View Javadoc
1   /**
2    * Copyright 2004-2014 The Kuali Foundation
3    *
4    * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   * limitations under the License.
15   */
16  package;
18  import java.util.ArrayList;
19  import java.util.List;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import org.kuali.common.util.Str;
25  import org.kuali.common.util.nullify.NullUtils;
26  import org.kuali.common.util.spring.SpringUtils;
27  import org.kuali.common.util.spring.env.EnvironmentService;
28  import org.springframework.util.Assert;
30  import com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils;
31  import;
32  import;
33  import;
34  import;
35  import;
37  public class LaunchUtils {
39  	// private static final String AMI_KEY = "ec2.ami";
40  	// private static final String KEY_NAME_KEY = "ec2.keyName";
41  	// private static final String KEY_FINGERPRINT_KEY = "ec2.keyFingerprint";
42  	// private static final String PUBLIC_KEY_KEY = "ec2.publicKey";
43  	// private static final String PRIVATE_KEY_KEY = "ec2.privateKey";
44  	private static final String TYPE_KEY = "ec2.type";
45  	// TODO Be smarter about allowing overrides for security groups / permissions
46  	// private static final String SECURITY_GROUPS_KEY = "ec2.securityGroups";
47  	private static final String TAGS_KEY = "ec2.tags";
48  	// private static final String AVAILABILITY_ZONE_KEY = "ec2.availabilityZone";
49  	// private static final String LAUNCH_TIMEOUT_KEY = "ec2.launchTimeout";
50  	// private static final String PREVENT_TERMINATION_KEY = "ec2.preventTermination";
51  	// private static final String EBS_OPTIMIZED_KEY = "ec2.ebsOptimized";
52  	// private static final String ENABLE_MONITORING_KEY = "ec2.enableMonitoring";
53  	private static final String ROOT_VOLUME_SIZE_KEY = "ec2.rootVolume.sizeInGigabytes";
54  	private static final String ROOT_VOLUME_DELETE_KEY = "ec2.rootVolume.deleteOnTermination";
56  	// private static final KeyPair NOKEYPAIR = new KeyPair.Builder(NullUtils.NONE).build();
58  	// private static final LaunchInstanceContext NOCONTEXT = new LaunchInstanceContext.Builder(NullUtils.NONE, NOKEYPAIR).build();
60  	protected static AmazonEC2Client newAmazonEC2Client(EC2ServiceContext context) {
61  		if (context.getConfiguration().isPresent()) {
62  			return new AmazonEC2Client(context.getCredentials(), context.getConfiguration().get());
63  		} else {
64  			return new AmazonEC2Client(context.getCredentials());
65  		}
66  	}
68  	public static AmazonEC2Client getClient(EC2ServiceContext context) {
69  		AmazonEC2Client client = newAmazonEC2Client(context);
70  		if (context.getTimeOffsetInSeconds().isPresent()) {
71  			client.setTimeOffset(context.getTimeOffsetInSeconds().get());
72  		}
73  		client.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(context.getRegion()));
74  		if (context.getEndpoint().isPresent()) {
75  			client.setEndpoint(context.getEndpoint().get());
76  		}
77  		return client;
78  	}
80  	/**
81  	 * Use the values from <code>provided</code> except where they are overidden by values from the environment.
82  	 */
83  	public static LaunchInstanceContext getContext(EnvironmentService env, LaunchInstanceContext provided) {
84  		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("don't call this method");
85  		/*
86  		 * String ami = NullUtils.trimToNull(env.getString(AMI_KEY, provided.getAmi())); KeyPair keyPair = getKeyPair(env, provided.getKeyPair()); InstanceType type = getType(env,
87  		 * provided.getType()); int timeoutMillis = SpringUtils.getMillisAsInt(env, LAUNCH_TIMEOUT_KEY, provided.getTimeoutMillis()); boolean ebsOptimized =
88  		 * env.getBoolean(EBS_OPTIMIZED_KEY, provided.isEbsOptimized()); boolean enableMonitoring = env.getBoolean(ENABLE_MONITORING_KEY, provided.isEnableMonitoring()); boolean
89  		 * preventTermination = env.getBoolean(PREVENT_TERMINATION_KEY, provided.isPreventTermination()); Optional<RootVolume> rootVolume = getRootVolume(env,
90  		 * provided.getRootVolume()); List<Tag> tags = getTags(env, provided.getTags()); Optional<String> availabilityZone = SpringUtils.getString(env, AVAILABILITY_ZONE_KEY,
91  		 * provided.getAvailabilityZone());
92  		 * 
93  		 * // TODO Provide a way to parse security groups and permissions from a specially formatted string? // ec2.securityGroups=ci:Continuous Integration:,ci.master:Jenkins CI
94  		 * Server - Master:[22|tcp|{}{}][80|tcp|{}] // TODO OR possibly just parse a simple comma delimited string of security group names and then
95  		 * look up the actual security groups on Amazon? // List<String> securityGroups = SpringUtils.getStrings(env, SECURITY_GROUPS_KEY, provided.getSecurityGroups());
96  		 * List<KualiSecurityGroup> securityGroups = provided.getSecurityGroups();
97  		 */
99  		// return new LaunchInstanceContext.Builder(ami, keyPair).copy(provided).type(type).availabilityZone(availabilityZone.orNull()).tags(tags).securityGroups(securityGroups)
100 		// .preventTermination(preventTermination).rootVolume(rootVolume.orNull()).timeoutMillis(timeoutMillis).ebsOptimized(ebsOptimized).enableMonitoring(enableMonitoring)
101 		// .build();
102 	}
104 	protected static Optional<RootVolume> getRootVolume(EnvironmentService env, Optional<RootVolume> provided) {
105 		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("don't call this method");
106 		/*
107 		 * Optional<Integer> sizeInGigabytes = getSizeInGigaBytes(env, provided); Optional<Boolean> deleteOnTermination = getDeleteOnTermination(env, provided); if
108 		 * (deleteOnTermination.isPresent() || sizeInGigabytes.isPresent()) { return Optional.of(new RootVolume.Builder(sizeInGigabytes, deleteOnTermination).build()); } else {
109 		 * return Optional.absent(); }
110 		 */
111 	}
113 	protected static Optional<Boolean> getDeleteOnTermination(EnvironmentService env, Optional<RootVolume> provided) {
114 		if (env.containsProperty(ROOT_VOLUME_DELETE_KEY)) {
115 			return SpringUtils.getOptionalBoolean(env, ROOT_VOLUME_SIZE_KEY);
116 		} else {
117 			return provided.isPresent() ? provided.get().getDeleteOnTermination() : Optional.<Boolean> absent();
118 		}
119 	}
121 	protected static Optional<Integer> getSizeInGigaBytes(EnvironmentService env, Optional<RootVolume> provided) {
122 		if (env.containsProperty(ROOT_VOLUME_SIZE_KEY)) {
123 			return SpringUtils.getOptionalInteger(env, ROOT_VOLUME_SIZE_KEY);
124 		} else {
125 			return provided.isPresent() ? provided.get().getSizeInGigabytes() : Optional.<Integer> absent();
126 		}
127 	}
129 	protected static List<Tag> getTags(EnvironmentService env, List<Tag> provided) {
130 		if (env.containsProperty(TAGS_KEY)) {
131 			return getTags(env);
132 		} else {
133 			return provided;
134 		}
135 	}
137 	protected static List<Tag> getTags(EnvironmentService env) {
138 		List<String> list = SpringUtils.getNoneSensitiveListFromCSV(env, TAGS_KEY, NullUtils.NONE);
139 		List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>();
140 		for (String element : list) {
141 			String[] tokens = Str.splitAndTrim(element, "=");
142 			Assert.isTrue(tokens.length == 2, "Expected exactly 2 tokens");
143 			String key = tokens[0];
144 			String value = tokens[1];
145 			Tag tag = new Tag(key, value);
146 			tags.add(tag);
147 		}
148 		return ImmutableList.copyOf(tags);
149 	}
151 	protected static InstanceType getType(EnvironmentService env, InstanceType type) {
152 		return InstanceType.fromValue(env.getString(TYPE_KEY, type.toString()));
153 	}
155 }