Uses of Class

Packages that use Column

Uses of Column in org.apache.torque.engine.database.model

Methods in org.apache.torque.engine.database.model that return Column
 Column Table.addColumn(Attributes attrib)
          A utility function to create a new column from attrib and add it to this table.
 Column Table.getChildrenColumn()
          Gets the column that subclasses of the class representing this table can be produced from.
 Column Inheritance.getColumn()
          Get the value of parent.
 Column Table.getColumn(String name)
          Returns a specified column.
 Column Table.getColumnByJavaName(String javaName)
          Returns a specified column.

Methods in org.apache.torque.engine.database.model with parameters of type Column
 void Table.addColumn(Column col)
          Adds a new column to the column list and set the parent table of the column to the current table
 boolean Table.containsColumn(Column col)
          Returns true if the table contains a specified column
 void Inheritance.setColumn(Column v)
          Set the value of parent.

Uses of Column in org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform

Methods in org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform that return Column
 Column XmlToData.ColumnValue.getColumn()

Constructors in org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform with parameters of type Column
XmlToData.ColumnValue(Column col, String val)

Uses of Column in org.kuali.common.impex

Methods in org.kuali.common.impex that return Column
 Column[] DumpTableContext.getColumns()

Methods in org.kuali.common.impex with parameters of type Column
 void DumpTableContext.setColumns(Column[] columns)

Uses of Column in org.kuali.common.impex.service

Methods in org.kuali.common.impex.service that return Column
 Column OracleLongClob.getColumn()
 Column DataBean.getColumn()
protected  Column[] DefaultImpexGeneratorService.getColumns(ResultSetMetaData md)
          Generate an array of Column objects from the result set metadata

Methods in org.kuali.common.impex.service that return types with arguments of type Column
protected  List<Column> DefaultImpexGeneratorService.getColumns(Table table)
static List<Column> ImpexUtils.getColumns(Table table)

Methods in org.kuali.common.impex.service with parameters of type Column
protected  String DefaultDataHandler.getColumnsHeader(Column[] columns)
static SchemaType ImpexUtils.getColumnType(Column column)
protected  String DefaultImpexGeneratorService.getColumnValueAsString(String dateFormat, ResultSet rs, int index, Column column, long rowCount, String tableName)
          Use JDBC to extract the data held by the database into a java.lang.String suitable for dumping to disk.
protected  DumpTableContext DefaultImpexGeneratorService.getDumpTableContext(OutputStream out, Column[] columns, List<String[]> data, long cds, ImpexContext context, long crc, long trc, TableContext table, long tds)
protected abstract  String AbstractSqlProducer.getEscapedValue(Column column, String token)
protected  String OracleProducer.getEscapedValue(Column column, String token)
protected  String MySqlProducer.getEscapedValue(Column column, String token)
protected  String[] DefaultImpexGeneratorService.getRowData(String dateFormat, String tableName, ResultSet rs, Column[] columns, long rowCount)
          Convert the data from the row into String form
protected  boolean OracleProducer.isColumnClobType(Column column)
static boolean ImpexUtils.isColumnDateType(Column column)
protected  boolean OracleProducer.isDataBigClob(String value, Column column)
 DataBean AbstractSqlProducer.processToken(Column column, String token)
 void OracleLongClob.setColumn(Column column)
 void DataBean.setColumn(Column column)

Method parameters in org.kuali.common.impex.service with type arguments of type Column
protected  List<DataBean> AbstractSqlProducer.buildRowData(List<Column> columns, String[] tokens)
protected  boolean OracleProducer.hasClobColumns(List<Column> columns)

Uses of Column in org.kuali.core.db.torque

Methods in org.kuali.core.db.torque that return Column
protected  Column[] KualiTorqueDataDumpTask.getColumns(ResultSetMetaData md)
          Generate an array of Column objects from the result set metadata

Methods in org.kuali.core.db.torque with parameters of type Column
protected  Object KualiTorqueDataDumpTask.getColumnValue(ResultSet rs, int index, Column column, int rowCount, String tableName)
          Extract a column value from the result set, converting as needed
protected  Element KualiTorqueDataDumpTask.getRow(org.apache.xerces.dom.DocumentImpl doc, String tableName, ResultSetMetaData md, ResultSet rs, Column[] columns, int rowCount)
          Convert a row from the result set into an Element

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