolean showProgress = pc.isShowProgress() && count > min;
210 		if (showProgress) {
211"Executing {} SQL statements", formatter.getCount(pc.getTotalCount()));
212 		}
213 	}
215 	protected SqlMetaData executeSqlFromSource(SqlSourceExecutionContext context) {
216 		logSource("Executing", context.getSource(), context.getSourceIndex(), context.getSourcesCount());
217 		ProgressContext pc = getProgressContext(context);
218 		beforeExecuteSqlFromSource(context, pc);
219 		long count = 0;
220 		BufferedReader in = null;
221 		try {
222 			in = JdbcUtils.getBufferedReader(context.getSource());
223 			SqlReader reader = context.getJdbcContext().getReader();
224 			long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
225 			String sql = reader.getSqlStatement(in);
226 			while (sql != null) {
227 				logger.debug("{} - [{}]", ++count, Str.flatten(sql));
228 				executeSqlStatement(context, sql);
229 				afterExecuteSqlStatement(context, count, pc);
230 				sql = reader.getSqlStatement(in);
231 			}
232 			return getSqlMetaData(start, count, context);
233 		} catch (Exception e) {
234 			throw new JdbcException(e);
235 		} finally {
236 			IOUtils.closeQuietly(in);
237 		}
238 	}
240 	protected void executeSqlStatement(SqlSourceExecutionContext context, String sql) throws SQLException {
241 		try {
242 			context.getStatement().execute(sql);
243 		} catch (SQLException e) {
244 			throw new SQLException("Error executing SQL [" + Str.flatten(sql) + "]", e);
245 		}
246 	}
248 	protected void afterExecuteSources(JdbcContext context, Connection conn) throws SQLException {
249 		if (CommitMode.PER_EXECUTION.equals(context.getCommitMode())) {
250 			conn.commit();
251 		}
252 	}
254 	protected void afterExecuteSqlFromSource(SqlSourceExecutionContext context, SqlMetaData metaData) throws SQLException {
255 		if (CommitMode.PER_SOURCE.equals(context.getJdbcContext().getCommitMode())) {
256 			context.getConnection().commit();
257 		}
258 		JdbcContext jdbcContext = context.getJdbcContext();
259 		long count = metaData.getCount();
260 		int min = jdbcContext.getShowProgressMin();
261 		boolean showProgress = jdbcContext.isShowProgress() && count > min;
262 		if (showProgress) {
263 			String s = formatter.getCount(metaData.getCount());
264"Executed {} of {} SQL statements", s, s);
265 		}
266 	}
268 	protected void afterExecuteSqlStatement(SqlSourceExecutionContext context, long count, ProgressContext pc) throws SQLException {
269 		if (CommitMode.PER_STATEMENT.equals(context.getJdbcContext().getCommitMode())) {
270 			context.getConnection().commit();
271 		}
272 		if (pc.isShowProgress() && count % pc.getProgress() == 0) {
273 			String count1 = formatter.getCount(count);
274 			String count2 = formatter.getCount(pc.getTotalCount());
275"Executed {} of {} SQL statements", count1, count2);
276 		}
277 	}
279 	@Override
280 	public SqlMetaData getMetaData(SqlContext context, String location, String encoding) {
281 		return getMetaData(context, Collections.singletonList(location), encoding).get(0);
282 	}
284 	@Override
285 	public SqlMetaDataList executeSql(JdbcContext context, List<String> locations) {
286 		return executeSql(context, locations, null);
287 	}
289 	@Override
290 	public SqlMetaDataList getMetaData(SqlContext context, List<String> locations, String encoding) {
291 		List<SqlSource> sources = JdbcUtils.getSqlSources(locations, encoding);
292 		return getSqlMetaDataList(context, sources);
293 	}
295 	@Override
296 	public SqlMetaDataList getMetaDataFromStrings(SqlContext context, List<String> sql) {
297 		List<SqlSource> sources = JdbcUtils.getSqlSourcesFromStrings(sql);
298 		return getSqlMetaDataList(context, sources);
299 	}
301 	@Override
302 	public SqlMetaDataList executeSql(JdbcContext context, List<String> locations, String encoding) {
303 		List<SqlSource> sources = JdbcUtils.getSqlSources(locations, encoding);
304 		return executeSources(context, sources);
305 	}
307 	@Override
308 	public SqlMetaDataList executeSqlStrings(JdbcContext context, List<String> sql) {
309 		List<SqlSource> sources = JdbcUtils.getSqlSourcesFromStrings(sql);
310 		return executeSources(context, sources);
311 	}
313 	protected JdbcMetaData getJdbcMetaData(DatabaseMetaData dbmd) throws SQLException {
314 		JdbcMetaData md = new JdbcMetaData();
315 		md.setDatabaseProductName(dbmd.getDatabaseProductName());
316 		md.setDatabaseProductVersion(dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion());
317 		md.setDriverName(dbmd.getDriverName());
318 		md.setDriverVersion(dbmd.getDriverVersion());
319 		md.setUrl(dbmd.getURL());
320 		md.setUsername(dbmd.getUserName());
321 		return md;
322 	}
324 	protected SqlMetaData getSqlMetaData(long start, long count, SqlSourceExecutionContext context) {
325 		SqlMetaData ssm = new SqlMetaData();
326 		ssm.setExecutionTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
327 		ssm.setCount(count);
328 		ssm.setReader(context.getJdbcContext().getReader());
329 		ssm.setSource(context.getSource());
330 		return ssm;
331 	}
333 	protected SqlSourceExecutionContext getSourceSqlExecutionContext(JdbcContext context, Connection conn, Statement stmt, SqlSource source, long runningCount, int index,
334 	        int sourcesCount) {
335 		SqlSourceExecutionContext sec = new SqlSourceExecutionContext();
336 		sec.setSourceIndex(index);
337 		sec.setJdbcContext(context);
338 		sec.setConnection(conn);
339 		sec.setStatement(stmt);
340 		sec.setSource(source);
341 		sec.setRunningCount(runningCount);
342 		sec.setSourcesCount(sourcesCount);
343 		return sec;
344 	}
346 }